The name is Jesus! His is the greatest story ever told and the greatest life ever lived!

Amazingly, the Bible tells us that we can be just like Jesus. For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones (Ephesians 5:30). We have been willed and given the same Father, God. Jesus taught the disciples that, when they came into the family of God through His divine blood, His Father was their Father. When they prayed, He told them to say, our Father which art in Heaven.

I treasure that right and that mighty privilege of God being my Father. Some people tire of prayer, but communion with the Father is one of the greatest privileges we have on this journey from Earth to Heaven.

I found Christ when I was eighteen years old. Suddenly, I could talk to Heaven for myself and know the Lord was listening to every word; it was so wonderful! I would get answers to my prayers. I delighted in praying much and in seeking the Lord’s face for others. Right away I learned the marvelous generosity of the Lord in His giving unto us.

The seventeenth chapter of John is great reading; God gave John many wonderful things to write. I never get enough of this chapter; it’s one of my favorites. In it we find Jesus praying not only for His followers in that day, but also for us as well to be just like Him. The disciples had been trying to be like Him, but you don’t become like Him by trying; you become like Him by trusting in the blood of the Lamb, in His love, in His grace and in His mighty right hand. He lifts His right hand to save, bless, heal, and to bring us Heaven’s joy, peace, laughter, and great happiness.

Keep Heaven on Your Mind

This is Jesus talking to the Father: I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil (John 17:15). I learned I could talk to the Father just like Jesus did because the Bible declares that we are sons and daughters of God. Let prayer be reality to you, and let Heaven be just as real to you as planet Earth is. By faith you can walk on those heavenly streets of gold; by faith you can visit that lovely place before you physically arrive. Heaven is wonderful!

If you wake up each morning with Heaven on your mind, you are ready to meet the day. If you wake up thinking about your troubles, how mean someone has been to you or how hard life is, you are already destroying the strength for the day that the Lord wants you to have. Seek God until you have Heaven on your mind.

Make God a Good Day

I never try to make myself a good day; I try to make God a good day. In making the Lord a good day, I call it a perfect day—perfect for Him and perfect for me. At the close of the day I want to know, Dear God in Heaven, have I pleased you in every way, in everything? Have I been your witness to everyone you wanted me to witness to? Have you moved through my hands to touch each one you wanted me to touch with your healing powers?

Not of the World

They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world (John 17:16). Many, many times I have read this; many more times I have said it. If you’re born again, tell yourself that you’re not of the world; then you won’t worry so much about the world and what you’re going through. Don’t spend your days fretting about how hard life is and forgetting that you have Jesus. When He said He would never leave you nor forsake you, you should have known that life wasn’t going to be easy and that you needed His help. There will be a lot of valleys and a lot of hills to climb, but the Lord said the time would come when He would leap from mountain to mountain and skip over the hills with us in joy and gladness. Behold, he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills (Song of Solomon 2:8). He’s now leaping from mountain to mountain with the Bride. The Lord showed me years ago that we no longer have to go down into every valley that we once had to enter.

Strength in Joy

These are glorious hours, glorious days. Make the most of them. For the joy of the LORD is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10). I have great joy, so I have great strength. The joy of the Lord gives amazing physical strength as well as wonderful spiritual strength. Joy also brings peace. When your heart is no longer troubled, it beats in rhythm with the Lord’s heart. God made the first heart in the bosom of man to be in rhythm with His heart, that of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.

Sent into the World

Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth (John 17:17). Jesus is saying, Father, sanctify them through me, through my divine blood that I brought to Earth. The Word became flesh; Jesus was the Word made flesh, and He is reminding the Father about it.

As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world (John 17:18). Just like Jesus was sent into the world, the disciples were sent into the world. Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick (Luke 9:1,2). Jesus gave the disciples the same power He used to heal the sick and cast out devils. The disciples could minister just like Jesus. How many times have you said you wanted to be just like Jesus today? Do you want your hands to work for Heaven just like His worked? Do you want your eyes to behold the glory of the Father just like His eyes beheld it? You must want to be a blessing just like Jesus.

Made Holy through the Truth

And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth (John 17:19). Jesus came saying, I am truth! I am truth! We’re made holy just like Jesus through truth. There is no false about us; it’s all truth, for He has made us holy. It is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy (I Peter 1:16). Any hour of the day or night, Jesus was holy just like the Father was holy. The Word gives much strength. Clothe yourself in the garments of grace, peace, love, joy, wisdom and knowledge that Jesus told about. It’s all so wonderful!

Witness the Light!

Jesus told people He was the light of the world. Now He’s telling the disciples they will be the light of the world just like He was and is. The Lord is sending us into the world. In the Sermon on the Mount you find: Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven (Matthew 5:16). I preached on that same mountain where Jesus preached the greatest sermon ever given. I had quite a large crowd with me on that day, and what an unforgettable time it was! Standing up on that mountain I could see our people’s many, many buses circling around and coming up the mountain to where I was. It was a thrill to see them and to think of the multitudes so many years ago coming up that same mount to hear the glorious message of Jesus!

The Lord is depending on us to be great witnesses of His light; people can see Jesus in us as we go forth in crusades. I’m on television to bring Jesus to the people, or I wouldn’t be on. I’m not on for a show; I’m on because the Lord told me over twenty-five years ago that I was to go on television. He told me He wanted people to see Him at work. I tell everyone that God is the healer, the Lord is the one; and they watch Him at work as He heals the people. Seeing people being healed helps so many because it lets them know they can have their miracles, too.

Robbing the Devil’s Kingdom

This is the Jesus ministry; there is no compromise in it. It has the same love, the same grace, the same power, and the same fire of the Holy Ghost that Jesus’ ministry had. It has the same compassion that went to Calvary and nothing less; that’s the reason it’s bringing in the multitudes.

I stand before acres and acres of people on foreign soil, and thousands are redeemed in moments of time from devil possession. Most have been born into Satanism and witchcraft and been marked by the devil. The devil thought he had them in this life and for all eternity, but not so. We go forth just like Jesus to rob the devil’s kingdom of souls.

Jesus came to take back what the devil had stolen from the human race. We’re robbing the devil of souls daily by destroying the sorrows he brought upon people. We’re robbing the devil by bringing salvation and healing to the people in the name of Jesus, and death is driven back. We use the same great love handkerchief that Jesus brought to Earth; He will use it one day and tears will be no more. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away (Revelation 21:4).

I’m never without that love handkerchief; I carry it wherever I go. Preaching to the millions over television, I am able to dry so many tears with the handkerchief of God, a divine handkerchief that one day will dry all tears.

That handkerchief not only dries tears, it can catch tears as well, the tears shed for lost humanity. Those tears are not salty water tears; they are the same kind of tears shed on Calvary through the divine blood. We cry those tears just like Jesus.

I Want to Tell the World

I don’t want to talk to the Father in any way other than the way Jesus talked to Him as a Son, an obedient Son. I want to talk to the Father as one who walks just like Jesus, one who is pleasing Him the way the Only Begotten pleased Him. I want to conquer the deceit the devil has planted in the minds of people and to tell the world about the love of the Father just like Jesus did. I want to tell the world about the Redeemer whom the Father sent with the truth.

Neither pray I for these alone [Jesus said], but for them also which shall believe on me through their word (John 17:20). John also wrote: Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is (I John 3:1,2). Just like Jesus! All those blessings Jesus poured out on the Mount of Beatitudes are for us daily. Blessed are ye, blessed are ye!

Depend on Blessings, Not Luck!

So many Christians depend on luck, but luck is for the devil’s crowd and not God’s people. I don’t use luck; I don’t believe in it. However, some people use all kinds of things to bring luck. They carry a rabbit’s foot—do you think the rabbit would call that luck? I don’t think so. People used to take mouse or rat teeth, put them on a string and hang a necklace of rodent teeth around their babies’ necks to keep diseases away—it was ridiculous! Superstition comes from the devil. Jesus didn’t bring a bag of superstition when He came. Luck and superstition are all the devil’s work. If you believe in luck, you don’t believe in being blessed. I don’t think I’m lucky today, I think I’m blessed.

Lift your head high when you realize you’re blessed. Blessings destroy depression. The devil will make you think you’re some special person when you’re not. He will puff you up with his ugly spirit in all kinds of worthless ways to make you think you’re lucky; then, suddenly, luck turns into nothing. Luck may last for a moment, an hour or a day; but it won’t last forever. The blessings of God, however, are eternal. We’re blessed not only for time but for all eternity. The Word of God is wonderful indeed!

Follow the Steps of Jesus

For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth (I Peter 2:21,22). An example is for people to pattern after so they can be just like it. Jesus became our example; we’re to be just like Jesus. To always please Heaven we should follow no one else’s steps but the steps of Jesus; then, even while en route to Heaven, we will dine on its greatness. Those love steps, faith steps, gentle steps, steps of the goodness and mercy of Jesus; they all make the pattern we must follow. Those steps of love and grace that we never really thought would come our way finally did, giving wonderful direction to us.

The steps of Jesus—what kind of steps were they? They were steps of a man who did no sin. Why would people say that no one can live free from sin? Those who are godly live sin free. You can’t be God-like and commit sin. Those who claim they can sin and still go to Heaven—ask them how many sins they can commit and still get there. Lucifer and all his angels who sinned were cast out of Heaven. The doctrine that one can’t live free from sin is damnable false doctrine.

Heaven’s Retirement Plan

Many people struggle in trying to find their way, but with Jesus we know our way. I’ve known my way for many, many years. I was young when the Lord took me into His grace and showed me the way for my life. Some ministers look forward to retirement, but I don’t plan to retire until I get to Heaven. Heaven is God’s real retirement plan, and I chose it years ago. It’s life to me to tell people about salvation and eternal life. As long as there is one soul unsaved, how could I retire? Sit on a river bank, dangle a little worm on a hook and try to catch a poor old fish?—Not this preacher. I could be using the hook of great love and compassion to bring souls to Jesus.

How many souls have you caught this past week? It’s hard to tell how many thousands we’re bringing into the Kingdom every week now throughout the earth. The mail coming into my headquarters is overwhelming! People who never realized they could be redeemed tell of finding the Lord. Christians write me saying that they never knew they could be just like Jesus.

Sin No More

“Go and sin no more,” Jesus said to people He had healed. A woman caught in adultery was about to be stoned; Jesus saved her soul and said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more (John 8:11). He healed a man crippled for thirty-eight years and told him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee (John 5:14). Jesus never told anyone to do something they could not do with His help.

You cannot live free from sin without the help of Heaven. You cannot be delivered from all sin without the deliverance of Heaven through divine blood. This salvation, this hope of living free from all sin and the power to do it were born in Bethlehem.

People are denying the Virgin Birth of Christ. No wonder they don’t believe in living free from sin; they have nothing they believe in to keep them free. But we who are born again have the grace of God to keep us; we have divine love that the devil can’t penetrate. We have divine forgiveness for our sins; the blood has washed them all away. We’re free, thank God Almighty! We can talk to Heaven just like Jesus when we’re free from all sin.

Some Christians are always searching for the Lord; they can’t seem to find Him for their needs. Stop searching! You found Him when you found Calvary; you were connected with Heaven that day, and you should never be disconnected. Remember, you can call Heaven any time.

The J-E-S-U-S Connection

In one ministers’ meeting during a foreign crusade, I said that I had the number of Heaven. The ministers were getting out paper and pencil in a hurry to write down that number. They took it seriously, but then they got a surprise when I gave them the number: J-E-S-U-S. I have had that number for years. J-E-S-U-S is all you need, the whole complete number. Dial J-E-S-U-S, and suddenly you find Heaven on the line. Be aware, however, that you can’t make the connection through doubt.

When the Lord created the first man and woman, He made room for divine love, faith, peace, health, joy, but no room for doubt. To have the will of God for your life, you must live in divinity—in divine hope, faith, love, and trust in the divine blood, and the divine Word of God. I can think of nothing greater.

I love all of this! My soul begins to jump up and down on the inside as I deliver the Word of God. I love to tell people the story of Jesus, the greatest story I’ve ever found. It has the cure for all diseases, sin, and sickness. It has everything you need.

Take the Thoughts of God

Paul wrote to the church in Colossians saying: And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power (Colossians 2:10). Do you feel incomplete? There are people who would like you to feel like that, certainly the devil does. He likes it when you’re not content. Paul said, Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content (Philippians 4:11). When you’re content with whatever state or valley the Lord places you in, the grace of God is there when you arrive. He has been there before you and left plenty of grace; all you have to do is use it. Instead of pining over your plight and wondering what you have done wrong, think of what you have done right for the Lord to trust you in such a valley.

As you begin to look around, you see there is plenty to do, many lost souls to help and to witness to. Christians loaded down with burdens need a helping hand. The Bible says to bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2).

Do you spend time carrying others’ burdens or are you always looking for someone to carry yours? Do you complain to others about how hard your life is? If so, you’re focusing on the wrong thoughts. Take the thoughts of God. Why not tell people how hard the life of Jesus was? After spending trillions of years in Glory, He left it to come down here to a trash pile called planet Earth where the devil was running loose and would actually talk to Him, trying to convince Him to sell out.

The thoughts of God bring good health to soul, mind, and body. You don’t have to worry about the mind when you program it into the great “computer mind” of Heaven in the name of Jesus. If you do that, you’ll be in fine shape.

I program my mind. Some think it’s great that they can program a computer, but it’s even greater if you can program your mind with Heaven through the great mind of Lord God Almighty. You find no weakness in that mind; you find only the right things you need and the right direction every time. With that mind programmed into your spirit from the Holy Word of God, you know just where to go, what to do and what to say.

Signs Follow Believers

The Word is all truth just like Jesus. Not only did Jesus send out the twelve with power, but the Bible tells us that Jesus also gave power to the laypeople. After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come. And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you (Luke 10:1,9). Jesus said of this power: And these signs shall follow them that believe (Mark 16:17). Signs will follow believers. In my name [Jesus said] shall they cast out devils…they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover (Mark 16:17,18). I lay hands on people because I have the healing promise of God, and I expect those I pray for to get well. I don’t use doubt when I pray for people; I use faith, and the Lord wants you to use faith as well.

Some people wonder why that on the mission field people can immediately be delivered from demonic powers, AIDS, and other diseases. It’s through faith. Everyone is given a measure of faith; that’s the only way a person can find Calvary. You have faith, and you’re meant to use it. The Lord doesn’t let me use the same amount of faith for everyone. For some the Lord lets me use all the faith. There may be thousands of people before me, and the Lord will pick out one person who does not have enough faith to be delivered. If that person gives his or her attention to the Word and accepts what the man of God is saying, the Lord will let me use the faith He has given to me for the miracle. That’s the reason so many on the mission fields are set free.

The Lord is continually manifesting Himself, showing me His greatness in signs, wonders, visions, and revelations. I watch the Lord healing the people and watch the devils leaving them like mighty defeated armies. I actually see these things. The angel of the Lord stands by my side directing me and telling me what is happening. The angels will hold back the powers of darkness and surround the multitudes of people who never knew anything about angel help or the Word of God. Now the people are learning, reaching out to the Lord. But until we get there with the message of people being healed of AIDS and other diseases, multitudes have no hope. Although millions have died with AIDS, the Lord has healed thousands of people from AIDS through this Jesus ministry. It is the real Jesus ministry, confirmed by Heaven.

By Faith You Can Touch Jesus

I preach the Word of God just like Jesus; it’s His Gospel, not mine. “Come on, People,” I say, “the Lord will do what He said He would.” He is ready to do that now. Make this your day; you’re the one to set the time. The woman with an issue of blood set her time to receive a miracle when Jesus was here on Earth. She was determined that she would be healed when she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment: For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole. But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour (Matthew 9:20-22). You can decide the same thing because that same Jesus is within your reach by faith, grace, and love. You can touch Him and be made whole.

I was able to touch Him one night when death was so close to me that I thought I would die in just a few days. I thought it was too late to touch Him and live, but then He swept in close to me. I touched Him and He made me whole all over. He made me well through and through. I live in that greatness yet today, in His holy power and holy greatness.

The Healing Light Shineth

Remember, we’re the light of the world. That light shineth through us. When that light shines upon a person, the disease can’t stay. That light shines on a person and cancer leaves. That light shines on someone with AIDS, and AIDS is a thing of the past. A person may be within a few days or even a few hours of death, but when the healing light shineth with the healing power from Heaven, that person is healed by the hand of God. In the crusades, the Lord will be calling out miracles faster than I can speak them, telling people they are healed and delivered. I watch the actions of God; I look for His mighty hand, that light, to move. I’m glad I can see that great light.

Years ago after twenty-one days of fasting, I began to see the healing virtue fall as liquid fire upon people. It was a wondrous marvel to behold! Right after I received that power, the liquid fire came down on a person who had been blind over thirty years, and instantly that person had sight. It was the grace of God! Oh, people, the Lord is great, the Lord is good, and He’s ready to move for you. Don’t let pain make you doubt. Don’t let suffering make you think you have no faith; you do have it. Check your faith with the Word of the Living God.

Prayer for Salvation and Healing

You who are unsaved: I’ve given you the truth. Jesus, the one who died for you, is the Savior of the world. He will save you as you yield and pray this prayer with me. Oh, God, save my soul! I know, Jesus, that you died for me, and I know there’s power in your shed blood to wash away all my sins. Come into my heart, Jesus, come on in. I believe the blood of Jesus washes away all my sins, and now I am saved. Oh, God, make me just like Jesus!

You who need healing, I’m not the healer; I’m the believer. Lord, here they are. Through your Word, through being obedient to your truth, I bring them before you. You’ll heal them of AIDS, the AIDS virus. You’ll heal them of cancer, diabetes, heart trouble, lung trouble, paralysis, leprosy. You’ll heal them of all manner of sicknesses and diseases. You’ll make those little babies whole who were born deformed; you’ll give those born with just part of a brain a whole brain because you’re Lord God Almighty. You’re the same yesterday, today, and forever. Heal! in the blood name of Jesus! Heal! in the all-powerful blood name!

The healing power is flowing; feel His holy presence conquering the death that was working in your body or in the body of your little one. Believe, nothing doubting, but you must serve the Lord. He doesn’t heal so people can go out and serve the devil. He heals to be honored and glorified for His work, for His love. We’re here to glorify the Son of God, the Lamb of God who takes away sin and sickness. He’s our sacrificial Lamb, our healer; now let the blood power move for you.

I am here, saith the Lord. I am here to give you another ultimate anointing, another blood ultimate anointing. You need this anointing now and for all the days ahead. My Holy Spirit prayeth for thee, saith the Lord. Feel me now and open to my Holy Spirit, and my Spirit will flow this great anointing into your innermost being.

Give over to the Holy Spirit. This is your hour of visitation, your hour of revelation. Holy is the name of the Lord! Miracles and healings are taking place, saith the Lord. The table is spread; reach out and take whatever you need from the table of the Lord today. Remember, you can live, love, walk, and talk like Jesus. Yes indeed, you can be just like Jesus.

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