The Power of the Holy Ghost Magazine

The Power of the Holy Ghost Magazine

"The Power of the Holy Ghost" bi-monthly magazine is a testament to God's miraculous workings in the lives of His people. Immerse yourself in the teachings of our pastors, Rev. Chris Machamer and Rev. Steve Millar, alongside the timeless sermons of Rev. Ernest Angley. Also, read the testimonies of individuals who have experienced extraordinary miracles, healings, and deliverances.

Stay in the Presence of the Cross

By: Ernest Angley

August 1996

The way of the Cross leads home, and since it does, we need to stay close to it. Stay in the presence of the Cross. Those who have strayed from the Cross have lost out with the Lord, lost His blessings. Don’t go away from the shadow of the Cross. The Cross is big enough, powerful enough for…

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Ghana: Ready for God’s Love

By: Ernest Angley

June 1996

Before we left for Accra, the capital of Ghana, West Africa, different people commented that the crusade must going to be something special because they had never been fought so much before a crusade. On top of those battles, we were fought through the weather. Our television producer and his crew…

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Your Hour Is Now

By: Ernest Angley

April 1996

The hour we live in is such an important one that the Lord told me about it over forty years ago in a great divine visitation. He said the time would come when people would go to the left or to the right, a time the power of God and the power of the enemy would be so mighty in the land that everyone…

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Divine Healing through the Blood of Jesus

By: Ernest Angley

February 1996

How wonderful to know that God has provided salvation through the blood of Jesus! But to qualify for salvation, you must meet His conditions. What are His conditions for salvation? That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised…

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Uganda, East Africa: A Journey into God’s Glory for Souls

By: Ernest Angley

October 1995

Seventy people made a journey into God’s glory for souls, and many, many others went with us in heart and spirit. We held four crusade services in Jinja, Uganda, East Africa and four services in Kampala the capital where the tour group was scheduled to meet us. On Mother’s day, three of…

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Why People Have Leeched Minds

By: Ernest Angley

August 1995

When Christ walked the earth, He recognized all spirits: He knew the Spirit of God, the spirit of man and the spirit of the devil whenever they appeared. Jesus gave discerning power to the Early Church to recognize not only angels, but all evil spirits. He gives this same power today. God wants us…

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Jesus Will Come the Third Time and Woe to the Inhabitants of the Earth!

By: Ernest Angley

April 1995

To put the Scriptures into perspective for this final hour in which we live, we must recognize the three appearances of Jesus. Some people teach only two appearances, but they disregard what all the Bible prophets of God—as well as Christ Himself—had to say.

The first appearance…

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