The Ernest Angley Hour

Watch The Ernest Angley Hour

Tune in for a very special hour of praise to our God. You will enjoy music and singing that glorifies the Lord; you’ll hear the pure Word of God; you’ll witness miracles that can only come from heaven above, and you’ll rejoice with those who share what they have already received. You will be blessed anew with each program.

All offers valid at the time of original airing.


In this service, members share testimonies of what God has done for them in their lives.

With music by: Choir, Melissa Sullivan, The Grace Cathedral Orchestra, The Quartet

Aired the week of: September 15, 2024

Previous Episodes:


In this service, members share testimonies of what God has done for them in their lives.

With music by: Choir, Joshoua and Corinthia Bell, The Gloryland Singers, The Grace Cathedral Orchestra, The Singing Gospels

Aired the week of: July 7, 2024

Faith Not Feelings

We are born and raised in our feelings. It is so easy to let your feelings rule, dictate, and manipulate your life. In this teaching, Rev. Chris shows us how a child of God should learn to live by faith, not feelings.

With music by:

Aired the week of: June 30, 2024

What Binds You?

During this sermon, Reverend Steve asked us to reflect on whether anything is holding us back spiritually. Many people are bound by different things in their lives, without even realizing it. They allow fear, discouragement, or doubt to prevent them from receiving God's blessings.

With music by: Choir, Rachel Swartz, The Cathedral Trio

Aired the week of: June 23, 2024

The Lord Wants to Heal You

Rev. Chris takes you to the Word to prove that it is God's will to heal, but there are conditions that must be met for miracles to take place in your life.

With music by: Choir, Tabitha Madziwanzira, Zion

Aired the week of: June 16, 2024

The Dangers of Drifting Spiritually

In his sermon, Rev. Steve conveys the key signs of drifting away from the Lord. The stronger your spiritual foundation becomes, the less likely you are to drift.

With music by: Ali and Jeremiah Eisenbraun, Choir, Living Waters, The Morning Stars Trio, The Singing Gospels, Tyler and Kelley Murray

Aired the week of: June 9, 2024

Love in Perfection - Akron, Ohio - 1986

With music by: Melissa Sullivan, The Country Gospel Band, The Holy Soul Trio, The Quartet

Aired the week of: June 2, 2024

The Disobedient Christian

In God's eyes, disobeying the Word of God is not a light thing. A Christian must be obedient to the Will and the Word of God.

With music by: Zion

Aired the week of: May 26, 2024

The Danger of Twisting God’s Word

In this sermon, Rev. Steve discusses how many people try to twist God's word to fit their lifestyle. They take things out or add them to fit how they want to live. God's complete word is the truth we must live by in this final hour.

With music by: DeFloria Ether, Joshoua and Corinthia Bell, The Cathedral Trio, The Jubilee Youth Choir

Aired the week of: May 19, 2024

Does God Have Your Whole Heart?

What does it mean for God to have your whole heart, and if He doesn't, what can it lead to? Rev. Chris discusses why this is something that Christians today even struggle with.

With music by: Choir

Aired the week of: May 12, 2024

Are You Kicking Against the Pricks?

Do you have a stubborn spirit? In this sermon, Rev. Steve teaches us how to tell and the dangerous consequences that come with having a stubborn spirit.

With music by: Choir, Corliss Whitney, The Grace Cathedral Orchestra, The Holy Soul Trio

Aired the week of: May 5, 2024

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