Watch The Ernest Angley Hour
Tune in for a very special hour of praise to our God. You will enjoy music and singing that glorifies the Lord; you’ll hear the pure Word of God; you’ll witness miracles that can only come from heaven above, and you’ll rejoice with those who share what they have already received. You will be blessed anew with each program.
All offers valid at the time of original airing.
The Legacy of Lucifer, Part 13
God is taking control of ALL nations after the battle of Armageddon has been won. Cities are in ruins, and technology is destroyed after the great earthquake. Few people are left alive on the earth. But Earth now will have a new start. Springs of water shall enrich deserts. Leopard will lay down with the kid, and a little child shall lead them. Ruins will be rebuilt. The soil will be rich and fertile. Jesus will now be the Good Shepherd of the earth but will rule with a rod of iron.
With music by: Choir, The Singing Gospels
Aired the week of: October 22, 2023
Previous Episodes:
Divine Direction Never Fails
Do you look to the Lord for all your life decisions? In this sermon, Rev. Steve teaches us to seek God for His direction and then follow His direction.
With music by: Choir, Melissa Sullivan, Rocky Lowther, The Holy Soul Trio, Tyler Murray
Aired the week of: October 13, 2024
Satan’s Weapons Shall Not Prosper Against Servants of the Lord, Part 2
The devil will constantly use his weapons against you. Listen and learn how to use what God has provided to defeat every weapon in Satan's arsenal.
With music by: Choir, The Country Gospel Band, The Jubilee Youth Choir, Tyler and Kelley Murray
Aired the week of: October 6, 2024
Satan’s Weapons Shall Not Prosper Against Servants of the Lord, Part 1
The devil can create any kind of weapon needed to try to defeat you, but this message will take you to the Word to show you that God is more powerful than any weapon of the devil for those who honor Him.
With music by: Choir, The Morning Stars Trio
Aired the week of: September 29, 2024
What Do You Have on the Back Burner?
Rev. Steve explains how, just as police dust for fingerprints to uncover clues, we can use the Word to reveal the devil's influence in any situation. Listen to this insightful perspective on spiritual warfare and discernment.
With music by: Choir, Rachel Swartz, The Cathedral Trio, The Gloryland Singers
Aired the week of: September 22, 2024
In this service, members share testimonies of what God has done for them in their lives.
With music by: Choir, Melissa Sullivan, The Grace Cathedral Orchestra, The Quartet
Aired the week of: September 15, 2024
The Rapture Separation
What kind of separation does God expect from His true children? There has been much confusion on what Bible separation really is. Rev. Chris takes us through the Old and New Testaments, teaching us what it will take to make the Rapture.
With music by:
Aired the week of: September 8, 2024
The Devil’s Fingerprints
Rev. Steve explains how, just as police dust for fingerprints to uncover clues, we can use the Word to reveal the devil's influence in any situation. Listen to this insightful perspective on spiritual warfare and discernment.
With music by: Choir, The Cathedral Trio, The Victory Trio, Tom Neale, Zion
Aired the week of: September 1, 2024
The Out Pouring of the Holy Spirit
In the last days, the Spirit will be poured out on all flesh however, not all flesh will receive it. What is this great outpouring, who will receive it, and what does it take to receive it? Rev. Chris gets into this and more in this sermon.
With music by:
Aired the week of: August 25, 2024
With God, All Things Are Possible
In this message, Rev. Steve explores the biblical wisdom: "With God, All Things Are Possible." Do you merely profess that God can do anything, or do you wholeheartedly believe it?
With music by: Ali and Jeremiah Eisenbraun, Choir, The Holy Soul Trio
Aired the week of: August 18, 2024
Three or Four - Which Is It? - Guyana, South Africa - 2006
Watch this powerful sermon by Rev. Angley, preached in Guyana, South Africa in 2006. Explore the inspiring story of the Three Hebrew Boys and the Fiery Furnace, where Jesus appeared as the fourth man in the fire. Do you see Jesus with you in your struggles? Be encouraged to recognize His presence in every trial, knowing that with Him by your side, you can overcome any challenge. Don't miss this uplifting message!
With music by: Choir, The Jesus Trio, Tom Neale
Aired the week of: August 11, 2024