But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary. And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea (Matthew 14:24-25). In the midst of the raging storm, we really need Jesus, and it’s in the midst of the raging storm He delights in manifesting Himself to us. Many times, however, we give up, letting fear take over at the very time we should trust Him.

And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear (verse 26).

The Lord had problems teaching His disciples because of their fear. Are you aware of how many times the Lord Jesus dealt with fear in His own disciples, those closest to Him? Again today He deals with fear in those closest to Him. Fear is a hindrance to the Lord. He knows it is human to fear, and He also knows that Divinity can keep you from being afraid.

But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid (verse 27). The words it is I settled things as far as Jesus was concerned. He knew what the power of God could do; He knew the disciples had nothing to worry about, nothing to fear because He was there. I am Jesus, He was saying. The knowledge that He is in your stormy deep must be real to you; He is with you in fair weather or foul. Always He is with His children.

Walk the Water

Jesus wants you to be happy. Be of good cheer, He said. It is I. You have nothing to be afraid of. And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said, Come (verse 28,29). The Lord was ready for Peter to prove Him, just as He is ready for us to prove Him in this final hour. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said, Come (verse 29). What a profound experience! Here is a man, a mere human being, walking on the water toward Jesus! It must have been wonderful to go to Jesus, walking on the water.

Jesus walked the stormy deeps of life. He didn’t sink.

He has made us partakers of His divinity, of God’s divine power and Spirit; and so we can walk like Jesus, talk like Jesus and be like Him. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature (II Peter 1:4).

Don’t Fear the Valleys

Jesus shunned none of the valleys. Don’t be afraid of any valleys. Walk them. In every valley that a child of God must walk, the grace of God has already gone before, paving the way. The Lord will not send you into a valley lacking His grace. As His grace goes before you, the hand of the Lord will be yours. Jesus said, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness (II Corinthians 12:9).

Don’t be afraid of the valley of sickness, for the Lord is your healer. Never fear the valleys of despair because Jesus is your encouragement. Why worry about the valleys of not knowing? Jesus is your high tower to give you vision all the way from earth to Heaven. Depend on Him.

Don’t be confused by a lack of knowledge; God is your source of all knowledge. Never be at a loss when your wisdom falls short; ask for all you need, and He will give it to you. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him (James 1:5).

Act Out Your Faith

You can have the fullness of God through Jesus Christ. Jesus tried to serve it all to His disciples, but before Pentecost, they wouldn’t accept it all. Some of you don’t have everything God wants you to have because you haven’t accepted all of it. The Early Church had it all, and the Lord is offering it all to you, all of Himself, all that He brought. It belongs to you. He brought it for people, not for Himself. You have to reach out for it, to use it.

Jesus tried and tried to show the disciples, His followers closest to Him, what they could have in the Lord. Oh thou of little faith, He would say, wherefore didst thou doubt (Matthew 14:31). We don’t want Him to say that to us; we don’t want to be of little faith, to doubt or fear.

The Lord is to be the strength of your life, the way-maker. You don’t realize what you are doing when you act as though He were afar off. You can say you believe, but do your actions prove otherwise? Failing to realize the closeness of the Master makes you weak in the faith before others, before your own family. Your testimony for Jesus is one you must live up to. If you talk faith, you must live faith. Display the greatness of His faith sincerely or it will have no effect.

Talking faith will not work. Faith must be acted out. The Lord seeks to pour Himself through you so you can use His faith, but how can He pour faith through you to others when you are full of discouragement, despair, of unbelief that God will move for you? Many are running scared almost all the time.

Lack of faith has hindered God’s people for years. It can’t continue in the final hour. We must come into all the greatness of God. And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh (Acts 2:17). It’s useless for the Lord to pour out His Spirit if we as true believers will not let His Spirit be manifested through us. It has to be manifested through us, saith the Lord.

Special Place with God

God is preparing vessels of clay, making them ready, dedicated for the Master’s use. God is making changes in lives. Many have gone into a special place with God, a place they never knew they could go. It has profoundly affected their spirits, their innermost beings. If you are to enter that place of the greatness of God and stay in, you must pay the price of battling the devil, for he will rage against you. More demons crawl out from under the rocks every time you take a closer step to the Lord.

Battles of the Mind

Some of you do not understand how the devil comes against the child of God through the battles of the mind, how he closes in, hoping to make you think you have backslidden. You know you haven’t done or said anything wrong, but you feel guilty. The devil stands accusing you, and if you don’t recognize him he will have you so confused you’ll think God is after you.

God’s people are having battles of the mind. You can have a nervous breakdown, or you can decide the Lord is on your side and nothing will get you down. The Bible says that men ought always to pray, and not to faint (Luke 18:1). You can’t afford to faint, much less die out on the Lord. Don’t let down even a little.

Know through God what battles of the mind are and what leeches are. The Lord taught me about leeching of the mind. I had never before heard of such a thing in all my life. God didn’t only teach it to me, He let me see leeched minds. To talk to someone with a leeched mind is extremely distressing. Leeches are like maggots, a terrible sight. The way they work on the mind reminds me of a hive full of bees working on a honeycomb.

Children of God who are close to the Lord will have battles of the mind, but you must learn your enemy. You’ve got to know, saith the Lord, who is doing battle against you. Not God, but the devil battles you although he has no claim on any child of God.

The devil is a liar and the father of lies. Why should you believe him? If you don’t believe him, why can his thoughts torture you? The devil seeks to aggravate you to distraction with little things—and he will if you let him. He knows little things can be as irritating as a swarm of gnats. Why allow it? You have power from the Lord, power that can swat the devil as easily as you can swat a fly. If you don’t believe it, pray until God can magnify Himself, until you know that God has all power.

You may say God has all power, but saying and using are two different things. If you run off and leave that power, letting the devil chase you into the wilderness, you end up full of fear. Why, why God? you cry. I did the best I could. Yes, you ran the fastest you ever had run. You did your best only in running. Some of us do our best when we run with the devil chasing. The devil tries to close in on you with little things, worrying you to death. Why let the devil get your attention? Use the power in the blood of Jesus and the devil will be gone. He can’t stand the blood. You can drive off the devil by singing, “There is power, power, wonder-working power in the blood of the Lamb”—if that promise is a part of your spirit. The devils will back off. There is almighty power in the blood, in the name of Jesus.

Walk like Jesus. To walk like Him means you can climb every mountain He wants you to climb. You will not be alone; why act as though you were? Why say one thing and believe another?

Devils Believe God—and Tremble

The devil knows whether you really believe God. He knows that God can trample him underfoot, that the lake of fire awaits him. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble (James 2:19). The devils know what God can do.

We know how to dress ourselves each morning, whether our garments will keep us warm or not, and yet we know too little about the grace of God. We don’t know how to put it on to keep ourselves warm and strong in the Spirit. Study the grace of God and let it become a part of you so you can use it. The Bible tells us to put on the whole armor of God, and until you have on all the Lord said you could have, you are not complete. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:11). You may feel too good to put on some of God’s armor, thinking you won’t need it for the day, but put it on anyway; you may feel too bad to reach for it later. Something in your heart against another will keep you from having the whole armor of God.

Forgive What You Can’t Excuse

To walk like Jesus, you walk without fear, without grudges. What you can’t excuse you forgive. What you can’t forgive you turn over to the Lord and let Him take care of it. You excuse or forgive, and put the matter in the hands of God. Vengeance is the Lord’s and you must trust His judgment.

Do you have confidence in God? Do you believe God will take care of your enemies? Have you waited a long time and it hasn’t happened yet? It’s a good thing God isn’t impatient. If He were, you might have been dead long ago. We want God to be patient with us but quick to bring judgment on our enemies. If God would do all man wants Him to, He would have a terrible reputation. What if God would have answered your prayers your way when you were wrong? Could you honestly then have told others that your God was a God of love?

Jesus loved at all times, even His enemies. He had divine compassion. Do you know what compassion is, that longing to help, to do good, to not turn a deaf ear to those who need help? Jesus walking in the valley of human needs showed His disciples how to treat others. Everything He did was to help humanity and not Himself. For even Christ pleased not himself (Romans 15:3). Everything we do, too, must be for humanity, not just for one or two persons.

Jesus was ready to help anyone who would accept Him. The Syrophenician woman of Mark 7:26 came to Jesus, a woman not of the household of faith, but Jesus didn’t reject her. Why? Because she came in the right spirit.

In Business with Jesus

Those who are not in the right spirit doubt God will answer prayers, and so they see no reason to serve Jesus. When you serve Jesus wholeheartedly, it’s easy to know He hears your prayers. You are in business with Him, serving Him, alive in His Spirit. You cannot be dead in spirit and serve Jesus; His Spirit is life, life-giving. His love has life in it, glowing life, great joy, peace, contentment.

The love of God is wonderful. Jesus didn’t walk in the love and peace of God part-time; He walked in it all the time.

Walk in His love. Be rid of all bitterness; you can’t afford it. Be rid of all hate, of anything unlike Jesus. Pay the price to be all the Lord wants you to be. Be rid of every selfish bone in your body. Don’t try to be like another person; be like Jesus. Delight and rejoice in being like Him, conscious that He is with you.

Feel the holy sacredness of the Lord that joins you with Heaven. Just as Jesus was connected with Heaven night and day when He was here on earth, you will be connected with Heaven. Never did Jesus know a separation from the Father. Jesus said that the Father hearest me always (John 11:42), and as the Father always heard Jesus, Jesus always hears us.

How wonderful to know that you can walk each day, each night connected with Heaven, connected with all the power you need to defeat your enemies, to defeat the devil and to defeat self! All the power you need to keep self humble at the foot of the cross is supplied. People think they have problems they can’t overcome, but Jesus is the overcomer of all; turn your problems over to Him. Walk with Jesus, and stop striving to conquer problems within yourself.

Yield to the Word of God

The Bible is different than the self-help books in the library, for man didn’t write this Book; it was written by the will of God. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost (II Peter 1:21). All scripture is given by inspiration of God (II Timothy 3:16). Thus saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord was poured through vessels for us. The Bible is the pure Word of God. Learn how to use it, how to give over to it; it’s a must.

Speak the words “yield to God,” and many don’t know what you are talking about. Yield to every thought of the Lord, every action, every Word of His. Let His Word displace your thoughts and the thoughts that others bring to you.

This world is made up of people who receive from others and not from God. But the Bride receives from God as she yields to Him and not from people. Her opinions must be God’s opinions, God’s thoughts. Because she embraces and carries out His will, she will be alive, well and strong in the might, power and glory of Him.

Vision of a Divine Mission

The Bride will have great vision, God’s vision. Jesus never lost His vision of the Father’s will, no matter how tortured, how tormented in body. The vision of His divine mission was ever before Him. You, too, are on a divine mission, and you cannot lose the vision of it. The only way you will keep the vision is to walk like Jesus. No matter what it costs, pay the price to walk with Him. Deny yourself of anything unlike the Lord, and walk with Jesus. Give up any friends that hinder that walk; love the soul of any enemy. Certain people can be quite aggravating. You can get away from the devil more easily than from some people who worry you to death. You must have too much love to ask the Lord to cast them into hell, for you must love their souls no matter how they have wronged you. You don’t have to love their evil ways, tormenting ways—God doesn’t love their ways either. People need to understand God. You won’t love the ungodly ways; you’ll love the soul.

Some Christians use their tongues in ways that help push people into hell instead of into Heaven. Are you helping get people into hell or Heaven? How can you tell if you love your enemies? When you want people to go to hell, you have stopped loving them. Lord, drop that one right into hell; I’ll help you put him there if you need me to. The Lord doesn’t need you to put anyone into hell; He has ordained us to help people find Heaven.

How can you tell if you love your enemies? If they were dying and you could reach out and hold them out of hell would you do it, or would you “accidently” turn them loose? Would you pay a price to keep them out of hell? Would you say holding them out of hell was causing arthritis in your back, and you couldn’t hold on any longer? “Oops, I didn’t mean to let go.” Do you think they are not worthy of being held out of hell, that you are glad they are going? If you turn loose and let them go into hell, then you don’t have God’s love for their souls. But if you love their souls and want to see them saved, you will pay the price.

Were someone to actually hit you on one side, should you offer the other side? Anyone who has enough devil in them to hit you could possibly break your jaw if you turn the other cheek. That isn’t what Jesus meant when He said resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also (Matthew 5:39). There is a better way than the old “eye for eye, tooth for tooth.” It’s called walking like Jesus. Study the walk of Jesus; you must have His love to understand that walk. The Bride will understand; with His love, she will study His walk daily, knowing why He walked the way He walked.

Conquer Self

The Bride walks like Jesus, in that same love and faith, and she will get the same results. You can’t walk like Jesus unless you walk in love, hope, courage, strength, grace, peace, humility and self-control. Until you get control of your spirit all the time you can’t walk like Jesus.

To walk like Jesus, you first have to conquer self. If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me (Matthew 16:24).

Then the fruit of self-control will be produced through the Holy Spirit in your heart. When self is out of control, you are out of the hands of God. To be out of the hands of God means you could cause damage that would take years to remedy—if ever. Most Christians get out of control at times, but the Bride will stay in that place Jesus walked. If you are part of the Bride, self-control will be yours.

You may think you cannot control your temper, but the Lord can; and He has the power for it. He can show you how to use that temper on the devil. He has exactly what you need.

You Must Be Born Again

Some people come up from the altar of God not yielded completely to Him for salvation. Salvation is a born-new experience, and until you are a new creature in Christ Jesus, you are not saved. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new (II Corinthians 5:17). When you yield to God, you have a new life, you take on His Spirit, His love. If you act the same way you used to act, you don’t have the new life.

Remember when you were first saved and you loved everyone, even all your enemies? I couldn’t think of one person I didn’t love when I got saved—before, I could have named a few. I was a new person, not that same Ernest Angley who hated certain people and believed in serving them his wrath. Salvation through the blood of Jesus made me a different person, a new me. That’s the wonderful part of God’s salvation. Many people have never recognized what it means to really be born new.

Have you been born new? If you doubt it, come to God and make sure. God’s salvation is unshakable. Jesus said, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God (John 3:3). Know for sure whether you are saved or not. Be so certain of your salvation that the devil and all his demons couldn’t convince you otherwise. If you have the same traits you had before coming to the Lord, if you haven’t taken on the traits of Jesus, you don’t have the born-new experience.

Many have fooled themselves, discouraged others, deceived people into thinking that it was all right to act like a sinner. Don’t look at other people to see what they can do; look to Jesus. How did He live? How did He talk? How did He treat people? What did He serve?

Walk in His Power

The Bride will walk in God’s power. How marvelous to be able to walk in His power! The disciples before Pentecost had not learned to really walk in His power. They tried to; they wanted to. In their minds they had it figured out—unfortunately they were wrong. Some of us foolishly try to figure God out, how He is going to work on tomorrow. I don’t try to figure out how God will work on tomorrow, for it isn’t a matter of what I think, but of what God will do.

Take everything to the promises of God. If the promises of God cover your case, then you know you have the strength for it, the power for it; you have God’s love backing you up, and the peace of God to go with it. Why fret about tomorrow? God is the God of all your tomorrows if He is your God. The question is, is He really your God? If you have confidence in Him you will not worry about tomorrow. Jesus promised to be with you on tomorrow: Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world (Matthew 28:20).

Walk like Jesus in the deep love and faith of God, and you will have the deep joy of God. If you have but a tiny bit of joy, it very easily can be snatched away. Without that strength in the joy of the Lord, the devil can discourage you, make you think God doesn’t really care, that He loves everyone else better than He loves you.

How long does the devil have to work in one day to make you doubt Heaven? How long does it take for the devil to make you doubt that Jesus is coming soon? How many times does the devil shake you before he shakes out all your joy, peace and happiness?

Immune to the Devil’s Poison

Know who the devil is and that you can trample him through the power of God. Realize that the blood of the Lamb makes you immune to his poison. You don’t have to fear a snake if you are immune to his poison, and you don’t have to fear the devil. Devil, I’m coming after you. This is my road, the Jesus road, and I’m not detouring. I’m coming right through you!

Have victory in Jesus, knowing that because of Him every day is victory with peace and joy. Be a living witness for the Lord. Jesus is the one we need to know; look to Jesus and decide that He is walking with you.

They Did Not Compromise

In the fiery furnace, the three Hebrew boys did not compromise. Even before they were thrown into the furnace, they had made up their minds. We are not careful to answer thee in this matter, they told the king who wanted them to worship a golden image. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up (Daniel 3:16-18). They knew God was with them. That’s the reason the fire could do them no harm.

How many would be calm in the den of lions the way Daniel was? The Lord can make the lions as tame as little poodles. When you look at the lions, realizing they’re harmless through the power of God, you will not fear.

Are you afraid? Don’t you know that when you serve God you have His protection and His greatness? Live in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit like Jesus, and the Spirit is yours with all His benefits, all His greatness.

Take Your Stand in the Lord

The Early Church learned that all the greatness of God and His protection, and all the greatness of the Holy Spirit was theirs. Because they walked like Jesus, they were not afraid to live or die.

The Bride will walk like Jesus. Her head held high, she knows that victory is hers, that all power has been given unto her, all the power she needs to defeat the devil. The devil cannot deceive or defeat you when you love Jesus and yield completely to Him; he cannot rob you of any of the blessings of God. You will stand. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore (Ephesians 6:13,14). Peter didn’t stand part of the time, and he was sorry for that. And Peter remembered the word of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And he went out, and wept bitterly (Matthew 26:75). It grieved him to look back on his failure. But after he repented, he became like Jesus. On the Day of Pentecost Peter stood up to be counted, preaching a scorching sermon that pricked men in their hearts. Peter hadn’t known whether or not his words would cause him to be killed. It made no difference because he had the message; he kept the vision, the love, the faith, the power, of the mission Jesus had laid out for His followers. That day about three thousand souls were added to the Kingdom.

Do problems affect you adversely? Do they seem to swallow you up? It’s because you do not use the protecting power you have. If you have allowed problems, big and small, to get you down, know that the Lord has promised you overcoming power, all the help you need, all the power Peter and the other Bible overcomers used.

Be Aware of the Greatness of the Lord’s Presence

Do you feel you get nowhere in your prayer life? Let the Lord be as real to you as another person, and you won’t have any trouble. The lack of reality in the Lord hinders many prayers. Were you out in the woods and a bear started chasing you, you would pray fervently. The greater the need, the more likely you are to pray. The devil makes you think you can’t be an overcomer; if Jesus is with you, you are a Jesus overcomer; you could be no less. You have His power, His love, His strength because He is with you. You can talk to the Lord any time in perfect trust. Jesus was never defeated, and when you walk like Jesus, neither will you be.

The devil strives to bring darkness to separate you from your Lord, making you think you can’t pray, can’t get anything out of the Word of God. But if Jesus were visible, if you could actually hear His voice preach that Sermon on the Mount, look into His eyes, you would be overwhelmed with the greatness of His presence. The greatness of His presence is with you just the same whether you see Him or not. Let Him be that real the next time you read the Sermon on the Mount, every time you open the Bible. Let Jesus be real to you.

Turn On the Voice of God

The devil tries to fool you, make you think you can’t get anything out of the Word. The next time you feel that way, tell yourself that through the Word, God is speaking directly to you; you are listening to the voice of God from His Word. When you open the pages of God’s Word, you turn on the voice of God that penetrates any unbelief if you will allow it. The Lord wants to make Himself real to you.

It’s time for us to yield to the Holy Spirit, to the divine power of God in this last hour. Pay no attention to persecutions or trials, to what the devil is doing or saying. What does it matter what the devil does? It’s what God does that counts, that we love and enjoy. Why not reach out for that?

Don’t let the devil torment you with all that he is doing; don’t keep it on your mind. When you lie down at night, have the Lord on your mind. Know that all is well; you are closing your eyes on another Jesus day. Decide that every day from here on out is going to be a Jesus day.

Is Jesus Lost to You?

Be always with Jesus; don’t make it necessary to search for Him the way His mother and father had to when He was twelve and remained at the temple when the others left. They didn’t even seek Him until after a day’s journey home. Then it took another three days to find Him. Can you imagine being without Jesus for three days? Some of us have experienced much difficulty finding the Lord, spending time searching for Him when all the time He was dwelling on the inside.

Is there a “lost” Jesus in your life at any time? He is the most valuable possession you could ever have. If you have to search for Him, He is lost to you in a fog of doubt and unbelief and despair. From the hour the Lord saves you, never let Jesus be lost to you again. You’re bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh. Think how marvelous this closeness is! Decide that from now on things will be different; open your eyes to all His greatness and let Him flow Himself to you.

Jesus can’t flow Himself to you unless you are conscious of the reality of Him, conscious of what belongs to you. People usually know how much money they have, the worth of their valuable possessions; but when it comes to Jesus, they don’t know the worth. They don’t know where He is for them. They just know their material possessions, which they take great pains to care for and insure.

It’s time to insure the precious Jesus, time to decide how valuable He is to you. He is your door into Heaven, your very life, your happiness, your peace, your sunshine, your warmth; He is life. When you decide that, you will value Him beyond price, and you will know where He is, right with you in your soul. If that knowledge won’t calm you, what will? If you have been serving Him, He is right there with you offering His overcoming strength every hour and minute of the day.

Yield to His Spirit; make every day a Jesus day, and you will walk like Jesus. Tell yourself: I won’t be separated. I won’t let anyone separate me from Jesus. If anyone comes along with any influence to draw me away from Jesus for a moment, that is an enemy. Lord, be real to me every day, and let me be real to you. Lord, I want to be real to you.

Don’t be with people who will separate you from Jesus, family or whoever. You can’t afford it. Pay them no mind. Close yourself in with Jesus; stay with Him and He will stay with you.

A Message from the Holy Spirit

Thus saith the Lord: I have hugged you close, but I will hug you closer. I have walked with you and been with you, and I have taught you many things; but I want to walk with you more, and I want to teach you much, much more. I have manifested myself to you…and you…and you…but I want to manifest myself in a much, much greater way. I want you to be conscious of my greatness with you in every valley. I want you to be conscious of my presence each day, each hour, at all times. I want to become living reality; I want to be a greater reality to you than any human being that you know. I want to be the greatness in your life. I want to be your reason for living. I want to be the joy in your life. I want to be the love in your life, and I want to pour my greatness through you and manifest myself to the lost and perishing. I want to reveal my mind for the lost through you. I want to reveal my great compassion for all humanity through you, my people.

Trust in me. Be all mine. Be not discouraged. You have nothing to be discouraged about because I the Lord thy God walketh with thee. I will never leave thee, and I will never forsake thee. So why should your heart be troubled and why should there be any fear? My love used daily will cast out all fear, but you must use my love. You must trust in my love to be free from fear.

The enemy will haunt you with fear and torture you day and night if you will let him, but in the darkness of the night you will know that all is well because I am with you. You will know that I am there when the storm is raging.

Why be afraid? Why fear when I’ve told you not to be afraid and I’ve told you not to fear? And when I promised to supply all of your needs, why do you worry and fret and hinder me in working like I want to work? Why not declare in your own spirit, “My God will do it! My God will do it!” And I will do it, saith the Lord.

Lift up your hands and tell Him you love Him. Ask Him to help you trust Him more and more, to help you put all your trust in His love so you won’t be afraid. Say, Oh, Jesus, I want to trust you. Oh, Jesus, I want to trust you all the time. Help me to not worry, not fret, to rise up above it all in thy greatness. I give myself to you, dear Jesus. I give myself completely into your hands. Keeping nothing in reserve, Lord, I’m all yours, soul, mind and body. I have determined in my heart that I will walk with you all the way. I will do your holy will.

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