The Power of the Holy Ghost Magazine

The Power of the Holy Ghost Magazine

"The Power of the Holy Ghost" bi-monthly magazine is a testament to God's miraculous workings in the lives of His people. Immerse yourself in the teachings of our pastors, Rev. Chris Machamer and Rev. Steve Millar, alongside the timeless sermons of Rev. Ernest Angley. Also, read the testimonies of individuals who have experienced extraordinary miracles, healings, and deliverances.

Love Put’s God’s Talents To Use

By: Ernest Angley

February 2018

God gives gifts or talents to each of His children. Are you putting what God has given you to good use for Him? Are you making gain for God’s Kingdom and bringing forth fruit unto Him, or are your gifts or talents lying idle and doing nothing?

The Lord gives every one of His servants…

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Patiently Continue In Well Doing

By: Ernest Angley

January 2018

To patiently wait on God means to stand steadfast despite opposition and adversity and look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Being patient means to remain calm and not be annoyed with waiting, so you must never try to hurry God.

Patience comes…

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The Excellency Of The Power Is Of God

By: Ernest Angley

December 2017

“Excellency” is an outstanding or very valuable feature or quality, and the excellency of the power that works in us as children of God is not of us but of God. It is a valuable treasure in our human, earthen vessels that causes us to excel and go beyond. But we have this treasure…

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God Does Deliver

By: Ernest Angley

November 2017

Throughout both the Old and New Testaments, you can read of God’s people going through severe trials and valleys; and you will face them, too, even though you may be living pure, clean and holy. However, no matter what happens, you must always know that God will deliver you.

Daniel was…

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Rejoice In The Lord

By: Ernest Angley

October 2017

Have you ever thought about what things give great pleasure to God, or are you too busy seeking your own happiness? You might think that the Almighty God does not get any pleasure from human beings because He is so far above them in glory and majesty that He does not desire anything from them, but…

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Do You Appreciate God’s Grace?

By: Ernest Angley

August 2017

Grace is one of the most powerful words in the Holy Scriptures. It is the generous, free and undeserved divine favor of God. It is virtue and assistance that come from Heaven, a favor given that we did not work for or earn; but through faith, we can receive it. For by grace are ye saved through…

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A Miraculous Holy Ghost Time in Kraaifontein, South Africa

By: Ernest Angley

June 2017

This was our fifth trip to the Cape Town area of South Africa and our second crusade in the township of Kraaifontein, but the harvest is ripe there; and the Lord keeps drawing us back. Before we took off on Star Triple Seven, the ministry’s God-provided Boeing 747, Rev. Angley announced, “We…

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