Watch The Ernest Angley Hour
Tune in for a very special hour of praise to our God. You will enjoy music and singing that glorifies the Lord; you’ll hear the pure Word of God; you’ll witness miracles that can only come from heaven above, and you’ll rejoice with those who share what they have already received. You will be blessed anew with each program.
All offers valid at the time of original airing.
The Legacy of Lucifer, Part 14
Lucifer will be bound 1000 years in the bottomless pit. He is then released, and he deceives the many nations of the earth. God will now test men’s hearts. Despite the earth’s prosperity many choose to embrace Satan. An army is raised to come against Jerusalem and the saints. But God defeats these enemies by raining down fire and brimstone. Now the Great White Throne judgment is for those whose names are not written in the Book of Life. A fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him (God Almighty), who sits on throne of fiery flames. Death and hell delivered up the dead and every man will be judged according to their works. In the end God shall create a new heaven and earth…Isaiah 65:17
With music by:
Aired the week of: October 29, 2023
Previous Episodes:
I Must See Jesus - Birmingham, Alabama - 1977
To really see Jesus, you must see His works and know He is alive.
With music by: The Cathedral Trio, The Gloryland Singers, The Hallelujahs
Aired the week of: April 24, 2022
The Power of the Cross
Christ died on the Cross for you and me, but do you understand what great power that Cross has and where that power comes from?
With music by: The Grace Cathedral Orchestra, The Hallelujahs, The Morning Stars Trio
Aired the week of: April 17, 2022
Stretch Forth Thine Hand
Listen as Rev. Steve brings forth many examples from the Bible of people who just reached out with faith believing and received marvelous miracles.
With music by: Joshoua and Corinthia Bell, The Cathedral Trio, The Hallelujahs, Zion
Aired the week of: April 10, 2022
A Day of Judgment
Rev. Chris takes you on a journey through the Bible and points out those whose day of judgment came. The day of judgment will come for people today too.
With music by: Corliss Whitney and The Girls' Trio, The Holy Soul Trio, The Jesus Trio, The Singing Gospels, The Quartet, Three Bells of Heaven
Aired the week of: April 3, 2022
Living A Life Of Privilege
This is a study of just some of the privileges available through Jesus Christ.
With music by: Jaylana Bell, Living Waters, Rocky Lowther, The Cathedral Trio, The Morning Stars Trio
Aired the week of: March 27, 2022
Is The Faith Of God Working In You?
Rev. Chris uses biblical illustrations to explain the difference between human faith and divine faith.
With music by: The Morning Stars Trio, The Singing Gospels, Tyler Murray, Zion
Aired the week of: March 20, 2022
God Gave
This sermon points out just some of the many things God has given to us. Examine yourself to see if you are accepting them.
With music by: The Hallelujahs, The Quartet, Zion
Aired the week of: March 13, 2022
The Wind of the Holy Spirit - Port-au-Prince, Haiti - 1982
This sermon is a study on how the wind of the spirit is used in the Scriptures, and how this applies to the wind of the Holy Spirit today.
With music by: Tabitha Madziwanzira, Zion
Aired the week of: March 6, 2022
Is Your Life In The Image Of God?
Adam and Eve destroyed the image of God in their lives when they sinned. Learn how you can have that image once again.
With music by: The Cathedral Trio, The Holy Soul Trio, The Quartet, Tyler and Kelley Murray
Aired the week of: February 27, 2022
Are You Telling Others About Jesus?
Rev. Steve points out many examples from the Bible of people who preached the truth to others no matter what was going on around them.
With music by: Living Waters, Rocky Lowther, The Cathedral Trio, The Hallelujahs
Aired the week of: February 20, 2022