April 2018
Dear Rev. Angley,
I have been in your ministry for 55 years. I was saved in 1963, and that is when I first started going to your church. I was baptized in water about six months later; and then about eight months later, I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I was so happy!
In 1969,…
Read NowSave Yourself And Others
By: Ernest Angley
April 2018
Jesus said, And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come (Matthew 24:14). As children of God, our mission is to win as many souls as possible before Jesus returns on Rapture Day; but you first must be…
Read NowToo Much Of Me
By: Ernest Angley
April 2018
A good cook knows that too much of any ingredient can spoil the best of recipes. There may be an ingredient that you really like, but too much of it can still ruin things. It is the same in the Lord—too much of you and me can ruin God’s recipes for our lives and even completely destroy…
Read NowTestimonies
March 2018
Dear Rev. Angley,
Over 20 years ago, I was sick with severe diarrhea and an aching stomach; and they would not go away. I lost about 10 pounds because I couldn’t eat, and I missed work for a week; but I wasn’t getting any better. When I would get out of bed, my ears would ring just…
Read NowReasoning The Wrong Way
By: Ernest Angley
March 2018
The Lord said, Come now, and let us reason together (Isaiah 1:18). Keep in mind that there is a right way and a wrong way to reason, and reasoning with the Lord is the right way. Those who prefer to reason within themselves and with others instead of with God will always come up with…
Read NowDepending On God’s Strength
By: Ernest Angley
March 2018
There is a big difference between God’s strength and human strength, and you will never make it by depending on human strength alone. The Lord is the one who will stand with us and strengthen us as we carry His Gospel to the whole world, so we must depend on His strength. Friends and relatives…
Read NowTestimonies
February 2018
Dear Rev. Angley,
About 21 years ago, I was really bound with alcohol. I had been bound for many years, but I didn’t know I was devil-possessed. I would drink all night, and then I’d be so hung over and sick the next morning that I’d promise myself I would never do it again.…
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