The Promises of God
By: Ernest Angley
May 2008
The promises of God are worth more than all the silver and gold on the planet; they are as sure as God Himself. While people are clamoring for the world’s riches, the children of God are reaching for God’s promises. Money will not save a soul, nor will silver and gold heal a sick body…
Read NowYou Don’t Win the Battle by Running Away
By: Ernest Angley
April 2008
People must learn to face their battles. Again and again in my more than sixty-eight years of ministry for our Lord, I’ve seen people who won’t face their battles. They just want to get away from them, and they run away. But let me tell you that you don’t win the battle by running…
Read NowIn Holy Remembrance
By: Ernest Angley
April 2008
The Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread: And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me (I Corinthians 11:23,24). Jesus tells us that He was the Manna come down from heaven.…
Read NowOpportunities
By: Ernest Angley
March 2008
Opportunities is a very important subject because we are responsible for every one that comes our way. When faced with an opportunity, you will fall into one of these classes: an opportunity taker, an opportunity maker or an opportunity breaker. Which class do you fit into?
Opportunity Takers
… Read NowThe Lord Heard Their Cries…
Guyana and Suriname, South America Crusade Reports
By: Debbie DeRonde
February 2008
It’s hard to believe that a year has passed since our last missionary trip to South America, but on a beautiful Monday morning, we were on our way to Georgetown, Guyana and Paramaribo, Suriname. The tour members had fasted and prayed and were ready for the mission ahead, and the Lord moved in…
Read NowWhat the Blood Will Do
By: Ernest Angley
February 2008
The divine blood of Jesus and what it will do is miraculous! But it has not been preached the way it was meant to be preached nor have many books ever been written about it. The Lord works mightily through the blood, and the Holy Spirit uses the blood to save souls, heal sick bodies, make plain paths,…
Read NowJust Like Jesus
By: Ernest Angley
January 2008
The name is Jesus! His is the greatest story ever told and the greatest life ever lived!
Amazingly, the Bible tells us that we can be just like Jesus. For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones (Ephesians 5:30). We have been willed and given the same Father,…
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