The Power of the Holy Ghost Magazine

The Power of the Holy Ghost Magazine

"The Power of the Holy Ghost" bi-monthly magazine is a testament to God's miraculous workings in the lives of His people. Immerse yourself in the teachings of our pastors, Rev. Chris Machamer and Rev. Steve Millar, alongside the timeless sermons of Rev. Ernest Angley. Also, read the testimonies of individuals who have experienced extraordinary miracles, healings, and deliverances.

The Amazing Crusade In Lesotho

By: Maxine Young

August 2005

Many times years pass by before a prophecy of God is fulfilled. Such was the case involving a prophecy of a plane planned by God to take the Gospel to America, Canada and the world. For the first time in 2005, we traveled in our own plane to the mission field; it was a thrill of a lifetime, one of…

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The Power of Prayer Is Great

By: Ernest Angley

June 2005

Prayer isn’t just saying words, prayer is talking to God on a direct line. How wonderful it is to be able to use such a line daily! You can call Heaven any time.

I remember in one country during a ministers’ meeting with hundreds and hundreds of ministers present I said,…

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In Doubt About God, Do This!

By: Ernest Angley

April 2005

Do you have a doubt about God, about His moving, answering prayer, loving you, trusting in you, about the full assurance and sufficiency that He has for you? If so, do this: Have faith in God. And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever…

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I Am Blessed

By: Ernest Angley

February 2005

I am going to give you a phrase, three words, and I want you to say them to yourself again and again: I am blessed. Every time I say it, I want you to say it for your own self; tell your heart, I am blessed, I am blessed, I am blessed! Let that phrase pile up into a mountain of praise to…

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When Troubles Hit Your Life, Do This!

By: Ernest Angley

December 2004

I have found in my many, many years of experience as a minister of the Gospel that most people don’t know how to meet trouble. Troubles will come; you need to be ready for them. Jesus said, In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world

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Great Divine Manifestations In Mozambique

By: Maxine Young

August 2004

It was raining lightly when we arrived in Maputo on Saturday, but by Wednesday the weather turned sunny and hot. Our hotel overlooked an inlet of the Indian Ocean, and it was fascinating to see the boats, from sailboats, fishing boats to large ships going about their routine. We, as well, went about…

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Lord, Stretch Forth Your Hand

By: Ernest Angley

June 2004

Stretch forth your hand, Lord; there are many people who need to be delivered from sin and sickness, many who need deliverance for mind and body. Dear Lord, stretch forth your hand to those with broken hearts and set them free. Lord, there are people reading this message who will never be well…

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