Lost and Restored
By: Ernest Angley
October 1991
In the beginning of the Church, the Lord gave much—His greatness, His love. Just before Jesus ascended to Heaven He told His followers, And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high (Luke…
Read NowThe Judgment of the Nations
Volume 4 Five Major Judgments
By: Ernest Angley
October 1991
Subject: Sheep nations and goat nations
Time: The third coming of Christ, at the end of the Battle of Armageddon
Place: Earth
Basis or reason for judgment: The treatment of Jews
Results: The goat nations destroyed; the sheep nations remain on the earth to live in the thousand…
Read NowThe Tribulation Judgment
Volume 3 The Five Major Judgments
By: Ernest Angley
September 1991
The third major judgment is the Tribulation Judgment.
Subject: The Jews
Time: The Tribulation Period, Daniel’s seventieth week
Basis or Reason: Rejection of Christ
Result: Conversion of Jews and acceptance of Christ as their Messiah
All who have been born again…
Read NowFollow the Cloud
By: Ernest Angley
August 1991
Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. And Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation, because the cloud abode thereon, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. The glory filling the tabernacle…
Read NowThe Judgment of Rewards
Volume 2 Five Major Judgments
By: Ernest Angley
August 1991
Subject: The saints
Time: After the Church is raptured
Place: At the judgment seat of Christ in Heaven
Result: Rewards for the winners; no punishment for the losers
Basis: Works
The second major judgment will see no sinners. It is a judgment for the works of the…
Read NowThe Judgment at Calvary
Volume 1 Five Major Judgments
By: Ernest Angley
July 1991
Of the many judgments from Genesis to Revelation, five are major. But it is in the first major judgment, the Calvary judgment, that we find the greatest message in the Word of God.
Subject of the first judgment: The believers in Christ and the judgment of their sins at the Cross
Read NowThe Bride, God’s Beam of Light
By: Ernest Angley
June 1991
A beam of light appears in assorted forms; it creates various effects under different circumstances. A beam, for instance, can be a radiant smile. The Bride of Christ will have that radiant look in this her final walk; she will shine brightly, smile warmly, glow with His happiness, generosity and…
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