Never has there been a time in the history of mankind when people needed healing more than today. I look upon the unhealed and think, God, it gives you such a great opportunity to manifest your love, your will, the living reality of you. Reaching through the door of sickness, God’s healing power has gone into action again and again, restoring bodies, bringing souls to God who otherwise may never have come.

Men and devils declare divine healing is impossible, but divine healing is a fact. Healing by the hand of our God is still manifested today. He not only is ready to heal the sick, He desires, longs to make His children completely well. Sickness and disease are not God’s will for you. He proved the fact by bringing healing to planet Earth through His Son. Jesus spent more time healing people than He did doing anything else, and His healings are recorded in the Bible more than any of His other works are. Healing is mentioned more often in the four Gospels than salvation. Every time we look in on Jesus in the Scripture, He was either healing someone, coming from healing someone or on His way to heal. Through healing, Jesus captured the attention of people. Miracles brought people to Him, opened their eyes to the fact that He was the Redeemer; and miracles do the same today.

Your Miracle Is as Near as Your Reach of Faith

And [they] besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment: and as many as touched were made perfectly whole (Matthew 14:36). As many as touched were made perfectly whole. A long prayer or a drawn-out counseling session with the Master wasn’t necessary for those seeking healing. No, they asked nothing more than to touch His garment. They touched and were made whole.

And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment: For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole. But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And that woman was made whole from that hour (Matthew 9:20-22). Without asking permission she touched the hem of His garment in faith and was healed.

Just touch His garment; He is passing by. Reach out; your miracle is as near as your reach of faith. God has given you all the faith you need—His faith—to contact Him. When you came to the Lord for salvation, He took all your sins, not one at a time. It should be no different when you come to Him for healing; let Him heal you all over. He is the Lord who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases (Psalm 103:3).

Dying at Twenty-Three

There was a time in my life, many years ago, I was very ill. Faith had gone and hope was sinking fast. I felt as though I were in quicksand and nothing could be done. My condition worsened. Why the Lord hadn’t healed me I didn’t understand. Preaching at age eighteen, I had done the will of God. Now at twenty-three I was dying. It seemed God had no ear to listen when I talked about healing. He was close when I prayed for others, but when I talked to Him about making me whole He seemed to turn away.

One night in a revival, while I was in the pulpit I had one of my attacks. In a terrible condition, I held onto the pulpit to keep standing. Only God knew how I was suffering. Suddenly the Holy Spirit began to speak in tongues through a person in the congregation. A little woman, full of God, stood up shaking under the mighty unction of the Holy Spirit and gave the interpretation. In it the Lord said He would heal me. The pain eased. God helped me that night to preach the message.

I had more pain afterward. In time the pain smothered out the prophecy of God from my thoughts, dimming His light until I was in the darkness of despair once more. It seemed as though everyone had forgotten me but my wife, Angel. Day and night Angel was with me, crying, praying. But I was like one in a room searching for a door in vain, suffering, tormented. There seemed to be no way out. I knew I couldn’t continue this way and live longer than three or four more days. Oh, if only I would have held to the promise! It would have been like a beacon of light shining through an open doorway in those excruciating hours of pain. I hated the nights, the dark. I prayed for the dawn to come. I prayed if it were not God’s will to make me well, that just once He would let the dawn come early.

Suddenly It Happened!

The dawn of healing did come early, before ten o’clock one night. Jesus brought sunshine before midnight as He made me completely whole all over. The power of God shot through me, electrifying me. It had happened! I wouldn’t die. In the darkness of the night I had found the healing Jesus, the One who made me whole, the One who gave me life. Now He was talking to me. Later you will go on a long fast. I listened closely but was scared, scared. When you come out of that fast, you will have my power for the healing of the people. I knew the Lord couldn’t lie; He said I would have His power, His power! I could carry it to the people, and they would be healed as I was. His gifts would heal the people.

My soul was shouting. I looked up. It had seemed a high wall stood between me and Heaven. But now that wall came tumbling down, block upon block; I could see all the way from Earth to Heaven. I was going to live in good health to carry the Gospel to the world; the Lord would give me His gifts to do it. Never had I thought the Lord would give me even one of the nine gifts of the Spirit. Now He said it would be. I had no doubt.

Still the Voice of Feeling

Moments before the Lord healed me, I didn’t know I was within a million miles of my miracle. But suddenly it happened. Perhaps it feels to you as though all faith is gone. Faith and feelings have nothing in common; they are not related at all. Forget about your feelings; faith tells you the Lord will make you well. Faith tells you that all things are possible with the Lord. Faith tells you that bones will come to normal, diseases will die, cancer, tuberculosis, heart trouble will be healed. Faith tells you that today healing can be yours. Today!

It makes no difference to the Lord how severe the affliction; His power is more than able to heal you. Still the voice of feelings; refuse to listen to it. Let God’s faith talk to you. His faith speaks the Word of God and nothing less. When anything less than the Word of God is talking to your mind, you are not listening to the faith of God.

The Lord, remember, is the One who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases. He forgives all and heals all. Jesus is the remedy for the whole person, soul, mind and body. Take healing for the whole you. Let God give you peace in mind, soul and body; and the angels will rejoice with you.

Wilt thou be made whole? Feelings tell you that no one can do anything for you. But you have all the help you need: Jesus. You need only touch His garment in faith; healing is within your reach. Reach out! For a touch you are made whole. Just a touch and it takes place. Don’t make your case hard; healing is easy for the Lord. He healed me so easily it didn’t seem possible—but it was.

The Voice of Faith Gives Life

The child of God has a faith that will stand every test, a faith the devil cannot overcome or destroy. Only when that faith is not used is the child of God defeated. God’s faith is victory, victory. No defeat exists in Jesus Christ, and he gives that faith to you; but you must use it.

When you are in contact with God, the voice of faith is loud and clear. It gives life here on Earth—great physical life as well as spiritual life—and it gives life eternal. As the voice of the Word rings forth, penetrating into every part of you, it brings with it power to destroy any disease in your body.

Jesus, the Word made flesh, walked the earth, destroying all manner of sicknesses and diseases. God has given you faith for the Word to work in you, through you and for you just like it worked for the people when Jesus walked the earth in a wrapper of clay, a tabernacle of flesh. Now use it. Let Jesus become living reality to you through the living faith of the Living God.

The faith of God works; it’s as strong as Heaven itself. God’s faith incorporates all the Word of God, all the promises of God in the Word, all His peace, longsuffering, all His greatness. Jesus is your faith; the Word of God is your faith.

Since the Lord has put His power within you to make you completely whole, all you have to do is launch out into the deep. The voice of the Lord is crying: Let down your nets into the promises of God and get well. Bind your spirit to His promises and accept nothing less. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up (James 5:15). They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover (Mark 16:18).

Claim the Promise of Healing

The Lord has promised healing. Claim that promise and know you will get well. His promises work. Launch so far out in faith with the promises of God that you know if you fail to trust them, you will sink for sure. Don’t wade back to the shore in doubt, waiting for another time to be healed. Set your time for a miracle and get well.

Being “in and out” with your faith in healing, you will fail to claim the promises of God. Decide whether you believe God or not. Never tell anyone you are healed if you believe only mentally and not with all your heart. You must believe from the heart.

When you received salvation you followed the verse that says: If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved (Romans 10:9). The Greek word for “saved” in this verse, sozo, means to deliver, protect, heal, preserve, be whole. The promise of healing is just as real as the promise of salvation. Confess with your mouth; believe in your heart for salvation and for healing. Salvation and healing are both promises of God. Go deeper and deeper into God’s promises.

Talk Faith

Neither give place to the devil (Ephesians 4:27). When you talk sickness, doubt, fear, depression, frustration, you are giving place to the devil, talking yourself right into the hands of the enemy, helping him afflict you. Change your conversation, your very thought life. If you talk sickness, you probably will stay sick. As long as you would rather hear people say “Poor thing” than get well, your healing is blocked. The Lord doesn’t say “Poor thing”; He says I am the Lord who healeth all thy diseases. Talk God’s faith to people—if you have to. God’s faith does not talk sickness.

In the college I attended, some students experimented with the power of suggestion, selecting a certain young man who didn’t know he was to be a guinea pig. Early that morning people began asking him what was wrong. Everyone who saw him commented how terrible he looked. Although he felt fine in the morning, by the end of the day he was in bed, ill. He thought something really was wrong with him. An attitude developed that affected his well-being. Words can encourage or destroy.

Talk the things of God; talk His faith, love, goodness. Don’t talk despair, discouragement. What you talk about shows the kind of person you are. Talking about sickness constantly, describing pains of the past, present and those expected in the future does not encourage health. You can dwell on pain and sickness until they become a part of your spirit. It’s easy to desire sympathy and attention, but these qualities can enslave you. Your own conversation may put you into bondage.

A determination to be well aids your body’s natural immune system. In your own spirit and mind you can resist some illnesses. Of course you can’t overcome everything yourself, but you have the Word of God to use on that which you can’t handle. If you don’t use the resistance of your own spirit, you will not be able to use the Word either. You won’t feel the need of it. But when you resist as much as you can, decide not to let sickness get you down, you are taking your first steps toward using the Word for healing. Beginning to talk faith to yourself, you are preparing to use the faith of God. You overcome, remember, by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of God. The power in the blood is sufficient.

On the stormy sea Peter saw Jesus walking the waters to their boat. Peter said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus (Matthew 14:28,29). The voice of faith told Peter to come. Had Peter held to that faith, had he not heeded the voice of doubt that said he was sinking, Peter would have stayed on top. He listened to his own voice and to the devil’s voice. Maybe he listened to the voices of those back on the boat who were still terrified. In any event, Peter took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink. Jesus said to Peter: O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt (verse 31)?

Don’t listen to doubt; let it have no part of you. Your faith is a gift from God for you. It’s yours—for you to use, to hold dear, to treasure. It is your responsibility never to let your faith become contaminated. Don’t let anyone talk you out of it and cause you to be defeated. Know how strong it is, know what it will do and what it will bring to you from Heaven. Your faith belongs to you.

Even when he was being stoned, Steven saw with eyes of faith. But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God (Acts 7:55,56). You should be able to have sight as clear as one being stoned, faith sight.

Use the Word. Sing it, shout it, pray it. Speak the Word to your heart day and night. Quote scriptures before you go to sleep. Think on the Word. Hide it in your heart, all that you possibly can. Drink, eat, digest the Word of God. It brings great results.

False Symptoms

You may have pain, symptoms of your disease after you are healed as I did. The night Jesus healed me, I went to sleep with this thought on my mind: What if I wake to find this all is just a dream? Although I later did have some pain, I took an armful of the promises of God and waded out into the deep. I launched out to where I would drown if I let go of my faith in God’s promises of healing.

Not one time after I received healing could the devil force me to admit to anyone that I was in pain. The devil tried his best to make me let go of God’s promise. Pain would come, and the devil said, See, you’re not healed. You’re telling people you are, and they’re going to think you’re a liar. You’ll be in the pulpit when you have one of your attacks, and you won’t be able to hide it. Everyone will know. If I were you, I’d be quiet about it; I’d wait and see. You will have time enough later to say you’re healed—if you do get well. I threw that if right back to the devil as a knock-out blow. There was no if about it in my mind. I was going to live; I’d been with Jesus and He said so. I didn’t let doubt destroy the message of healing I had to give. The message rang so loud and clear the devil didn’t have a chance. When I had pain while I ate, I just ate more and praised God for healing me. Then the pain would ease up. I believed Jesus.

One day the devil rushed me until I was on the floor in such agony it looked as though I were going to have one of my old attacks. The devil said, “This is it!” It was his final run at me. I let God know I was trusting Him no matter what. I wouldn’t even tell my wife I had pain. I drove the devil off with the promises of God. I said, God, I’m telling everyone I’m healed; and if I die, you will be embarrassed. I intended to die saying I was healed—it wasn’t just mental determination; I said it with my whole heart and soul. I was healed. I used the faith of God, and God honors His faith.

Claim your healing; launch out into the deep with armfuls of God’s promises. Although the devil can’t sink the promises of God, he tries to discourage every child of God from using them. But reaching to the Lord puts faith into action, and faith brings results.

Life for a Look

And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived (Numbers 21:8,9). The Lord offered a life for a look. He offers the same today: look to Jesus and be healed. The serpent on the pole was a type of Jesus being cursed on the tree, a type of His Crucifixion. Look not to the type but to Jesus, the Jesus of power, love. He’s the healing, compassionate Christ.

The Israelites in the wilderness who refused to look at the type of Jesus on the Cross, who wouldn’t look beyond their pain, died. The smell of death was everywhere, screams of the dying who had given up hope. But others, limbs swollen, poison throughout their systems, looked to the serpent on the pole and were healed.

It makes no difference how many have died with the disease you may have; the Lord has promised healing. Accept it. Just as the Lord has promised salvation, He has promised healing. If it is your time to die, the Lord can heal you and then take you home.

The Lord will call some of His children home before the Rapture. Never let it hurt your faith in His healing promises; just the opposite: let it strengthen your faith. That child of God is with the Lord in all His glory. The Bible tells us that death is appointed to everyone (those, however, who will be taken in the Rapture will miss the appointment), but it doesn’t say sickness is appointed to anyone.

And Moses was an hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated (Deuteronomy 34:7).

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up (John 3:14). Why was the Son lifted up? To give us life by looking to our Jesus. Look in faith; look embracing Him as the Son of God with all power. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth (Matthew 28:18). Look, look with the eye of faith. Jesus is not a mental image; don’t try to picture His face. Meditate on His greatness, His promises, His healing touch. Glory in His love, peace, hope, longsuffering, compassion. Dwell on all that He has promised, all He has done. That is the way to look to Him.

Look and keep looking in faith. Elijah instructed his servant to look: And [Elijah] said to his servant, Go up now, look toward the sea. And he went up, and looked, and said, There is nothing. And he said, Go again seven times (I Kings 18:43). The seventh time the servant saw a cloud the size of a man’s hand. He looked until he saw. Elijah knew that the cloud meant an abundance of rain would fall to break a terrible drought.

It isn’t a matter of the way circumstances appear; it’s a matter of the strength of the Almighty. Look through eyes of faith, and see the move of God. Human eyesight misses the miracle. God gave you eyes of faith to see Him, eyes that can look all the way to Glory to Jesus standing at the right hand of God.

A Nation Delivered by Miracle Power

Many walk by physical sight alone. The Egyptians walked that way when they entered the path made by the parted waters of the Red Sea—and were drowned. The Israelites walked by faith and were safe—the Lord gave them faith to cross over.

God brought the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage, out of slavery and persecutions. But some, terrified of the Red Sea, talked themselves into helplessness. Then faith began to speak to them, to calm them down. And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to-day (Exodus 14:13). Faith helped the Israelites step into the sea; the faith of God kept the waters back.

Some historians feel it was about twelve miles across the Red Sea where the Israelites were thought to have gone through. They walked to the other side in strength, for the Lord had made each one of them whole when they partook of the lamb’s body. They accepted the whole lamb—a type of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ—for the whole person. They accepted the lamb by putting its blood on the doorpost, and that act of faith saved them that night from the death angel. They ate the lamb’s body and received physical healing. With miracle power, God delivered them. He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes (Psalm 105:37). No blind, no crippled, no weak were among the Israelites as they left Egypt. The elderly came out like the youth.

Deliverance awaits you when you walk by faith. Launch out in faith and claim God’s promises of healing. Faith will take you across the waters of life.

Do you accept the Lamb of God, Jesus? If so, you can be made whole. Accept the Lamb of God, and let His power destroy any disease, affliction or handicap you may have. One day His power will destroy all sin on planet Earth and all sickness. In the thousand-year Perfect Age there will be no pain. Don’t wait until then; you have the perfect promises of God right now to be perfectly made whole.

I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee

The Lord is your healer. If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee (Exodus 15:26).

The Lord can keep you from becoming sick: Neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling (Psalm 91:10). In Exodus 23:25 we read this promise of God: I will take sickness away from the midst of thee. In Deuteronomy 7:15: And the LORD will take away from thee all sickness. Many times the Lord has kept His children healthy. God’s promises contain His will for you. Do you believe them or not?

His promises thrill me, for they are within reach of all who believe Him, nothing doubting. Feed your spirit on the Word of the Living God. Hearing people talk doubt, seeing others failing to receive from God can hurt your faith. Don’t look to doubters; look to the promises and be thou made whole! Listen to what God says.

The Way of the Lord Is Perfect

When the Lord took Angel it didn’t hurt my faith. Before He took her, the Lord came to me saying I would have to surrender her. She was not my source of power. He said that He was my source of power. “It’s my divine will to have taken Angel when I did. By taking her when I did she will bring more souls into my Kingdom than she would have had I left her with you.”

Angel was so much a part of my life that I didn’t know how I could live without her. I said, “God, if I’m ever going to believe you, I have to believe you now.” I knew believing God was my only salvation, my only hope. I had to accept all God had said.

In that terrible valley after the Lord took Angel, I was as one dead. Yet I could sense the life of God around my heart. It kept me moving when there seemed to be nothing to live for. But my soul was filled with the Word, with the promises of God that brought a peace, a love, help, a greatness to lift me out of that valley of despair.

If you accept all God has said, nothing hurts your faith, nothing causes bitterness. You know the Lord is perfect in all His ways.

After Angel was gone I opened her Bible and read what she had written in it: The way of the Lord is perfect. God, no doubt, moved on her to leave that message for me. He knew I would find those words of comfort. It became a lifeline to me: The way of the Lord is perfect. When a thing is perfect there is no improving on it. All that God does is in perfection. Who was I to question God? I bowed to God’s will, accepted it even though I didn’t understand.

A few weeks later, the Lord came to me when I was in a terrible condition, when I was just dying for Angel. He let me ask any question I wanted. It was one of the most rare moments of my life. Question after question I asked the Lord; and He answered, settled them all in my mind and spirit. I wanted to know if she had worked too hard, should we have built the cathedral. Should we have worked night and day? Freely Angel had given her many talents to God’s work. I would rather not have the cathedral, I thought, if it meant her life.

God knew all my thoughts and let me ask the questions just as a Father would patiently listen to a small son. As fast as I would ask, the Lord would answer.

When that session closed, I had my answers, answers that gave me much strength. I knew it was God’s divine will to have taken her at that time. God had said so. I knew that God does not lie, and I had to believe Him no matter how I felt. Casting my feelings completely down kept that devil from getting in. We must not live in a quagmire of feelings and questions; we have answers in the Word of God, comfort and deliverance. The Lord speaks to us in many different ways, but remember to take everything to the Word of God. The Word is our safety. All God tells us will be in perfect harmony with His Word.

Healed of Leprosy

Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean (II Kings 5:14). Namaan the leper received a miracle of God. After he dipped seven times in Jordan, his leprosy was cleansed; he was made whole. I believe the Lord re-created every part of his body that had been destroyed, replaced flesh that had been eaten from his bones. I believe he was perfectly whole when he returned home, a living witness of God’s miracle power. A heathen when he came for healing, Namaan went back to his homeland belonging to Jehovah God.

God wants living witnesses of His healing power in this final hour, witnesses who will tell what God has done for them. The Lord did it! The Lord did it!

Some people think they are not worthy to be healed. None of us in ourselves are worthy, but the grace of God has made us worthy through the twofold atonement of Jesus Christ. His blood makes you worthy. God looks at you through the shed blood of Jesus who died for you. Come, Child, I’ll heal you. I’ll make you whole. Did you ever refuse to help one of your sick children just because that one didn’t feel he was worthy? Of course not. You love your child, would give your life for that one if necessary.

The Lord loves you more than you could ever love your children. He wants you well. Because of His love He heals. God loves you so much that He gave Jesus for your soul, for your body. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5).

The Simplicity of a Miracle

What a simple act it is to receive healing! The Lord made it that way. Man is impressed by complicated strategies, but God moves in great simplicity. He deals with us as children, making His instructions plain. Just reach out and touch; just look and live.

A woman came to me for healing. I prayed for her, told her to come on.

“I can’t walk,” she said. “My legs are like rubber.”

“You used to have rubber legs,” I said. “The strength of God is in your legs now. Get up and come on!” She got up and walked. It amazed her. Strength to hold her up had entered her legs. The Lord was ready for her to move out in His faith, and He is ready for us all to receive from Him what we need.

A Death Reprieve

Hezekiah moved out in God’s faith when he was told to set his house in order, that he was going to die. Then he turned his face to the wall, and prayed unto the LORD, saying, I beseech thee, O LORD, remember now how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight…And it came to pass, afore Isaiah was gone out into the middle court, that the word of the LORD came to him, saying, Turn again, and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people, Thus saith the LORD, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee: on the third day thou shalt go up unto the house of the LORD. And I will add unto thy days fifteen years (II Kings 20:2-6).

Do you think Hezekiah was sick every day of those fifteen years? No, he was healed. Imagine how you would feel if a true prophet of God told you to get ready to die. Hezekiah didn’t doubt the message; he knew it was from God, not man, and he dealt with God about it. He reminded the Lord how he had walked before Him with a perfect heart. God noted Hezekiah’s faith and went into action. Fifteen more years were added to his life, fifteen years of health.

Hezekiah inspires me; he used faith. God put faith warriors in the Bible to inspire us all. What God has done for others, He can do for you. God wants you to know He will work for you. If the doctor has pronounced a death sentence on you, God can give you more time if you want it, if you use His faith for the miracle. Do you want to live to serve God or yourself? Do you want to live in bitterness, or do you want to carry the faith of God to people? Will you display love or hate, weakness or strength? Do you purpose to spread sadness or joy? If your heart answers back that doing the whole will of God is the desire of your heart, then you can expect God to move for you. The Lord longs for people to do His will. He needs hands in a great way.

Jesus Healed Multitudes

In Matthew 8:16 we read that Jesus healed all that were sick. In Matthew 4:24, They brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them. Jesus healed them. Jesus healed them that had need of healing (Luke 9:11). This is Jesus in action. Great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all (Matthew 12:15). And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick (Matthew 14:14). A multitude of sick were healed.

The promise of healing is for us today just as it was for those in Bible days. If Jesus did not heal today, how could people believe in His miraculous power to redeem body, soul and mind? Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever (Hebrews 13:8). That means the works Jesus did yesterday He will do today. He healed yesterday; and He will heal today when people use His faith, claiming His promises, nothing doubting. Treasure the healing hands of Jesus that bring life to your soul and body.

Again the scripture in Matthew 14:35,36, They sent out into all that country round about, and brought unto him all that were diseased; And besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment: and as many as touched were made perfectly whole. Perfectly whole…that’s my experience. I was made perfectly whole, and because of it have great strength today.

In Matthew 19:2 we read again of Jesus healing: And great multitudes followed him; and he healed them there. Those who followed Him were healed. And whithersoever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole (Mark 6:56). They were made whole, those who touched only the border of His garment. Faith did it.

And the power of the Lord was present to heal them (Luke 5:17). The power of the Lord is present to heal all who come to Him in faith believing. You can decide to stay sick or to get well. The Lord leaves the choice up to you just as He leaves the choice of salvation in your hands. The devil may have tried to convince you that living for Jesus is an impossibility, but it isn’t. Neither is receiving divine healing.

And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all (Luke 6:19). He healed them all; He healed the multitude that sought to touch Him. News of people being healed in this manner must have spread throughout the whole countryside: All you have to do is touch His garment!

When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole? Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk (John 5:6,8). Thirty-eight years this man had been crippled. He was lying by a pool, waiting for an angel to trouble the waters. The crippled man had faith but not in Jesus, for he didn’t know who Jesus was. He had faith in the healing of the angel. When the manifestation in the water occurred, he believed the first one stepping in would be healed of any disease. This manifestation prepared people for Jesus, for the time when the waters would be stirred continuously for the healing of the people. Whosoever will, let him come and be made whole. No one can brush you aside; no one can keep you from the healing waters of the Lord.

Listen for God’s Command

Wilt thou be made whole? Jesus asked. Rise, take up thy bed and walk! came the command. Listen for God’s command in your heart: Rise up and be made whole! Stand in good health. Rise up and glorify the Lord; honor His voice, His Word, His Spirit and love. Rise up, oh sick and afflicted! Rise up, Jesus is saying to you. Rise up and be made whole. Don’t say, as the man by the pool said, you have no one to help you. You have Jesus.

The man by the pool was a sinner when the Lord healed him, but that healing brought salvation. The Lord made him whole, forgave him of all his sins and later said, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee (John 5:14).

Although the Lord heals sinners, he expects them to sin no more. I’ve see Him save and heal sinners many times—alcoholics, drug addicts. Children of God believe God heals, but those in darkness don’t know the way of the Lord. Healing may be the first light the sinner sees. The Lord will manifest Himself in great light to that person.

Healing Is Your Heritage

Rise up! Rise up in the anointing, in the power and greatness of God, in the holy, healing waters of the Lord. Rise up, Jesus is saying, and be made whole. Will thou be made perfectly whole? Healing, I say again, is the will of the Lord for you. It’s time to believe God, time to know healing will take place; all you have to do is stand up in the faith of God, in the Word of God. Stand, claiming His healing promises; and the Word of God goes into action. Healing belongs to you; it’s your heritage. Claim the promises of God, and let fear and frustration leave you.

You can have your deliverance; you can be set free. What if the man by the pool had not stood up, had not carried his bed? The miracle would have been lost to him. The Lord gave him faith to use, the faith of Jesus. Don’t argue with the Lord when He is waiting to heal you. He knows all about your condition. Rise up in the power of His might and deliverance, taking all He offers.

They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb

Just as you did not let your salvation slip away, don’t let go of your miracle. Everything you get from God you receive through His faith and love. The devil does his best to steal whatever God gives you. The devil is a thief and a liar: brand him as such, recognize him. If he can, he will rob you of your miracle or healing. He has stolen salvation from many by telling them they weren’t really saved. In the same way he has talked people out of their healing. You didn’t really get healed, he says. When God gives you a miracle or healing, never let it go.

The devil hates everyone who is living for God. The Word of God is life to all who will accept it, your weapon against Satan. He cannot stand before the Word of God; he cannot. If a person will resist the devil with the Word of God as the Bible instructs, victory is the result.

Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward (Hebrews 10:35). And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony (Revelation 12:11). Saints of God overcame the devil by the Word of God they put into their testimony and by the blood of Jesus. They breathed in the Word through the faith of God, the love of God, and thrived. Nothing could stop them. Nothing marred their faith. It couldn’t be burned out of them at the stake nor destroyed by lions. Many were crucified; death didn’t extinguish their faith from Heaven, faith that overcame all the powers of hell. Tested and tried in every way, the faith of God the Early Church used stood in the face of torture and death.

Pay Your Vows

Keep your vows unto the Lord; be what God wants you to be. I will pay that that I have vowed (Jonah 2:9). Many have suffered because of not following through on a promise to God. When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools: pay that which thou hast vowed (Ecclesiastes 5:4). God considers you a fool when you break your vow to Him. How strange that some who won’t keep their promises to God still expect Him to keep His promises to them.

In I Samuel 1:11 we find Hannah making a vow unto God: And she vowed a vow, and said, O LORD of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the LORD all the days of his life. Hannah bore a son, Samuel; when he was weaned she gave him to the work of the Lord. For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him: Therefore also I have lent him to the LORD; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the LORD (I Samuel 1:27,28). Hannah kept her vow, and the Lord gave her five more children to take the place of Samuel.

Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High: And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me (Psalm 50:14,15). If you obey God, you can call upon Him when you’re in trouble; and He promises to deliver you. When you come to God, you promise to serve Him with your whole heart. It’s a vow.

Will a Man Rob God?

I remember years ago when, as a college student, I was in a revival back in the mountains of Kentucky. One night after a service, after I had given much, prayed people through to the Holy Spirit and then gone back to my room, people came rushing to the house, crying that a man was dying up in the hills. The pastor and I started out walking for the man’s home. He didn’t tell me how far it was. We hiked and hiked, up trails, down into valleys and up again. I didn’t think we would ever stop. Finally we came to a little house. The wife met us: “My husband’s dying!” she cried. By that time I was worn out, but if a man were dying I was certainly going to pray. “I’m going!” the man groaned. I got down to pray. But for some reason I just felt like laughing. What’s wrong with me! I wondered. He has just said he was dying; his wife and children were crying—and I had a laughing spirit. I hid my face. The pastor prayed: “Oh God, spare him! Oh God, help this man!” There I was trying to keep myself together, trying to pray but wanting to laugh and laugh. After some time—the pastor had done most of the praying—all of a sudden, the man said, “Oh God, if you’ll heal me, I’ll pay my tithes!” He recovered right away. I thought, that sorry man had me climb up those mountains, as tired as I was, just to hear him say he would pay his tithes! He could have told the Lord without my coming up there. He’d been robbing God. Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings (Malachi 3:8).

When you use God’s money you’re in trouble. The tenth belongs to God. Again and again that man had robbed God, and he knew what he was doing. I had no faith for him to be healed, no anointing for it. God knew. God taught me that people must obey God if they expect to claim His promises. If you want God to move for you, be sure you are doing everything He wants you to do.

Those obedient to the Lord will glorify Him.

She Expected Her Miracle

In another mountain experience, the pastor and I visited a lady who had become ill. The pastor assured me she was a fine lady with great faith. We went to her home; and yes, the room was filled with faith, although physically the lady was in a terrible condition. It was easy to pray for her, easy to believe she would get well. I knelt down by her bedside praying. Suddenly the covers came back, and I, thinking she was in her nightclothes, began to scramble out of the way for the sake of her modesty. But the pastor said, “You don’t need to run. She’s always fully dressed when she calls the preacher. She knows God will heal her, and she will want to get up.” The lady expected her miracle. Expect miracles from God. Expect the greatness of God to move for you. The manifestations of God are meant to bless and help us.

Submit Yourself to God

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword (Hebrews 4:12). Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7). Submit yourself first to the Word of God. Only through the Word can you submit yourself to God. It’s the Word, sharper than a two-edged sword, that resists the devil.

Three times when Jesus was tempted by the devil He resisted by quoting the written Word. As the Son of man, Jesus met the devil, using the same power against him that is available to us today. All who are born again are sons and daughters of God with the same privilege Jesus had when He walked the earth. Partakers of His divine nature, we therefore must submit to the Word and use the Word. The devil can’t be bluffed by what you think; tell him what God has said. God’s Word is for you to use; He will back it up. Resist the devil with Word of God in faith believing, and he will have to flee.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32). Know the truth—the Word—and the Word will set you free. When you came to the Lord for salvation you were set free of your sins through the Word. Only through the Word of God could it happen. And only through the Word of God can divine healing by yours.

Confess Your Healing

Once you have your miracle, don’t let it get away. Hold to it through confessing your faith. To possess your salvation you had to confess it. You must confess your healing to continue to possess it. Healing is God’s Word, God’s promise from the mouth of God. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). Singing songs that glorify the Lord, songs that edify, songs containing the words of life is essential. Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord (Ephesians 5:19). The words of life are in those psalms and hymns. You can’t use the music of the world and be edified and blessed. Listening to the wrong music clutters your mind. If you intend to walk with the Lord, be in tune with Heaven’s music.

Embracing both God and the world at the same time is impossible. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him (I John 2:15). Jesus said, No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (Matthew 6:24). Are you drawn to pleasures of the world? Is the world your master? Do you surround yourself with the wholesome, that which edifies? Would you dare watch something that blasphemes the name of your God? Would you watch it in the presence of the Lord? What do you read? What do you listen to, what do you watch, what do you feed yourself? Is it something you would share with the Lord? Is it the Word of God?

The Bible, remember, instructs us to speak to ourselves in hymns, psalms and spiritual songs. Spiritual songs, songs filled with God’s Spirit, are the ones that bless. Treasure your soul; let it be edified with the happiness of God; there is joy in the music of the God.

God’s Promises Are Conditional

Our society for the most part belongs to Lucifer. If you insist on reaching out to the world for things that take you away from your close relationship with God, the choice is yours. But you can override your conscience so often it becomes hardened to the things of God, and His Spirit will lift from you without your being aware of it. The way the stomach rebels against bad food, the godly soul rebels against anything that would take it away from God.

Jesus had the answer for those who love God: I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth (John 17:15-17).

Children of God, we have something incredibly special: The Word of God. It’s our salvation, our only true road map. The devil has tried to butcher it in every way he could; but what you receive from God comes through the Word, and you keep it through the Word. You receive your miracle through promise, and you hold it through promise. It’s yours. He sent his word, and healed them (Psalm 107:20).

As long as you believe God, you can keep your miracle. But anything you receive through faith can be lost through doubt. That which you get from God through obedience—salvation and healing—you can lose through disobedience. All of God’s promises are conditioned on obeying His Word. The promise to Adam and Eve in the Garden was conditional; if they ate of the forbidden fruit they would die spiritually. They ate, and their disobedience separated them from God; they lost Eden.

Jesus healed a man and told him to sin no more lest a worse thing come upon him. His healing was conditional.

Did you receive a miracle only to find the devil trying to rob you, trying to make you think you really are not healed? If you believe that God has healed you, if you have accepted your healing through the Word of the Living God, if you have used God’s faith about the matter, then close you case. It’s yours. Those who seek a miracle using only their five senses say, “I believed God, but it didn’t happen!” They didn’t believe according to the Word of God. Jesus said, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth (Mark 9:23). The Lord is saying to you today, if you believe, I will do it. He will give you the faith; if you use it you will receive.

Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?

Use the Word. It’s so simple many stumble over it. Don’t fight the devil without the Word of God. When you receive a miracle, never doubt it; praise God and thank Him for it. Use the Word; confess His promises: With his stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). People have confessed those words, and the Lord healed them. Sitting in the congregation, many have been healed by just repeating those words in faith believing. It’s the Word of God; you can say it and believe it to be done. His Word has all the strength of God: With His stripes I am healed! With His stripes I am healed!

Do you need a miracle? You can have it by launching out in faith believing the Word of the Lord. If God has given you that wonderful healing power of the miraculous, sent it into your body and yet you have symptoms, let the Lord take away those, too. I pray this healing prayer with you now: Lord, I bring them to you; I bring all that are seeking healing. I bring those the devil is trying to rob of healing or salvation, Lord; I bring them to you. In the name of Jesus, in the holy name of Jesus, deliver! In the name of Jesus, heal the sick and afflicted today. Heal! Heal in the holy name of Jesus!

Don’t be afraid you will lose your miracle. Rather than entertaining false symptoms, entertain the promises of God. Let the promises come rushing into your heart; they’re your helpers, your strength, the power of God for you. Praise the Lord; enjoy the greatness of God. Keep your miracle just like you keep your salvation. It takes place through the same God. All Heaven backs salvation for the soul and healing for the body.

Let His power work; use the faith of God, confess His promise: “With His stripes I am healed.” Treasure the promises of God; make room for them in your spirit, in the innermost being of your heart. God keeps His promises. Use the promises and victories will be yours. Hear the voice of Jesus saying to you: Be thou made whole!

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