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Our High Priest and the Emerald Rainbow

Volume 7 A Book on Bible Prophecy

By: Ernest Angley

July 1990

When Jesus was here on Earth, He favored John; and John in return loved Jesus deeply. In describing the disciple whom Jesus loved, John had so much humility that he did not identify himself as that one. It was John leaning on the breast of Jesus during the Last Supper. The Lord loved John’s…

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Burdens and What to Do with Them

By: Ernest Angley

June 1990

Is there a person in this world who has never felt the weight of a burden? Burdens are a part of life. If you ever come to the place of being completely burden free, you will have reached Heaven. Until then expect burdens.

The key to bearing burdens is in learning how to be rid of the unnecessary…

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Seven Parables and Three Appearances of Jesus

Volume 6 A Book on Bible Prophecy

By: Ernest Angley

June 1990

In the thirteenth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel are seven parables given by our Master. Each of these parables corresponds to a period of time represented by one of Revelation’s seven churches of prophecy.

A Sower and the Church at Ephesus

The first parable, that of a sower,…

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The Seven Churches of Revelation

Volume 5 A Book on Bible Prophecy

By: Ernest Angley

May 1990

The book of Revelation is the revelation of Jesus Christ to John in visions: prophecies concerning the church age and the fast approaching Tribulation Period. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the…

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Daniel’s Little Horn and Seventy Weeks of Years

Volume 4 A Book on Bible Prophecy

By: Ernest Angley

April 1990

The book of Daniel was written in Babylon in two different languages: Chaldean, the popular language of the day in Babylon, and Hebrew. The book of Daniel did not come by the will of man, but by the will of God through the Holy Spirit. One entire chapter, the fourth, was by the Gentile King Nebuchadnezzar,…

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Four Pictures of Prophecy, and the Great Dictator to Come

Volume 3 A Book on Bible Prophecy

By: Ernest Angley

March 1990

Through Daniel, God gave amazing prophecies. He told of world kingdoms to come, the last to be headed by the Antichrist in the period of Great Tribulation. Much of Daniel’s prophecy has already been fulfilled, and all of it will be fulfilled.

In the second booklet in this series on Bible…

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It’s All in the Rain of the Holy Spirit

By: Ernest Angley

February 1990

The disciples had waited a long time for the rain of the Holy Spirit; but because they had predetermined how that rain would fall, they went into confusion when Jesus didn’t move in the way they had planned. Thinking that He quickly would set up His Kingdom on Earth, they expected Him to rule…

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