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Blood Related

By: Ernest Angley

December 2003

We are to honor the blood that stained the Old Rugged Cross, divine blood, blood with no human blood mixed in. Jesus had divine blood in His veins; divine blood meant He was very God. In Eden man and woman had had divine blood in their bodies and then lost it. Made in the likeness of God with divine…

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The Ark of His Presence

By: Ernest Angley

November 2003

God’s presence in the Ark in the Old Testament was magnificent, but the Ark of His presence for us today is even greater. Jesus knew a tabernacle, a tent, a cathedral or a temple wouldn’t suffice for the Ark of His presence to dwell in. And it didn’t suffice, didn’t last. He…

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Rivers of Living Water Flowed in Swaziland

By: Maxine Young

October 2003

And he [Jesus] said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). Obedient to the command of taking Jesus to the world, we are on a divine mission, reaching into every nation we can with the full Gospel of Jesus Christ…

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Our Trust Must Be in the All-Powerful Blood of Jesus

By: Ernest Angley

October 2003

Our trust must be in the all-powerful blood of Jesus. Every promise of the New Covenant has been given through the blood. It’s a blood covenant, not the blood of animals, but the divine Jesus blood. A covenant of all covenants, the blood covenant is the most precious thing God could have given…

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They Limited God

By: Ernest Angley

September 2003

When you limit God in any way, in any measure, you are in trouble, digging your own grave in many cases. God is your source of supply, your help. His is the only hand on planet Earth today that supplies everything that a man, woman, boy or girl needs; it’s all in the great hand of God, and it’s…

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God Called Us to Mozambique

By: Maxine Young

August 2003

God called us to Mozambique to send the Gospel deep into the hearts of the people there. Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, is a port city on the Indian Ocean; and let me tell you, it was hot—but not so hot as the fiery Word of God that went forth in the crusade services. Around one hundred…

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One Mind, One Accord

By: Ernest Angley

August 2003

Jesus told the disciples: Behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high (Luke 24:49). Their feet took wings as they rushed to the Upper Room; they didn’t know how fast that power would be coming,…

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