Watch The Ernest Angley Hour
Tune in for a very special hour of praise to our God. You will enjoy music and singing that glorifies the Lord; you’ll hear the pure Word of God; you’ll witness miracles that can only come from heaven above, and you’ll rejoice with those who share what they have already received. You will be blessed anew with each program.
All offers valid at the time of original airing.
Choose Life, Gospel Life, Part 2
People today search high and low to find what they consider to be true life, but they are never satisfied because they neglect to seek the only source of true life—the Word. You must know why the Gospel is the only life you need or you will never be satisfied either.
With music by: The Cathedral Boys, The Cathedral Trio, The Hallelujahs, The Love Road Trio, The Singing Gospels
Aired the week of: April 9, 2017
Previous Episodes:
Be Strong In The Lord
There can be no victories without battles. To walk with God in this final hour it will take divine faith, divine determination, and divine strength.
With music by: Choir, The Cathedral Trio, The Singing Gospels, The Quartet
Aired the week of: August 4, 2019
Sons And Daughters Of God
The Bible tells us that we can be sons and daughters of God, but it is up to you whether or not you heed God’s instructions and claim that promise.
With music by: Choir, Joshoua and Corinthia Bell, The Cathedral Boys, The Cathedral Trio, The Gloryland Singers
Aired the week of: July 28, 2019
Faith And Ego Do Not Mix
Using your faith every once and a while will not due is the final hour. We must learn to use our faith consistently.
With music by: The Cathedral Boys, The Cathedral Trio, The Hallelujahs, The Love Road Trio, The Singing Rays
Aired the week of: July 21, 2019
Delight Thyself In The Lord
The Bible makes it clear that only serving the Lord with great delight will give you a victorious Christian walk.
With music by: Choir, Joshoua and Corinthia Bell, The Cathedral Trio, The Singing Gospels, Tyler and Kelley Murray
Aired the week of: July 7, 2019
The Secret Place Of God’s Presence
God wants His children to evangelize the world, but you must know how to find that quiet, secret place where He can give you what you need.
With music by: The Cathedral Boys, The Cathedral Trio, The Gloryland Singers, The Quartet, The Singing Rays
Aired the week of: June 30, 2019
Godliness Is Profitable Unto All Things
There are many things we can do in this life that are profitable in one way or another, but only godliness is profitable in all things. The Bible reveals how that is so.
With music by: Ali and Jeremiah Eisenbraun, Rocky Lowther, The Hallelujahs, The Quartet, The Singing Rays, The Victory Trio
Aired the week of: June 23, 2019
Keep It Or Throw It Out
Our minds collect thoughts from various sources throughout the day, and you must know which ones God wants you to keep and which ones He wants you to get rid of.
With music by: The Cathedral Trio, The Love Road Trio, The Singing Gospels, The Quartet
Aired the week of: June 16, 2019
What Really Defiles A Man Or A Woman
The things we hear and see can defile us, but the Bible clearly tells us what will defile us the most.
With music by: Ali and Jeremiah Eisenbraun, The Cathedral Boys, The Jubilee Youth Choir, The Love Road Trio, The Quartet
Aired the week of: June 2, 2019
Why Reason In Your Own Heart?
The Bible teaches us that man can never understand the ways of the Lord within himself; so you must know how to reason with God, or you will waste so much time.
With music by: Choir, The Cathedral Trio, The Gloryland Singers, The Love Road Trio, The Quartet, The Singing Rays
Aired the week of: May 26, 2019
Only The Righteous Will Shine Forth In God’s Heaven
The righteous and the unrighteous now live together on Earth, but that is not God’s eternal plan.
With music by: Choir, Rocky Lowther, The Jesus Trio, The Singing Gospels, The Quartet
Aired the week of: May 19, 2019