The Bride of Christ is made up of born-again, Spirit-filled Christians. It is the holy, sanctified Church that makes up the body of Christ. Those who are members of the bridal company have left the world behind and put Christ and His will foremost in their lives.

God gave me a divine revelation about the blood-love shield that protects the Bride in this her final walk on Earth. The Bride will accept every word and every promise of God. She will use all the promises of God in many ways to help bring in the harvest of souls in this final hour. She will use the promises of good health to receive miracles and healings; and she will use the promises of deliverance to be free from all depression, fear and frustration. She will live in the truth and in the Holy Word of God.

But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me (Psalm 3:3). Again and again, the Bride will say, “Dear Jesus, you are a shield to me. You are my protector, my defender and my guard! You are my life!” The Lord is our shield, our salvation, our high tower, our refuge and our Savior. He saves us from violence and protects us from danger. Jesus said, And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed (John 8:32,36). The Bride will walk in divine freedom.

What Is the Shield of Divine Blood?

Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him (Proverbs 30:5). Notice that the Lord used the word “shield.” He wants you to think on His shield of divine blood love. Study the shield and find out whether or not you have it. When you know you have that divine shield, you will know you have protection.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). God loved the world so much that He gave us a love shield—Jesus. He is our blood-love shield.

A shield defends, protects and guards; and any person or thing that guards can be a shield. The shield of the Lord protects, guards and defends us marvelously.

A shield can be a movable canopy. At two different times, I have seen a canopy of protection over multitudes of people in foreign crusades—once in Nigeria and once in Malawi. Thus saith the Lord, it was the love canopy for the Bride in this her last hour. In that love is everything you need—the invisible shield of blood love covers it all. The devil cannot penetrate that shield or tear through it, so he tries to tempt you to get outside the shield because only then can he affect you. If the devil can succeed in making you give in to anger, doubt, fear, frustration or any destructive thought, emotion or action, he has you out from under the protection of the blood-love shield.

A shield is meant to protect from injury, danger or loss. It is there to guard and defend a person or thing that it protects, and it is to keep a person safe when traveling. You want your journey in this life to be safe in every way, and the blood-love shield is your defender. How wonderful it is to know you are defended by the love of God!

A shield is a passport or insurance, and Heaven’s love is your spiritual insurance company. God gave you Jesus, so your soul could be insured for all eternity. He is your protector, and He will always guard you and look out for you. When you die in the Lord, your eternal benefits will be pure joy, bliss and happiness. Study the benefits of your insurance policy through Jesus Christ. The love shield is yours, and it protects you for time and all eternity.

The blood-love shield also serves, and the love of God serves the greatness of Heaven to you. You don’t have to worry, be troubled or in despair when God serves you His greatness. It is no wonder that the Lord said to bring all your burdens to Him! Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls (Matthew 11:28,29).

A Shield of Love

Earthly shields come in many forms. Some are made of brass, wood or plated gold. Three pounds of beaten gold went into each of the 300 shields that Solomon had instructed the people to make, but the shield of the Lord is made of blood love.

In the Bible, God is often called the shield of His people. He is a shield unto them that put their trust in him (Proverbs 30:5). I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward (Genesis 15:1). For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield (Psalm 5:12).

Paul called faith a shield, but that shield of faith is one you must hold up yourself. Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked (Ephesians 6:16). Faith is a shield, but love must be used with that faith for the Word of God to work for you. Faith puts the Word of God into action through love. Faith which worketh by love (Galatians 5:6).

If you are born again, you have God’s love with you all the time whether you are awake or asleep. That love gives you the strength, power, knowledge and wisdom to use the whole armor of God. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand (Ephesians 6:13).

Love gives you the wisdom to use faith, and it lets you know when to use it and how it must be used. Remember, divine love is the greatest thing God has. And now abideth faith, hope, charity [love], these three; but the greatest of these is charity [love] (I Corinthians 13:13). God is love (I John 4:8). God gave mankind the greatest love He had when He gave Jesus. He gave all His love at Calvary, and He held nothing back. When the Bride finally arrives in Heaven, God will withhold no love from her for all eternity. The Bride will always be special to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

The Blood-Love Shield Brings Victory

Down through the years, man has known different kinds of love; but not all of it has lasted for any length of time, just as some of the Old Testament battle shields were not very strong and did not last very long. At that time, shields were not only used in battle; they were also hung on towers as ornaments or used as trophies commemorating victory. The tower of David was builded for an armoury, whereon there hang a thousand bucklers, all shields of mighty men (Song of Solomon 4:4). Those shields represented David’s strength, but our strength is in the blood-love shield of Christ Jesus.

Through love, the Lord gives us wonderful promises; and only through love can they be fulfilled. When the love of God floods the soul, there is no room for anything else because the love of God destroys all doubt and fear. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love (I John 4:18).

Doubting your Maker, the God who gives the promises, means you are not perfect in His love. If love is working in perfection in your mind, you will not doubt God. Love in perfection can be in your soul, but you must yield to the Holy Spirit for that love to be flowed into your mind. As the Holy Spirit flows His love from your soul into your mind, all doubt will leave; however, you can have God’s love in your soul and still doubt God in your mind when you close your mind to that flow.

As a child of God, you have the ultimate love of God that was given through Calvary in your heart. If you have met the Lord at Calvary and been forgiven of your sins, you have taken Him into your heart. Therefore, the ultimate, supreme love of Almighty God is in your soul.

The soul of a child of God is covered with the blood. Thus saith the Lord, when you are born new, you have the eternal, blood-love on the inside. God’s love is stronger than any power of the devil; and God’s blood-love shield is stronger than any fear, despair, oppression or depression. His blood love will flow out of your mind all that is unpleasant to you, to God and to the Holy Spirit.

Depend on the reservoir of love in your soul and be yielded to the Holy Ghost at all times so He can flow that love to you. If you set your mind on something other than divine love, the devil can get your attention off the love of God and onto what people say and onto their distresses, doubts, objections, despairs and fears. Then you will be robbed. You can’t afford to leave the canopy of the blood-love shield that protects you on every side.

An Ark with Three Stories

Noah’s family had God’s shield in the form of the ark. That three-storied ark represented God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost; and it shielded Noah and his family from the storm no matter how ferociously it raged outside. They couldn’t go outside the ark for over a year; but they had God’s protection, the insurance of His promises and everything they needed.

There was great keeping power inside the ark, and it was in action through love. Noah and his family had to have the love of God in their hearts to be able to follow God’s instructions of how to build the ark, and they spent 120 years building it. They worked in love all those years, and waited for the time when the ark would be their salvation. Then after the flood had subsided and Noah and his family were once again on dry land, God gave them another promise of insurance—the rainbow of love in the sky.

All the patience you need is in God’s love. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint (Isaiah 40:31). Wait upon the Lord, and you can mount up with His wings of love and grace. The eagle mounts up in the power of the wind, but we mount up in the strength of God’s pure love.

Jesus came in divine love and with healing in his wings (Malachi 4:2). Ponder the love of God that offers divine healing and know that His love will help you mount up out of any valley. Rejoice that you are greatly loved! One day, Child of God, you will mount up and not stop until you get to Glory. The Holy Spirit will carry you up on wings of glory to meet the Groom in the air, and He will have loved ones who have gone on before with Him. It will be so wonderful!

God Shielded Abraham

The word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward (Genesis 15:1). God shielded Abraham in great love, and He told him to move away from his kinfolk. God couldn’t shield Abraham the way He wanted to when Abraham was living among his family because they were an aggravation, a worry and a hindrance to him.

People can’t always move away from relatives who fight the work of God; but if they can, they should. If God says to get away, then get away. Some people, however, won’t move even when the Lord tells them to. Abraham obeyed God, and he moved. Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness (Romans 4:3).

Abraham had great love for God, and that is why he had the faith he needed to put his son Isaac on the altar of sacrifice. God had promised Abraham and Sarah they would have a son, even though they both were past the childbearing age; and they waited twenty-five years for that promise to be fulfilled. I’m sure no father had a greater love for his son than Abraham had for Isaac; however, Abraham had so much love for God that he knew if his son were to be killed, God would raise him up.

How could Abraham know his son would be raised up?—because God had promised Abraham he would have descendants through Isaac as numerous as the sands of the sea. By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called: Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead (Hebrews 11:17–19). Abraham’s love for God was pure without any doubt.

If you don’t use enough love when you look on the promises of God, you will doubt. All too often, God’s children don’t carry that love in their minds; and when the mind doesn’t function with God’s love, it functions with weakness and makes questionable decisions.

People can come between you and the love of God. Those who are discouraged and disgruntled can say things against the work of God, and that pours doubt on God’s promises and on His love. The devil will use anything he can to get your mind off the love of God and to separate you from God’s will.

Touch Heaven with God’s Love

Only through God’s love can your mind reach out to Him. His arm of love is so far-reaching that you can be on Earth and still touch the throne of grace. Divine love reaches all the way from Earth to Heaven; and that divine love, I say again, is in the souls of all who are born new in Jesus Christ. Thus saith the Lord, this is what the Bride will be conscious of.

Each time the Bride comes into the Lord’s presence, she will be conscious of this fact: “I can touch Heaven with God’s love. I have it. I am in touch with the throne of God at all times. I can reach up and touch the flow of the river of life.” The Bride will be conscious of her direct contact and her closeness to Heaven in this her final walk, so she will be a power for God and do much work for Him.

God so loved the world that He gave Jesus; and now, He so loves the Bride that He will give everything, including Jesus, to help her bring in His harvest in this last and final hour. It is true we have a huge task ahead of us and many battles ahead. It is true that there will be danger, but we have the blood-love shield of God. Who can dethrone God?—no human and not the devil and all his kingdom. God will always be on the throne, and He will always be supreme.

Your shield is as strong as God because God is your shield. Thus saith the Lord, you don’t need to depend on shields of wood, brass or gold. You have a shield of love. That love is stronger than any metal or steel cable, and it is stronger than all the powers on Earth. Thus saith the Lord, you have that strength in your soul. Recognize that strength, and you won’t be weak. It is no wonder the Bible says, Let the weak say, I am strong (Joel 3:10). For when I am weak, then am I strong (II Corinthians 12:10).

When you have the love of God in your soul, you also have the strength of God in your soul. With the love of God in your soul, you have divine power, wisdom, knowledge and all God’s promises in your soul. You are strong through God’s love.

The Holy Spirit Serves Divine Love

It is essential for each person to have an individual baptism of the Holy Spirit so He can flow the greatness of God in your soul to your mind. The human spirit can’t handle that kind of love and power; you need divinity to put them into action.

Although the gifts of the Holy Spirit are in my life, I cannot put them into action; the Holy Spirit does. He operates them through my soul, my mind and my whole being. Under His anointing, every nerve and every muscle is charged by the Holy Spirit. Many times, it can take days for just one anointing to leave me.

You too can have this charge of the power of God. It is a beautiful experience and one that gives you supernatural strength to work for Him. The power of God gives me supernatural strength to help me put in the many, many hours that God requires of me. It gives me the strength to wake at any time during the night when God wants to talk to me. I may have been asleep only five or ten minutes; but when He wakes me, I am rested. God’s love flowing into my mind from my soul has wiped away all that would make me weary and tired in body.

Your mind will tire more quickly than your body when it has the wrong things to contend with. When your mind is overloaded, depression can move in. Only when the love of God is working in your mind can the Holy Spirit use it at all times to keep you from being discouraged. People become discouraged when they turn away from the Holy Spirit to let self or someone else serve them. The Holy Spirit is waiting for you to turn to Him, so He can serve you what is already in your soul.

When you don’t let the Holy Spirit serve you, the devil is able to deceive you and make you doubt God’s love. Then you will wonder, “Where is the love of God?” The answer is that it is in the reservoir of your soul, but you won’t let the Holy Spirit make God’s love a reality in your life; so the Spirit has to wait for you to turn to Him.

Will water in a reservoir do you any good if you don’t take it out and drink it? You have to get the water out of the reservoir before you can benefit from it, and it is the same with the love of God in your soul. The love of God has to flow into your mind, and the Holy Spirit is the only one who can send it from your soul into your mind; but you have to yield to Him for that love to be flowed to your mind.

You are the one who can accept or reject God’s love, and you can have whatever you want flowing in you. You can have peace, joy and happiness flowing if that is what you want. Jesus said, Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27). You must use God’s peace that He has given to you.

Gossip Grieves the Holy Spirit

When the love of God is in your heart, it can be flowed daily by the Holy Spirit to your mind; so you won’t carry unnecessary burdens. Then don’t take on burdens that you don’t need by listening to gossip. Make sure your telephone is sanctified, and only use it to listen to things that are edifying in the Lord. Listening to gossip grieves the Holy Spirit, and it makes you as guilty as the person who is gossiping. The stench of that gossip goes into your thoughts and into your spirit and creates battles of the mind.

As long as you want to listen to gossip, you are not serving love. When you are full of love, you want to hear the good things the love of God is doing for people. You want to know that love is working not only for you but for others. God’s love cures people of heartaches and troubles, and it takes hate out of hearts; it doesn’t put it in. Why do you care what the devil is doing? Surely, you don’t want to know the results of anger, envy and strife; you must want to know what Jesus and His love are doing.

When Jesus was a man, He received the Holy Ghost when He was baptized in water. He knew how to yield to the Spirit, so the Spirit could flow God’s love to Him. You must let the Holy Spirit flow God’s love to you too.

The Bride will be strong, and she will stand tall like Jesus. How many people do you think Jesus let gossip to Him? How much do you think He listened to idle talk? Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). You can’t change truth. If you are a part of Jesus, you will guard your tongue, your ears and your mind. If someone gets angry when you refuse to listen to his or her gossip, just know you are not making the Lord angry or grieving the Holy Spirit.

Focus on Divinity

Think about what the Holy Spirit has been through and the struggles He has had since Pentecost. The Lord has let me know that people grieve the Holy Spirit when they listen to words that are untrue or to those who are against His work. One day, the Rapture will take place; and the Holy Spirit will take His flight with the Bride. He will leave Earth never to be grieved again.

Let the Lord fill your cup with the goodness of Heaven, so you can serve it to others each day. If you are fretting, worried or full of doubt, you will serve those things; and you don’t want to do that. If you are in darkness or distress, you will serve that cup to someone during the day; and that is not the way of the Lord.

You must serve the Lord’s cup of love. That is the greatest power the Lord has; and the power of that love heals, destroys sickness and delivers from unrighteousness. Divine love has the power to destroy any weakness and give you all the strength you need. Why would you not want to serve love, and why would you want to serve anything else? Why would you want to repeat gossip that will hurt someone when you should be tuning your ears to what Heaven is reporting.

We are on our way to take Jesus and His reality to the whole world, and the Lord is using everything He can of what we are sending forth. Through technology, the Lord is making it possible for us to reach more and more people.

God is your shield, so why fear what man can do to you? Why worry about your enemies or what people might say about you? You are shielded in the ark, Jesus Christ, and they are outside in the storm pounding on the door; and that door won’t open for the unrighteous because it is sealed with love. Many missed their chance in the past, and the Lord closed the door; and one day, it will be like that for the whole civilization. God will close the door on all who are not in the ark, Christ Jesus.

Live by Faith

Jesus is our love shield, and the Bride is sailing right on through the storms of life with Him. We have Him on the inside; and we cry, “All is well!” We are living in the blood-love shield and under the canopy of Jesus Christ, and all is well. No matter how circumstances look, the Bible says, The just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17). To live by faith, you must look through the mirror of God’s love to see His reflection in living reality for today and for all your tomorrows. It is so wonderful to yield all to the Lord!

This is your message from God, and the Lord has spent time giving it to me for you. He let me know that it was to be delivered directly to each individual to treasure and to love; and He wants you to know He is giving it, not man. This is His revelation for you to help bring you into His greatness and His power. Don’t let anything contaminate you, and don’t let self hinder you. Have no ego about what the Lord is doing for you, about any revelation He gives you or the ways the Lord uses you. Know that He is the great I-Am who so loved you that He gave Jesus for you.

God Supplies Our Needs

When we look at ourselves, we know we are not worth the great sacrifice that was given on the Cross. We are not offered salvation because we are worthy, and God did not give Jesus because we deserved it. God gave Jesus because of His great love, and that love is now ours on board the ark, Jesus. Inside that ark of Christ, there is only room for His love, the love of the ark of deliverance.

I don’t believe there was one sick person on the ark during the whole time Noah and his family were on it. I don’t believe they had to take medicine with them onto that ark or that they had any pain or sickness because the Lord was with them. Every time they dipped out food from one barrel, the miracle power replaced it. Every time they fed the animals, the bins filled again through the same miracle power that had filled the widow’s meal barrel in Elijah’s day. The Bible says that widow’s barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail (I Kings 17:16).

The Lord is supplying our needs today too. As we take from one bin, it is filled again. We serve a cup of love, and the cup is refilled. We serve another cup of love, and the Holy Spirit fills it again. Quick, serve it! People are perishing because of a lack of that love, and you may be just the person to help them because you have the personality they will accept. The Lord is telling you to run with the cup of love and serve it! Help rescue and save people. There is nothing in the world like being a soul-winner, and the Lord is anointing people to win souls.

The Lord Is Our Deliverer

Happy art thou, O Israel: who is like unto thee, O people saved by the Lord, the shield of thy help (Deuteronomy 33:29). When Israel would stay under the protection of the Lord’s shield, no enemy could stand before them. As they marched around the walls of Jericho in that shield, they needed nothing man had made; and God tore down those walls. And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the priests blew with the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, Shout; for the Lord hath given you the city. So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city (Joshua 6:16,20).

When you stay under the protection of the blood-love shield and have the insurance of that shield, Christ Jesus, you have everything you need. All you have to do is live in perfect obedience. The Lord wants perfect obedience with perfect love. They go hand in hand, and they operate together wherever they are found on Earth or in Heaven. Total obedience to the truth and to the mind of God are wonderful!

David’s song of deliverance in II Samuel is a thrilling passage. And he said, The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour; thou savest me from violence (II Samuel 22:2,3). The Lord is your deliverer, and He delivers you from the powers of the enemy day after day. Jesus is your shield and your rock.

God gave us Jesus to be our shield for this great dispensation of the Gospel. It is the great Year of Jubilee and the acceptable year of the Lord. We must trust in our shield knowing that Jesus is our joy and the horn of our salvation. He is the voice, the gladness and the happiness for us. He is the high tower from which we can see clearly. We don’t live in darkness; we live in the light with Him. We know the hour we are living in because we see the signs of the times all around us and the wonders of God’s miracle-working hand.

The footprints of Jesus will lead you on; so if you don’t see them, don’t move. Always wait for the path with the footprints of Jesus. It will lead you safely through the wilderness, but you must avoid any path overgrown with weeds.

You can connect with God’s love anywhere, and it will glow through the darkness of the night for you. You can see the mark of God in the form of a footprint whether it was made 2000 years ago or today. Whether the nail-riven hand is stretched out at Calvary or stretched out at this very moment, you can see it through love. Through love, you see that hand reaching out to the world in this last and final hour.

See Through God’s Love Eyes

Never before has there been an hour like the one we live in when God’s hand is reaching out to so many. More people are living on Earth today than ever before. Love shows us the Lord’s nail-riven hands and the ultimate power of God; and through love eyes, we will see the gift of miracles operating. Thus saith the Lord, that is the reason love is so important to us. Only love can see the ultimate power of God and believe it all.

Pharaoh saw the waters of the Red Sea separate, but he looked at that miracle with physical eyes and didn’t recognize it to be the work of God. He sent his soldiers into the sea, and they died; but he should have known better. He would have seen the danger had he looked through God’s eyes.

Thus saith the Lord, we will see the dangers. The Bride will see danger ahead of time, and she will avoid many, many pitfalls because of her love-sight. To have the sight of God is to have love-sight, and He gives that sight to each one of His children who will use it. God gives you His love, so you can see things as He sees them. When you see His plan for your life through love, you will be greatly encouraged. Noah’s family had much to be discouraged about; but because they had love-sight, they didn’t give in to it.

God’s Love Shielded the Early Church

The Lord gave me a revelation of why people paid such a great price in the beginning of the Church and why they were able to suffer the way they did and die so victoriously for the sake of Christ. It was because of the Lord’s love shield they were in. With that love, they knew it was the will of the Lord for them to be sacrificed and die for His name’s sake.

Stephen died in the same love Jesus died in, and he knew he was being sacrificed as his Savior had been. He was being sacrificed for a man named Saul who was standing by when Stephen was being stoned and holding the coats of those who were throwing the stones. He knew he was being sacrificed for others who were witnessing his death—Stephen had that revelation through love.

The Early Church survived because they used the Lord’s peace. Christ went through more than we will ever have to go through; yet He had courage, strength, joy and peace. He showed us how we could use this overcoming power when He went through all the trials, temptations and valleys and when He climbed all the mountains. Jesus was pure love; there was no hate in Him.

God wants you to have this message. It is yours, and it can change your life completely. Thus saith the Lord, it will give you complete victory. If you abide by what the Lord is telling you in this one message, you will have complete victory in this last and final hour. Thus saith the Lord, this is the Bride’s victory. This invisible, blood-love shield is a miracle to behold. We thank God that He is our shield!

Recognize the Jesus Way

The Lord is my glory, and the lifter up of mine head (Psalm 3:3). Don’t be downcast; let the Lord help you hold your head high. The strength of the Lord is here to keep you the way He wants you to be. He has a path He wants you to walk, and you must walk it just as Jesus walked His divine path with His head held high. He didn’t take time for sin or to entertain evil, and He didn’t endorse anything that was wrong. He was life, truth and the door to salvation and Heaven. He came to show us the way.

Recognize the ways Jesus showed you. They are not man’s ways; they are God’s ways. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:9).

The Lord gave us His love so we could move up to His high road and have His high thoughts. It is amazing to think that we can live in this body of clay and still be like Jesus! We can do all things for the Lord through Jesus who gives us the power to do them. Paul knew that; and he said, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (Philippians 4:13). The Lord gives you the power and the strength to walk and talk like Jesus. He gives you the power to pray like Him and enables you to use the same power He used to deliver people from demon possession, sickness, disease and all deformities.

Divine Blood Makes the Difference

How did you get your salvation?—through the blood and the blood-love shield. Through the divine blood, we have salvation. Never forget that Jesus is your shield. His divinity and His blood protect you. Without that blood of divinity, He wouldn’t have been divine. Divine blood is what made Jesus different, and divine blood applied to your soul is what makes you different.

Life is in the blood. When you have the blood-love shield, Jesus, you have His life flowing in your soul. Let the reality of what is in your soul flow into your mind and work for your mind. If you have been born again, you have divine blood within you day and night. Become conscious of the divine, blood-love shield. Thus saith the Lord, become conscious, divine blood conscious. You must be blood conscious in this last and final hour. It is a must, saith the Lord.

God is serving you much, and you must take it all. Yield to the Holy Spirit, and He will help you keep what God serves and start putting it into action at once. The day is far spent, and you must use this message from Heaven so the Lord can rescue the lost ones marked for you to win. Thus saith the Lord, every one of you has souls to win.

You have souls to influence and win, souls to shine the light of Calvary on. Take the responsibility of carrying God’s love light to others. Some people may be within your reach only once, and you will have to shine the blood-love light of the Gospel at that moment because it won’t do any good later.

Serve the Fruit of Gentleness

Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great (Psalm 18:35). The gentleness of Jesus has made you great. You don’t look on yourself as being great because you don’t have that kind of ego; but a child of God is great in the eyes of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Gentleness is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit you have to serve to others, and it will help make them great in the Lord too. Gentleness is from the Lord, and you must serve what the Lord gives you. Serve the fruit of the Holy Spirit and nothing less. Everything anyone needs is found in the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law (Galatians 5:22,23). Nothing is left out of the fruits of the Spirit. Even temperance, which is self-control, is there so you can be in a condition to receive from God.

The greatness of God is being served today. Thus saith the Lord, it is on the table already. It isn’t just on the way; it is on the table, and it is yours. The Holy Spirit is seeking to teach you how to use all the greatness of God that is coming your way.

What Do You Do with the Holy Ghost?

It isn’t enough to have the love of God; you must know what to do with it. It isn’t enough to have the Holy Ghost; you must know what to do with Him and what to let Him do with you.

Years ago, a woman wrote me and said, “Rev. Angley, I received the Holy Ghost. Now, what do I do with Him?” It was a good question; and when you learn the answer, you can choke the devil with it.

So, what can you do with the Holy Spirit, and what can He do with you? You simply have to yield to the Holy Spirit because He knows what to do with the love of God. He knows exactly how to flow it into your mind and how to keep your mind cup filled with love, love, love. God’s love destroys everything ungodly, unpleasant and destructive. There is nothing like the love of God.

Our soul waiteth for the LORD: he is our help and our shield (Psalm 33:20). Why must you wait on the Lord?—because He is the help you need. Why look to man for help that can only come from the Lord? Why not wait on Him? Why search the minds of men for their opinions when the opinions that really count are God’s? People can make you weak, but the Lord will make you strong.

Does your soul wait on the Lord? Do you realize He is your help? Are you secure and unafraid? If the Lord is truly your shield, you should be ashamed to fear what will happen on tomorrow or to talk of weakness instead of God’s strength. Don’t ever allow one weak statement or any word without faith to come out of your mouth because the Lord said He would surround you with His protection. For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield (Psalm 5:12).

You have nothing to fear or worry about when you are covered and surrounded with God’s love in the blood-love shield. Behind you is a wall of God’s love protection. To the right, to the left and in front is that same wall of love protection. The very foundation you stand on is love, and it is a foundation with not one grain of sand. The heavens are yours, and they create a canopy of love over you. As you look up to that shield of love, you can almost see the angels walking down the Avenue of Glory. It is your avenue because it is willed to you as a joint-heir with Jesus. You are rich, and you own part of Heaven.

A Home in Heaven

Some people will sacrifice for years and even give their whole lives to own a piece of real estate on Earth; and when they die, they leave it to someone else. The real estate of real value is in Heaven; and one day, you as a child of God will go to it. You have a mansion in Heaven, and no taxes will ever be assessed. It is free because Jesus paid the price. He said, In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you (John 14:2). There is a mansion in Heaven for everyone who makes it through.

God is your help; so when you get into trouble, go to God. The more you can stand on your own two feet and not use people as a crutch, the stronger you will be. That is why I say again that you must always wear the whole armor of God. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore (Ephesians 6:13,14). That armor will give you the strength to stand no matter what is going on around you.

Why be afraid when you are protected by the canopy of God’s love? The invisible, blood-love shield is all around you, but the devil will try to make you believe you have no protection because others can’t see it. It doesn’t matter what others can’t see as long as you see it with the eyes of faith in your soul. Do you have that shield?

A Message from the Holy Spirit

Yea saith the Spirit of the Lord, I am unveiling myself to you; and I am giving you a revelation of my love like I have never given in the past. You are my delight; you are my love for this hour, and I am going to do mighty things through you, my people. I have taught you for many, many years. I sent my servant to you to gather you together for this hour, and no power can defeat you.

I am your God. I am your Lord. My Son is your Savior. I have given you my Holy Spirit to guide you and to be with you, and I have put my love and my truth in you. You have not been taught false; I have given you my truth, and my truth has given you life.

And now, you will stand tall in this last hour. You will stand as tall as my Son, Jesus, stood when He was here on Earth because you will stand in all the love and the power and the greatness that He brought. You will be blessed of Heaven, and you will be a blessing. I will use you to turn the multitudes to me, saith the Lord.

Don’t look to the left; don’t look to the right. Don’t let the devil get your attention at any time day or night. Keep your eyes on my love and know that you have my invisible love shield, and my love destroys everything that is wicked, everything that isn’t of grace—my love, my love, my love.

I have given you my love, and you have power over the devil. [With] my love blood, you trample devils. [With] my love blood, you resist the devil, and he will flee from you. [With] my love blood, you can speak; and the blood voice comes out as it came from my Son, Jesus, and the devils have to obey. Let not your heart be troubled. Rise up and know who you are and what you are in my love; and liberty and freedom and deliverance will be yours to deliver to others, saith the Lord.

Let the invisible, blood-love shield be yours and be shut in with His love no matter what you are going through in your home, at work or wherever you may be. No matter what others may say or do to you, you can be sealed up in the invisible shield of God’s eternal love and grace. Know the power and the strength of it, and know the enemy cannot break through it. Know you have God’s great love within you and that it is moving for you. Thus saith the Lord, it is your great love.

A Prayer of Consecration

Lord, the invisible, blood-love shield is mine. Jesus is my shield. Jesus is my ark, and I am shut in with Him to never leave. His love is mine, and I will let the Holy Spirit use that love in my soul to fill my mind daily. I will serve your love, your grace, your wisdom, your knowledge and your strength. I know the things of truth I serve will make plain paths for people and will be a light to show them the way.

Dear Lord, I will be your instrument to turn many to righteousness. I give myself completely to your love. I will carry no hate, no envy and no strife; and I will not listen to any of it. I will listen only to your love voice, and I will take strength from your love voice. I will take courage daily from your love voice as I lean upon your everlasting arm. On that everlasting arm of love, Lord, I will do all the work you planned for me to do; and one day, I will stand before your throne, and I will bring with me all the sheaves that have come in. I am yours, Lord; I am yours.

You have yielded your soul to the Lord. Now, yield your mind to Him and let the Holy Spirit know that your mind will be like the Jesus mind. Tell Him that you will allow Him to flood your mind daily with the great things of God and that He can fill your mind cup again and again. Jesus is your shield of invisible, blood love as you serve Him to the world in this last and final hour.

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