Called To Glory And Virtue
By: Ernest Angley
November 2017
According as his [God’s] divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue (II Peter 1:3). You must understand what glory and virtue are before you can know what God has…
Read NowTestimonies
October 2017
Divine Miracles From Heaven
Dear Rev. Angley,
My testimony begins in February of 1999 when I attended an event at your church on a Saturday afternoon. I was a backslider at the time; and when I went home that evening, I felt a drawing to come to the service the following morning. I…
Read NowFollow Me and Finish Your Course with Joy
By: Ernest Angley
October 2017
Jesus said, Follow thou me (John 21:22); and that says it all. It is God’s will for us to follow Jesus; and to follow Him means, “Watch me continually; keep your mind on me; attend closely to me; walk in step with me.” Do not follow the world; follow divinity. Only…
Read NowRejoice In The Lord
By: Ernest Angley
October 2017
Have you ever thought about what things give great pleasure to God, or are you too busy seeking your own happiness? You might think that the Almighty God does not get any pleasure from human beings because He is so far above them in glory and majesty that He does not desire anything from them, but…
Read NowSeeds
By: Ernest Angley
September 2017
Throughout the Bible, the Word speaks of seeds—seeds of man, seeds of animals, seeds of trees, seeds of faith, seeds of deceit and many more—and seeds can be physical or spiritual. Seeds are little units of reproduction; and throughout this message, you must remember these two things about…
Read NowTestimonies
August 2017
Depend on God's Divine Miracles
Dear Rev. Angley,
My family and I have been members of this Jesus ministry for 17 years, and we have been greatly blessed. The Lord has a good track record with us; and I can honestly say that every miracle I have ever needed, I have…
Do You Appreciate God’s Grace?
By: Ernest Angley
August 2017
Grace is one of the most powerful words in the Holy Scriptures. It is the generous, free and undeserved divine favor of God. It is virtue and assistance that come from Heaven, a favor given that we did not work for or earn; but through faith, we can receive it. For by grace are ye saved through…
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