Giant Little Books
Giant Little Books are convenient, pocket-size booklets containing a single sermon by Rev. Chris Machamer, Rev. Steve Millar, or Rev. Angley; they are the perfect "take-alongs" and cover a wide range of topics.
By: Ernest Angley
April 2000
God takes full responsibility for you if you trust Him fully; He takes as much responsibility as you trust Him for. To be responsible to Him is to trust Him, depend on His promises. God wants to be able to trust you, and you must trust Him. It can be no other way. God can only give you what He can…
Read NowLost and Restored
By: Ernest Angley
March 2000
From Eden to Calvary, the physical senses of very few people have been holy in the eyes of God. Today in this last and final hour as people are born new, not only do the five physical senses change, become holy, the six spiritual senses are theirs to use because the power of God is being rained down.
… Read NowThrough God’s Love, You Have the Eye of Faith
By: Ernest Angley
February 2000
Through God’s love you have the eye of faith that penetrates the darkest night, brings light to the deepest valleys. That eye of faith helps you climb the highest mountains, prepares you to leap with the Lord from mountain to mountain. Looking through God’s love with an eye of faith, you…
Read NowJesus, the Revelation of God; Jesus, the Revelation of the New Man
By: Ernest Angley
January 2000
Many people believe that no one can live holy on this Earth; however, Jesus, very God, came as very man and lived holy. He lived the life of the new man, a life He made the way for us to live. Created in righteousness and holiness, Jesus taught that all born outside Eden must be born again.
Read NowThe Invisible Blood-Love Shield
By: Ernest Angley
December 1999
What is the Bride of Christ? The Bride is made up of the born-again, Spirit-filled Christians, the holy sanctified Church that makes up the body of Christ. Leaving the world behind, the bridal company has put Christ and His will foremost in their lives.
God gave me a divine revelation on the…
Read NowA Man Who Wanted the Heart of God
By: Ernest Angley
November 1999
There is a man in the Bible who asked for the heart of God, something no other man, no other woman had asked for. This man was a king, and God gave him everything He could; He gave him all His greatness to lead His people. The prophet Samuel said: The Lord hath sought him a man after his own…
Read NowOne Grain of Sand
By: Ernest Angley
October 1999
Many in the Christian world have come up lacking because they didn’t get all the sand out of their spiritual foundation. They dug away part of the sand, thought it was enough, and started building. You must have all the sand out of your Christian foundation if you are to be a part of the Bride…
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