Watch The Ernest Angley Hour
Tune in for a very special hour of praise to our God. You will enjoy music and singing that glorifies the Lord; you’ll hear the pure Word of God; you’ll witness miracles that can only come from heaven above, and you’ll rejoice with those who share what they have already received. You will be blessed anew with each program.
All offers valid at the time of original airing.
Are You Living in the Word the Right Way? Part 1
Jesus is the Word, so you cannot live in the Word the right way without first having Jesus, the Word, in your heart.
With music by: Corliss Whitney and The Girls' Trio, The Gloryland Singers, The Hallelujahs, The Holy Soul Trio
Aired the week of: September 19, 2021
Previous Episodes:
The Legacy of Lucifer, Part 6
Now we witness 7 angels each with a specific trumpet of God’s destruction. These apocalyptic messengers bear judgment and many lives are tormented. God’s wrath falls as never before. Lucifer’s power is now diminishing for he no longer is allowed access to the heavens. This struggle between divine and evil is directed by the archangel Michael. A detailed description of this undertaking is described in the Book of Revelation.
With music by: Ali and Jeremiah Eisenbraun, The Jubilee Youth Choir, Zion
Aired the week of: September 3, 2023
The Legacy of Lucifer, Part 5
The foundation of Lucifer’s legacy is pride and deceit God hates sin and Lucifer. In later times sin shall abound and a king of fierce countenance shall appear and magnify himself and by peace shall destroy many. This is the Antichrist. He rules with signs, lying wonders, and temporary world peace. After 3 ½ years the Antichrist will declare he is God and suddenly the world is in utter confusion. Christians who have not been taken in the 2nd appearance of Christ (Rapture) will be put to death if they deny Christ.
With music by: The Holy Soul Trio
Aired the week of: August 27, 2023
The Legacy of Lucifer, Part 4
What is sin and how was it introduced to the human race? Can we be saved and is there a penalty? Events start in the Garden of Eden where Adam and Eve disobeyed God and all of creation suffered. God’s plans with Abraham and Moses failed to redeem man. This would later be done thru the crucified Christ and His shed blood and resurrection. This playlist highlights the world’s rejection of Christ and the introduction of the judgments of the Book of Revelation. Seven seals must be broken in a divine book of redemption. Initially no one can do this, but the Lamb of God (Jesus) then steps forward as our Redeemer Kinsman. The seals are then broken and God’s judgments begin. This 7-year Tribulation Period is ruled by the Antichrist and His mark of 666. But Lucifer’s days are now limited before his eternal destruction.
With music by: Choir, Living Waters
Aired the week of: August 20, 2023
The Legacy of Lucifer, Part 3
Lucifer is the architect of a growing and spreading darkness that is covering our society. These signs include covetous, boasters, proud, disobedient to parents, false accusers, traitors, etc. These are centered on self and the denial of God’s holiness. But the Apostle Paul speaks of the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ (Rapture). This occurrence is “like a thief in the night” and is based on a severe erosion in moral/spiritual values, such as giving heed to seducing spirits, embracing doctrines of devils, and departing of faith. This rapture of the Spirit-filled church will then lead directly to the world acceptance of the Antichrist and the great Tribulation Period. Many sufferings will follow.
With music by: Choir, Tyler and Kelley Murray
Aired the week of: August 13, 2023
The Legacy of Lucifer, Part 2
Some of Lucifer's greatest works have been done in the church of Jesus Christ. In this message, Rev. Chris points out the destructive effect Satan has had on those who claim to be followers of Christ. Men loved darkness rather than light. Lucifer was a murderer from the beginner. But Jesus Christ came to destroy his works. Now the eternal battle for men's and women's souls has begun. Every human must make a choice: heaven or hell. This free choice has been offered for over 2000 years and is offered to all people of all races and nationalities. Let Christ make you a new creature by confessing in tears and heartfelt sorrows your sins. Unfortunately, false prophets and hypocrites have compromised the truth. Read the accounts of Samuel and King Saul to see how Lucifer works in deceit.
With music by: The Jubilee Youth Choir
Aired the week of: August 6, 2023
The Legacy of Lucifer, Part 1
A glittering and beautiful archangel, Lucifer, seduced 1/3 of God’s angels. This deceitful and cunning insurrection led to tragic consequences. Adam and Eve surrendered their beautiful garden because they ignored God’s instructions. Man and the animal kingdom suddenly faced sin, separation, and suffering from God’s judgments. And the greatest tragedy was death. But Jesus, God’s only Son, stepped into the world with His redemption plan which is still active this very day. The cost? His very life as the crucified Christ. The benefit? Eternal life for the believer.
With music by: The Country Gospel Band, The Jubilee Youth Choir
Aired the week of: July 30, 2023
The Lord Is Faithful, Are You?
Rev. Chris takes you to the Word to show you the Lord's faithfulness and the unfaithfulness of people. Examine yourself in light of this message to find out where you fit in.
With music by: Choir, The Jubilee Youth Choir, Tyler Murray
Aired the week of: July 23, 2023
In this service, members share testimonies of what God has done for them in their lives.
With music by: Choir, Rachel Swartz, The Cathedral Trio, The Hallelujahs
Aired the week of: July 16, 2023
Healing Is the Will of God
When you go to the Lord for your healing, don't just go for one thing. Just as the blood of Jesus will cleanse your soul from all of your sins, the blood will cleanse you of all your sickness, if you believe it.
With music by: Rocky Lowther, The Jubilee Youth Choir, Tom Neale
Aired the week of: July 9, 2023
Intent of the Heart
God knows the intents of every heart. Find out whether or not your intentions match those of God.
With music by: Ali and Jeremiah Eisenbraun, Choir, The Gloryland Singers
Aired the week of: June 25, 2023