


October 2019

Dear Rev. Angley,

Jesus has been wonderful to me! He has given me many miracles and healings, and I owe Him everything. At one time, I was going to a doctor who was treating me for warts on my feet; but they kept coming back. I didn’t want to have to keep going through that process, so…

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September 2019

Dear Rev. Angley,

I would like to tell you about an amazing miracle my husband, Ronnie, received. He was cutting down a very large tree in a neighbor’s yard with a few other men, and each man had a rope wrapped around their hands and tied to the tree so they would be able to keep the…

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August 2019

Dear Rev. Angley,

When I first came in to your ministry, I had never heard of a born-again experience, the Holy Ghost baptism or devil possession. The first night I came to Grace Cathedral, everything was so different from anything I had seen before in other churches; but as I listened closely…

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July 2019

Dear Rev. Angley,

This first miracle is very special to me. As the years went by, I started losing my sense of smell little by little until I couldn’t smell anything; and that went on for a couple of years.

One day, I was at the perfume counter of a department store; and I couldn’t…

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June 2019

Dear Rev. Angley,

One evening, I hurt my back so badly that I ended up on the floor. I am blessed to be a member of Ernest Angley’s Grace Cathedral, and it was a church night. My back hurt so much that it felt like I could hit the floor at any time, but I made it to church. I received…

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May 2019

Dear Rev. Angley,

I have been in this Jesus ministry for about 46 years, and I have worked in our Sunday school department for approximately 37 years. I was saved and baptized with the precious Holy Ghost as a child in your original tabernacle. I have received many blessings, miracles and healings…

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April 2019

Dear Rev. Angley,

I have been a part of this Jesus ministry for 22 years, and I want to share my first miracle with you. When I was a child, I constantly had severe infections in my right ear. Sometimes, they wouldn’t go away for a month or so, and my right ear would swell shut. They…

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