For over 400 years Israel dwelt in Egypt, most of the time in slavery. But with an high arm brought he [God] them out. Man was always to have had the high arm of God; never had God intended him to be without it. However, when man sinned, man limited the help God was able to give.

In Eden Adam and Eve had the high arm of God. The devil could never have defeated them had they held to that high arm, for God had supplied them with overcoming power, made them strong enough to resist the devil in all points.

Even today outside Eden, the devil cannot defeat you if you use the high arm of God. Again and again God reminds us that He has all power. He realizes we’re victims of circumstances, and He wants us to use His high arm; we need it night and day. The Bride will not be able to survive, not be like Jesus and do what she needs to do without the high arm of God.

Only a few times in Old Testament days was the Lord able to reveal His great arm. Then after He finally did reveal it, people quickly forgot. The high arm of God moved in a mighty way for Israel, but they soon went in another direction; they didn’t hold to the mighty arm of God.

Consider Israel again: God delivered them from bondage with mighty signs and miracles. For forty years He spread them a table in the wilderness, fed them with angel food straight from the ovens of heaven. Had God been a man, He would have let them all starve to death because of the way they had disobeyed Him and sinned again and again.

Finally, many hundreds of years later, God’s high arm in human form came to Earth. People have looked at that high arm and thought they couldn’t be like Jesus. If you think you can’t be like Jesus, act like Him and use His power, it’s because you don’t see the high arm of God. You’ve been promised everything that Jesus used, everything. How sad if you don’t use it!

The Crucifixion of Jesus was a real shock to the disciples. When He cried, It is finished…and gave up the ghost (John 19:30), it stunned them beyond words. They had seen Him, the Christ of God, performing all kinds of miracles. They hadn’t thought He’d be killed, hadn’t thought He could be. He’d said that no man could take His life. I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again (John 10:17,18). The disciples didn’t have understanding. And then when He died…what a shock!

Another shock was in store for them—a wonderful one—as they realized Jesus really had risen from the tomb. They talked with Him, looked into His face, saw the nail prints in His hands and feet and the wound in His side. No words could ever have expressed their joy. He taught them for forty more days as they sat at His feet. They gloried in Jesus the victorious one who had conquered death, hell and the grave. Now He was total victory to them. What earthquakes of power they had seen! Then came the awesome experience, that great earthquake of seeing Jesus rising in the air, taken back into Heaven. Two angels appeared to them saying, Why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven (Acts 1:11). He will come again! What an amazing revelation!

Finally, one more marvelous earthquake of power shook them in the Upper Room as the Holy Ghost descended in a rushing, mighty wind and filled not only the house, but every tabernacle of clay who was there. All of about one hundred twenty waiting in the Upper Room received the Holy Ghost, were filled with Him. What a rejoicing time they had as they went forth to win souls! At last they knew the high arm of God was theirs, and they accepted Jesus to be all He had claimed to be. Everything He had said, the claims He had made—He fulfilled them all. He met every claim head-on and proved that He was all that He had said.

What Is in the Power of God?

Walking in the power of the high arm of God is an incredible experience. It’s time for us to take that walk as we wear the whole armor of God every day.

Recognize what is in the power of God: the love, faith, hope, joy, holiness, peace, goodness, praise, rejoicing, endurance and much more. The power of God is in Bible prayer and Bible fasting—not man’s fasting, man’s prayers.

Going the Bible way, you have God’s promises of power.

The divine blood is power—grace is power.

Salvation is power; signs and wonders are power.

God’s deliverance of any kind is power.

Determination, wisdom and knowledge are power.

Holy rejoicing and patience are power.

The name of Jesus is power; the Holy Ghost is power; God the Father is power; the prophecies of God are all power. None of the Word of God is without power.

Divine anointings are all through the power of God.

God thoughts—all of them are power—and of course the whole armor of God is power, power, power.

Now think about the spiritual senses, the spiritual power of sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing and faith. Reach out for all of God. The Bible tells you that blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled (Matthew 5:6). Filled with what? Filled with God’s power.

Understand what God’s power really is. Confidence in all that God has said and full assurance that His Word is true is power: the Bible says to not cast it away.

Trust in the Lord is great power.

Heaven’s victories all are power.

What deliverance, what victory, what power is in the blood of the Lamb! The blood gives you the same power that God overcomes the devil with, the same power He will continue to use to defeat the devil right on through this age. All the power that Jesus will use at the battle of Armageddon is through the blood. Through the blood the devil will be put into the pit.

The nine fruits and the nine gifts of the Spirit are power, power, power; and they all belong to the Church—what power!

Boldly Ask and Receive

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16). When you accept the blood power of God, you come boldly. You know the blood power will work for you any time day or night; it’s yours to use; you’ve been given that authority. You don’t have to say, Lord, if it be your will, heal this person. Healing is a promise in the atonement: …with his stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). You know that these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name…they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover (Mark 16:17,18). Jesus said believers will lay hands on the sick and He will get them well; He will do it.

Ask, and ye shall receive (John 16:24). Ask through God’s power of faith and love, and your prayers are answered through the power of God. No wonder the Lord told me the power of the Holy Ghost would be everything in this ministry!

The power of the Holy Ghost, the high arm of God, will be ours for the rest of the journey. No people have ever had the high arm of God this way except in the very beginning of the Church. Now in this closing hour, the high arm of God is ours daily.

Are you going to be a “sparrow” Christian, beaten down in every storm? Or are you going to be that “eagle” Christian who rises above the storms where the sun is shining? When the storms of life rage, spread your wings like the eagle; and with faith and love in the power of God, soar above it all and enjoy the ride. Be confident that the power of God is working for you, that it could be no other way; just ask and receive. Remember to wear the love bridle all the time so you will have the right kind of tongue to ask.

Guard Your Words

The reason some people don’t get their prayers answered is that they don’t have the right kind of tongue. Because they don’t keep the love bridle on, their prayers go up to God with contamination in the voice; and God can’t hear contamination. Then they have to wait and wait for an answer that may never come. It’s true you have to wait for some prayers to be answered because God’s perfect time to bring about the answer may not be at the very moment you prayed. The Bible says they that wait upon the LORD…shall mount up with wings as eagles (Isaiah 40:31). Make sure you’re not hindering God in any way; make sure you haven’t been using your tongue wrong.

The Lord promised that His high arm would keep the windows of Heaven open upon the obedient who tithe and give to Him, those who live holy before Him. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it (Malachi 3:10).

Talents are power if they’re used through the power of God. To have power over all powers of hell, over all powers of darkness, you must be rooted and grounded in the truth of God so that nothing can make you waver. Know that you can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (Philippians 4:13). You never find Paul discouraged, ready to give up and quit. A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.

Because you can’t rise above your speech, you must learn to bridle your tongue. The Bride’s speech is pure and she is being dressed in the righteousness and truth of the Lord. The Bride must have the love bridle; she would not be dressed without it.

Unless you keep the love bridle on, you will be undressed in this final hour again and again. Always strive to speak with love. Never say things you have no business saying; don’t hurt people with your teasing. Teasing may be fun for you, but not for the person you’re teasing. If you don’t mean it, don’t say it.

Love Heals

In this hour the Lord is going to call on us again and again to be our brother’s keeper. And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper (Genesis 4:9)? Yes, we are our brother’s keeper just as Jesus, our big brother, is our keeper. We must look out for others, love others, be tender and kind.

Many people are hurting in this old world, and if we don’t help heal them up, who will? We have the Jesus healing balm to give, that divine love from heaven. If that balm won’t heal, nothing will.

Glorify God for Giving Power

In Matthew’s Gospel 6:13, Jesus said, Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. Jesus, teaching the disciples how to pray, reminds them, thine is the kingdom, and the power. The kingdom belongs to God, and it belongs to us, too, since we’re joint heirs with the Son of God. And the power, and the glory… nothing less than the power of God and His glory will bring in the harvest in this last hour.

Matthew 9:6, But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins…Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house. The Son of man hath power, not talking power, but healing power, strength power, God’s working power.

Signs, wonders, miracles, and healings will convince the heathen that we have a different God, a different light, a different life; we have something great and wonderful. Praise the high arm of God before the people; those who want to see the light will see it; those who want to see the glory will see the glory. All the help for every human being on planet Earth is in the high arm of God, for in that arm is all of God, all of Jesus, all of the Holy Spirit, all of heaven’s power to back you up.

Matthew 9:8, But when the multitudes saw it [the miracle], they marvelled, and glorified God, which had given such power unto men. Note that people glorified God for giving power unto men. People today will glorify God for giving power to the Bride; they will look to God and honor Him for His works, saying, This has to be of God! God is pleased to be acknowledged; and He can then move on in to help, to deliver, to save, to baptize, heal, to give whatever they need.

Matthew 10:1, And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. Jesus gave His followers power. Whatever the Lord gives is divine power straight from Heaven.

We read again in Mark 6:7 about the twelve, And he called unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two; and gave them power over unclean spirits. Jesus gave the disciples power over the kingdom of the devil, and they went forth in twos. The disciples going forth had to learn a new walk, had to be strong; this was new to them. The Lord didn’t feel they were strong enough within themselves to go alone, so He sent them in twos. And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight (Leviticus 26:8). Jesus was using divine wisdom—and it worked.

Jesus went about…healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people (Matthew 4:23). Jesus didn’t heal all manner of people; He healed all manner of diseases. He must have the honor, praise and glory in order to work, to give people His healing power.

God can give one person power, twelve people power, twelve thousand, twelve million or more. You’re an individual before God to be served. Don’t look at others and think that since they’re not receiving, you can’t receive either. You can receive. God serves His power individually, a personal serving.

Don’t Misjudge the Power of God

Matthew 22:29, Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. Many people err today because they don’t know the power of God or the scriptures. Without the power of God, you won’t handle the scriptures the way God wants you to; you won’t have the mind of God in those scriptures to understand what He is saying. Without understanding you will misjudge what makes up the power of God.

Most people have been convinced that emotionalism is the main part of God’s power, but emotionalism isn’t the power of God. Emotionalism is a reaction to God’s power. The shout is wonderful, but the work needs to be done before the shout.

Matthew 24:30, And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. How will the Son of man come? With power and great glory.

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us (Ephesians 3:20). God moves for us according to the power that worketh within. Discouragement makes you weak; it’s a tool of the devil, not God. The more you talk discouragement the weaker you become.

Don’t talk discouragement, defeat; don’t talk about the devil. Let God and what He is doing be your conversation. The high arm of God is the greatest story that could ever be told. Why settle for anything less? Why talk about weak things when you could be rejoicing over the mighty power of the great arm of God?

The high arm of God is being revealed in many, many ways: in divine strength, divine love, in the whole divine armor of God and in all His divinity. Living in divinity, you take on the mind of Christ; you think, act, walk, talk, sing, and praise the Father just like Jesus did. You know that with mighty power Jesus is coming again.

You must be able to separate the devil’s power from the power of God. Hate is power, the devil’s power. Envy, strife, cruelty and malice are the devil’s power. People have power to control other people, but it’s the devil’s power. With the power of God we don’t seek to take people over, to manipulate them and put them under bondage, to force them to do what we want. We use the power of God to help them see the high arm of God, to reach up and take that high arm. The high arm of God can bring anybody out of the pits of darkness, out of the miry clay, and establish his goings. That’s the reason we can have such divine hope for every boy and every girl, every man and every woman that God is still dealing with in this final hour.

As long as God has hope for a person, we can have it. As long as God believes for a person, we can believe. As long as the Spirit keeps dealing with a soul, we keep dealing. Don’t stop unless the Spirit stops.

Let Nothing Destroy God’s Power for You

Matthew 26:64, Jesus saith unto him, …nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. Jesus was speaking of the high arm of God being that great power. I’ll be sitting at the right hand of my Father, the right hand of power. He’s saying, You don’t see me today, but on tomorrow you will.

Matthew 28:18, And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Why would Jesus tell people all power was given unto Him if He weren’t going to serve it to them? Why would Jesus tantalize people? He was the high arm of God who had come with all the authority of Heaven, all the power of Heaven. All power is given unto me, He said—all, none left out. I have it all; I’m the high arm of God.

The Lord has told you what His power is; don’t let anything destroy that power for you. Decide that His power is yours. Don’t let hate come in, envy or strife, none of the seventeen works of the flesh. Before you were saved, that old ugly you was operated by power, but it was the power of darkness. The new you is operated only by the power of God.

Consider the beautiful fruit of Heaven, the nine fruits of the Spirit. They aren’t physical fruits; they’re spiritual fruits, fruits we need outside of Eden. We need that which is spiritual. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). All power is in what God says, in the truth.

Jesus said, And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32). It isn’t enough to carry your Bible; you have to know what it says. Know that through it God is speaking directly to you, and the Bible will become more exciting to you. When you have a need, run to the Bible. As you begin to turn the pages, you will find your answer. It’s wonderful to know that the Word of God is yours. Why should you despair?

Mark 3:15, Jesus ordained His disciples to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils. When Jesus gave this power to the twelve, and then to the seventy, He proved that not just preachers can use the power of God, but laypeople can use it, too. The Lord told me He would have to use the laymen to evangelize the world in this hour because the ministry, speaking of the ministry of the Church as a whole throughout the earth, has failed Him. That prophecy is being fulfilled on every tour we make to the different countries. In a wonderful way, God is moving and using the laypeople to bring souls to Him.

Power over sicknesses and diseases is power you can use on yourself, too. If you begin to get sick, rise up against it and decide you have power in you through Christ over all sicknesses and diseases. The more you use that power, the more you can defeat sickness. It isn’t enough to believe in the power of God, you must have it and use it.

There’s no defeat in Jesus Christ. Never entertain the thought of defeat. Jesus knew no defeat. Defeat? Think of defeat only in terms of defeating the devil through the high arm of God.

A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

Luke 1:17, And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. John the Baptist came forth in the power of Elijah; his voice rang out with the same power that had been in Elijah’s voice. No weakness hindered the voice in the wilderness. The same Spirit, the same power from On High was in John the Baptist that had been in Elijah; they had the high arm of God.

Recognize the True Powers

Luke 1:35, And the angel answered and said unto her [the Virgin Mary], The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. The high arm of God came to a little maiden. It would be a holy conception that brought about the virgin birth of Christ. Those who reject the virgin birth err, not knowing the truth. If they’d study the truth and let the power work within them with the truth, they would be all right instead of damned to hell.

You have this power of truth that gives understanding of God and the ways of God. With divine faith the virgin birth is not hard to accept. Don’t dispute the Word of God; the Bible is thus saith the Lord.

Have you ever stopped to check how many times the Bible records thus saith the Lord? 413 times. When Jesus came His words were all thus saith the Lord.

Jesus rebuked the devil with the written Word of God. Luke 4:6, And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. This is the devil talking to Jesus: I’ll give you the glory of the kingdoms; I’ll give you wonderful power. The devil doesn’t have any power worth receiving. He has no love, no peace, no joy, no compassion, no righteousness, and no healing. Why would anyone want the devil’s power? His power is destructive; his power kills; it cannot heal or give life. His power is death, death, death. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve (Luke 4:8).

To understand the power of God, contrast the powers of the devil and the powers of God. Over on the devil’s side is destruction, ruined lives. No godly life has ever been ruined or destroyed by the power of God. The power of God has all life in it and no death. Death is the power of the devil, but Jesus came as the high arm of God and conquered death. Death is the last enemy that will be destroyed, and then no more dying, no devil to plague mankind. Won’t that be wonderful!

Separate the power of the devil from the power of God. When you’re under great pressure, going through trying times and beginning to lose your temper, sit down and reason things out: Do I want the power of the devil to work in me at this time, or do I want the power of God to work one hundred percent for me? Choose what you want. If you want to take care of the matter yourself using the power of the enemy, it’s up to you. But if you want God to be in control, then go into His righteousness, His holiness, His determination, compassion, love, faith and truth. Look to God to provide everything you need.

The high arm of God is in the Gospel message; the high arm of God has all the deliverance, love, strength, thoughts and help that you need. Go into the light of the Gospel.

His Word Was with Power

Luke 4:14, And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about. Jesus became our living example. He brought everything we would need, and He stayed over thirty years on Earth to show us how we could use that power, too.

In the power of the Spirit, Jesus came, and in the power of the Spirit is the only way the Bride can travel. You will not be able to deal with people without the power of the Holy Spirit. Live, dine and dwell in that power.

With the high arm of God, Jesus brought truth and grace. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ (John 1:17). The Law wouldn’t work for the people; it didn’t have the power, but grace and truth did.

Study the Law. What powers did it have? Man wasn’t created for the Law in the beginning; he was created for love in perfection in every way. But sin made the Law necessary, and the Law was cruel; the Law declared death, death, death. Death for this person, no mercy for this sin. The soul that sinneth, it shall die (Ezekiel 18:20).

Achan found no mercy under the Law, only justice. And Joshua, and all Israel with him, took Achan the son of Zerah, and the silver, and the garment, and the wedge of gold, and his sons, and his daughters, and his oxen, and his asses, and his sheep, and his tent, and all that he had: and they brought them unto the valley of Achor. And Joshua said, Why hast thou troubled us? the LORD shall trouble thee this day. And all Israel stoned him with stones, and burned them with fire, after they had stoned them with stones (Joshua 7:24,25). Achan and his whole family were killed because the contamination of sin had to go; it was in the family, and he stood head of the family.

Power and authority from On High were in the words of Jesus. Luke 4:32, And they were astonished at his doctrine: for his word was with power. We must go forth with the same power, the same authority to face the devil possessed. I face devils knowing I have the authority and they have to obey. I know they must come under subjection to the power of I-Am today just as they did when Christ was here.

Jesus cast out thousands of devils from Legion; they had to bow, had to come under subjection for they were rendered helpless in the presence of God’s power. Keep in mind this overcoming power of God when the demons are coming against you, and let the power of God work within you. Be conscious of the fact that no power can defeat the power of God.

Heart and Soul Must Be with God

God’s power cannot work within you to deliver the way it must unless you give your mind, your body, your spirit to it. The Lord can only work on the part that you give Him. He can’t work if your heart and mind are afar off from Him.

God told the Israelites they honored Him with their lips, but their hearts were afar off. This people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me (Isaiah 29:13). You can’t use the power of God with lip service; the power of God won’t work unless your heart and soul are with Him. The heart and soul must be with God.

So many times the Word has been preached without power, and nobody was healed, nobody saved. Sunday morning is merely a social event, not a spiritual feast; the Lord’s table is not spread. The preacher talks about world problems, current events, sports and so forth. He’s full of jokes and cute stories. Will that give spiritual strength? Will that save and deliver anyone? Will that make Jesus real? Paul described such people as having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away (II Timothy 3:5).

With authority and power Jesus cast out devils. Luke 4:36, And they were all amazed, and spake among themselves, saying, What a word is this! for with authority and power he commandeth the unclean spirits, and they come out. This is the power and authority of Jesus that He gives to the ones who are taking His place; we’re to operate just like Him.

Dare to be just like Jesus. He has given His children the authority to use His power—and it works. Many are ready now for the pure Word of God, people who have come into that new self, that new man, that new woman.

The Power of the Lord Was Present to Heal

Luke 5:17, And it came to pass on a certain day, as he was teaching, that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by, which were come out of every town of Galilee, and Judaea, and Jerusalem: and the power of the Lord was present to heal them. The power of the Lord that was present to heal the people is still working today to heal you and to heal others. All kinds of miracles and healings that people couldn’t get through their own prayers—now they can get in this last and final hour.

When the presence of God abides in the churches, the sick are healed. The power of God, however, can’t abide in many churches because it has to work through people, through human instruments. When yielded vessels are absent, the presence of God to heal the people is also absent. Not my presence and not your presence, but the presence of God, the presence of the high arm heals all manner of sicknesses and diseases. Jesus brought that power fresh from Heaven, and it flowed the whole time He was here. He didn’t cut off the flow; He let the apostles know that they shouldn’t use this power until they went to the Upper Room. The power of the Lord must be operated by the Holy Ghost. Jesus didn’t start using it until He received the Holy Ghost, and He was their example just as He is ours.

Two Baptisms

Jesus was baptized in the Holy Ghost, the same Holy Ghost we have, not another; and He was baptized in water just as we are called to be baptized in water. Water baptism is a symbol of burial and resurrection into newness of life. It’s the testimony of our belief that Jesus went down into death and He arose again. We go down into death with Him, death to that old self, and we’re resurrected in the new self of salvation.

Do you have that new self today? How many times have you run out to the grave of your old self to put a daisy on it? How many times has your old self bobbed up? How many times have you said things you shouldn’t have said this past week? The Lord didn’t give people unkind tongues; unkindness came with that old self, that old man. And do you know from whom he got it? The devil.

The Bride Will Carry the Amazing Power of God

The Bride is going to carry the Lord’s presence with her. She will never be without it. The old self buried forever, the Bride will not resurrect it. Daily she will check on the new self, make sure that the new self is not contaminated with anything.

Using the fruit of self-control, the Bride yields herself to the control of the Spirit. Instead of reaching for hard words, she will reach for more of the fruit of the Spirit, devour it until it takes over her whole system. Her tongue will be flavored with love, frankincense and myrrh. How wonderful, how great indeed!

Each of the writers of the four Gospels tells us how the Lord sent them forth with power. It was all recorded for you and me, as well as for those in that day who were all amazed at the mighty power of God (Luke 9:43). When people are amazed at the mighty power of God, He can work, get into them. Their minds focus on that power, and God has their attention.

Through the mighty works of God moving in us, we will capture the attention of those who can be helped in this final hour. In the mission fields, the power of God will be manifested not only through the workers, but also through those prayer warriors left behind. Rockets of God’s power must go from the Church to those in need of the saving, healing Jesus. The Lord showed me these rockets of power years ago, striking the nations. There was no way to number the stars representing the souls that would be won that I saw in the vision.

God is getting you ready to use this power, a power stronger than all the bombs man has ever made. The nations today are preparing for Armageddon, but they have no weapons to compare with the power of God. More and more we are coming into this power of God. The grace of God is ours to be treasured; it gives us every bit as much of the favor of God as Jesus had when He was here on Earth.

Let Jesus become real to you. Take on the reality of Christ; take on this power that He served, this power that He gave and is ready to give you. He wasn’t reluctant to give His power to others; He wanted to give it.

Don’t Look Back

Count yourself in and stop being discouraged, stop looking back. And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God (Luke 9:62). If you have put your hand to the plow, if you’ve given your heart to Calvary and then look back, you’re not fit for the kingdom. It’s dangerous to look back, to even take a glance. Even though you may not intend to turn back, don’t even think about it. Never hear your voice talk about turning back or giving up. You can’t give up; Heaven is just ahead. One more river to cross, one more hill to climb and then Heaven will be ours. How wonderful indeed; how great is the power of God!

Salvation and Healing Are in the High Arm of God

If you don’t know Jesus, pray the sinners’ prayer with me now: Dear Lord, I am so lost, and I am so sorry I sinned against you. Forgive me of my sins. I know you died for me and I will live for you. I believe that your shed blood washes away all my sins. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus; come on in!

If you believed that prayer, He has come.

You who need healing, let the Lord move for you now. The Bible says that with His blood stripes you are healed. Dear Lord, I bring the sick and afflicted to your healing hand. Through your divine blood, heal them of all their diseases! Heal! Heal!

James 5:15 says that the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up. Believe Him for His healing power now, and the Lord will get you well. The high arm of God has all power for any need you may have. Trust Him now and let Him move for you.

I was raised in a home filled with divine healing prayer, and I know it works. Prayer does the unbelievable to children. When a mother or daddy can lay a hand on a child and rebuke that sickness, a great love and respect wells up in the child for them. The hand of love, God’s love, was laid on that little one—there’s nothing quite like it. Using the ultimate anointings, you will be able to pray for yourself and for the sick in your home and get help.

Digest these scriptures. God has brought you to the place that He can commune heart to heart with you, one on one. Jesus held things back that the disciples were not ready for until after they accepted Him as living reality. After the Crucifixion, after the Resurrection they were ready to be taught everything. The disciples gathered around, heard it all and then climbed to the Upper Room to serve it all. Now the Spirit is calling to you, Gather around Children. Come on! You’re ready to hear it all now just like in the beginning of the Church.

The High Arm of God Is within Reach

The high arm of God was out of our reach, but now we have been lifted up. We have reached Calvary in all its power and glory, and we have climbed to the Upper Room, into the Lord’s very presence. In the Upper Room we have hold of the high arm of God.

Calvary did it; Calvary lifted us up so that we could have the Holy Ghost dwelling on the inside, and the Holy Ghost has lifted us to such lofty heights that we have the high arm of God today.

We have that high arm. Can’t you feel Him? Lift your hand and in faith let your hand go against that high arm of God. All kinds of miracles can take place and all kinds of problems can be worked out. Maybe you don’t feel loved, but God’s love can flow to you like mighty rivers. Feel the holy sacredness and know that you can never be defeated. No power can defeat you because you’re depending on the high arm of God; the high arm of God is yours.

Thus Saith the Lord

I am here to anoint you with the same humility that my Son had when He walked among men. And with this humility you will obey me in all things, saith the Lord. I will give you this great anointing of humility. Bow low in my presence as He bowed low. He bowed low even to the death of the Cross. Bow low to my holy will; bow low before me and I will lift you up. Bow low.

My Spirit prayeth for thee. Feel me and know that I am yours. Feel me and know that I am with you. Feel me and know that I am here to give you greater reality so you can use my power like you have never used my power. And you must use my power to bring in my harvest in this last and final hour, saith the Lord.

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