Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:2). How do you prove what is the will of God for you?—by obeying God, by walking with Him and doing His whole will. Be not conformed but transformed. To conform to the world means to have the same form, become similar, to be in accord, agreement. Are you in accord with the world?

To conform is to bring into harmony. We cannot afford to be in harmony with the world, only with the Holy Spirit and Word of God, with the power, love and joy of God, with all of Heaven in this our final hour.

To conform is to act in accordance with rules and customs. We are not to act in accord with the world’s rules and customs that conflict with the Word of God. Don’t conform to the world, but be transformed.

To transform means to change the condition, the nature or function, to change the personality or character. When you are made new in Christ, your personality, your character is transformed, changed, made new. Paul writing to the Romans was warning against conforming to the world, for some were conforming. But how are we going to be transformed? they wanted to know. By the renewing of your minds, came the answer of the Lord through Paul.

What does “renew” mean? To become new again, to make new, young, fresh or strong, to bring back into good condition—the mind is to be renewed. You are transformed by the renewed mind so you will not conform to the world. If you find yourself conforming in any way, then by the renewing of your mind in the Holy Spirit be transformed.

The Mind Feeds the Soul

In this hour with all the cares that crowd into the mind—the heartaches, despairs, problems in divided homes—many troubled souls wonder how they can survive. If your mind can’t take in all the things of God the way it once did, if it seems problems and stress come against you no matter which way you turn—a child going astray, a companion who won’t live for God, a financial obligation you don’t know how to meet, a lost job—your mind needs to be renewed.

By the renewing of the mind, the Holy Spirit takes care of those who yield to Him through His power. Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. The mind becomes new again, young, fresh, strong—able to handle the pressures of this life. You can understand what God is trying to say to you, how the Lord seeks to get into you, how He is teaching you to yield. A renewed mind is bright, brilliant again; not sluggish. It reaches out, grasping what the Holy Spirit is teaching. The mind feeds the soul. The Lord is serving wonderful things to the mind in this final hour.

Battles of the Mind

Years ago the Lord moved on me to start preaching about the battles of the mind. A battle of the mind does not have to bring defeat. The troubles, the persecutions in your life do not mean you will fail, that you can’t overcome; they just mean you must be on guard by the renewing of your mind for what comes against you. All kinds of persecutions in this final hour will come against the child of God. Many may die for the sake of Christ…we don’t know. Our minds must be conditioned by the Holy Spirit to live or die for the sake of Christ.

Do you ever get to the place you are so tired and weary you can’t seem to pray? If so, look to the Lord to renew your mind. When your mind is tired, you cannot learn efficiently. Are there times you can’t concentrate on the Word of God? Does your mind wander off in all directions? Do stressful thoughts seem to be squeezing the very life out of you? When you stop receiving life from the Word, it’s time to let the Holy Spirit renew the mind.

Some of you think you have backslidden when really the problem is that your mind needs to be renewed; you just are not aware of the fact. If you will yield to the Holy Spirit, take time for the mind to be renewed, it will be brought back into good condition, given new spiritual strength. Starting all over again, you find despair wiped out by the Holy Spirit so God can supply your need. To renew something is to put in a new supply.

A Divine Visitation

In a divine visitation in 1954, the Lord stayed with me so many days and nights I lost count of them, keeping me up all hours. The Lord was telling and showing me things to come, but I would grow weary to the point I couldn’t take it all in. Then He would let me sleep for perhaps an hour before He would wake me again, gently as a mother wakes a child. After an hour of rest I would be very different. Again and again He renewed my mind in this way; and I could understand, accept and remember much.

It’s amazing to be visited by the Lord, amazing for Him to spend hours and hours with a human mind. I lack words to explain what it is like. The mind is so caught up in the Holy Spirit that it can be told anything God wants and doubts nothing. In visitations, the Lord has revealed unbelievable things to me, events that would take place in the future; and I questioned none of it.

The Lord took me across the top of a high mountain in the vision. I saw Him doing the unbelievable; multitudes of miracles were taking place with ease. The only talking I did to God was in a different language—as I would speak, the words came out in another tongue. I was walking by His side, right with Him. He was so very tall I was like a tiny figure beside Him, looking on the most glorious sights, sights I had never dreamed of. The Lord renewed my mind through His power, through the power of the Holy Ghost so I could accept anything and everything He said, holding to all He was saying. Then as I pondered His words later, He continued to teach me.

Take Time for the Mind

The mind is amazingly complex, the fastest working part of a person; and since it is, it must be renewed again and again in the love, righteousness, holiness and rest of the Lord.

In this hour, take time for the mind. The importance of caring for the body and soul has been emphasized again and again, but we must take into consideration in this final hour the renewing of the mind. If it needs to be renewed daily, God can do it. Anytime we need renewal of the mind we can have it through the Holy Spirit. We may go for days not thinking clearly, but the Lord wants us to be able to think as He thinks. He wants our miniature minds to accept the thoughts of Lord God Almighty. Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. How can you take on the thoughts of the Almighty?—through the Holy Spirit. Adam at one time possessed a mind that could take in whatever God told Him. Nothing warring with the things of God entered the mind, nothing outside God’s will penetrated to wear Adam down, to cause his mind to cease to function the way God planned it. But Adam threw away that great privilege he had in the Garden of Eden.

The Lord Must Have the Minds of His People

In this world outside Eden, you have a mind made just like Adam’s; but until Jesus came to Earth, man’s direct avenue to God was blocked. Jesus came to restore man into fellowship with his God, to renew the mind. God gave man this privilege. What are you going to do with it? What are you going to do with this mind outside Eden? Will you decide age is dulling your mind? When it comes to the anointing of the Holy Spirit, age has nothing to do with it. You’re forgetful? You don’t have to be. Through the power of the Holy Spirit be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Renewed, remember, means to make young, fresh, strong again. The Lord calls for renewal of the mind. Minds, however, that God intended to be conditioned through the power of the Holy Ghost, can be instead conditioned through the spirit of the devil. The enemy has fooled many about the mind, taken minds over in the business world, for instance. Demonic powers work through the minds of certain business people to help them attain success. Using the devil’s wares, their minds conditioned through the spirit of the devil, they seek recognition and riches. Some of God’s people have been swept away into that plan. But worldly ambition is not God’s plan, not God’s way.

Are You Robbed?

Learn this in this hour: the devil can’t get into your soul as long as you don’t willfully sin but will torment you if he can get into your mind, robbing you of joy, peace, making you think you cannot help yourself. But you can. You needn’t let him come into your mind and take all your joy. Some of you have great joy for a time and then let the devil rob you. It isn’t because you committed a sin against God, but because you didn’t realize you could shut out the enemy by the renewing of your mind. You can become so weary that your mind seems to be dead. You try to read the Word of God but get nothing out of it. Perhaps through one of your children or an unsaved companion you let the devil aggravate you. Battling and battling until you don’t think you can pray, you find different things worry you, get your attention; and the devil can take your mind once again. You don’t realize how the enemy did it, but now you don’t think you can keep what you received from the Lord. The devil helps you decide that God’s blessings weren’t meant for you, that you can’t be happy—you’ve never been happy and never will be. Your home will always be a battleground. You’re robbed. Some of you exist in a state of insecurity, questioning whether you really are saved, or really have the baptism in the Holy Ghost. That seed of doubt causes great trouble, torment. The Holy Ghost will actually speak through you, but you let a seed of doubt remain, causing you to be uncertain. “You know that’s you,” the devil whispers. “That can’t be me,” you think. And so the devil compromises, “Well, it was a little of you.” The devil loves to use compromise, but with God you are either right or wrong. You can’t afford to let the devil rob you in this hour. The Lord wants you to have joy, peace, wisdom and knowledge for direction. The Lord wants you to have Him. He wants to walk with you, talk to you. But did you ever try to talk to someone whose mind was on everything but you and what you were saying? You want the Lord to talk to you; but when He does, do you listen? Someone asks if the Lord is with you—and you don’t know. How do you expect Him to talk to you when you don’t know if He is with you? How can you expect anyone out of communication range to talk to you? Don’t take time with the devil when he comes against you. The Bible doesn’t tell us to talk to the devil, but to resist him. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you (James 4:7,8). Resist the devil with the Word of God. Don’t fuss with him, don’t debate, for that way he takes your attention and robs your mind. The devil cannot rob your mind unless he gets your attention. He must have it before he can operate in your mind. Whatever captures your mind of course has your attention. Some things take over your mind faster than others. A rattlesnake at your feet, for instance, will immediately push aside thoughts of anything else. Hearing that dry rattle, knowing he’s about to strike, you don’t contemplate whether the snake is poisonous or not; you don’t ponder the pros and cons of staying around to find out, nor do you sit down to relax a few moments before moving on to something else. No, your mind is screaming, Get away now! Get away! Not pausing to argue with your mind at all, you scramble away as fast as you can, everything else forgotten. Your mind operates in the realm of your concern. When you can learn what happens to motivate the mind, how it works, you have a great advantage. The mind has much to do with your walk with God in this final hour; it must prepare you for all that God wants of you daily so you will not be robbed and not rob God. Isaiah writes that the Lord wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee (Isaiah 26:3). You have that peace as long as your mind is on the Lord. But when other things crowd in, peace is pushed aside. It isn’t necessarily enemies who impose their ideas; various thoughts can take your mind off the Lord. Keeping your mind on the promises of God is the solution, keeping your mind stayed on God.

A Vision of Jesus

Jesus has appeared to me many times in the form and size of a human being, but the form I see Him in isn’t what makes Him great; it’s the power, the love, the Spirit, the wisdom, knowledge, the authority of Him. It’s the kingship of Him that makes Him great.

Traveling to another country for a crusade, my team and I were in the plane circling to land. Suddenly I went into a vision. I saw what I thought was a cross right in front of me, very close. Then the arms of that cross dropped down, and I knew I was seeing Jesus. Never shall I forget the vision. I was shocked; what I had thought was the top of the cross was now the back of His head. I could see His thick hair, the highlights. I saw His back, the shoulders, the coarse garment He wore. It’s the only time I have ever seen the back of Him. Other times He has always faced me, or I have glimpsed Him from the side as He bent over people, healing them. Now He was in front of me, going before us into this nation, and oh, what a revival we had! The miracle power of the Holy Ghost fell; I saw it in the vision as a mighty rainstorm in the services.

My mind was able to take in much in this vision because it was quickened in that moment by the power of the Holy Ghost, by the nearness of Him. He had taken over my eyes. God’s people need His quickening power in this final hour. The Early Church had this, saith the Lord; they had it. It’s the reason the Lord could make Himself so real to them.

Conditioned to Hate the Bible

Every thought of the heart of the world is evil continually. Even Jesus, coming as the very Son of God from Heaven, had to struggle with people. Jesus gave the blind their sight, cleansed the lepers; but what happened afterward to those He healed? Did they serve the Lord? Where were those thousands that Christ had healed? Where were the devil possessed that He had set free, the crippled who were made whole? Only about one hundred twenty out of all whose lives Jesus touched in a miraculous way were in the Upper Room. The Word had been made flesh and dwelt among men, but couldn’t get the minds of most of the people for any length of time.

More and more the world is spitting in the eye of God, hating the Bible because it is the mind of God for the human race. The devil conditions minds to hate the Bible. That’s the reason it’s no longer in the schools. Any other kind of books can be there, any other kind of god—except the true and living God. Evolution is taught; not God’s creation story. See what the devil has done? He has the minds of the majority of the people on Earth.

Eliminating the Clutter

Some of you come to the prayer chamber carrying your typewriter, dirty dishes, ironing, shopping goals; and God cannot break through the clutter.

The Word must be taken into the mind, the clutter eliminated. Through the power of the Holy Ghost, your mind needs an operation, a renewal. Give your mind over to God; He is blessing. The Word of God brings life, but what is on your mind when you are reading it? Give over to the Holy Spirit and receive; be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Every time you read the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, the Master Teacher, wants your attention; He wants you to learn. The only way you will keep the Word of God is through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit catalogs it all, teaching it to you, working with it through your mind—if you let Him have your mind. The Holy Spirit cannot teach you unless He has your mind. It is essential in this final hour to be yielded to the Holy Ghost so that you can be renewed in your mind whenever necessary.

If you go into the prayer closet late at night to talk to the Lord without renewing your mind, you go in dragging all the things you have been through during the day. There you are trying to pray: your body half-asleep, your brain numb. If the Lord were to speak to you, He probably would tell you to get some rest; and then He would wake you. Often the Lord has done that to me. He would let me sleep, and then wake me to give me whatever He wanted.

The devil has many in a type of insanity when it comes to God, blocking out the Lord’s reasoning. God can’t tell them anything; they reject His direction. The Holy Spirit struggles to deal with closed minds. Now in this final hour, the Lord wants you to learn how to give your mind over to Him. I had to learn.

When I’m in the presence of the Lord, time means nothing to me. I’m thrilled to be in His presence, in His services. I love to feast on the things of God. Some of you turn your mind to thoughts not in harmony with the Lord when He is trying to deal with your mind, and He is blocked. Your mind is not in the hands of the Holy Spirit but is operated one hundred percent by you, your human spirit. Because your human spirit is not yielding to the Holy Spirit, you are not alive in the Lord. That’s the reason some of you don’t take time in the presence of the Lord, don’t try harder to receive the baptism in the Holy Ghost.

Jesus Touched Mamma’s Mind

The mind has much to do with the Lord being able to contact you. The Lord cannot make contact with a person in any great way if the mind is malfunctioning. I never thought the time would come that my mother wouldn’t know me. But she became ill. When I went to her bedside she didn’t know me. I said, “Mamma, it’s Ernest!” She didn’t know who Ernest was. It broke my heart. “Mamma, it’s Ernest. I’m here; I’ve come!” No response. Then the Lord moved on me not to say Ernest but to say Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. I didn’t pray, I just said, “Jesus, Jesus.” It’s all the Lord wanted me to say. As I kept saying Jesus, I was traveling inside Mamma’s mind. It was as though I were going down a street without much light. Her mind began to be touched. She remembered that name: Jesus. Her mind responded; her lips trembled and moved. I leaned over to hear her saying low, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.” I said, “Jesus is wonderful.” A smile came. She repeated, “Jesus is wonderful.” Then she opened her eyes, saw me and said, “Goodnight.” Turning over she went to sleep. The next morning when she woke she knew me. Her mind was all right. How did it ever happen? Mamma’s mind contained Jesus, and nothing could take Him out of her mind. So much had crowded in that the names of her children, her husband were gone. The memory of her home, the kitchen she had cooked in was gone. Only Jesus remained.

Arrest Your Mind

Yielding your mind to God is essential. When you pray or read the Word of God, arrest your mind. You have power over your mind. Arrest your mind and bring it to the Word of God. If your mind is not on a verse you are reading, don’t go on to the next. Wait. There is power in the Word of God. Keep repeating that verse, reading it over and over; and that power will penetrate, destroy that which is in the mind keeping out the Word. Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Whatever the blockage is, the Word destroys. When you read, not really absorbing the meaning from the verses you are reading, the Word spills out of your mind before it can do any good. The Word must work through your mind if it is to have the power God intended. You can look and look at words; but unless you let their meaning penetrate, the impact of the verses can’t work through your mind.

Christ had trouble keeping the minds of His disciples; they would yield just a little at a time. Again and again Jesus renewed their minds through His holy power, but they didn’t let it last. You can do with your mind more or less what you want to, and yet the enemy convinces people they have no control. When we really want something, we can put our minds to it. I had subjects in school I didn’t care about; but I had to take them to graduate, and so I put my mind to learning them. They were required. I set my mind to learn. I conditioned my mind. Sometimes my roommate and I would study into the night and then still wouldn’t have what we needed, so we’d rise early the next morning and start in again.

Sleep to various degrees will renew your mind; it refreshes, rests the mind, but there isn’t anything like the power of the Holy Ghost to renew the mind. Tomorrow may not be a different day if you meet it with the same unchanged mind. But if you yield to the Holy Spirit and let Him renew your mind, you will have a mind God can work with.

Our minds must be connected with the Lord’s, for we are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh. We are part of Him. To be yielded completely to Him in this final hour is a must if we are to be all He wants us to be and accomplish all He wants done. Forget about everything else when you are yielding to the Lord.

The Lord Wants Cooperation

Some minds are not ready to receive; and of course, they don’t receive. The Holy Spirit works and works to keep minds centered on God when the Word of God is being preached so those minds can be fed by the Word of God. Just as your hand cooperates with your mouth when you feed yourself, why can’t your mind cooperate with the Holy Spirit? The Lord wants cooperation. God is good and mighty, and yet some would rather watch a descending spider than focus their attention on the Word of God.

Let the Holy Spirit renew your mind, give it strength to receive what God has for the soul through the power of the Holy Ghost. For the Holy Spirit to live and dwell on the inside, to speak through you, to think through you, you must give Him control. Reach up and pull down the power of God upon yourself. Reach up and put your thoughts into pulling down Heaven. Know you can do it; be convinced in your mind you are going to yield completely to the Holy Spirit to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Come into God’s Reality

In this hour, saith the Lord, He wants the minds; He must have the minds of His people. Only through the power of the Holy Ghost can He have your mind completely, keeping and using it the way He wants. He can only continue to renew your mind when you have the Holy Spirit dwelling within, the power of the Holy Ghost. If you will keep the Holy Ghost bubbling, if you are yielded to Him, then when the devil comes at you with his torment, the Holy Spirit will renew your mind, closing out the devil, shutting him out.

The Lord is seeking to make Himself real to each one of you. Many have seen the reality of God’s work in my services, the gifts of God manifesting the greatness of God; but they have not learned how to yield their minds so the Lord could reveal Himself personally to them and renew their minds. In this hour, it’s essential that you learn this, essential, saith the Lord, that you learn how to yield your mind to Him so it can be renewed. You’re in a cruel world in this final hour, a world where the spirit of the Antichrist is being spewed out everywhere. But you must always remember foremost that you’re in a world where the Holy Ghost’s power is pouring—not sprinkling—but pouring down. The world will see a final takeover by the Holy Spirit on a greater scale than the takeover at Pentecost as He finishes His mission here on Earth of preparing the Bride to meet Jesus in the air. When the Bride is taken out at the second coming of Jesus, the Great Tribulation Period will begin.

Can your mind take in the reality of God, of His working with and through you so you can be the witness the Lord desires? This is what He has planned for you, saith the Lord. He has this plan for you: the reality of God working with and through you. This plan began on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was able to take over those in the Upper Room—not just their souls, but their minds as well. By the power of the Holy Ghost, the Lord operated His own wisdom and knowledge through their minds in precision, operated their minds the way His own mind operated, only on a miniature scale. Those minds were connected to His mind, thinking as He thought, believing as He believed. They became part of the mind of God, an extension of His hands.

You who are totally yielded to Him will be a direct part of the hand of God in this your final hour. You don’t have to fear tomorrow, your persecutors or the devil defeating you. You can have your mind renewed as often as it needs to be—if you don’t conform to the world. If the Lord can transform you daily into whatever He wants to do His work, then it is simple for Him to renew the mind. Be not conformed to the world, but be ye transformed. Don’t be like the world, don’t act like it, don’t think like it.

We must come into reality with the ways of God and the things of God. The Holy Ghost is the one to bring us into that reality. He brought reality to those in the Upper Room. He brought reality to a man over forty years of age who had never walked. He brought reality to blind people, to the deaf. He brought reality to lepers, cleansed them. He brought reality when He raised the dead.

You will never have all living reality until you have the Holy Ghost baptism. He is the one who gives living reality of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, reality to all the promises of God and the greatness of Heaven. The Holy Ghost transforms, renews the mind. When He comes in, He possesses the whole you; He takes over mind, soul and body. When He baptizes a person, He has to have the whole person, not just a part.

Baptized in the Holy Ghost

Before I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, it was almost impossible for me to believe He could take over my tongue and speak through me in another language. I told the Lord that it was impossible for me to believe enough to receive, but I would keep seeking. I knew the Holy Ghost was real, the promises of His baptism were real. In my mind, however, I could not believe that the Holy Spirit would take over the tongue that no one else had ever used but me and would speak in another language. It was too much for me, and I confessed that it was too much. But I yielded to the Lord. I didn’t miss one altar call, one opportunity to seek the baptism. The only night I left the altar before midnight was the night the Holy Ghost baptized me. I wanted the Holy Ghost more than I wanted to go home, more than I wanted sleep, more than anything in the world.

Then as I was praising the Lord that night, the Holy Spirit took over my mind little by little, lifting me out of myself into the realm of the power of the Holy Ghost. His presence began to come upon me—He had my attention. More and more He took over my mind until I gave Him my tongue. I hardly knew how it happened. As the Holy Ghost gradually took over, my mind cooperated until it plunged all the way into the power of the Holy Ghost; and He just gushed forth in tongues. That which I had told God I couldn’t believe for myself turned out to be simple to receive.

A Takeover by Divinity

You want the Lord to work through you, you want Him to use you? Let Him have the whole you, and be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Learn to give yourself completely over to Him; and your soul, your mind will be crying, This is the power of God! This is the power of the Holy Ghost! As you yield to that power, there is a takeover by Divinity, a takeover by the greatness of God. That takeover is a must in this final hour. The Holy Ghost can renew your mind in the greatness, strength and health of God, in the trust of God—the power of the Holy Ghost!

In the divine visitation I mentioned earlier, the Lord showed me what my services would be like in the future. It looked as though the words, “The Power of the Holy Ghost” were printed on every seat. I thought even the chairs that I took with me for the tent services would need to have “The Power of the Holy Ghost” stamped on them, but that wasn’t what the Lord meant. He meant that every chair, every seat would be covered with the power of the Holy Ghost. That’s the reason so many miracles and healings take place in my services—it’s through the power of the Holy Ghost. That’s the reason people are blessed in these services—the power of the Holy Ghost. All you have to do is yield to His power, give over to it. To give over to His power, you must be conscious of Him.

Have You Received the Holy Ghost?

The Holy Spirit is a person, the Third Person in the Godhead, not part of the imagination. He is real, real. Let Him be real to you, transform you and renew your mind. As you allow Him to help you, your faith becomes mighty and strong because Heaven’s faith is being used. When you become conscious that it is not you who lives, but He who lives in you, then you depend on the faith of the great I-Am.

Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? Paul asked some Christians that very question. He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost. And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John’s baptism. Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied (Acts 19:2-6). All these people did was hear that there was a Holy Ghost; Paul laid hands on them, and they were filled and received the Holy Ghost.

Think about the power of the Holy Ghost. Dismiss everything else from your mind. Center your thoughts upon God.

Thus saith the Lord: I need you. I need you for my special work in this your last hour. I need you, but you must be filled with my Spirit to do the work that I am calling you to do. I offer you my greatness. I offer you my mighty baptism. Some of you have not received because you doubt. Some of you have not received because you let the devil defeat you. I want to baptize you. I want you to have my Spirit. My Spirit is my great promise to you, and my Spirit is promised to all of you, saith the Lord. Let me baptize you. Many of you have tried to baptize yourself because you do not know how to yield to my presence, to my Spirit. Let me baptize you in my Spirit. Let me prepare you.

I prepared my people in the beginning, and I will prepare you in this the end of the Church Age. And I will open your eyes so you can yield to me if you will cry aloud to me. If you will give me your mind, if you will give me your thoughts, I will direct you. Fear not. Do not be afraid; and I will teach you how to yield, how to give in my presence so that you can be baptized in my Spirit. The enemy has discouraged you. The enemy has convinced you that you cannot be baptized in my Spirit. I am the Baptizer. I am the Giver of the Spirit. Let not your heart be troubled. Do not be afraid. I will baptize you. The hour is late; and it is a must that my people receive my baptism, or my work will not be done, saith the Lord. Behold the hand of your Lord; and be baptized in my Spirit, saith the Lord unto this people.

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