The Ernest Angley Hour

Watch The Ernest Angley Hour

Tune in for a very special hour of praise to our God. You will enjoy music and singing that glorifies the Lord; you’ll hear the pure Word of God; you’ll witness miracles that can only come from heaven above, and you’ll rejoice with those who share what they have already received. You will be blessed anew with each program.

All offers valid at the time of original airing.

The Name is Jesus - Maputo, Mozambique - 2003

The name is Jesus! His is the greatest story ever told and the greatest life ever lived!

With music by: Rocky Lowther, The Cathedral Trio, The Hallelujahs, Three Bells of Heaven

Aired the week of: April 2, 2023

Previous Episodes:

Is The Faith Of God Working In You?

Rev. Chris uses biblical illustrations to explain the difference between human faith and divine faith.

With music by: The Morning Stars Trio, The Singing Gospels, Tyler Murray, Zion

Aired the week of: March 20, 2022

God Gave

This sermon points out just some of the many things God has given to us. Examine yourself to see if you are accepting them.

With music by: The Hallelujahs, The Quartet, Zion

Aired the week of: March 13, 2022

The Wind of the Holy Spirit - Port-au-Prince, Haiti - 1982

This sermon is a study on how the wind of the spirit is used in the Scriptures, and how this applies to the wind of the Holy Spirit today.

With music by: Tabitha Madziwanzira, Zion

Aired the week of: March 6, 2022

Is Your Life In The Image Of God?

Adam and Eve destroyed the image of God in their lives when they sinned. Learn how you can have that image once again.

With music by: The Cathedral Trio, The Holy Soul Trio, The Quartet, Tyler and Kelley Murray

Aired the week of: February 27, 2022

Are You Telling Others About Jesus?

Rev. Steve points out many examples from the Bible of people who preached the truth to others no matter what was going on around them.

With music by: Living Waters, Rocky Lowther, The Cathedral Trio, The Hallelujahs

Aired the week of: February 20, 2022

One Thing Lacking Can Cost You Everything

The Bible contains many stories of how lacking just one thing ruined so much for so many. Listen and learn what those things were.

With music by: Ali and Jeremiah Eisenbraun, The Jesus Trio, The Victory Trio, Three Bells of Heaven, Zion

Aired the week of: February 13, 2022

Distraction Will Lead To Destruction

Rev. Steve takes you to the Word to point out things that can distract you from serving the Lord as you should be and winning souls for the Kingdom.

With music by: The Cathedral Trio, The Gloryland Singers, The Holy Soul Trio, The Morning Stars Trio, The Singing Gospels, The Quartet, Tom Neale

Aired the week of: February 6, 2022

Only God Could Have Done It - Jinja, Uganda -1995

Is there anything you think is too hard for God? In this message, God is saying “Show it to me.”

With music by: Ali and Jeremiah Eisenbraun, The Hallelujahs, Zion

Aired the week of: January 30, 2022

In Time of Trouble, Look Up

When trouble comes your way, how do you respond? Where do you look for help? Do you look to people or yourself? You must look up unto the Lord. He has promised to take all of your burdens and supply all of your needs.

With music by: Ali and Jeremiah Eisenbraun, Rocky Lowther, The Cathedral Trio, The Country Gospel Band and Handbell Choir, The Gloryland Singers, The Grace Cathedral Handbell Choir

Aired the week of: January 23, 2022

Are You Rich Towards God?

Riches in the world have nothing to do with being rich in God. Learn what being is all about and the many benefits of it.

With music by: The Cathedral Trio, The Gloryland Singers, The Singing Gospels, The Victory Trio, Tyler and Kelley Murray

Aired the week of: January 16, 2022

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