The Ernest Angley Hour

Watch The Ernest Angley Hour

Tune in for a very special hour of praise to our God. You will enjoy music and singing that glorifies the Lord; you’ll hear the pure Word of God; you’ll witness miracles that can only come from heaven above, and you’ll rejoice with those who share what they have already received. You will be blessed anew with each program.

All offers valid at the time of original airing.

The Legacy of Lucifer, Part 14

Lucifer will be bound 1000 years in the bottomless pit. He is then released, and he deceives the many nations of the earth. God will now test men’s hearts. Despite the earth’s prosperity many choose to embrace Satan. An army is raised to come against Jerusalem and the saints. But God defeats these enemies by raining down fire and brimstone. Now the Great White Throne judgment is for those whose names are not written in the Book of Life. A fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him (God Almighty), who sits on throne of fiery flames. Death and hell delivered up the dead and every man will be judged according to their works. In the end God shall create a new heaven and earth…Isaiah 65:17

With music by:

Aired the week of: October 29, 2023

Previous Episodes:

The Lord Does Not Change, Part 1

The Bible tells us that God does not change, but you must know what that means for you or you will always walk through unnecessary valleys.

With music by: The Cathedral Trio, The Country Gospel Band, The Love Road Trio, The Singing Gospels, The Quartet

Aired the week of: March 4, 2018

Never Forget Who You Are, Part 2

When trials and persecutions seem to be getting the best of you, you must go to the Word of God and know what God has made available children of God that will enable them to overcome.

With music by: The Cathedral Boys, The Gloryland Singers, The Love Road Trio, Zion

Aired the week of: February 18, 2018

Never Forget Who You Are, Part 1

When trials and persecutions seem to be getting the best of you, you must go to the Word of God and know what God has made available children of God that will enable them to overcome.

With music by: The Cathedral Trio, The Love Road Trio, The Singing Gospels, The Quartet, Tom Neale

Aired the week of: February 11, 2018

Does Anyone Care What God Treasures? Part 2

People go through life putting a value on many things. People care about the things that they treasure. Does anyone care what God treasures?

With music by: The Cathedral Trio, The Hallelujahs, The Quartet, Zion

Aired the week of: February 4, 2018

Does Anyone Care What God Treasures? Part 1

People go through life putting a value on many things. People care about the things that they treasure. Does anyone care what God treasures?

With music by: Corinthia Bell, The Cathedral Boys, The Gloryland Singers, The Victory Trio

Aired the week of: January 28, 2018

Don’t Give It Another Thought

Worry is one of our greatest hindrances, and that is why the Bible speaks about it so often. You must know how to deal with worry God’s way, or you will never have complete victory.

With music by: The Hallelujahs, The Singing Gospels, The Quartet, The Singing Rays

Aired the week of: December 10, 2017

Do You Have a Sound Mind?

You cannot claim the sound mind the Bible promises unless you know what makes up that kind of mind.

With music by: Joshoua and Corinthia Bell, The Jesus Trio, The Victory Trio, Zion

Aired the week of: October 8, 2017

Where Do You Want To Be When Jesus Returns?

The soon coming of the Lord is quickly approaching. Where will you be on that day?

With music by: The Cathedral Trio, The Gloryland Singers, The Singing Gospels, The Quartet

Aired the week of: September 24, 2017

No Longer Sinners, Part 1

When you take Christ to be your Savior, your sins are completely washed away.  Then you must know what kind of a life God expects you to lead.

With music by: Rocky Lowther, The Cathedral Boys, The Cathedral Trio, The Singing Gospels, The Quartet

Aired the week of: June 4, 2017

Where To Go From Here? Part 2

Everyone finds themselves in circumstances in which they don't know where to turn next, but the Bible has the answer to that question every time.

With music by: Choir, Ernest Angley Ministries Singers and Musicians, The Cathedral Boys, The Cathedral Trio, The Singing Gospels, The Singing Rays

Aired the week of: May 28, 2017

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