Troubles, troubles, troubles: you’re going to have them until you get to Heaven. The Bible tells us that in this world ye shall have tribulation. Have you claimed that promise? It’s yours whether you accept it or not, but you also have God’s promise that will defeat those troubles; He will not leave you defenseless. Why be terrified, not knowing whether or not your problems can be overcome? Listen to the good Lord, and you can be victorious.

Paul experienced many, many troubles. II Corinthians 4:8,9 describes how those problems were handled: We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed. Although Paul had enough troubles for an army, troubles that came from all directions, he said we are troubled—not I but we—yet not distressed. The difference between victory and defeat for Paul? Troubled but not distressed. When you use all the tools of faith that God has given you, you can be troubled on every side without being distressed about it. A distressed person is unable to accept very much of the blessings of God and the joy of the Lord. We’re perplexed but not in despair. In other words Paul is saying: We’re amazed about the thing; we didn’t expect all of this, but we have not given up by any means. We know we’re coming out of this trouble because we have the promises of God to bring us out.

Are you in despair? It’s all right to be perplexed over what’s happening to you, to wonder about it; but so long as you’re not in despair your hands are free to put the deliverance of God into action. Like Jesus, you’re persecuted but not forsaken. Never think that God has forgotten about you when you’re persecuted. Jesus came to show us the way to Heaven—the easiest way—and although that easiest way is mighty rough, it’s paved with the promises of Jesus. He cleared the path with His own precious blood, making it possible for you to be made a new creation, eligible to claim all those promises. Jesus walked every valley that you must go into; He faced them all—and won.

Do you know how to talk to Jesus? Just as Jesus talked to the Father, you can talk to Jesus; and Jesus will make intercession to the Father for you.

Cast down…you’ll be cast down, but not destroyed. The devil will do everything he can to discourage you. You will be persecuted by men and devils, but remember, take hope; God said we would be cast down but not destroyed.

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me (Psalm 138:7). Many of you are going through troubles and trials; the enemy seems to be fast closing in on you at home, on the job, wherever. The more you do for the Lord the more the devil battles you. When he can discourage you, when he can get your attention, he’ll stop your work for the Lord; and you cannot afford to be stopped.

Sword in Hand, They Worked

If anyone had trouble to overcome, it was Nehemiah. Hearing that the wall of Jerusalem had been broken down and her gates consumed with fire, he wept, mourned, fasted and prayed before the God of Heaven. God put it into his heart to repair the walls. Nehemiah told the people: The hand of my God…was good upon me; …Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work (Nehemiah 2:18). The walls in rubble, the piles of rocks were not an encouraging sight. But by using God-faith, Nehemiah saw the walls repaired; and he inspired a people with his vision. Because of the enemy, the workers rebuilt the walls sword in hand—they had a mind to work, the Bible says. Only to wash did they take off their clothes. Mockingly the enemy sneered, “If a fox would run along the wall it would fall down.” The enemy wanted to meet Nehemiah, to cause him harm; but Nehemiah sent messengers saying, I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you (Nehemiah 6:3)? A mocker like that has followed me for years; his name is Lucifer. Why would I want to leave the work of God and listen to him? Why dine in a restaurant whose food you know will make you sick? We cannot let the work cease because we allow the devil to take our attention. The devil did everything he could to get Nehemiah’s attention, but the work went on.

The more you do for the Lord the more the devil comes after you. That spirit of depression tries to drag you down, but the secret of overcoming is in the joy of the Lord. Rejoice in Him, praise God, make melody in your heart. Sing songs to the Lord, bless Him. Some of you fail to realize what a great blessing you receive when you praise the Lord, when you let the joy of the Lord be your strength.

What Would You Do If You Were the Devil?

What would you do if you were the devil and saw the Lord blessing one of His workers? Would you take it sitting down? No; if you were the devil you would use everything in your power to hinder and aggravate. You’d find out what worried each person the most, what got under his skin, who rubbed him the wrong way. Every time you could, you’d send someone across his path to irritate him. Husband and wife…you’d set them against one another at each opportunity. It’s Satan’s strategy. If I were the devil I’d get the husband sitting at the table with his nose stuck in the newspaper and the wife desperate for attention. In other words, I’d start such a war at the breakfast table that they both would sulk all the day long, both still be angry when they got home at night. I’d make things go wrong on the job until they thought no one loved them, they’d be better off dead. If I were the devil that’s what I would do. I’d bring bags and bags of trouble to everyone I could.

Study your life, see the pattern of the devil in it; know how he works and put him to flight with the Word of God. You need not give Satan any of your time. Some of you open the gate for him, however. He couldn’t get in until you ran over and cleared the way. Just because he didn’t introduce himself—“Hey there, I’m the devil”—you let him in. In fact, had he identified himself, you may not have believed him anyway, drinking in all he had to say. By the time he got through, you would have ended up thinking that God had really sent him, that you were worthless, useless and no good. That’s trouble.

All Heaven’s on the Line for You

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me. We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed. Though I walk in the midst of trouble I know He will stretch forth His hands against the wrath of my enemies. His right hand shall save me. Isn’t that consolation? Isn’t that strength, encouragement—just about everything you need? Stand up straight, protected by the whole armor of God, knowing no defeat. There is no defeat in Jesus Christ.

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6,7). Be careful for nothing—be anxious for nothing. However, it seems we’re anxious about everything; the spirit of anxiety prevails today. The devil causes much anxiety if you allow it; he’ll try to turn you into a bag of nerves, so you’ll not enjoy life. Things of no consequence put you on edge, make you tense. The answer? Be anxious for nothing, the Word is with you; the Lord is your High Tower, your Refuge, your Shelter, your all, your strength. In order to destroy you, the devil would have to destroy God—if you use the promises of strength God has given you. The devil simply cannot destroy your soul as long as it’s under the blood of Jesus. Only when you hand that soul over to the devil can he destroy it. When God gave Jesus, He put Heaven on the line for you. As long as you live holy, all Heaven backs you up. As long as you live righteously, godly in Christ Jesus, you truly have nothing to fear and nothing to worry about. You say you cannot live free from sin? Jesus did, and He is our example. The Bible tells us that no guile was found in His mouth. By not living free from sin, you have no provision of peace for your state of mind.

Are Your Prayers Alive?

What is the secret of drawing on God? In every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God (Philippians 4:6). Why let your requests be made known with thanksgiving? Because you know the prayers will be answered. Don’t wait until later to thank Him; just say, “Thanks, Lord, for what you’re going to do.” With eyes of faith see your prayers answered. See with the promises of God, with thanksgiving in your heart as you make your requests known in the strength of Bible believing, Bible loving, Bible peace, Bible understanding, Bible prayer. All kinds of people pray to multitudes of gods. Even many of those who pray to the true and living God do not pray Bible prayers; they just say words because their hearts are not really in their prayers. When the faith, the love, the peace of God are missing, prayers are not alive—and prayers are meant to have the life of God in them. Put the promises of God into your praying. Don’t just say words; really talk to God.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). Instead of Christians praying the Bible way, the devil has convinced many of God’s people to pray like little beggars, always pleading with God to do something, pleading because they have not really accepted God’s promises. Accept God’s promises, and you will come out of the prayer closet happy. Why? You’ve just heard from Heaven. What did you hear? Everything’s going to be all right; God’s faithful to His promises. Now it’s two hours later; your assurance is starting to leak out. What happened? You met trouble. The Lord didn’t say you were going to live in Heaven while He answered prayer for you. He didn’t say that the devil wouldn’t come at you six other ways during the time God is answering your prayer. When the devil realizes you got one prayer through, he jumps onto something else. You wish he’d leave you alone? It won’t work like that, you’re in war.

Get Angry with the Devil

I don’t wait around for the devil to come after me; I throw him off guard by going after him in the name of the Lord! “You rotten devil, I’ll bulldoze you under with the Word of God today. I’ll bury you with the promises of God so that you won’t be able to seep through all day to hinder and aggravate me!”

Some of you don’t get angry enough at the devil—people, yes, but not the devil. Use that anger on the devil; mean it, send him on his way, and you will have peace. Don’t, like so many are doing, let troubles blot out your victory. Make your requests known to God; believe He answers your prayers. When you find self saying to you: “Why, you’ve got to tell God about this again. I don’t believe it was taken care of the last time you talked,” tell self, “It was taken care of. The answer is coming!” Don’t let doubt delay the answer. God travels the route of faith, love and peace; and He has given all those qualities to you, made them available for your use. There is no peace like the peace of God that keeps your heart and mind through Christ Jesus.

Is “Up” the Last Place You Look?

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth (Psalm 121:1,2). Where do you seek help? Is up the last place you look? Do you search out relatives, friends, neighbors, anyone who will help—anyone but God? When those helping hands fail you, do you become discouraged and depressed? God did not mean it to be that way. The Psalmist said: I WILL lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh FROM THE LORD, which made heaven and earth. My help cometh from the One who made this earth, from the One who made the heavens. Where else could there be help so great? Since you have the best help available, why look around for inadequate substitutes? In God you have more help than you could ever need.

You Can “Muzzle” God

For I am the LORD: I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass (Ezekiel 12:25). The Lord is ready to speak on your behalf again and again, but YOU can muzzle God, keep Him from speaking to you. Only through His faith can God talk for you, only through His love, only through His peace, His goodness, His mercy. If you do not listen with His faith, His love, His peace, goodness and mercy, there is no communication. God can speak to a lost and dying world only through His love if He’s going to help them. One day He will speak with a voice of judgment; but to help them now, He gives love, love, love, love. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills where I know there’s help.

Troubles…we all have them; but some of us know what to do with them and some of us do not; some have never taken the time to find out what God wants done with them. Since you know you will have troubles, why not learn from God what to do with them, how to handle them, how to avoid that nervous breakdown, that fainting by the wayside, that giving up? Handling your problems, you would know happiness, peace and joy. God would give it to you—He wants to give it to you; He wants you to know He is with you, that He will stand by you.

Jesus Is Touched by the Feeling of Our Infirmities

For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15). This tells us that we must be free from sin if we are to accept all the help from God needed. You can overcome just like Jesus did; He can be touched with the feeling of your infirmities, your persecutions, your trials. Jesus was tempted as we are, but He had no sin; and He has made it possible for us to be free from sin, also. Sin and the blood do not mix. Since we have Jesus, our High Priest, who can be touched by the way we feel, let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need (verse 16). Jesus feels what we’re going through; He was tempted, but He overcame; and He was free from all sin. When you know your High Priest, Jesus, when you know He can be touched by what you’re going through, that He understands, when you know you’re free from sin, then you can come boldly before God’s throne. Only the blood-washed can come boldly before the throne of God. Being blood-washed means your sins are all gone, all washed away; no guilt, no sin is in your life. You’re pure, clean enough to come into God’s presence, and so you walk right in before Him. Once you could not do this, but now that you’re blood-washed you can.

Are you one who has not taken your rightful place in God? Man has robbed you, the devil has robbed you or perhaps a combination of the two. Live in the Scriptures until you know you are qualified to come boldly before the throne of grace to find help in time of need.

Beyond Man’s Theories

I lived in the Word of God until I knew God heard my prayers. I didn’t turn to the left or to the right. Breaking away from everything to follow God, I went into God through the Word of God, through prayers and fastings. I shut myself in with Him, listening to God, letting Him tell me and show me how I could be like Jesus, that this is the will of God for all of His children. God showed me that I could stay free from all sin—ALL sin. I let Him direct me, teaching me the way into His greatness. As I yielded to Him He took me by the hand and led me into the gifts of the Spirit which were beyond me, an amazement. Never would I have reached that point unless He had held my hand and led me in. I yielded all of myself before Him in prayers, fastings and living in His Word. I yielded to Him in tears and more tears, more fastings, more prayers, more time in the Scriptures, more eating the Word of God, examining the miracles of Jesus. I studied the disciples, who were human just like myself—just like you. How did they get into God? How did they learn to use His Word, His promises? I lost sight of man’s theories. Closing my ears to the worldly voice I went deeper and deeper into God.

Man’s cry was: “You’re not what you used to be. You’ve stayed with God fasting and praying so much that your mind’s gone bad.” How could a mind “go bad” staying with God? Had they said I had been closeted away with the devil, I would have understood; but they admitted I had been with God.

Go beyond man’s theories and take what God has said. Too many depend on people to tell them how to claim the promises of God instead of learning how from the Word of God. God has not diluted His Word, but man mixes God’s Word with his own theories and then wonders why the Word of God will not work for him. The mixture of man’s theories among the promises of God weakens faith until not one miracle can be produced. Weak faith does not heal blinded eyes, unstop deaf ears or make the crippled to walk. Only when the Word is lifted out from the pages of the Bible in its pure form will it produce miracles.

The disciples used it and it worked for them; but the devil has muddled minds and thoughts, destroying the knowledge of God right out of hearts, weakening the human race by making them forget their Example and leading them to think they cannot be like Jesus. Instead of preaching the mercy of God, ministers preach the mercy of man, weakness. In fact, God is not really presented to the people, only a watered-down man’s version. Because the God of the Bible is not preached, people have no opportunity to believe in His great works. Some of you have heard that kind of “gospel” all your life; your mind has been warped by weakness instead of girded up with strength. So much weakness was poured into you that you have had difficulty escaping it; but you have to resist it now, saith the Lord, in this your final hour. Stand up with the Word, the pure Word of the living God. Stand up with the whole armor of God; decide, “I can and I will walk in the steps of Jesus. I will pray like He prayed, prayers of reality, prayers that will live for time and eternity, prayers that receive answers from God. I will walk boldly before the throne of grace at any time. I’m always welcome; I’m not a foreigner to Heaven, not a stranger. I’ve taken out citizenship papers and I have a right to go before the throne of God, before the throne of grace while I’m living on this earth. I don’t have to wait until I reach Heaven; I can do it now! I have the right—now, here on Earth.” Some of you think longingly of the rights you will have in Heaven, but you need your rights read to you now. Fix in your mind what those rights really are. If you know your rights you will not have to wait until you get to Heaven to enjoy the greatness of the Lord. You’ve been promised healing for soul, mind and body, deliverance, the abundant spiritual life, reality in God; but love Him with heart, mind and soul, and believe all His Word.

The hand of God is moving in this hour. God’s doing great and wonderful things and answering prayers. We are reaching into the greatness of God. Unbelievable mail comes from the many nations, from people who know such a little about God but are acting on that which they do know. God is healing and delivering them in marvelous ways. As they read one of the sermons God has given to me, they are healed, saved or delivered. They read a tract and are set free. Just a little of the Word of God, just a picture of someone else who has been healed, just reading a testimony in The Power of the Holy Ghost magazine and suddenly they, too, are healed; suddenly it’s done, over with. The God of miracles lives today!

The Word, the Word of the living God, the living Word is like God Himself: it brings life. The Word is life, life-giving. God speaks to you through His living Word—God-talk. Let it excite you. The Word of God came because holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost (II Peter 1:21). Day and night God stood over those holy men so that nothing would compromise or contaminate His Word.

Boldly we come before the throne of grace; we do not creep in but boldly we come. “It’s like this, God,” we say. With eyes of faith, we behold Him; with ears of love we hear Him. Through His peace He speaks to our hearts and souls; and then, knowing everything is all right, we go forth. Things will work out because God said so.

God Knows Your Soul in Advirsities

I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy: for thou hast considered my trouble; thou hast known my soul in adversities (Psalm 31:7). I will be glad for God’s mercy because He considered my trouble. When God considers our troubles, He goes into action for us. In all of my distresses He has known my soul—the real me—in trial, temptations. He did not forget me. I will be glad and rejoice in His mercy because He has considered my trouble; He knows all about it. Don’t let the devil make you think the Lord isn’t conscious of all you are going through. He sent His Son to prove He was. God sent His Son; let Him walk with you in every way. No more help was available to the Son than is available to you. The Son used all the help He needed from God, and He overcame His troubles.

When it comes to the Word of God, many of you have been scarred. The Word of God didn’t live in your home when you were growing up. It was a closed book not put into practice, not the most exciting thing in your home. If you went to Sunday School, the teachings were just a form; you didn’t see the Word of God being acted out. Now you’re scarred. Weaknesses have been planted on the inside of you. Instead of strength from the Word you have weakness from scars. When you’re fed strength from the Word of God you know that God will do exactly what His Word says He will do.

Troubles will come, but learn how to handle them, learn how to soar as the eagle into the sunshine of God’s grace. You’re something very special to God. He’s mindful of every trouble, every heartbeat. He knows if your heart skips one beat; He knows every tear you shed, every time the devil battles and whispers something false into your ear. God has offered you the wisdom and the knowledge to reach Him. It’s yours if you will only take it. Reach out and take from the Lord. It’s time to be healed of all those scars you’ve carried for years.

I had a mother who was rooted and grounded in the faith of God. If we came home from school sick, she would say, “You’d better be getting up your faith. You’d better be gathering up your faith; the devil’s going to try you.” I believed in Momma’s prayers, and I believed if Momma prayed, something would happen. Momma knew how to talk to God, how to reach Heaven. Many times I stood outside her door listening to her pray. She made prayer exciting. She prayed with jubilation, strength, and she would come out of prayer aglow; she’d been with Jesus. If a knock came on the door from a neighbor needing prayer, Momma dropped everything and prayed. We could just wait for our meal; Momma was gone, rushing to help someone. Perhaps the knock came at four o’clock in the morning…Momma never said no. She fought battles and won. I grew up in an atmosphere of prayer, of the living Bible—God-talk. God said it and God would do it.

Some of you were not so fortunate to have been brought up in a godly home, and now you’re scarred; but why in this miracle age would you continue to carry those scars? God wants to remove them; He wants to take away all that hinders your walk with Him. Decide to be everything God wants you to be in this hour. “God, you can move for me; God, you can help me! Lord, you can teach me how to pray!” The disciples came to Jesus one day saying, “Jesus, teach us how to pray.” Have you ever asked the Lord to teach you how to pray or have you tried to learn from other people? Do you think prayer must be a certain way, formal, perhaps? God does hear and answer. Jesus is real to me, prayer time is real. The devil is also real, but why allow him into your prayer chamber?

A Divine Path, a Permissible Path

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). All things work together for our good no matter what the devil throws at us. If we are in the divine will of God, things work for our good. There are divine paths and permissible paths. On the permissible path God does the best He can for you under the circumstances. In His divine will, however, you have all Heaven backing you, all the love of God available that you need—and more. You have oceans of love, peace, of victory—they’re yours in the divine path, the divine will of God. Noah, in the divine will of God, would not be sunk by the devil; it was an impossibility. Moses, in the divine will of God, saw that the devil was unable to close the waters of the Red Sea around him. God held them back. Daniel, in the divine will of God, in the lion’s den was safe from the lions. The Hebrew children in the fiery furnace would not burn—the devil couldn’t destroy them. God has given you these examples to show you how He will move for his children—what are you doing with them? You have all the power of Heaven available to you in the Word of God—how are you handling it? All of the Word of God is for you to use.

Troubles Can Drive You into God

Will you let troubles wreck your life? Will you be destroyed by sorrow? Do you allow the battles the devil is waging around you catch your attention and pull you away from God? Troubles can take you away from God or troubles will drive you into Him. Hurt can be a useful tool that draws you closer to God, or hurt can destroy you. Troubles have driven me in deeper and deeper with God. Sorrows have compelled me to go on into His greatness. Heartache and despair thrust me on. I know I can’t be defeated. I say: “I’ll make it! I always make it!” I know that God is with me, God is for me. My soul keeps the Word of the living God. Fed by the Word, my soul overflows with it, forever reaching out for God.

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me (John 14:1). Do you believe in the greatness of the God who created the universe? Then you believe in Jesus and all that He brought. Do you believe in the God that spoke the moon, the stars into existence? Then you believe in Jesus who brought everything you need. He is your sufficiency; He is your bright and morning star, your water of life, the joy of your day, your light at night. He is everything if you will let Him be. Why not accept the precious deliverance God has sent to you through His own Son Jesus? God didn’t risk sending it through an angel or even all the angels of Heaven; He sent it by His Only Begotten Son. God delivered the plan of salvation; He gave you the Way-Maker, His Only Begotten. He sent His Son to lead you to salvation. God put that Son on Earth to live in a body of weak, weak clay. All the thorns, all the thistles of life, all the persecutions, all the distresses that you have to face Jesus faced—and more—and He stood the test. He won. Why not determine, “I will win, too”? Deciding on victory gives you strength automatically, no matter what is happening. I will win! I will come out victoriously! I will!

Troubles, troubles, troubles and trials, but the joy of being an overcomer comes with reality through Jesus Christ. The joy of knowing the devil cannot take you over or destroy you, the joy of knowing God lives on the inside of you, that your body is the temple of God, gives overcoming strength. You have His holy, living, wonderful promises.

No matter what comes your way, no matter what happens…we are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed. It’s all in the Word; you only have to accept it. If you can accept those two verses you will become a changed person in time of trouble. Troubles will not be able to defeat you the way they once did.

When you’re persecuted, when you’re troubled, you know from whence your help cometh. Look up and trust in Him; look up and know that the Lord thy God is with you. Look up and know that the Lord cares for you. Look up and know that Jesus is the only One. Let Him have His way in your heart and in your life. Let Him be with you day and night. In time of trouble, in time of need, He promised that He would be with you, He promised to supply all you need. He promised, He promised…and He keeps His promises. Can you believe Him? Can you accept Him?

“If you believe in God, believe in me,” Jesus said. Some can believe in God but they cannot accept the Jesus-walk, the Jesus-life that’s free from all sin, the life that’s victorious. God was victorious in many wonderful works in Old Testament days, but Jesus came to make everyone victorious who wanted to be. Jesus came to bring us back that abundant life, that life in which we can live free from all sin and say no to the devil. He cannot defeat you because there is no defeat in Jesus Christ.

A Mouth of Wisdom

You who are having troubles: don’t bow to the troubles but to the wisdom in the Word. When you bow to troubles, you’re paralyzed by them. Trouble in your home, trouble on the job, trouble wherever…don’t back down, don’t bow to the trouble. Bow humbly before Jesus. Let your spirit become meek and holy like His and He’ll make you strong as His wisdom pours into your mind, taking over, lifting the human mind beyond the flesh as the Lord gives you the thoughts and plans you need, what to say and do. Jesus told the disciples that when their persecutors took them before the judge they were not even to think what they would say: For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist (Luke 21:15). We think too much, wrong thinking, wrong believing, holding onto our minds rather than giving them over to the Holy Spirit. His thoughts are not our thoughts, His ways not our ways. His thoughts are much higher thoughts; we need them to lift us higher above the troubles, the distress, to take us out of the fear and to lift us up into His miraculous realm.

The Miraculous Realm

It took me very long to come into the miraculous realm. At first in seeking God I would be lifted up at times. Seeing a “hole in the heaven,” I would go through into the miracle power, into His miracle presence. It was wonderful how God would take me over, but I couldn’t stay there; I had to come down. Then the Lord let me know that one day I would stay in that miracle realm. It took a long time, years, but at last it came. God said He would flow Himself through me like rivers of living waters, that I needed only the Holy Word of God, that He would pour forth His Holy Word. He is doing it now; in this final hour His Holy Word is gushing forth, and it will increase more and more. It needs to gush forth from all of us in this final hour. The greatness of God…the Lord is seeking to lift you into the realm of the miraculous, to lift you out of yourself. The Lord lifts me out of myself and I walk in that miraculous realm. I stay alone much, in a place people are unaware of. Come on into this, yea, saith the Spirit. Yea, saith the Spirit. Come on into the greatness of God; come on into His great love and into His miraculous touch, and let His miraculous power be your air to breathe. When you breathe that air, it’s miracles and deliverance; answered prayer and the glory of the Lord surround you. The cloud of God’s glory comes upon me and I behold His glory. It affects my vision. How marvelous to behold the glory of the Lord!

God promised me He would be in The Ninety and Nine God-show, saying He would overshadow us just like He did the Israelites with the cloud of His presence. That cloud has been there every time for every God-show. I’ve never witnessed anything like it! The glory of the Lord fills the studio; the Spirit of God is there, going out on the tape. God is there for one thing: to pour Himself out to the world. All the staff, everyone on the programs should be conscious of the fact that when they walk into the studio they’re meeting God, they’re meeting with God, that God is there. He is there to possess each one of us, to pour Himself through us. He wants to pour Himself to the world in this final hour.

In the Early Church—God poured Himself through the people, that’s how His glory came upon the earth in that hour. That’s how He sent His love upon the earth: He poured it through human vessels of clay. He is seeking to do the same thing today, to pour His Spirit and His power through human vessels, sanctified, consecrated, dedicated, holy vessels that go in before God not with foolishness, but with sincerity, holy before God. “Here we are to serve, Lord, here we are.”

Keep Your Mind on Jesus

Do everything you can to keep your mind on Jesus in these last countdown moments before the Rapture. Think upon Jesus, think upon Jesus. Pour Jesus to the people, pour Him out. The Lord said that in the last days He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. How will He pour it? Abundantly into holy vessels who then will pour it out to the world. Vessels, vessels, not just ministers, but laymen—anyone who is a holy vessel—will see God’s Spirit flow through them. Didn’t Jesus send the seventy forth? He poured Himself through them, and they poured Him to the people. Today it’s the same thing all over again, only on a greater scale. It will grow greater and greater. This isn’t a time to fret about troubles, no. Whenever we finish our work we can be taken away, taken out of all the troubles. We don’t have to worry about the troubles; they won’t hinder us from going in the Rapture, and troubles won’t keep us out of Heaven, so why worry about them? Look up, child of God. You’ll probably be in great trouble—troubles all around you—when the Rapture takes place, fighting the devil in every direction; but the Spirit of God is with you. It doesn’t make any difference, the power of God is there, and the Lord will be your help, your refuge. The Lord will be your love, your peace. The Lord will be your Comforter, Teacher, your wisdom and your knowledge. It won’t matter about this world, about all the troubles or the persecutions, the despair, the heartache of it all.

Let Jesus live on the inside of you. He wants to live on the inside of you so He can work through you, so He can work through you to help others. He wants to use your hands, your eyes, your tongue, your spirit. Won’t you let Him? Be consecrated and dedicated to Him. He wants to touch others through your voice, but He must be able to work with a holy tongue, holy vocal organs operated by the Holy Spirit Himself. Let Him pour out what He wants, not what you desire. Yield to Him; yield to Him in every way so you can be all that He wants you to be. Don’t be in-and-out and up-and-down; we’re too close to the end, now, too close to the end. The nations are getting ready for the Battle of Armageddon. Don’t you see it? We’re in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, the days of Noah when God rained down judgment. I would be afraid to close my eyes one split second and not be ready to meet the Lord in the air.

I can feel that power, that same power that will change us in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye at the soon-coming of Jesus. It’s the power of the Holy Ghost working on the inside. Is it working on the inside of you? Are you yielded to the Holy Spirit? Are you yielded to the power of God? Are you yielded to Him? Are you His vessel in this final hour? Can He pour His smiles, those Jesus smiles through you, that tenderness of Jesus, that compassion of Jesus? Can He use Jesus through you? He seeks to do it. He longs to do it, and the Holy Spirit is drawing you twenty-four hours around the clock to help Him. The Holy Spirit is teaching you everything you will listen to, helping you with everything He can. He is here to take you over all the mountains and through every valley. He is here to separate the waters for you, but you must know He is here. Yield to Him and let Him help you.

A Victorious Heart

Lose sight of the world like the Early Church disciples did; lose sight of this life and decide the only thing of value is the life you make for Jesus. Stop thinking about making yourself a life; make a life for Jesus. You would have no life had He not given it to you; now give it back to Him. Make joy, happiness in Him your way of life as you bring souls into His Kingdom. Trample the devil underfoot, and let not your heart be troubled in this hour, neither let it be afraid. Look unto the Lord from whence cometh your help, and say, “The Lord is my strength; the Lord is with me. I don’t have to worry about defeating Satan; the Lord will defeat Satan. The power of the Lord is upon me; the power of God within me, and I don’t have a troubled heart. I have a victorious heart.” Does a victorious heart dwell on the inside of you? Is that heart beating with triumph, knowing in whom you have believed? Do you know that He will keep what you have committed into His hands, that the Lord thy God is with you and the Spirit of the Lord is in you and upon you? Your path has been mapped; do you know that you’re going to walk it? Don’t turn back; there’s nothing to turn back to. Don’t look to see how many thistles and thorns cover that path; say to yourself: “With the grace of God I will make it. His grace is sufficient, the Word of God is my shield, and it will stop all the fiery darts of the enemy—the faith of the living God.” The Bible is God’s faith, the Word of the living God.

A conquering heart beating in your bosom means victory all the way for Jesus, a victorious heart throbbing in rhythm with the Word. He will be your song, your redemption. He will be your rainbow shining brighter than the noonday sun. He will light up your path; He’s the Rock of your salvation; you can hide in Him, and the storms will never defeat you. You will be an overcomer. In the face of much trouble, much tribulation you will come forth victorious.

Don’t go by your feelings, use the “sixth sense” of faith. Listen with its ears to what God is saying; see with faith-eyes the glory of the Lord. The five senses cannot behold His glory, but faith can see it all and hear it all. With that victorious spirit of yours, you will walk down the Avenue of Glory on that day, hearing the angels shouting that you won; you brought in the multitudes. You’ll look, seeing souls from Africa, India, from all nations.

Let Jesus live inside of you and serve the people; He is ready to serve. Are you ready to be used? He’s ready to work. Are you ready to yield? He is ready to reach. Are you ready to reach? He is ready to draw them in. Are you ready to draw them in? He is ready to pour His compassion to you. Are you ready to use it so that He can do His perfect work? Be a consecrated, yielded vessel in the Master’s hand, yielded completely. He is the Lord. He is God.

Yea, saith the Lord: I walk in the midst of my people. I walk with garments of victory. I walk with shields of greatness. I walk in all strength and all power; and I walk to deliver, to set the captives free in this final hour of the Gentiles. I walk with love and faith, and I walk with peace to shake the inhabitants of the earth. And I will perform great wonders in this final hour. And the redeemed of the Lord will shout with happiness and with great joy as they bring in the harvest.

There will be persecutions; there will be much, much trouble—great trouble—but you will know it’s your enemy and my enemy battling my plan. But my plan will not be defeated, saith the Lord. My plan will be completed; and it will be a victorious plan completed, saith the Lord. No power will be able to defeat it. And the obedient will be used, and the obedient will bring in the multitudes. The obedient will walk with me, and I will tabernacle with them night and day. And I will lift them up, and I will breathe upon them. And they will be mighty warriors used by my Spirit, by my power; and Lucifer will be defeated. And multitudes will come into the Kingdom, saith the Lord. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. I the Lord thy God walketh with thee, saith the Lord.

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