Patiently Continue In Well Doing
By: Ernest Angley
January 2018
To patiently wait on God means to stand steadfast despite opposition and adversity and look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Being patient means to remain calm and not be annoyed with waiting, so you must never try to hurry God.
Patience comes…
Read NowInstant In Season And Out Of Season
By: Ernest Angley
January 2018
Here on Earth, there are seasons when crops are harvested and seasons for celebrating different holidays; but there is no one season for harvesting souls. The harvest of lost souls is ripe and ready at all times.
The Bible tells us of a time when Jesus was so tired that He sat by Jacob’s…
Read NowThe Excellency Of The Power Is Of God
By: Ernest Angley
December 2017
“Excellency” is an outstanding or very valuable feature or quality, and the excellency of the power that works in us as children of God is not of us but of God. It is a valuable treasure in our human, earthen vessels that causes us to excel and go beyond. But we have this treasure…
Read NowDivinity Christmas
By: Ernest Angley
December 2017
Christmas comes every year, and people celebrate it in many ways; but do you know how to celebrate Christmas Heaven’s way? To have a real Christmas, you must use divinity. The Lord told me that Christmas first came in a living package of Heaven’s spotless, pure truth—Jesus. People…
Read NowTestimonies
December 2017
Divine Miracles Change Lives!
Dear Rev. Angley,
My husband and I are originally from New Brunswick, Canada; and when we started watching you on television, God became so real in our lives. He meant so much to us! We were so excited about it that we wanted to do something to help people…
Read NowTestimonies
November 2017
Dear Rev. Angley,
I came to Grace Cathedral in 1959 with my family, and I started working for the ministry in 1977. I worked in data entry on the ministry’s first computer entering names and addresses all day; and about two hours into my workday, my hands would become very painful. It…
Read NowGod Does Deliver
By: Ernest Angley
November 2017
Throughout both the Old and New Testaments, you can read of God’s people going through severe trials and valleys; and you will face them, too, even though you may be living pure, clean and holy. However, no matter what happens, you must always know that God will deliver you.
Daniel was…
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