God Uses Different Methods to Heal People
By: Ernest Angley
August 2005
In Bible days God used different methods to heal people, and He is still doing that today. Don’t think healing must come in one set way, don’t be a Naaman, a man who wanted the miracle his way. Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master,…
Read NowHow to Handle Discouragements
By: Ernest Angley
July 2005
When you don’t know how to handle discouragements you lose many battles. In this life you’re going to have discouragements: Learn to face them. At an early age I learned to face discouragements. We were not reared on a bed of ease in the Angley family. Those were the days of the Great…
Read NowThe Power of Prayer Is Great
By: Ernest Angley
June 2005
Prayer isn’t just saying words, prayer is talking to God on a direct line. How wonderful it is to be able to use such a line daily! You can call Heaven any time.
I remember in one country during a ministers’ meeting with hundreds and hundreds of ministers present I said,…
Read NowI Want That Faith!
By: Ernest Angley
June 2005
Jude 1:3: Ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. Study and re-study the kind of faith that was truly delivered to the saints of God. Most people have never come into the realization that the Lord has many kinds of faith. Christians are…
Read NowMiracles Do Great Things for People
By: Ernest Angley
May 2005
Do you need a miracle but don’t think it will come? I know how you feel; I’ve been there. Let my experience give you faith that God will heal you, too. What He has done for me, He can do for you.
I was just twenty-three when I went to death’s door. Angel and I had been married…
Read NowIn Doubt About God, Do This!
By: Ernest Angley
April 2005
Do you have a doubt about God, about His moving, answering prayer, loving you, trusting in you, about the full assurance and sufficiency that He has for you? If so, do this: Have faith in God. And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever…
Read NowNo Life without Love
By: Ernest Angley
April 2005
The world is dying for the lack of real love. However, there are so many different kinds of love that people find it easy to counterfeit real love. Counterfeit love is a dangerous thing, more dangerous than counterfeit money. People who wouldn’t dare carry counterfeit money, nevertheless will…
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