The Ernest Angley Hour

Watch The Ernest Angley Hour

Tune in for a very special hour of praise to our God. You will enjoy music and singing that glorifies the Lord; you’ll hear the pure Word of God; you’ll witness miracles that can only come from heaven above, and you’ll rejoice with those who share what they have already received. You will be blessed anew with each program.

All offers valid at the time of original airing.

I Accuse Christianity - Lagos, Nigeria - 1990

Does Christianity of today really measure up to God’s standards? Discover how Christianity has failed the lost.

With music by: Jim & Trish Ray, The Cathedral Trio

Aired the week of: August 29, 2021

Previous Episodes:

Deceit, Deceit Brings Defeat- Lesotho, Africa - 2005

Deceit leads to defeat. The devil's seduction is the most dangerous thing on Earth. In this final hour, he is seeking to seduce every soul that he can.

With music by: Corinthia Bell, The Cathedral Trio, The Morning Stars Trio, The Singing Gospels

Aired the week of: June 25, 2023

If Not Jesus, Then Who?

Rev. Chris presents Jesus as the bread of life, the vine, and the foundation rock. Watch to find out if He is these things to you, or if you are turning to another.

With music by: Choir, Jaylana Bell, Rachel Swartz, The Hallelujahs, The Quartet

Aired the week of: June 18, 2023

The Accuser and the Accused

Is it better to be an accuser or the accused? Rev. Millar shows you what the Word has to say about it.

With music by: Rocky Lowther, The Gloryland Singers, The Jubilee Youth Choir, The Singing Gospels

Aired the week of: June 11, 2023


In this show, you will hear members share testimonies of what God has done for them in their lives, along with testimonies sent in from our "Growing and In Grace" partners.

With music by: The Cathedral Trio, The Country Gospel Band, The Holy Soul Trio

Aired the week of: June 4, 2023

The Treasure of Divine Blood

This sermon shows from the Word the many things the power of the divine blood has made available to all who will accept it and yield to it.

With music by: Choir, The Quartet

Aired the week of: May 28, 2023

When You Die, There Are No Do-Overs

Just because you believe something doesn't make it true. When You Die, There Are No Do-Overs; Heaven or hell is forever.

With music by: Tabitha Madziwanzira, The Jubilee Youth Choir, The Quartet

Aired the week of: May 21, 2023

Testimonies - Ghana, West Africa - 1995

Listen to powerful testimonies and witness God's power in action.

With music by: Living Waters, The Gloryland Singers, The Quartet

Aired the week of: May 14, 2023

A Spiritual Watchman of Souls

This sermon explains the great responsibility of being a spiritual watchman, and it will help you to determine whether or not you are fulfilling that responsibility.

With music by: Three Bells of Heaven

Aired the week of: May 7, 2023

Labor of Love

This sermon looks at whether your work for the Lord is a labor of love or done out of a feeling of obligation.

With music by: The Jesus Trio, The Morning Stars Trio, The Singing Gospels, Zion

Aired the week of: April 30, 2023


In this service, members share testimonies of what God has done for them in their lives.

With music by: Rachel Swartz, The Cathedral Trio, The Gloryland Singers

Aired the week of: April 23, 2023

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