The world is dying for the lack of real love. However, there are so many different kinds of love that people find it easy to counterfeit real love. Counterfeit love is a dangerous thing, more dangerous than counterfeit money. People who wouldn’t dare carry counterfeit money, nevertheless will carry counterfeit love. The only real love comes from God.

The Bible tells us that God is love (I John 4:8). For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). God so loved us that He gave Jesus, His magnificent love gift. Two thousand years ago the Promised Seed arrived all because God loved.

To please God in this final hour we must love like the Lord loves. Unless we love like Jesus loves we’re not going to do the work of the Lord. Jesus took on the fashion of a man, used His incredible love in a beautiful way and left it for us.

On bended knees we need to study the life of Christ as we’ve never studied it before. I have gone into the life of Jesus over and over, and I find that everything we need is in each step He made, in all His attitudes, traits and characteristics. Everything about Jesus is love. He walked on planet Earth with the very heart of God: love. God is love.

Love Must Be Used

God’s heart is a love heart. When you have His divine love and are walking in the steps of His Son, Jesus, your heart beats in rhythm with the heart of God like Adam and Eve’s hearts beat in the beginning. You’re to have the same love that the first Adam and Eve had. They had all the love anyone could ever need, nothing but love and no fear.

The lack of love brings fear; also, if you have love but don’t use it, fear can slip in. Some Christians are afraid. Why? They’re not using the love God has given to them. If you have love, it must be used for it to do you any good. It is so important to use love that the Holy Ghost came to shed it abroad in our hearts. The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us (Romans 5:5).

Don’t Let Fear Stay

Fear will come to everyone. Again and again you will meet that old monster of fear, but don’t take it home with you, don’t entertain it, don’t let it stay. Turn yourself immediately over to the Holy Spirit to let Him shed abroad the love of God in your heart, flushing all the fear right out of your mind. If you hoard fear, you’re in trouble.

God gives the spirit of love. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (II Timothy 1:7). Carry this love with you everywhere you go and you’ll have peace. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6,7).

The Love of God Brings Peace

If you don’t have peace, it means you’re not using the love of God, for you must use the blood-love before you can enjoy the peace and the promises of God of eternal, divine love. Jesus amazed the disciples when He put such love on display. Remember, Jesus had taken on human form. He walked and talked like any other human being, but He had divine love. Every act was through love.

In Divine Love You Pray for Your Enemies

Jesus taught the disciples to pray for their enemies. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you (Matthew 5:44). Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake (Matthew 5:11). Blessed are you when you’re persecuted if you have a heart of love—divine love.

Memorize the thirteenth chapter of I Corinthians—the love chapter. You need that chapter, for not only is it full of great spiritual food, it also has Heaven’s love and protection. Peace, joy, healing and strength are in that chapter. When you learn it, you can say it any time; put yourself to sleep with it instead of taking a sleeping pill. You may get through it one time and still be awake, but don’t worry: Start saying it aloud so the devil can hear it the second time and he’ll back away for sure because he can’t bear that chapter.

Be Alert to the Devil’s Deceit

Since it’s possible to deceive yourself about love, know that the devil can deceive you even more. Convincing you that you have plenty of love when you don’t, he can make you think you’re using God’s love, but you aren’t using it at all. In using God’s love you have no ill feelings to carry around, no grudges or vengeance in your spirit. You leave all of that to the Lord. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord (Romans 12:19). With divine love you have no trouble forgiving people for what they do to you; you have the same forgiving spirit that Jesus had. In divine love is found Heaven’s character and greatness, the true and living way.

No Life without Love

There’s life in love. In fact, without love you don’t have any life at all. No matter how much money, how many possessions you have, without love they’re worthless. We were made to be loved and to love; we must have love. Just as the body needs water, the spirit needs love. Without love, you could have no salvation, no ticket to Heaven.

In Heaven you’ll live in love like the angels. God made us just a little lower than the angels. What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour (Psalm 8:4,5).

Do You Know What Salvation Really Is?

What a price Heaven paid for us! The brightest jewel of Heaven was given to bring us this great love gift of Calvary. When you went to Calvary, if you didn’t find love, you didn’t really find Calvary; you were fooled. Many people have never found Calvary. They shook the preacher’s hand, joined the church, and maybe were baptized in water; but none of that brought salvation with its divine love. You must go to Calvary to find this love I’m talking about; you can’t find it on the streets or even in most homes today in America. Many churches don’t have this first love either, for it’s the old-time religion that makes you love everybody.

Don’t Let Love Be a Stranger

Don’t be deceived about love the way some have been who married the wrong person. Because real love is a stranger to many people, they don’t recognize love, don’t know what love really is in marriage. Without eyes of love, they have no idea how to choose a mate, how to look out for themselves. If you don’t have eyes of love, you’ll have eyes of lust and there’s a drastic difference between the two. Love sees and love feels; real love has God’s feelings, not human feelings in it. In real love you feel God’s Word, promises, faith and grace in action in your life.

Love doesn’t fuss. If you’re fussing in your home it’s because of the lack of love. You may say you have much love, but you don’t have the right kind or you wouldn’t be fussing and carrying on, you wouldn’t be fighting or pouting. God’s love never pouts, never gets puffed up. Charity [love] suffereth long, and is kind; charity [love] envieth not; charity [love] vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up (I Corinthians 13:4). As long as you have that puffed up spirit, where is love? You need a big dose of Heaven’s love. Take a trip to Calvary and find that love; it’s there. When I found Calvary’s love, I had no trouble forgiving people.

Why Defeat Yourself with Grudges?

Don’t carry grudges. When people misuse you, turn them over to the Lord and go on to do God’s work. Don’t you know your enemies will get the best of you if you carry a grudge? They’ll win because you have defeated yourself. Never let your enemies be victorious over you, over your life; turn them over to the Lord. You may not like some people—and God doesn’t like them either, although He loves their souls—but as long as the Spirit of God is dealing with them, ask God to save them.

Walk in Love

Love doesn’t deceive, doesn’t lie, doesn’t betray, doesn’t gossip. If you gossip, as some do, you’re headed for destruction without being aware of it. Use the Bible as your guide, the New Testament teachings as your discipline. Unless you have love, you won’t walk in the steps of love. Take that statement and hide it away: You’re not going to have love unless you walk in love, talk love, and use love.

Some people grumble about my holding crusades in other nations. They say I’m needed in America. What kind of love is that! Aren’t we supposed to love everyone throughout the whole world? Love the heathen because God does; He’s moving greatly for the heathen today. Too many Americans have scorned God’s love, cast it out the window. Doing as they please, they don’t talk love, don’t live it, don’t embrace it; they’re not rooted and grounded in love.

Grow in Grace with God’s Love

You’re not rooted and grounded in this love Book unless you’re rooted and grounded in God’s love. When you have love you grow in grace. But don’t ever forget that you must have God’s love to grow in grace. Love isn’t something you can hatch up, talk or sing into existence. You either have this love or you don’t have it.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast (Ephesians 2:8,9). God’s love can’t be merited; it’s a gift. God’s love purifies and purges human love, brings happiness and peace in a marriage unless one partner is trying to show all the love and the other one shows anything but love. If one partner won’t live for God, is a backslider or never knew God, the godly mate who is carrying the load can only hold on to God and pray the house down. However, if two people supposedly living for God can’t keep from fussing, there’s something wrong.

Angel and I lived together twenty-seven years before the Lord took her home, and we didn’t fuss; we had planned it that way. We didn’t marry each other to have a fussing partner; we married to have love, to walk hand-in-hand in human love and God’s love, and what a wonderful marriage we had.

Put Love in Your Home

You ruin things when you won’t accept love, for if you don’t accept it, you can’t give it. There’s no need to buy a home if you’re not going to put love in it first and foremost. If you don’t have God’s love to put in that house, forget it; you might as well live in a shack because your marriage isn’t going to work out.

Carpet, draperies, paint and plaster don’t make a home; love makes a home. But many people today never really fall in love; they fall in lust because they don’t know what love is; they didn’t have love in their homes growing up, weren’t brought up in love.

I Was Served Love

I wasn’t a stranger to love. I was served love as a child. I knew love when I saw it, recognized it quicker than most people recognize hate. We had much love around that big Angley farm table. Never were we allowed to fuss at the table. My daddy hated fussing, and my mother did, too. Even those of us who were not saved didn’t want fussing in the home; we wanted love.

The family altar meant much in our home. Our parents gathered us together and all was quiet; it was time for Daddy to open the Word of God. He didn’t wear us out by reading chapter after chapter; he would just read a short passage of Scripture and then my parents and older sisters would pray. If they got into the spirit of prayer a long time, we were at liberty to go to bed or go ahead with our studies, but we were not at liberty to disturb. Maybe some family members would go on praying one hour, two hours, or even longer on special nights when God would move, and there was much love there as the Holy Spirit took over and spoke. My two older sisters lived holy, pure and clean. I was used to holy living; I was surrounded by it, and surrounded by human love.

Love Spoke with a Loud Voice

My mother never neglected me, not one time. She never said, Run along; I don’t have time for you. Thank God she didn’t. I didn’t have to go to other people for advice; love spoke with a loud voice in our home. At home I looked for answers to my problems because the love there had the answers.

Love solves problems. Love is filled with wisdom and knowledge from On High. My mother had much wisdom and knowledge that came through God’s love. She was a praying mom who lived in the presence of God. If she didn’t have the answer to my problem, she’d say, Honey, we’ll pray about it. She did the praying and I got the answer; I grew up like that. Mama knew how to pray. I’d come in the house often to hear her calling my name in prayer when she didn’t know I was around. Mama loved to pray aloud. She would get into such a spirit of prayer that it would roll out of her like the sermons roll out of me when I’m preaching. Talking to the Lord, she wouldn’t even know that I’d come into the house.

In the days of the Great Depression, love put food on our table. A lot of people in America didn’t have food all the time, but the Angley family always had bread. We knew we wouldn’t starve; God wouldn’t let it happen. He looked out for us because of love. Daddy loved Him, Mama loved Him, my two older sisters loved Him. The other children didn’t always serve Him, but we had that love and respect. At mealtime it never occurred to us to reach for something to eat before grace was said. We sat in great reverence at the table until Daddy prayed and thanked God for our food.

Love in our home was as real as the beds we slept in, as real as the food we ate. Love was served more to us than food.

Dine on Love

Love is something to dine on, not two or three times a day, but all the day through. In all your waking hours dine on love, think and pray through love. However, when you’re carrying a grudge, praying through love is impossible; you’re puffed up and that’s the reason many prayers are not answered. Be sure every prayer is prayed through love with a pure heart not carrying one speck of sin, disobedience or rebellion. Have both hands in His and make every step with Him a step of love.

Fast through love. Too many people don’t fast through love, but through obligation. That love fellowship with the Lord in fasting is wonderful. Put down the human spirit in fasting, for when that human spirit is under control, love flows like mighty rivers from the throne of God and wipes away all depression and oppression. Discontentment leaves and contentment comes; great contentment is found in love.

Do You Love to Grumble?

The dissatisfaction, grumbling and complaining found in many homes would be absent if the love of God were there. The Israelites in the wilderness loved Egypt, loved the garlic and the onions, loved to worship idol gods, loved grumbling and complaining. We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlick: But now our soul is dried away: there is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes (Numbers 11:5,6). God did everything He could to get Israel to love Him, but you can’t make people love. No matter what God did, they didn’t love Him. Finally God in His love sent Jesus.

It took a Calvary, took the precious blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit to convict you of your sins. You had to use that love blood to wash away all the wrong, to let all the hurt go at Calvary. However, if you don’t use enough love to live in the present, you go back into the slimy past where you had hardly any love or maybe none at all.

Seal Off the Past with the Blood

Some of you were abused, and the devil is deceiving you into not letting the Lord heal the past hurts. You found Calvary, but the devil doesn’t want you to seal the past with the blood. Let these words of Paul show you a better way: This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:13,14). That’s a love call.

Do you hear that love call of Heaven, that love call to the prayer and fasting chamber, to the fellowship with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost? Oh, what a love time! But this is a restless hour in the world. Many are not contented unless they’re on the go all the time, and then they can’t stay awake to talk to God, so they live on false hope and not love. What you love is what you’re going to abide in and with.

Love Makes Home a Refuge

When God took my wife, Angel, He filled my house with the cloud of His presence; He’s always there. My home is a place of refuge, a place filled with grace and love where the Lord dwells night and day. The Lord can’t fill a place with Himself unless He can serve love; He can only give Himself to you through love.

Are you neglecting love? If so, you’re living far beneath your privilege. What worth do you get living outside the realm of love? Why not stay on that honeymoon? Angel and I planned to never go off our honeymoon, to always be mindful of each other. I was thoughtful of her and she was thoughtful of me. Angel and I were in love; we stayed in love, kept that first love of God and the falling in love that God gives when He puts His approval on a man and a woman together. We were one in Christ, one in His love, and we had a deep love for each other and for His work. Angel would make any sacrifice to help me with the work of God. Then she finished her work and the Lord called her home.

Don’t Neglect Love

You can’t live without love. After the Lord took Angel, I’d cry my heart out and plead for the Lord to love me. I was dying to be loved. It felt like a vast canyon was on the inside of me—empty, empty, empty. That great love was gone and I didn’t see how I could go on breathing without it. It might seem strange to you, but I lived so much on love and in love.

There’s nothing to live for without love, that’s the reason some of you don’t have much life. You’ve missed it. Trying to have a marriage, you’re leaving love out most of the time. You can’t even settle your monthly bills together without trouble because you don’t agree on what to buy. One wants to buy this, the other wants something else. Angel and I never had that problem. We knew the limit to what we could afford to spend, so we waited. We didn’t buy things separate from each other; we shopped together. The only thing Angel shopped for without me was groceries, and I trusted her completely in that. She was a wonderful cook and we’d have plenty of food without my going with her to the market. Actually, we had different shopping habits. When I went into a grocery store I would fly up one aisle and down the other, not letting anyone get in my way. I knew what I wanted, and I wanted it quick. I’d be back to the cashier in a hurry and out I’d go, satisfied. But not everyone is like that. Angel wanted to know what the latest product was; she wanted to read the labels, to see what was on sale, what was a good bargain and what wasn’t. She brought carefully prepared bags of love home.

Fussing Destroys Happiness

Are you going to fuss on your journey? How much of your happiness have you already destroyed? The devil doesn’t have to come around some people because they don’t have enough of Heaven’s love to give him a hard time. Without love the Lord counts us as nothing. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity [love], I am nothing (I Corinthians 13:2).

Do you get along with people, get along on the job? When you see some people coming, do you think, Here comes trouble! But what a difference to see other people and think, Here comes a bundle of God’s love. How is it in your home? Do you think, Here comes the other half; I wonder how much they’ve spent now. “Where have you been!” That’s the person who said, “I love you,” and you said, “I love you, too.” Thank God I didn’t find that kind of love. I found someone who loved me better than she loved herself.

Love Supports

Love serves, love stands by. Angel stood by me in my sickness, walked all the way to the edge of the grave with me in the second year of our marriage. My illness started in the first year of our marriage, and when it looked as though I would die in spite of everything, she was by my side night and day. She didn’t care to eat or sleep; she was always there. With the tears rolling, she held on to God.

I thank God for love; He’s given me so much of it. After He took Angel, He put me back together with love. Not love for myself, but with more love for Him than ever before, more love to help people, to tell them the story of love. Love is what wins people to the Lord in my crusades. That’s the reason I can go into the places that I’ve been told are so dangerous a white preacher shouldn’t go. But I go called of God to serve love. For the first time the eyes of multitudes are opened to the love of God and the fullness of the Holy Scripture.

Love Makes the Difference

Love covers a multitude of sins, the Bible tells us. Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins (Proverbs 10:12). Love covers up racial mistrust, love covers the rich or the poor, those with good clothes or shabby clothes. God made all people, and I have tenderness toward them like God has. I love poor people; I love to help them. I wish I could take them all into my arms and hold them to my bosom until they can feel God’s love flowing into them, giving them life.

Love on the Mission Field

Some evangelists are afraid to go to the mission fields now because of AIDS, but we wade right in. We shake hands with people, lay hands on them for their deliverance, and the Lord is healing AIDS going and coming. It’s through blood love they’re healed. We don’t back away; we go forth. The ones who go with me never act frightened, and the people are amazed. Some places have special houses for people with AIDS, and our people will go into those houses to minister to them, to get them saved and healed.

Love is the answer. Never go to the mission field unless you have been made perfect in love. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love (I John 4:16-18).

The Lord tells us we’re to be perfect in love just like our Father in Heaven. Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48).

Jesus Paid the Price So We Could Have Love

There was a price paid so that man could get back into perfect love: Calvary. Calvary, oh, what love you see there! Calvary is love victory. Jesus paid for this love, gave His all so you could have it. Why don’t you use all His love? Why be a stranger to love? Why cast love aside and let self rise up to grumble and complain? Be an example of the Jesus-love in action and seek daily to be like Him, to love like He loves.

In visions the Lord shows me much through love. The only way I can explain it is that I see as He sees. Through eyes of love I see many manifestations in a congregation of people. I’m able to look inside of bodies through the love of God and see diseases and afflictions being healed by the love blood.

There isn’t anything on Earth like love; without it we wouldn’t be able to reach people all over the world with the Gospel of Christ and His power to save, heal and deliver from sin and sickness. If your love is not real you’ll be a hindrance instead of a help to God’s work on the mission field. But if you have that love, it works, and it doesn’t matter about the hot sun. In Mozambique the temperature got as high as 120℉ and our people were on the streets working, telling the love story, the greatest story ever told by the greatest love life ever lived—the life of Jesus.

Do You Have the Love of Jesus in Your Heart?

If you don’t know the love of Jesus in full reality, why not first make sure of your salvation. Let me persuade you as one who loves your soul: Believe in the blood-love that stained the Old Rugged Cross. The blood-love will cleanse you, make you a new creature in Jesus. The blood-love can deliver you, give you peace in your soul and bring you into a wonderful fellowship with God.

If you don’t know Jesus, ask the Lord to let His blood-love flow into your soul and pray this sinners’ prayer: Oh, God, forgive me of all my sins. I confess that Jesus was born with divine blood, born of the Virgin Mary. I believe Jesus shed His divine blood that gives power to wash all my sins away. Come into my heart, Jesus! Come into my heart!

If you meant that prayer then the powerful divine blood of Jesus made your soul new. In a split second all your sins were washed away through the blood of the Lamb. Put your trust in the blood and the love of Jesus that He brought down from Heaven to redeem fallen humanity.

Divine blood was shed for healing as well as for salvation. Without divine blood-love there would be no healing for us today. There is healing through the blood of Jesus for whatever your disease or affliction: cancer, heart trouble, AIDS, diabetes or anything else. Through the blood we have healing for the physical body. With his stripes [His blood stripes] we are healed (Isaiah 53:5).

If you need healing—even if it’s for AIDS—accept this prayer of faith: Lord, here they are. I have brought the living Word, the blood-love Word to the people. Now from your supernatural gifts of healing, from your supernatural gift of miracles it comes through the name of your Son, Jesus. Through the blood of Jesus healing flows. Heal! Heal! in the name of Jesus! Heal! in the holy name of the Lord.

To everyone who accepted this love message, the Lord has flowed His anointing of healing and deliverance. Open your heart, open your mind to the Lord and He will give you wisdom and understanding of His love and how it works, how to receive from the great promises He holds for those who love and serve Him with their whole hearts. O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together (Psalm 34:3). Magnify and use the love of God flowing to you daily and rejoice in that great love.

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