Giant Little Books

Giant Little Books

Giant Little Books are convenient, pocket-size booklets containing a single sermon by Rev. Chris Machamer, Rev. Steve Millar, or Rev. Angley; they are the perfect "take-alongs" and cover a wide range of topics.

God’s Loudest Voice on Earth

By: Ernest Angley

June 2009

The loudest voice on planet Earth today comes from Calvary, and it can be heard all over the world! People ignore it, criticize it, doubt it and even fight against it; but they can’t get away from the great voice of Calvary. It’s the voice of God! And when they were come to the…

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Five Wonderful Pictures of Jesus

By: Ernest Angley

May 2009

In our society today, people continually photograph their families and friends, and they treasure these pictures; but in this unusual message, I’m going to describe for you five glorious pictures of the One who should be your first love, Jesus Christ. I want you to burn these images into your…

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The Rose of Sharon

By: Ernest Angley

April 2009

I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys (Song of Solomon 2:1). The Rose of Sharon is a flower that grows on mountaintops, and that’s why the Lord referred to Himself as The Rose of Sharon. His mountaintop was Golgotha, and the Lord let me know that people…

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Without Miracles

By: Ernest Angley

March 2009

When the Lord gave me this message, He took me back to the very beginning of creation, the time when He spoke so many things into existence. He showed me that He did it all through miracle power. Without Miracles, there would be no earth, no sun or moon, and no light. There would be no life…

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The Macedonian Call

By: Ernest Angley

February 2009

The Macedonian Call is the end-time cry of the lost, but it first came to the Apostle Paul in a profound vision. And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us (Acts 16:9). Come…

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Feed the Flame

By: Ernest Angley

January 2009

The Spirit of God took over to give me this message, and the Lord revealed exactly what He wanted you to know. The Holy Ghost gives me my messages, and I receive a different anointing for each one; and oh, how I’ve been with God for this one. Heaven was delighted, and the Holy Spirit rejoiced…

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From the Manger to the Cross

By: Ernest Angley

December 2008

This is a very special salvation message straight from the throne of God. When the Lord gave me this topic, I assumed I would begin with the manger as the title suggests; but I was soon to learn that that wasn’t so. Early one morning, the Lord lifted me up to His throne and let me know that…

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