Other Giant Little Books

Other Giant Little Books

God Said It; I Believe It, and That Settles It!

By: Ernest Angley

December 1998

Be definite in believing what God has said. Doubt none of God’s Word, allow no shadows over it, no maybe’s. Settle it. The Bible tells us in Psalm 119:89, For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. How long? For time and eternity. Permanently the Word of God is settled…

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Love Went to Golgotha

By: Ernest Angley

November 1998

Love traveled many thousands of miles in Old Testament days but reached only few because only few accepted that Love. Israel would not accept the love of God for any length of time. If the history of Israel were not in the Bible, it would be hard to believe. Yet it is a true story of a disobedient…

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The Love Language & The More Excellent Way

By: Ernest Angley

October 1998

The Love Language

The love language is understood by all people, no matter their native tongue. Like the word hallelujah, love is the same in every language. Children recognize the love language; young and old alike respond to it in one way or another. People who have never heard…

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A Promise

By: Ernest Angley

December 1992

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6). When you come to God, you must in faith believe His promise in order to receive from Him; for without faith…

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Be Thou Made Whole

By: Ernest Angley

December 1991

Never has there been a time in the history of mankind when people needed healing more than today. I look upon the unhealed and think, God, it gives you such a great opportunity to manifest your love, your will, the living reality of you. Reaching through the door of sickness, God’s…

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The Spirit Is Drawing Us and We Are Running Our Last Mile Home!

By: Ernest Angley

June 1988

Draw me, we will run after thee (Song of Solomon 1:4).

The Spirit of the Lord is drawing us—the Bride of Christ—and we are running the last mile. Who is the Bride of Christ? That group of people—saved, Holy Spirit-filled, totally obedient to the Lord—who…

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The Final Touch

By: Ernest Angley

May 1988

The Final Touch: Now Ready to Do His Will

Isaiah tells us about one of his visitations from the Lord: Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me (Isaiah 6:8). The Lord needed someone to give His message…

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