The world has never seen a worker like Jesus, never seen a vessel connected with God the Father every moment of every day and night. Jesus received all from the Father and poured out all to mankind, even His very life. We hear Him say in John, I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work (John 9:4). The night came for Jesus, which meant He would have to work through others.

Although so eagerly I welcome His coming, I dread the time when I won’t be able to win any more souls for the Lord. He is coming again at the Rapture to take His Bride home: Be ready to go with Him. So many people aren’t ready, and we must reach them with the Gospel.

Even now untold millions can tune in to our program every week throughout the world. Going into every nation we can with books, magazines, tracts, the blest cloths and, of course, the crusade services, we know the night cometh when we can’t work for Jesus anymore.

Delighting in working for the Lord, I started preaching for Him when I was eighteen, over sixty years ago. Thousands and thousands of messages I have preached for Him since then. How wonderful it is to preach His holy truth without compromise! I’ve taught my congregation all these many years to bring Bibles to church, pencil and paper, jot down notes, compare them to what the Bible says, and study them. Don’t say you believe something because I said it; say it because the Bible states it, because it’s the Word of God. The Word is what counts, not the opinions of man. Jesus’ teachings are truth.

Angels Proclaimed the Message

From the angel of the Lord, Joseph heard the prophecy of Jesus: Thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). Long before He was born, Jesus’ work was laid out for Him.

Many of you were marked in your mother’s womb to work for the Lord in this final hour. The Lord has given people talents to work for Him; in fact, we all have talents to work for Jesus. Senior citizens may not have the strength to go to the mission field; but, holding to the horns of the altar, they can pray God’s power down to help those who can go. Find that wonderful place of love and grace in Christ that brings His faith to others. Help pray people into the arms of Jesus, into His everlasting salvation, love and eternal grace.

Angels were part of the message proclaiming Jesus’ birth, and they are part of His salvation message today. And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation (Hebrews 1:7,14)? The angel of the Lord always stands by my side when I minister to the sick. That’s the reason untold thousands have been healed by the power of God. I tell people over and over again that I am not the healer; I am just an instrument of clay that the Lord has chosen to pour His power through, showing His great love, His will for people today. How wonderful are His works, the mighty works of Christ!

It’s somewhat surprising to think that Jesus was on Earth about thirty years before He began His ministry. Yet during that time the Spirit of God was moving on the face of the earth, dealing with people. The prophets, major and minor, had foretold the Messiah’s coming. The Lord was working the best He could to get the people ready for Jesus, but such a few were really ready for His coming.

You Must Be Born Again

Preachers and priests alike claim that no one can live free from sin. Today over six billion people are on Earth, but few are ready to be raptured; few are free from all sin. That isn’t what Jesus preached; He taught freedom from all sin. No guile was found in Him, no sin; and we’re to be like Him. Jesus came to set the captives free. Until you’re free from every sin, born new in Christ Jesus, you’re in bondage. Salvation is part of His mighty works. Moses introduced the Law to the people, but Jesus brought grace and truth, the Bible says. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ (John 1:17). You must be born again.

Jesus tried to explain salvation to Nicodemus. Puzzled about the new birth, Nicodemus, a great teacher of the Law, knew that nothing in the Law was like the grace that Jesus brought. Something important had come, something Nicodemus didn’t understand, so he sought Jesus by night.

Why by night? Did he fear the Jews? Possibly. The Bible doesn’t tell us why.

The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him (John 3:2). Jesus didn’t turn him away, and He didn’t compromise. He simply said, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God (John 3:3). In other words, you must become a new creation, become like the first Adam before the fall.

Jesus further explained: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God (John 3:16-18). Jesus was saying: I’ve come with divine blood, Nicodemus, so you can be born again.

I like to think that Nicodemus did accept Jesus Christ that night, that he went away from Jesus with the light in his life of a born-again experience, with the blood of Jesus flowing in his soul and taking over his mind. After the Crucifixion, we are told, Nicodemus brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes for Jesus’ burial.

Water into Wine

Attending a wedding, Jesus was at Cana of Galilee. It was no accident that His first miracle was a miracle of change. It changed circumstances, changed people, changed lives in that home. There was a need; the hosts of a wedding had run out of wine. The mother of Jesus told Him about it. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come. His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. And there were set there six waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece. Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it. When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now (John 2:4-10).

The mother of Jesus knew that He was more than a man; He was the very Son of God. The Holy Ghost let her know it was time to help Jesus make the first miracle, and she instructed the servants to do whatever Jesus told them.

Jesus’ mighty works all were miraculous. Our works today, if we have the Jesus ministry, are miraculous as He works through us. With the favor of God through obedience to His Word, people will have miracles in their lives, in their churches.

Where Are the Miracles?

Gideon said, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt (Judges 6:13)? If we have favor with God, where are the miracles? Gideon knew that in the past the Lord had performed mighty miracles, and if they hadn’t lost that favor, where were the miracles?

People have lost favor with God, churches have lost His favor or else they would be seeing miracles. Why call your church by Jesus’ name if you have no miracles? Wouldn’t that be a little hypocritical?

When there are no signs of God’s miraculous hand in a church, it means there are no real believers there. Many so-called Christians don’t believe in miracles; they want no miracles in their church. If you don’t want miracles in your church, you don’t want the Jesus of the Bible. No matter what you say, you’ve invented your own Jesus, your own God. People who don’t believe in miracles, I say again, don’t believe in God. If you want the signs of God, you have to find the believers. Jesus tells us, And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues…; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover (Mark 16:17,18).

Some people say they are believers, but saying and being are two different stories.

There are people who think that miracles ceased when the last apostle died. That isn’t what the Bible tells us. The Bible says that Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever (Hebrews 13:8). His works are still going on today. If they weren’t, there would be no need to pray another prayer, no need to read another verse of that Holy Bible, for the Bible is a miracle book, a godly book, our workbook. It tells us the will of God. Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth (Mark 9:23). Doubting God is doubting Jesus Christ, the healer. If you doubt, you can’t expect to have miracles.

The Glory Belongs to God

The Sunday night I was gloriously born new, I never would have been in that church in the first place had they not believed in miracles. In fact, my parents would not have gone to an unbelieving church, but because they believed in the works of Christ, I grew up seeing miracles and healings in my home. Miracles were not something new to me, I believed in them all my life. My mother prayed, and God gave miracles and healings. Great and wonderful things I saw happen when I was a child—some of them happened to me. They were the works of Jesus.

I’m so glad the works of Jesus were in my home as I grew up! We children were taught to honor God, to honor prayer and answered prayer. In our hearts and spirits we learned to give God all the glory for His mighty works of love. We didn’t eat a meal until we bowed our heads to thank God for the food He had made possible for us to have.

No doubt today I would be crippled had the works of Jesus not been in our home. When I was a child I had a bone affliction. The pain it brought felt like some wild animal gnawing on the bone, driving me almost out of my mind. I would cry all hours of the night because of the pain, and my mother would never leave me. Laying the Bible on me, she would say, “Honey, God is going to heal you. You’re going to get a miracle.” How could I doubt her? Mama said so, and Mama always told the truth. But, oh, when would it ever come? It’s hard to tell how many nights she was up praying for me, holding on to God. Then it happened; I was miraculously cured. It was the work of Jesus, and I give Him the praise, the honor, the glory.

Seeing Miracles Makes Jesus Real

The mighty work on Calvary, the plan of redemption was complete when Jesus cried, Father, it is finished! He had given His life to make it possible for whosoever-will to drink of the water of life, to never thirst again for time and eternity. What a Jesus He is! As the endless ages roll we will be praising God for the mighty works of Christ!

We have these mighty works of Jesus in our services; people come from all over the world because of them. The blind receive their sight, the deaf hear, the crippled are made to walk and people are healed of all manner of sicknesses and diseases. Seeing the miracle and healing works of Jesus makes Jesus real to people.

Good doctors send people to me for prayer. Medical people sponsor me, helping me take Jesus to the world. They know this is the work of God, that I never fight good doctors, hospitals and medicines. Medical people belong to Grace Cathedral; we thank God for people who are interested in helping others. I believe in helping people. When you need help, it means much to get it.

A Lung Re-created

One lung had been removed from a woman who came to my service. She, of course, needed a new lung—we need them both or the Lord wouldn’t have given us two in the first place. But her lung was diseased and had to be taken out. Amazing to the woman after I had prayed for her, she began to breathe from the side that just moments before had no lung. It was through the miraculous, re-creative work of Jesus.

She went back to the doctor who had operated on her, sure that he would be excited; but he at first thought she was losing her mind.

“Doctor, I have my lung back!” she exclaimed.

“You don’t have a lung on that side,” he retorted. “I happened to have taken it out.” He didn’t know the works of Jesus.

“Take an X-ray,” she said.

“No, I’m not going to take another X-ray! I took that lung out!”

“I don’t care what you say,” she replied. “I know one thing: I’m breathing from this side.”

“You can’t be breathing from that side! You don’t have a lung there,” he insisted.

But she refused to leave until he finally agreed to take another X-ray. Soon he came running out of the lab. “Lady, you do have a new lung!”

Born with No Womb

God is doing marvelous things, and no wonder—He is a miraculous God! A woman in our congregation had an operation for appendicitis when she was just a young girl. It was discovered that she had been born with no womb. I prayed for her, and the Lord created a womb in her. What was the proof? When she was grown and married, she gave birth to a baby boy. The miracle power of a man called Jesus had created a womb.

Countless thousands of miracles and healings have taken place in over sixty years of my ministry, and they all have come through the power of God, not man. If my trust would be in people, I would doubt miracles; man can’t perform miracles, only God, so I believe in miracles because I believe in God. I go onto the platform to preach the saving, healing Christ, and the Lord confirms what I say with signs and wonders.

Believers, I say again, will lay hands on the sick and the sick will get well. Cancer falls from people after prayer even before they can get off the platform. It is the power of God at work. I remember a large cancer falling from one person after prayer. That person returned to show me where it had been; only a pink area was there now. These works are through Jesus Christ, God’s only Begotten. Give the Lord the glory, the praise and honor for all His wonderful works! Never be ashamed to let people know you believe in all the power, love and faith of God.

Jesus Taught Fasting

Faith is a gift from God. You can have more faith if you want it. The Lord has given me faith; I didn’t buy it; it was gifted to me. This power, these gifts have come into my life through prayer, fasting—numbers of fasts going forty days at a time—and through living in the Word of God. How sad that so many churches, so many preachers do not believe in fasting!

One preacher claimed, “We don’t have to fast; Jesus did it all for us.” That’s not true. Jesus said His disciples would fast. Then came to him the disciples of John, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not? And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast (Matthew 9:14,15). On another occasion Jesus said, Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21). Fasting is one of the works of Jesus, a work we’re to follow.

Jesus Cured the Incurable

Jesus met a man who hadn’t walked in thirty-eight years. What did He do? Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked (John 5:8,9).

Another man was carried to where Jesus was preaching the Word; however, so many people were there, they could not get close. But those who carried him were creative. And when they could not come nigh unto him [Jesus] for the press, they uncovered the roof where he was: and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay. When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee. Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk? But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house. And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all; insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion (Mark 2:4-5,9-12).

Just as there was no cure for palsy in that day, neither was there a cure for leprosy. But Jesus healed all manner of disease. Even today He has healed leprosy through this Jesus ministry. In one section of Africa, five lepers were cleansed. By the thousands, people are healed of AIDS; week after week mail comes in telling of another AIDS miracle. The people have been back to their doctors, who could find no more AIDS. No disease or affliction exists that God cannot heal when people accept His work of miracle power in faith believing.

Blest Cloths

In Acts we read that from his [Paul’s] body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them (Acts:19:12). In my ministry the blest cloths I pray over and send out are being used; the anointing in the cloth, as it did in the days of Paul, is healing thousands today. It must be obvious to the honest-hearted that the works of Jesus are still going on today. As I reported in a previous Giant Little Book, a pastor from an African nation so concerned over the AIDS raging in his church touched the people with a blest cloth one Sunday morning. Made whole, ninety people went back to their various doctors, who found no sign of AIDS; ninety people were healed of HIV/AIDS.

In another African nation, a pastor sent for a blest cloth, used it one Sunday; and forty people, he wrote in to say, were healed of AIDS. Again the doctors could find no sign of AIDS in those healed people.

I’ve prayed for little babies who were right at death’s door with AIDS, and the Lord healed them. I pray for people who are dying and the Lord heals them. It’s wonderful to see that they now are well, healthy when they had been so close to death. These are the works of Jesus. No case is too hard for the Lord. I stand one hundred percent on His mighty works.

The Lord Healed Me

Dying at twenty-three, I would have been dead years ago had the Lord not miraculously healed me. It’s terrible to watch your flesh melting away, and you can do nothing about it. You know you’re dying but you want to live. I had started preaching at eighteen; I knew my soul was right with the Lord, and I couldn’t understand why the Lord would let me die. Not committing one willful sin, I had walked sinless before Him. Although justified before the Lord, I still thought He wasn’t going to heal me, that I surely would be dead in a few more days. More organs in my body were becoming afflicted. Then one glorious night, Jesus came. He didn’t send an angel; He came Himself and made me whole all over, and His mighty work is still going on in my body.

Jesus lingered to tell me that later I would go on a long fast and when I came out of that fast I would have His power for the healing of the people. I then knew without a doubt that I was going to live. Just a week earlier, had I been asked, I would have said I was going to die. Suddenly I was full of life without an ache or pain; the Lord had made me whole all over.

Later I did go on that long fast. When I came out of that fast, I had the works of Jesus, the power to perform His mighty works. The blind began to get their sight, the deaf began to hear, the dumb to speak and the cripples came out of their wheelchairs walking. This is not a hocus-pocus thing; it’s the real power of God in action. Jesus said, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth…. With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible (Mark 9:23; 10:27). All things are possible with God if you only believe.

She Had Been to the Best Clinics

A doctor in California was treating a patient on whom thousands of dollars had been spent trying to get her well. The doctor had sent her to the best clinics in his part of the world, and there was no help for her. She could not walk by herself; it was a pitiful case. The doctor wrote me saying he understood I was coming to Los Angeles, and he was going to send her to the service. He had searched for this power, he said; he had looked for it among the occult, tried to find it among his Jewish people but he couldn’t find it. Still, he knew it had to exist somewhere. Then one day he turned on my broadcast. It was what he had been looking for. He said, “When I saw you, saw the miracles, I knew I had found it.”

In that Los Angeles crusade, his patient was there in a pitiful shape. But when I prayed for her, the miracle took place just like that doctor had expected. She stood to her feet, made whole instantly. She walked to a phone, called the doctor. “I’m healed!” she told him excitedly.

When I got back home from that West Coast campaign, a letter from the doctor was waiting for me telling me about the miraculous recovery of his patient. “I have an affliction that has no cure,” he wrote. “You’re coming again next month, and I’ll be there.”

Now the Doctor Was Cured

In crusades we seat the doctors down close to the front because I like them to be able to see that the miracles are real. The doctor was down close. “I was sitting there,” he said. “I saw you touch the people and they fell as though they were dead. I told myself I wasn’t going to fall when I was prayed for. But when you reached out to touch me, I felt as though I had been hit with a two-by-four; down I went, and I’m healed!”

Ever since his miracle, that doctor has sponsored me. He is not ashamed of the power of God; he loves it. In his clinic he has my literature out for people to read while they are waiting. “I do all I can for them,” he said. “Then I tell them that I’ve done all I can, but I know a man who can help you. I don’t know whether or not you will want to go to him, but his name is Ernest Angley. He’s gifted from God and people are really healed when he prays.”

I don’t know how many patients the doctor has sent me. One time he came to my service with a woman in a wheelchair. She was all wired up. He sat in the balcony looking down, never doubting that she was coming out of the wheelchair—and he had let her know that. When I touched that woman, up she came! It was the work of Jesus. Helpers unwired her enough so that she could leave the wheelchair, and she walked across the front of the auditorium, healed by the power of God. No matter where my services are held or how long they are, when he is able this doctor waits when I come off the platform to discuss with me what God has done. He loves the works of Jesus and is amazed at what the Lord is doing through this Jesus ministry. Full of God’s faith, mercy and love, he knows God will move, that the works of Jesus are simply miraculous.

The Blood Can Cleanse Your Soul

Do you want a mighty work done in your soul? Jesus went all the way to Calvary to make it possible for you to have this mighty blood work that washes away every sin. No matter what you have done or how many devils possess you, the blood of Jesus can wash you clean. You may be on alcohol, drugs, but God has given me power to deliver you from them in the mighty blood name of Jesus.

Lord, I come for those who are devil possessed, those on alcohol, drugs or bound with nicotine: Set them free! Loose them in the mighty name of Jesus!

The powerful blood of Jesus delivers, but to keep delivered, you must have Jesus in your soul. He will come as you pray the sinners’ prayer with me: Oh, God, I am lost. Please, God, save my soul! I’m so sorry I sinned against you, but I have come home and I will serve you, Lord, the rest of my life. And I believe the blood of Jesus washes away all my sins. Come into my heart, Jesus! Come on in!

If you meant that prayer, you have found Him; if you meant it, you are born new, born of the Spirit of God, and your sins are all gone. The Lord has performed a mighty work upon you—how wonderful!

Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?

Are you going to let Jesus work on you? Here I stand with good health through the power of God and the works of Jesus. Some of you, much younger than I am, are weak and afflicted. Do you want the Lord to do the same miraculous work on you that He has done on me? Realize that divine healing is God’s will. He wants to heal you more than you want to be healed.

I honor the work of the Lord. I’ve seen Him bending over people who were under the power of the Holy Spirit; I’ve seen Him reaching out to lay a healing hand on them. When I pray for people, a light brighter than the television lights goes before my hand and touches them just before my hand touches them. The power of God strikes them, and many can’t remain on their feet. God makes Himself real.

Jesus, I say again, came to do the works of the Father, and I am here to do the works of the Father as well. I’m here in the name of Jesus with His gifts; I’m here with the same power that Jesus used when He was on Earth. The miracles and healings come from Heaven.

Wilt thou be made whole? Wilt thou be made well? Do you want to be rid of that cancer, that heart trouble, those broken bones or whatever is making you crippled? Do you want to be rid of paralysis, of TB, of any death disease you may have? You can be made whole through the works of Jesus. He can perform a mighty work on you, but you have to be willing to serve Him and give Him all the praise, honor and glory. He doesn’t heal people so they can go out and serve the devil.

Diabetes does not have the complete cure through medicine, but the work of Jesus can take care of you and you won’t have diabetes or any sign of it. Untold thousands have been healed of diabetes. Ever so many have come to my services and been healed of diabetes through the power of God.

I spend much time with the Lord in prayers, fastings and reaching to Him for this power that I might help others to see His mighty works and glorify Him. Now let Him perform another mighty work of healing in your body, if that’s your need. Maybe you have HIV/AIDS, cancer, leprosy, TB, paralysis, heart trouble. It doesn’t matter what it is, God is the healer; you can be delivered. Perhaps that little one, that child was born deformed: It can be made whole. I don’t know the numbers of children born with only part of a brain to whom the Lord has given a whole brain. They are normal today through the power of God. Get ready to take this anointing and get ready for the Lord to make you well like He made me well years ago, like Jesus healed people when He walked the earth. Yield to the Lord; open to the Holy Spirit and take this powerful anointing, saith the Lord. Let it make you well. It’s the same power, the same blood that made me well. This holy blood anointing can mean a difference in your health. Put a hand of faith on this booklet as a point of contact believing God will move as I pray.

Now, Lord, here they are. I bring the sick and afflicted to you, those with HIV/AIDS or any kind of death disease working in them. Your mighty work on them right now will cure them just like your mighty work made me whole of all my afflictions and took death from my body and gave me life. Heal! Heal! in the blood name of Jesus! Heal! in the precious name! Be thou made well!

I am here, saith the Lord. I’m here to give you an ultimate anointing. This anointing you will need; it is a blood anointing, healing for you to make you whole, saith the Lord. My Spirit prayeth for thee, saith the Lord.

The God of miracles lives; these healings are His works; keep your mind on Him, on His divine healing blood. Decide that you’re going to accept your miracle. Write and tell me what happened to you today. I will rejoice in your healing.

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