In the fire of the Holy Ghost is everything needed to destroy the works of the devil. The pillar of fire led Israel out of Egyptian bondage. The fire of the burning bush was Moses’ final preparation to stand before Pharaoh and cry, “Let my people go!”

In Bloemfontein, South Africa, Reverend Angley had the greatest revelation of the fire of the Holy Ghost that he has ever had. He saw that fire moving above the congregation in all kinds of ways, in wide streaks, and that was just the beginning. A pillar of fire came over the people to within a few yards from the platform. Suddenly it unrolled and took over the whole sky. Reverend Angley saw nothing but fire. Not fire as we think of it with heat, this was the fire, the power of the Holy Ghost, a complete takeover. As the fire of the Holy Ghost uncovered the powers of the devil, the devils had to flee.

But I must backtrack. Before that great revelation of God’s power, came the ministers’ meeting and the services Thursday and Friday nights.

The ministers’ meeting had been held Wednesday preparing the ministers for the greatness of God. Reverend Angley described some of the price to pay for such greatness, the prayers, fastings, holy living free from sin, and separation from the world. In order to be caught up into the power of the manifestations of the Holy Ghost, into the miracles, healings and deliverances for people, one must be totally consecrated and dedicated to the Lord, follow closely in the steps of Jesus.

Thursday’s Service

The crusade service Thursday evening began with Reverend Angley telling an enthusiastic crowd, “The miracle God lives! We don’t only believe in miracles in this ministry; we depend on them!”

The Lord gave the minister a revelation that twelve people would be healed of AIDS while the trio sang. “If you have AIDS,” he said, “get ready for your miracle. Thousands of people have been healed of AIDS through this Jesus ministry. AIDS shouldn’t be something to scare the life out of you; the Lord heals it as easily as He heals a simple headache.”

Since medical science thus far has not found the cure for AIDS or HIV, doctors, medical workers and people in general are shocked when patients who once had AIDS come back for a checkup and now are AIDS free. Some find it almost impossible to believe that God heals AIDS, yet it’s true. Hundreds and hundreds of AIDS victims would be healed during the crusade. People are healed all over the world through this Jesus world outreach ministry.

The Lord dealt with many tears, sorrows, and heartaches that night. “God sent me,” said Reverend Angley, “with His great gift of healing for you and your loved ones to be delivered from AIDS/HIV and other diseases, but you must serve God. Jesus met people when He was here on Earth and healed them; although many were sinners, He told them to go and sin no more lest a worse thing come upon them.”

Reverend Angley, in describing how the gift of discerning operated, made clear that it was not to be confused with the occult or the supernatural manifestations of the devil. He said, “Again and again, it’s like someone has a string connected to me, pulling on me. But I can find you in different ways through God; He may give me your age, your initials, your name. This has nothing to do with witchcraft or the occult. Witchcraft is of the devil. In Old Testament days God had the witches burned. If you’re in witchcraft you have to come out of it or you won’t keep your miracle, saith the Lord.

“In the book of Galatians, witchcraft is listed as one of seventeen works of the flesh,” the preacher reminded the people. “You who are in witchcraft cannot blend it with the Gospel and expect the Gospel to work, yet I find that blending to be common as I travel in the African nations. Many, many churches in Africa try to mix witchcraft with the Gospel of Christ; it won’t mix any more than water mixes with oil. If you’re in witchcraft, you’re on your way to hell; but with the blood of Christ in your soul, no witch or wizard can put a spell on you. It can’t be done when you have the blood.

“If witchcraft is in your church,” continued Reverend Angley, “you’re going to have to clean house, saith the Lord. God sent me to tell you that, for I’m God’s servant. I’ve told you, and now the blood is upon you and yours to follow through.

“In fact,” said Reverend Angley, “one wizard is here tonight. He didn’t know I recognized him. The Lord even numbered the devils in him, but he didn’t come to get saved. He came seeking my power.”

Reared in a Home of Faith

Reverend Angley’s subject this opening night of the crusade was an explanation of how God had dealt with him throughout his life to bring him to the place he now was in the Lord, how events had shaped his life, and how God operated the gifts of the Holy Spirit through him. He never claims that the miraculous works are his but that they are totally of the Lord. All the praise, honor and glory he gives to God.

“As a child,” he began, “I had great faith. My mother was a woman of faith; she was called out of the home at all hours to pray for the sick—and with great success. Although she never claimed to have one of the gifts of the Spirit, she was full of the Holy Ghost and power.

“I had a bone disease when I was a child. The only way I could describe it was like a wild animal gnawing on the bone of my right leg. I would cry all hours of the night; and my mother, full of love and compassion, never left me. She would lay the Word of God on me saying, ‘Honey, the Lord is going to heal you.’ I knew He would because Mama never told me anything but the truth. To me what she said was the same as if God had said it. Mama held on to the Lord, and He did heal me, or else I might not have my right leg today.

“Although I started preaching at eighteen,” the man of God went on, “I was dying at twenty-three. I watched my body go down to almost a skeleton. I couldn’t understand why God had gifted me with preaching and then would let me die.

“It was the second year of my marriage, and I had the most darling wife; she would stay right with me. I’d slip out of conscious awareness, and when I came back to myself she would be on the floor crying and praying all hours. I was like one in a room with no doors or windows, going around day and night searching for a way out. If I could just find an opening…. Oh, how I loved my wife and she loved me! To leave her was unthinkable, but I was getting worse. The organs in my body now were affected.

“I felt as though I were up to my waist in quicksand, as though all faith had fled and hope was going fast. Never from the time God saved me was I one to question Him. I knew He was all-wise. But now I kept saying, ‘Why, God, why will you let me die?’ He did not answer. The Lord had always answered me. Why not now? I knew I hadn’t committed one sin from the hour God saved me. I knew the Bible taught I had to live free from all sin, I had to be holy like God is holy—He said so in His Word, and that’s how I lived. Nevertheless, I also knew I had only a few more days to live.

“Then Jesus came and made me whole.

“Every time I tell about that miracle I can feel Him coming toward me again, feel His holiness, His power, His healing touch. He lingered to tell me, ‘Later, you will go on a long fast. When you come out of that fast you will have my power for the healing of the people.’ He let me know I would take His healing power to the world. I was going to live!

“I didn’t have a doubt now. My faith wasn’t gone after all; I just had suffered so much that I had been testing my faith with my feelings, not with the Word of God. The Word is what lets you know how much faith you have.

“People will tell me,” said Reverend Angley, “that they claimed a promise in the Word of God, but it didn’t happen. That’s not what the Lord said. He said, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth (Mark 9:23). Every promise that the Lord makes is conditional, even the promises of Heaven and eternal life; you must believe them and meet the conditions of holy living, obedience and trust.”

His Life Was Changed Forever!

About six weeks after God had healed Reverend Angley, he went on that long fast that changed his life forever. When he came out of that fast he remembers his precious wife leaning over him and asking,

“Honey, do you have that power?”

“Yes, Darlin’, I have it.”

Did he feel it? No. The just shall live by faith. Faith is a gift. God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith (Romans 12:3). By faith, not feelings, the preacher trusted what the Lord had told him.

As Reverend Angley went on to tell some of the fantastic miracles that took place after he broke that fast, the faith of the listening crowd rose higher. He told how God had healed the deformed face of a baby. He told of praying for a little boy who had drowned; he had been under water twenty minutes. God healed him and his brain was not damaged at all. It had to be God.

Reverend Angley reminded the audience that Lazarus had been dead four days and nights, and Jesus raised him from the dead. Jesus never fails; it’s people who fail.

Jesus, in delivering a boy His disciples were unable to deliver, said, Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21). Many of the fasts Reverend Angley has been on have gone as long as forty days.

God Taught Him Demonology

“In the divine visitation of 1954 the Lord spent so many days and nights with me that I lost count,” Reverend Angley said. “He told me that I would have to know the spirit of man, the spirit of the devil, and the Spirit of God and be able to separate the spirits. I didn’t know how it would be done.

“The Lord said it was a must, and through many prayers, fastings and living in the Word of God, it took place. It’s a horrible sight to look into a soul of a devil-possessed person through the spirit of discerning and see the devils, an awful thing. I have told devil-possessed people that if they could look into their soul and see the demons they would start screaming and not stop until they knew the demons had gone.

“The Lord, not man, taught me demonology,” Reverend Angley continued. “He taught me how to cast out devils as He cast them out. The devils can’t stand before the power of God. Drug addicts, alcoholics will be delivered if they want to be free; God has gifted me with that power. Saturday night will be a special night for deliverance. If you know an alcoholic or drug addict, see that they get here if they want to be free. Devils will go out in wads, and the addicts will be shocked beyond words and delivered. The God of miracles lives.”

Reverend Angley had thought to preach a sermon that night, but the power of the Lord fell so mightily that God started manifesting Himself in miracles and healings throughout the congregation. It was a mighty takeover of the power of God in action.

The Healing Line

The healing line for the deaf and for those who had no sense of taste or smell was called. As he always does before he starts to pray for the healing line, Reverend Angley gave glory to God: I sanctify the Lord God tonight. I declare, oh, God that the miracles and healings are yours. Thou knowest, oh, Lord, that I never take any of the glory. I’m careful to teach the people that you are the healer. I am made out of clay just like everyone else. The greatness here tonight is the Lord. Greater is He that is in you, if you have Jesus, than he that is in the world. Give God all the glory!

Reverend Angley told the crowd, “Let the Lord move for you while I minister to the people in the healing line. Faith in God will do it. Suddenly I’m drawn to people in the congregation; suddenly I know their disease. The Lord gives me many visions and revelations; I look inside of bodies and see the darkness of the diseases, and then I see the miracle sign: the star of Jesus that has many, many manifestations. The star takes over and the darkness, the disease is gone.”

Friday’s Service

The Bible said that the Lord sent His Word, Jesus, and healed the people. Jesus is the healing Christ. The subject for Friday night was Love Went to Calvary. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). During the sermon, miracles and healings were already taking place.

“The lady over there,” said Reverend Angley, “you were healed of TB while I was preaching. You also have a child with TB who is now being healed by the hand of God.

“The person over here: You have indigestion; your food doesn’t digest right. Your digestive organs are so weak they’ll have to be re-created. They are now being re-created, and Jesus is yours.

“The person over on this side, you have cancer; you’ve had it more than three years, but the Lord healed you while I was preaching. The Lord healed you; no more cancer.

“Another person with TB straight ahead; it is a lady. You are sixty-one years old; your middle name starts with W. Thus saith the Lord, you are now cured by the hand of God.”

Nineteen more people were called out for miracles. Heart trouble, an ear virus, diseased lungs and a damaged kidney, AIDS, cancer, an injured spine were among the diseases God was moving for.

Now the revelations began coming faster. Head conditions, blindness, more AIDS, arthritis, diseased blood, growths were healed, and many, many more conditions and diseases than that were healed.

God Sent a Mighty Anointing

“Put out your hands if you believe in Jesus Christ,” the man of God told the crowd, “and get ready to touch any part of your body. As you touch, it will be as Jesus is there in person to touch you, if you believe. God has ordained me to call down this mighty anointing upon you in the name of Jesus.” As the man of God prayed, the powerful anointing for miracles and healings streamed down and covered the crowd. “Put it on each one, Lord, on each one,” prayed the preacher. “Now the anointing has come upon your hands—if you are a believer. Touch anywhere. As you touch, remember it’s the touch of Jesus you’re giving yourself. Put your hands over your heart if you have a bad heart. Only touch and believe.

“Already over 2,470 have been healed since you started touching. God is moving mightily here tonight.

“One thousand eight hundred sixty-four came in with severe nervous conditions. Your nervous system has been re-created. Most of you were born with this condition. No more; you have a miracle.

“Two thousand four hundred eighty-nine people came in here with battles of the mind,” discerned the man of God. “The devil has worried you to death. You have clear mind now.

“More people are being healed. Touch yourselves; touch your little ones. Three babies in the invalid section have just been healed. God has set you a table, and the cry of the Spirit is, ‘Come and dine! The Lord is in this place.’”

Watch the Healing Line

The Friday healing line was called. Along with the people who were healed in the line, others were pointed out in the crowd for their miracle, discerned through the gift of the Spirit. Two pointed out were alcoholics, and the crowd was told again to bring everyone they could who were drinkers to the Saturday night’s service; the Lord would move in a marvelous way for the alcoholics and drug addicts.

One hundred fifty-one people were healed of different diseases while watching the healing line and they didn’t realize it. They were there with their minds on the Lord. Many times people in the services will be healed without Reverend Angley laying a hand on them. When they go back to the doctors they find they don’t have the disease or affliction any longer. God is the healer.

There will be 1,317 all-out miracles, not healings, saith the Lord. “The miracle star is in the vision, and the vision is filled with the power of God,” said Reverend Angley. “I am in His vision and things are happening. Take your miracle; touch yourself anywhere and believe God. God is moving with miracle power,” said the preacher. “One hundred twenty-six people will be made whole all over, healed of all your afflictions just like the Lord made me whole all over so many years ago.

“When Jesus walked the earth He would ask people, ‘Wilt thou be made whole?’ More and more in these services the Lord is making people whole all over. The power of God sweeps through the crowd and it’s done. The number can go far beyond the one hundred twenty-six if you use your faith.”

Saturday Night

“Maybe you feel the Lord is late, that the doctors have given you a limited time to live,” said the man of God, “but the Lord is never late. Every mind centered upon the Lord as the trio sings, ‘Four Days Late.’ The Lord has given me a revelation that seventeen people will not have AIDS any longer when this song is finished.”

At the end of the song, Reverend Angley discerned, “The woman thirty-nine years old whose last name begins with C: You’ve had AIDS for three-and-a-half years. The doctors have told you that you will not live more than six months; you were healed while the trio was singing.

“To my right is a man, seventy-three years old. Your initials are C.W. You’ve had AIDS for five years, six months, two weeks and three days; the Lord wants you to know that He knows all of your medical history. You have been made well; you do not have AIDS anymore.”

Reverend Angley pointed out a grandmother: “The woman over here: You have three grandchildren. One of their first names starts with E, another one’s middle name starts with G. You were pulling for them, and they are healed although they are not here.”

Another person received a warning from the man of God: “You’re just eighteen years old. You’re in a backslidden condition, but the Lord wants me to tell you that you must give your heart to God this night. You dare not leave these grounds until you do. The Lord has healed you of AIDS, and you, like Jesus told the crippled man He healed, must sin no more lest a worse thing come upon you.

“Way back there is a man, twenty-two years old, six months.” Reverend Angley identified him further: “Your father’s name begins with C, your mother’s middle name begins with F. You fear you would lose your job if people knew you had AIDS. Where you work they think you have cancer. The Lord knows exactly what you have; it is not cancer. You have AIDS. You promised God that you’ll do anything He wants you to do if He will heal you tonight. The Lord accepted your promise and made a covenant with you, young man. You’re healed. Your life belongs to the Lord. The Lord has a work for you, but you must become dedicated and consecrated to the Lord, and the Lord will let you know exactly what He wants you to do, saith the Lord.

Eight more people were healed of AIDS; cancer and diabetes were healed, also. Then two more were healed of AIDS, and a woman close to death was healed of cancer.

“God is going to do much tonight,” said Reverend Angley. “Just reach and get ready. He will spread a great table for you.”

Numbers and numbers had death working in them, but God spared them for His servant to get here. “Don’t look for death”; said Reverend Angley, “look for life. Jesus is the giver of life. Don’t look at people who have died with the disease you have; with the Lord all things are possible; only believe.”

During the song “Precious Jesus” nineteen people were healed of cancer. They had cancer when the trio started the song, but you don’t have it now, thus saith the Lord. Three of them were in the invalid section; God had been moving in a marvelous way for that invalid section. “There’s a person,” said Reverend Angley, “your limbs were crippled; try them out. God has moved.” In the invalid section were two more people healed of AIDS, and three different people had such compassion that they received AIDS miracles for loved ones who couldn’t come.

Miracles and healings are in abundance, saith the Lord. This is your hour of visitation, your hour of revelation. “The Lord is healing chronic diseases now, and deformities,” the man of God stated. “The Lord is healing the babies of parents who have come here tonight.

“There is a child at home dying with AIDS, three years old. The first name starts with C, the middle name with D. The little one is healed now. When you get home you will find it is healed. The child has life, life, life. Jesus is the life.

“This is the Word of the living God; this is His promise to you!” rejoiced the man of God. “This is my faith and your faith, oh, glory be to God! Praise Him for miracles tonight! The glory of the Lord is coming down. I saw it go over this place like I had never seen it before.

“While the trio was singing, the pillar of fire went across this place and then rolled out over you.” Reverend Angley was seeing the fire of the Holy Ghost in a more vivid way than he had ever seen it before. “The fire of God is falling, the heavens are lit up with it. In the fire of Pentecost, miracles are in abundance, and the fire of Pentecost is here! Take a miracle, People! God is moving! God is in this place; God has covered this place with the fire of the Holy Ghost! It is holy here tonight; the very air is holy.”

As the fire of the Holy Ghost went across the crowd, every demonic spirit was cleared out, and there were many of them. “I don’t see one now,” said the man of God. “God has taken over. This is your hour of great visitation; Heaven’s within your reach. Reach out and touch the Lord right now and take what you need.”

The Sermon: Demonology

Reverend Angley began his sermon with Mark 16:17,18, And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. In Jesus’ blood name, believers shall cast out devils. “God has given me that power,” said Reverend Angley. “You who are on alcohol and drugs, I have great compassion for you. I know medical science calls that addiction a sickness; it is not a sickness; it is devil possession. God will even number the devils in a person who is addicted to alcohol or drugs. Those devils crave alcohol, crave drugs. There are all kinds of devils that crave many different things, but no matter what kind they are, you can be delivered tonight by the power of God.

“In one service,” Reverend Angley told the crowd, “I was praying for an alcoholic; he had many devils in him. After he was delivered, he asked, ‘How did I get all those devils in me?’

“Instantly God told me how he got them. When he was young he had gotten drunk and passed out. While he was in that stupor the devils hurriedly moved in and took him over. He was very bound, but that night God set him free.

“Another person came to one of my services to be delivered,” continued the minister, “but if people love the power of the devil more than they love the power of Jesus, they won’t be delivered. The devils would come up into this man’s throat, puffing it out on both sides. It frightened people in the audience. The Lord let me know that he loved the power of the devil and there was no need for me to try to minister to him. However, if he had wanted to be free, the devils would have had to come out. God has given me that authority through His Son Jesus Christ.”

Reverend Angley spoke of another example of demon possession: “Years ago I was preaching for a minister at his church. A backslider was there. This man was down on the floor crawling like a snake; he couldn’t get up. The dear saints of God around him had no discerning. They were shouting, praising God. I pushed through them and cried, ‘You foul devils, come out!’ Every shout stopped, and the saints stood as though petrified. The devils suddenly had gone out of the man on the floor, and he was calm. He stood to his feet, looked at me and said, ‘Brother Angley, I couldn’t get up. I was a backslider.’ He knew it was the devil that had him down on the floor.

“Demonology: The Lord has given me a study of it. I hate the devil, hate his kingdom. Stay away from any powers not of God, from witchcraft, voodooism, from all the darknesses of the devil.”

After more illustrations of the bondage that demonology brings, Reverend Angley said, “Give your heart to God tonight. Lift up that hand. Say, Oh, God, save my soul. I confess that I have sinned; I am a sinner. But you died for me and I will live for you. And I believe the blood of Jesus washes away all my sins. Come into my heart Jesus, come on in!

“If you meant that prayer, now you say, Hallelujah, Jesus has come! Jesus I have given you my life; I will start going to church. I will find a church with the true Gospel, with no witchcraft, no voodoo, nor darknesses of the devil, a church where the pastor believes in living free from sin, and I will serve the Lord—thank God, I’m free!

Alcoholics and Drug Addicts Were Delivered

The alcoholics and drug addicts were called to the stage and lined up for prayer. The man of God, speaking to them, said, “This is devil possession. Do you want to be free? If I would take the time, the Lord would number the devils that are in every one of you. But no matter how many, they all have to come out. Isn’t that wonderful? Everyone thinking on the blood.

“How long have you been on your habit?” the preacher asked the first man. “Fifty-nine devils bind you. Do you want them out? Yes? Out in the name of Jesus!” And the devils came out.

Quickly the man of God moved up and down the lines. As he cast the devils out, each person fell under the power of God. Although the devils had gone out, the soul was empty and must be filled or the devils would come back. After those prayed for were able to stand again, hands were lifted and they were ready to say the sinners’ prayer. “A number of you have AIDS,” the man of God told them, “but as Jesus comes in, if you’re going to serve Him, there will be no more AIDS. If you will live for Jesus, you will be all right.”

Seven more platforms full of people delivered from drugs and alcohol took Jesus into their hearts. For one platform of alcoholics and drug addicts, Reverend Angley numbered the devils in the people in the first line: 79, 41, 69, 114, 39, 56, 76, 95. Those devils were real, but blood power from On High cast them out, along with the devils possessing people in all the other rows.


During the song “The Lord Is My Shepherd” sung in the Sotho tongue, 500 people were healed of AIDS and the AIDS virus. My Holy Spirit prayeth for thee, saith the Lord. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. “One of those 500 is a grandmother right over here. You’re fifty-one years old and you have two children—or did. Both died with AIDS. You have two grandchildren; they had AIDS, but they are now healed,” said the man of God.

“The person: You are an aunt of three nephews, five nieces. Six of them had AIDS, and you were really pulling for them. They are healed, saith the Lord.

“There is another person, not counted in the 500, you have had AIDS over three years. Now the doctors tell you that you will not live more than seven weeks at the most. But you’re going to live. Your first name starts with F; your last name ends with D. You are healed, saith the Lord.

“There’s another person over here who was not counted in the 500. You are forty-one years old and a father of six children. Three of those children have AIDS, but they’re being healed right now.

“A grandfather right in through here, quite a way back: You have seventeen grandchildren and great grandchildren. Ten of them have AIDS, five of them are being healed now, saith the Lord.”

The discerning continued through the man of God: “Another person over here: You have someone in your family, a grandmother. Your grandfather died with AIDS, and your grandmother is in an awful condition. I saw her condition in the vision; I saw the AIDS all through her. But now she is healed, saith the Lord.

“We are in a cloud of God’s greatness,” said Reverend Angley; “the Lord takes my eyes and uses them as His very own. He takes my ears and I can hear what the Spirit is saying. I can see the glory of the Lord; I can see the star, the miracle star of Jesus; it has endless manifestations. It moves over people and they are healed. I live in the presence of the Lord day and night for these things to happen.

“If I can get you to believe the reality of Him,” said the minister, “and you who are not saved, if I can get you to turn loose from the world and serve the Lord, you’ll be healed tonight, not only of AIDS but of cancer, sugar diabetes, lung trouble, TB, paralysis, leprosy or whatever. It matters not. God lets me look into bodies of people and watch while He heals just as I was watching while the AIDS victims were healed. It is awful to see AIDS throughout a body. Death is so close, but then God moves and life is there. We all once had spiritual death in us; it was so close, and then the Lord moved and gave us life. Jesus said, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live (John 11:25). He healeth our diseases.

“There is a cancer victim over there: You don’t have long to live without this miracle, but you’re getting a miracle. You’re now healed of cancer. You’re not going to die; you’re going to live.

“The need is so great here!” exclaimed the preacher. “The Lord is seeking to sweep this place. There will be testimony after testimony of all kinds of deliverances.

“Three hundred seventy-five more people will be healed of AIDS and the AIDS virus. The Lord gave me the number as I walked across the platform just now. Get ready: The blood will flow and you will be healed; you will have life, saith the Lord.

Reach Up into the Miracle Power!

“People, if you could have only seen the vision that I’ve been in!” The man of God was elated at what the Lord was revealing to him. “It was different from any other vision I’ve ever seen. The Holy Ghost power took over the sky above you and the power was running in streaks. Then it went into a solid sheet of the fire of the Holy Ghost. Reach up and touch the air above you now and be healed. Reach up and be healed of any disease. God has come down in the name of His Son, Jesus. Oh, the fire of the Holy Ghost! The pillar of fire! God is in this place. It’s the power of the Holy Ghost. The Lord told me years ago that the hour would come when the ministry would be the power of the Holy Ghost. Everything would be the power of the Holy Ghost. The Lord is doing that tonight. He is moving through the power, the fire of the Holy Ghost. He’s touching people and they’re being healed.”

More miracles were called out, miracles for cancer, diabetes, for a lung to be re-created, blindness and ulcers.

A mother had left her baby dying of AIDS at home, but she was determined to come. The baby is healed, saith the Lord. The Lord had honored her faith, and her baby was full of life now. She used her faith and came on, knowing her baby would be dead by the time she got home if God didn’t move. When you get there you’ll find a well baby, saith the Lord.

“People are reaching tonight,” said the man of God. “People are reaching for the Lord and the Lord is reaching down. This is the power of God. There is nothing great about me. Faith in God heals the sick, the Bible declares it. Look at Jesus; He is the one. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). In more places than one the Bible tells us that great multitudes followed him [Jesus], and he healed them all (Matthew 12:15). All can be healed tonight in this service the way God is moving. All can be healed who surrender to God, get rid of everything unlike God and decide to walk in the holiness and righteousness of God the rest of their lives.

“Reach up, People, and touch the Lord! He’s here and the fire of the Holy Ghost is over you in an unbelievable way. I have never seen it strike like it did awhile ago. The many manifestations of the Lord always amaze me!

“Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, and sickness is part of his works. All good and perfect gifts come from above. His perfect everything is yours. Take it. I took His perfect gift of healing, and it made me whole all over. That great miracle the Lord gave me so many years ago is still alive inside and still brings me great strength.”

The testimony of Reverend Angley’s miracle is a mighty one. “I have more strength now than I had in my youth all because of that great miracle,” he said. “I learned that when you get to the razor’s edge, when hope is going and faith has been long gone it seems, then there’s Jesus.”

God Moved in Unbelievable Ways

“Twenty-five people, the Lord wanted me to tell you,” said Reverend Angley, “are in that dying condition I was in, but your condition is due to AIDS or the AIDS virus. All twenty-five of you are now healed; you will not die. You are healed by the hand of God.

“There are thirteen people with cancer, and the Lord is healing all thirteen. When you get home you’ll have no more cancer. When you go back to the doctor, no more cancer.

“Thirty-nine people came in here with diabetes. There is no cure for diabetes except through the blood of Jesus. You are now cured of diabetes. You don’t have it any longer.

“Thirty-one people,” said Reverend Angley, “came in here with epilepsy or you have a child with epilepsy. It’s all done and over, saith the Lord. No more epilepsy. Epilepsy is caused by a spirit, and untold thousands have been delivered of it since the Lord gave me these gifts years ago. These are His gifts; this is biblical. These gifts are the extra help for God’s people, for His church. Signs, wonders, miracles, healings are for the believer.

“God is moving in unbelievable ways,” marveled the minister. “I’m dumbfounded by the visions that are coming tonight. The revival is just now breaking through. The Lord is moving. The Lord is working inside so many, preparing you step by step to be healed of AIDS, the AIDS virus and other death diseases. He has already given me a large number of death diseases of all kinds that are going to be healed tonight. I am with you and then I’m caught up in His Spirit. Then I’m back with you.

“The angel of the Lord is standing by my side now, standing as tall as a man. Again and again he will direct me, whisper what is about to take place. There are many angels here tonight that the Lord sent to hold back the powers of darkness so people can receive what He wants them to have. Hundreds of angelic beings surround us holding back the powers of hell. Now in the vision as I talk to you,” said the preacher, “the fire, a cloud of fire of the Holy Ghost has moved over you to cover you up completely. Feel the warmth of that healing power. It is marvelous how the Holy Ghost is working tonight to deliver miracles and healings. He does it through obedience. The obedient, He said, will receive.”

Sermon: Separation

“Be separated into God’s love tonight.” While Reverend Angley preached on separation, eighteen hundred people were delivered of AIDS and the AIDS virus. Many, many more miracles, healings and great manifestations of the Holy Spirit took place in this incredible service.

While the trio sang their closing song, Reverend left the platform for the invalid section, and more miracles took place there. The two crusades in Maseru and Bloemfontein saw the greatest move of God’s miracles and manifestations of His power than ever before. In unbelievable ways His power poured out, bringing to life the prophecy: Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you (Habakkuk 1:5).

Reach up and take your miracle; the Lord has spread you a table in the wilderness; just take what you need. Trust God’s wonderful promises: I am the LORD that healeth thee (Exodus 15:26). And with his stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5).

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