Watch The Ernest Angley Hour
Tune in for a very special hour of praise to our God. You will enjoy music and singing that glorifies the Lord; you’ll hear the pure Word of God; you’ll witness miracles that can only come from heaven above, and you’ll rejoice with those who share what they have already received. You will be blessed anew with each program.
All offers valid at the time of original airing.
Being Led By The Spirit
Having the Holy Spirit is not enough; you must learn to be led by the Spirit every day.
With music by: The Cathedral Boys, The Singing Gospels, The Quartet
Aired the week of: October 11, 2020
Previous Episodes:
Are You Listening To The Devil’s Chatter?
You may not think you are listening to the devil, but this message may change your mind.
With music by: The Four Anchors, Three Bells of Heaven, Zion
Aired the week of: August 9, 2020
That Is Not What I Said
Many people misinterpret what God says, and the results can be catastrophic for them and for others.
With music by: The Cathedral Boys, The Cathedral Trio, The Morning Stars Trio, The Singing Gospels, Tyler and Kelley Murray
Aired the week of: August 2, 2020
Faith In The Promises Of God
You may be a born-again Christian, but is the devil holding you hostage? The truths revealed in this message may surprise you…and set you free.
With music by: Choir, The Cathedral Boys, Three Bells of Heaven
Aired the week of: July 26, 2020
Does God Have Confidence In You?
You must know how to gain God’s confidence and maintain it, or you will be of little or no use to Him.
With music by: Rocky Lowther, The Gloryland Singers, The Singing Rays
Aired the week of: July 19, 2020
Do You Have True Life?
Only through the Word of God can you know the difference between life and true life. Which one do you have?
With music by: Choir, The Holy Soul Trio, The Quartet
Aired the week of: July 12, 2020
God’s Miraculous Supply
The Bible is full of examples of God supplying people’s needs in all kinds of situations. You must let those examples become real to you or God will not be able to supply for you.
With music by: The Jesus Trio, The Jubilee Youth Choir
Aired the week of: July 5, 2020
Do You Have A Giving Heart?
Do you think you give of yourself to the Lord? This message will let you know whether or not that is true.
With music by: Choir, The Cathedral Trio, The Gloryland Singers, The Hallelujahs
Aired the week of: June 28, 2020
Hell Is Not Going Away
Some people claim that hell does not exist, but this message will show you from the Word of God that it definitely does, and what people do or do not believe will not change that.
With music by: Ali and Jeremiah Eisenbraun, The Cathedral Boys, The Singing Gospels, The Singing Rays
Aired the week of: June 21, 2020
We Can’t Be Afraid Of The Devil
The devil will always get the best of you until you realize what you have made available to you from the Lord.
With music by: Jaylana Bell, The Hallelujahs, The Holy Soul Trio
Aired the week of: June 7, 2020
Be Careful In Times Of Waiting
There are times when you will need to wait on God for the things you need from Him, but how you wait determines how and when God will move. You must know how to wait on God His way.
With music by: The Jubilee Youth Choir, The Morning Stars Trio, The Singing Gospels, The Quartet
Aired the week of: May 31, 2020