A Miraculous Holy Ghost Time in Kraaifontein, South Africa
By: Ernest Angley
June 2017
This was our fifth trip to the Cape Town area of South Africa and our second crusade in the township of Kraaifontein, but the harvest is ripe there; and the Lord keeps drawing us back. Before we took off on Star Triple Seven, the ministry’s God-provided Boeing 747, Rev. Angley announced, “We…
Read NowWhat Hinders You?
By: Ernest Angley
May 2017
People allow so many things to hinder them from doing God’s whole will, and some of those things are not even real—they are imaginary hindrances. Imagination is the ability to form pictures in your mind of things you have not seen or experienced, and it is solely a creation of the mind.…
Read NowTestimonies
April 2017
God’s Miracle Power Re-Creates!
Dear Rev. Angley,
I would like to thank Jesus for this miracle. My husband was diagnosed in January 2015 with tongue cancer. He had a large tumor on the base of his tongue. They were going to do surgery on his tongue to remove the tumor.
Read NowTwo Sides to Faith
By: Ernest Angley
April 2017
In Hebrews 11, the Bible lists many things that were accomplished through divine faith, and it shows us that there are two sides to faith—conquering faith and enduring faith. Hebrews 11 mentions conquering faith first when it tells of those who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought…
Read NowYou Can Make It If You Try
By: Ernest Angley
April 2017
“I will make it; I always make it.” I have used that phrase for many years when the going gets hard. It has been my comforter, and it has given me so much strength. How will I make it?—through God’s grace, power and goodness. You can make it, too, if you try; but if…
Read NowTrue Worshipers of God
By: Ernest Angley
March 2017
The word “worship” means to show reverence, honor or devotion to; to regard a person or object as sacred to you; to praise, exalt or glorify. All people worship someone or something; and anyone who thinks they will never do that is already worshiping themselves. Self gets all of their…
Read NowTestimonies
February 2017
God's power delivered these brothers from drugs, alcohol and devil possession. This is their incredible story.
Dear Rev. Angley,
I have been a part of your ministry for almost eight years; and it has been a special privilege, a blessing and an honor to sit under the teachings…
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