The Power of the Holy Ghost Magazine
"The Power of the Holy Ghost" bi-monthly magazine is a testament to God's miraculous workings in the lives of His people. Immerse yourself in the teachings of our pastors, Rev. Chris Machamer and Rev. Steve Millar, alongside the timeless sermons of Rev. Ernest Angley. Also, read the testimonies of individuals who have experienced extraordinary miracles, healings, and deliverances.
Climb That Mountain
By: Ernest Angley
February 2009
The Lord is seeking to take all of His children up the glorious mount of God and into His power just as He did His special servants in the Bible. But no one can get to that mount unless they’re willing to climb it. Examine with me some of these mountains in the Word, and you will see God’s…
Read NowMission Accomplished in the Dominican Republic
By: Debbie DeRonde & Doris Salna
December 2008
Just three short months after returning from South Africa, Star Triple Seven was on its way again to another soul-winning destination—the Dominican Republic. As Rev. Angley prayed before we took off, the Lord confirmed, I am with you, and my loving arms are around you. Behold, you are on…
Read NowUse What You Have in Your Hand
By: Ernest Angley
October 2008
As you read this profound teaching from the Lord, I want you to examine yourself with these two questions: What do you have in your hand? Are you using it? Everyone possesses something that God wants to use in this hour to help other people throughout the world. But are you going to use it? People…
Read NowOut of the Darkness and into the Light…
Durban and Cape Town, South Africa Crusade Reports
By: Debbie DeRonde & Doris Salna
August 2008
It was cold and snowy as we boarded the plane for our journey to Durban and Cape Town, South Africa, but the weather couldn’t dampen the overwhelming enthusiasm of those anticipating what was to come. Each missionary journey is a new battle for the Lord, and we go forth as soldiers of the Cross…
Read NowFaith and Feelings
By: Ernest Angley
June 2008
We must live by faith. It’s a must in order to be justified in the eyes of God. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17). You must stop living in your feelings. I deal with many people…
Read NowYou Don’t Win the Battle by Running Away
By: Ernest Angley
April 2008
People must learn to face their battles. Again and again in my more than sixty-eight years of ministry for our Lord, I’ve seen people who won’t face their battles. They just want to get away from them, and they run away. But let me tell you that you don’t win the battle by running…
Read NowThe Lord Heard Their Cries…
Guyana and Suriname, South America Crusade Reports
By: Debbie DeRonde
February 2008
It’s hard to believe that a year has passed since our last missionary trip to South America, but on a beautiful Monday morning, we were on our way to Georgetown, Guyana and Paramaribo, Suriname. The tour members had fasted and prayed and were ready for the mission ahead, and the Lord moved in…
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