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The Priceless Gift

Volume 5 The Tears of Calvary

By: Ernest Angley

April 1991

What is the priceless gift? The tears of Calvary, of divinity. Only divinity can produce the tears of Calvary in one’s life; they cannot be produced in a life that is not like the Lord’s. The tears of divinity are different than the salty tears of man. Divinity can cry without tears running…

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When God Cries No More for Humanity

Volume 4 The Tears of Calvary

By: Ernest Angley

March 1991

God wants the world to know that the time will come when He will have no more tears for lost humanity. What a fearful thing! As I sat in the presence of God, He told me how He felt, that one day His last tear would be shed; and He gave scriptures to confirm what He said. God’s last great cry…

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The Necessity of the Manifestations of Jesus

By: Ernest Angley

February 1991

The Early Church received greatness through the manifestations of Jesus by the power of the Holy Ghost; it was divine greatness that drew people. In the beauty of God’s love and greatness, the Son came down. Jesus in His first appearance arrived in the perfect, divine will of God, on time in…

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The Price of Calvary’s Tears

Volume 3 The Tears of Calvary

By: Ernest Angley

February 1991

The message on the tears of Calvary is especially for the Bride of Christ. Through Heaven’s understanding, every member of the bridal company should treasure the tears of Calvary. With love, peace, yearning and compassion, divinity cries. It is not necessary for actual salty tears to run down…

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The Tears of Calvary for the Sick and Afflicted

Volume 2 The Tears of Calvary

By: Ernest Angley

January 1991

I will always rejoice for that night I received salvation, the night the power in the divine tears of Calvary flowed into my life. I went down the aisle of a little church, a lost teenager fighting God, knowing God would let me die and go to hell if I didn’t give my heart to Him. I forced myself…

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The Tears of Calvary

Volume 1 The Tears of Calvary

By: Ernest Angley

December 1990

The Lord began to speak to me about divine tears some months ago. I was shocked to hear Him say that His people were to cry the tears of God. I pondered it. The tears of divinity are not like our tears; water doesn’t run down the cheeks of God. What is a tear? A drop of salty fluid spilling…

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Total Obedience

By: Ernest Angley

December 1990

In this final hour all who have truly given their hearts to the Lord are being brought into the obedience of Jesus Christ. Remember, He took on the form of man, a body of clay the same as we have. With that physical body came all the weaknesses of human nature, weaknesses Jesus overcame; and in doing…

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