Giant Little Books

Giant Little Books

Giant Little Books are convenient, pocket-size booklets containing a single sermon by Rev. Chris Machamer, Rev. Steve Millar, or Rev. Angley; they are the perfect "take-alongs" and cover a wide range of topics.

Where Would the Church of Jesus Christ Be Today without the Holy Ghost Baptism?

Volume 54 The Mysteries of God

By: Ernest Angley

June 1998

The Bible is the standard, the pattern for mankind to follow, the infallible Word of the living God. People, even Christians, can frighten others away from God’s “old-time” power, the very thing we all need. How can they do that? By talking against the power of God.


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Everyone Needs the Holy Ghost Baptism

Volume 53 The Mysteries of God

By: Ernest Angley

May 1998

Everyone needs the Bible Holy Ghost baptism. How can people tell if they have received this baptism? Is joy the evidence? I was filled with much joy when I was baptized in the Holy Ghost, but I had also felt much joy when I received salvation through the blood. Since the Lord could not have given…

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The Difference between the Evidence and the Gift of Tongues

Volume 52 The Mysteries of God

By: Ernest Angley

April 1998

There are many differences between the evidence of tongues and the gift of divers tongues, one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. People, confused about the difference, have not gone on to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit after they were saved. Scriptures have been misused, many people deceived…

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Reasons Why God Chooses Tongues

Volume 51 The Mysteries of God

By: Ernest Angley

March 1998

And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:4). Many people claim to have the baptism in the Holy Spirit, but if they did not speak in tongues, they did not receive it. Others are confused about speaking…

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Holy Spirit, Keep My Mind Cup Running Over!

Volume 50 The Mysteries of God

By: Ernest Angley

February 1998

My cup runneth over (Psalm 23:5). Holy Spirit, fill my cup, keep my mind cup running over! My mind cup is ready.

One of Paul’s wonderful phrases is, For I am ready (Acts 21:13). He was ready with his mind cup, and the Holy Spirit kept it so filled…

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What Have You Carried in Your Mind Cup This Week?

Volume 49 The Mysteries of God

By: Ernest Angley

January 1998

The lesson text: For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace (Romans 8:6).

The devil is battling, battling in different ways with different people, doing everything he can to bring the wrong thoughts to your mind, saith the Lord. What…

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Always Know What’s in Your Mind Cup

Volume 48 The Mysteries of God

By: Ernest Angley

December 1997

When the Psalmist said, My cup runneth over (Psalm 23:5), he didn’t mean his soul ran over: He was referring to his mind—his mind cup. Your soul came from God; there is no limit to its capacity. The mind, however, is limited in how much it can hold. Always know what is…

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