The Ernest Angley Hour

Watch The Ernest Angley Hour

Tune in for a very special hour of praise to our God. You will enjoy music and singing that glorifies the Lord; you’ll hear the pure Word of God; you’ll witness miracles that can only come from heaven above, and you’ll rejoice with those who share what they have already received. You will be blessed anew with each program.

All offers valid at the time of original airing.

Faith in God, Part 2

The Bible tells us that everyone is given a measure of faith. Once you use it to accept Jesus as your Savior, you must continue to receive more measures and grow spiritually. More faith comes through the Word of God and putting it into action in your life.

With music by:

Aired the week of: January 26, 2025

Previous Episodes:

Because He Promised -  Baguio City, Philippines - 1982

Receive understanding of what it means to live by God’s promises and the importance of holding on to a promise no matter how awful the circumstances are.

With music by: Living Waters, The Gloryland Singers, The Hallelujahs

Aired the week of: July 3, 2022

Is Your Faith Dead or Alive?

Many claim to have faith, but there is a big difference between live faith and dead faith. Listen and learn what kind of faith you have.

With music by: Corliss Whitney, Tyler and Kelley Murray

Aired the week of: June 26, 2022

Your Steps Are Ordered by the Lord

God has laid out steps for every person to follow. Rev. Steve tells you how to find those steps and the necessity of following them to keep in step with Jesus.

With music by: The Hallelujahs, The Holy Soul Trio, The Morning Stars Trio, Zion

Aired the week of: June 19, 2022

The Prayer Closet

Rev. Chris will answer all your questions about the prayer closet, such as what is it? How do you approach it? What do you take into it, and what should you take out? Your prayer closet will become a new place.

With music by: The Cathedral Trio, The Quartet, Three Bells of Heaven

Aired the week of: June 12, 2022

Is God Able?

This message will challenge you to examine your faith and belief in God's abilities.

With music by: Ali and Jeremiah Eisenbraun, Rachel Swartz, The Gloryland Singers, The Holy Soul Trio, Tyler Murray

Aired the week of: June 5, 2022

Swallowed Up -  Lagos, Nigeria - 1989

It pays to be a friend of God. Just like the Red Sea swallowed up the Egyptian Army, all those that side with the devil in this final hour will be swallowed up by the Word of God.

With music by: Ali and Jeremiah Eisenbraun, Rocky Lowther, The Cathedral Trio, The Singing Gospels

Aired the week of: May 29, 2022

Climbing Jacob’s Ladder

This message reveals the meaning of Jacob's ladder and the great significance it has for us today.

With music by: The Grace Cathedral Orchestra, The Jesus Trio, The Victory Trio, Zion

Aired the week of: May 22, 2022

A Life of No Compromise

Rev. Steve explains what a life of no compromise is and how to live that life every day.

With music by: Tabitha Madziwanzira, The Country Gospel Band, The Hallelujahs, Tyler and Kelley Murray

Aired the week of: May 15, 2022

Who Do You Serve?

You may claim to serve Jesus, but this sermon will let you know whether or not God is really on the throne of your heart.

With music by: Corliss Whitney and The Girls' Trio, Jaylana Bell, The Cathedral Trio, The Quartet

Aired the week of: May 8, 2022

Ten Things to Know About Your Enemy, the Devil

We are at war with the devil. Knowing these ten things will help you fight the devil much more effectively.

With music by: Living Waters, Rocky Lowther, The Cathedral Trio, The Gloryland Singers

Aired the week of: May 1, 2022

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