The Final Touch: Now Ready to Do His Will

Isaiah tells us about one of his visitations from the Lord: Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me (Isaiah 6:8). The Lord needed someone to give His message to the people, and at first Isaiah hesitated. Woe is me! he said (verse 5). But a seraphim having a live coal which he had taken with tongs from the altar, laid that coal upon the mouth of Isaiah, setting him afire through and through, preparing him to do the whole will of God.

After Pentecost, Simon Peter received that tongue of fire, preaching the message of Jesus to those who had slain Him. Peter, who had cursed and stood in the shadows watching Jesus being crucified, was eager now to spread the story of Jesus and His salvation. That message didn’t come by the will of Peter; the Holy Spirit preached through him, for the Holy Ghost had come in like a mighty rushing wind on the day of Pentecost, bringing power for service to the Early Church. Immersed in the Holy Spirit and with a tongue of fire, Peter was crying, Here I am! Use me, use me!

Isaiah and Peter both received the Final Touch of God’s anointing for the mind.

When the fire of God is burning on the altar of your heart, you ask God to use you any way He chooses; you want only His divine will. Everything else in the background, in the shadows, you stand under the spotlight of His grace and love, saying, “Here am I, Lord! Here I am!” It’s easy for people to say, “Here I am, Lord; give me a miracle! Here I am, Lord; give me financial blessing,” but in this hour those who are really ready to serve God are crying, “Lord, here I am; use me!”

Does the devil torment you with everything he possibly can, worry you to death? For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (II Timothy 1:7). God does not give fear but love. The kind of love He gives casts out all fear. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love (I John 4:18). Perfect love is God’s love. If you have fear in your heart today you are not using all of God’s love that is available. The Final Touch, the anointing from God for the mind, is offered to you so you can accept God’s love to calm your storms.

Jesus’ walk was so fantastic, so unbelievable that most people have decided it is impossible to walk in His steps. Why do people have such difficulty accepting the true Christ?—because they do not reach into the miraculous power that He has. Would people fast, pray and diligently seek God, that miraculous power would be available to them…but they turn away from God.

If you turn away from God, He will turn away from you; if you let go of His hand He will let go of yours. God gave man free choice, the right to select good or evil. He will let you run your life as you please—for space of time called life on Earth.

Empty Up

You can decide what kind of mind you want, but to have peace of mind you, of course, must be free of the things that disturb the mind. Get rid of the clutter. Let that Final Touch help you empty up so that you can be filled with God. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you (Ephesians 4:31,32).

If things unlike God remain in your heart, you cannot have the miracle anointing for your mind. Grudges held block the flow of God to you. Forgive as God for Christ’s sake forgave you. Wouldn’t you be surprised if, after the Lord forgave you, He would bring up all the things you did before you were saved? Wouldn’t it shock you to hear Him say: “I’ll forgive you, but don’t speak to me anymore”? No, God is not like that. His forgiveness wipes your sin out of His mind.

Bitterness keeps you from forgiving; bitterness eats away on the inside of you, blocking the flow of God’s love. You must empty up all that is unlike God before you can be filled with Him. It takes the blood of Jesus, the power of the Holy Spirit to empty up of self.

Jesus said, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me (Mark 8:34). Deny self, for self is your greatest enemy. Deny self and you’re on your way with God. How can you conquer self? Prayer, fasting and living in the Word of God.

On long fasts one must have the leadership of the Holy Spirit, but I have fasted many short fasts when I was not divinely led of the Lord to fast. I just wanted to reach God for a certain problem; I wanted the answer that came by nothing but prayer and fasting. I had a purpose and I had a need. The fasting was on my part and the Lord didn’t reject it. Any effort you put forth within the boundaries of God’s will, He will not reject.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). Some of you came to the Lord, but you didn’t really find rest. You only got part way to Him; you just thought you had all of Him there was for you. To really get into God, you must become so desperate you decide, “I want to fast. I’m putting self down. Remember, Self, how content you are at the table? I’m going to make you stay in the Word during that time, in the presence of God until you enjoy being there.” How wonderful to enjoy God!

This is the miracle anointing hour of the Final Touch.

Heart-to-Heart Talks with the Lord

Jesus enjoyed prayer. He had been with the Father long before the creation of man; now He had come down to Earth and was surrounded by people. He loved to get away to talk to the Father; He would pray all the night through. Jesus, always excited about the Father, was never too tired to talk to Him. “Father, I know all is well with you, and I’m telling you about the battles down here.” Jesus and the Father relished their heart-to-heart talks. That is what prayer is in a miracle sense—a heart-to-heart talk. The Lord becomes so real in the anointing He is like a person facing you.

Don’t think you are backslidden if you have not reached this place in the Lord. Just know it is possible for you. I’m telling you what you can have. Remember, you received much more that you could have imagined when you received salvation. I had to receive great reality in the Lord before I could lead others into it. When I started serving God I really didn’t understand all about this miracle realm. It takes jolts to bring us into the greatness of God. Like a nail being driven into the wood, every time you are hit by the enemy you go a little deeper in the Lord, deeper into the Word. Your mind is so yielded in that hour that you who are rooted and grounded in the Word of God reach out to Him for help. Dedicated to God, you know where your comfort is when you are wounded; you understand the difference between man’s help and God’s help.

Get to Really Know Jesus

The Final Touch anointing for the mind enables you to rejoice in tribulation. The Early Church disciples had this anointing of the Final Touch. Beaten for preaching Jesus, still they went rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name (Acts 5:41).

The disciples had a great knowledge of Jesus; they had sat at His feet for three years. When the Holy Ghost descended on the day of Pentecost with His nine gifts and fruits of the Spirit, the disciples yielded completely. A great knowledge of Jesus is necessary in order for you to yield completely to the Holy Spirit. The more you learn about Jesus, the easier it is to yield to the Holy Spirit. The disciples looked upon a resurrected Christ; they saw the nailprints in His hands knowing He had been crucified, that He had conquered death, hell and the grave, and that nothing could stop Him. They yielded all to Him.

The Comforter Who Never Leaves

In those forty days after the Resurrection, Jesus taught the disciples much, opening up to them the whole plan of redemption. For the first time, all the pieces of the puzzle went into place. Seeing the whole picture, His followers found their many questions answered. Those days after the Resurrection were glorious, jubilant as the disciples digested what Jesus had already told them. Very little is recorded about this time. When the miracle power is moving, when men’s minds are given over to the Lord, they do not require many explanations. They spend their time receiving.

Watching Jesus out of sight as He ascended back into Heaven, the disciples remembered the orders He gave them. Jesus being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me. For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence (Acts 1:4,5). With all of this opened to the disciples, their minds at peace, they entered the Upper Room. Having full assurance that the Holy Spirit would descend, that they would be taken over—how they did not know—the disciples waited. They knew the Holy Ghost—a great Teacher—would come, that He would be their Comforter, Guide, everything that Jesus had been to them—and even more. Jesus had limited Himself when He came to Earth by taking on the form of man. He could not be with everyone at once; He could not dwell in them in a physical form like the Holy Spirit would dwell within them spiritually. All with the Holy Spirit dwelling within would have a Teacher to give them that Final Touch.

You have come to the receiving hour. Instead of asking questions, you who have entered the deepness of God are receiving from Him. Baptized in the Holy Spirit, you, even when you are sound asleep, dead to the world, must know that the Holy Ghost is very much alive on the inside of you. With Him is the promise of great peace and security. When the enemy comes to accuse you, turn him over to the Holy Spirit.

The disciples, at last free from fear, had received love in perfection in that Final Touch of the Holy Spirit. They had the fruit fresh from the Holy Spirit. Suddenly it was there. Suddenly the love of God was shed abroad in their hearts. In one mind, one accord, they yielded completely to all the things Jesus had done and said, all the acts of Christ.

Grieve Not the Spirit

If you do not completely accept all the acts of Christ, the Holy Spirit will be grieved and His Final Touch wasted. And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30). The Holy Spirit is grieved anytime you cast reflection on Jesus. Anytime you are disobedient He is grieved, but He rejoices and delights when you believe, when you accept what the Bible tells you.

Many grieve the Holy Spirit so much that He is not able to teach them. He is grieved over fanaticism, over fleshly demonstrations; He is grieved when people try to give Holy Ghost messages when it isn’t the Holy Ghost talking. He is grieved when people pray in tongues themselves, for it is the Holy Spirit who is supposed to be praying.

The Holy Spirit living and dwelling within wants control of the tongue. The person speaking in something other than the real Holy Spirit and claiming it to be the Holy Spirit grieves the Holy Spirit greatly. Such a person will grieve the Holy Spirit so much that He will eventually leave, for the Holy Spirit will not stay in a person who continues to grieve Him. He will take His flight.

Good people who yield to the flesh rather than to God can give personal prophecies that tell another what to do, that feed the ego and lead the unsuspecting into false doctrine. Personal prophecy is a trick of Lucifer. When someone tells you that God said He is going to give you gifts—don’t believe it. If God is going to give you gifts He will not tell someone else about it before He tells you. You’re the one He has to deal with, and He will deal with you directly. There will be no middle man.

There is nothing to the “gifts services.” Have you ever seen one work; have you ever seen a person receive a gift of the Spirit that someone else gave him? I never have. It takes great yielding, holy living for the gifts of the Spirit to operate in a life; and God decides to whom He will give His gifts of the Spirit. Self is crucified as the vessel is molded, broken and made again, broken and molded again and again. You have to give your whole life if you want one of the gifts of the Spirit, a life of self denial, of complete yielding to the Lord. Those who give personal prophecies and speak in tongues at will, will never know God’s Final Touch.

The disciples received the miracle anointing. They no longer were worried about what they would eat, what they would wear. The discipline of the Spirit was so great in that hour following Pentecost that God even killed people for lying to the Holy Spirit.

If you are telling little white lies and feeling justified, you are deceived. It is far better to say nothing than to tell even a white lie. In this hour it is going to be very dangerous from here on out, saith the Lord, among God’s truly anointed people, what is done and said. God dealt severely with disobedience when the power from the gift of miracles worked in precision with the mind of man. Judgment fell more times than one in the Acts of the Apostles. One man was stricken blind because of the way he acted—Paul commanded it to be done through the Spirit of God. Now that the hour of the discipline of the Spirit has come again, if you lie to the Holy Ghost you are in deep trouble. You will have to be very careful to walk softly before God.

Content in Whatever State

If you want deliverance from troubles and torment, you must realize like Job of old that God’s ways are perfect. The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD (Job 1:21). Like Daniel you must find joy in the lions’ den; like the three Hebrew boys, rejoice in the fiery furnace. Out in the middle of the Red Sea with the Israelites you must have peace. No matter where you are, if you know you are in God’s divine will, it will be the happiest place in the world for you. That is what the Holy Spirit can do for you, bring you into such a state of mind and anointing that you will be happy no matter where you are.

Paul said, I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content (Philippians 4:11). His contented state was one of such peace and serenity that the devil could not break through. In jail Paul was content. He was content to be persecuted because he knew he was in God’s divine will, and the Final Touch of the Holy Spirit rested upon him.

You, too, must know in whom you believe, that He will keep that which you have committed unto Him; and you must know how much of yourself you have committed so that you will have faith for that part. If you have committed your soul unto Him, you can have full assurance it will be all right. If you have committed your body unto Him, you have full assurance it will be fine. You have committed the mind unto Him? Full assurance.

Separated from Lukewarmness and Disbelief

What will it take to convince you to yield your mind completely to the Lord? Will it take great tragedy, great persecution? The great persecution of the Early Church drove them continually into the greatness of God, but when the persecution let up, they lost that Final Touch anointing. As long as believers were fed to the lions, burned at the stake, thrown into jail to rot, they kept the victory. Why? Because persecution separated them from those who didn’t love God completely, those who were not yielded to the Holy Spirit. They did not have lukewarmness to contend with. In their meetings, the Early Church didn’t know whether or not they would be arrested before they went home—or if they would ever return home again. They sought God night and day. The Spirit of God became more essential to them than food for their bodies. Losing sight of physical needs, they kept their eyes completely on God.

Fix your eyes on God until nothing else matters. He then can pick you up and move you to the place He wants you. It matters not how lowly the job; if it is for God, you are ready to do it—when you have that Final Touch.

God picked Ezekiel up in the Spirit and put him down into a valley of dry bones. Ezekiel’s boneyard came to life. What an experience! Had he run away from the dry bones he would never have seen the life of God breathed into them.

Have you ever run from the “boneyard” before the Lord could perform the resurrection? There was to be no monument of victory—you ran away. You saw only dry bones, dry bones, that awful valley. You wanted something beautiful, but you didn’t give the Lord time to turn ashes into beauty.

All too often people swing up and down in the Lord’s work; one moment they rave about how good everything is, and the next they complain about the bitter waters. In this hour, Heaven is supplying a great anointing for God’s Final Touch as the power of God covers the earth. This is the hour to resist the devil and see him flee from you. Resist him with the power in the Word of God, the power of the blood of Jesus.

One must decide he has run his last step in fleeing from the devil. Some reach for the ammunition in the Word of God that resists the devil but don’t know how to use it. They try to resist him in self but are still tormented in their minds. The Word of God is a deep well, and as people reach deeper and deeper into it, learning all they can and yielding to all of the Word, the Holy Spirit can take them over completely with His Final Touch, directing them at all times how to resist the devil with the Word of God.

Peace in the Midst of Unthinkable Grief

The Lord had helped me in many ways. He had blessed me, but the hour of overwhelming desperation came when I would have to be driven completely into the arms of the Lord if I were to survive. I was plunged into the deepest valley I could have ever experienced. In this valley, the Lord gave me the Final Touch that prepared the metal to be an instrument God would use. He had carried me away in the Spirit over thirty years ago to show me this hour. He had warned me but not in detail. He let me know that I would have to be conditioned, taught about Him as though I were in man’s university. It, however, wouldn’t be the mind of man that taught me but the mind of the Holy Spirit. I would spend hours, days, months without end, it seemed, in the presence of the Holy Spirit. The years began to pass; and as I was being taught, made ready for the all-out miracle greatness, the final blow fell. The Lord had touched on it, tried to tell me He would take Angel my wife home, but it was unthinkable to me; I wouldn’t accept it. The Lord just couldn’t take Angel—but it was His divine plan. When that blow came, it seemed more than I could bear. If felt completely dead…except for a little life around my heart where He was. What did that unthinkable grief do? In my sorrow, in that deepest of deep valleys, I found the Lily of the Valley in a way I never had before. I found Him so divine and yet so human it was as though I actually felt His arms going around me. A human mind could not have borne more agony than mine or contained more sorrow. I couldn’t breathe right, couldn’t seem to catch my breath; and then in my sorrow, with the tears streaming down my face—no human being around me—I turned…and there He was. When I went into His arms—I can never really explain what happened—I became a different person. Suddenly the storm, the worst storm of my life, was calmed as though Jesus had said, “Peace be still.” In the days to follow I would find when things were unbearable to my tormented mind, all I had to do was turn to Him.

I have learned how to reach Him anytime. It’s a different life. I’m excited about it, elated, and I want to teach others how to get into Him with the same reality. You don’t have to be tormented, frustrated. You can just turn and find Him there, waiting. You’ll be right in His arms, feeling His presence like strong arms going around you as you lean on His breast. Your mind will become so calm, your spirit serene with His Final Touch that you cannot explain it. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee (Isaiah 26:3).

Take On His Final Touch

Keep your mind stayed on the Lord. The early disciples were continually in prayer, rejoicing over the greatness of God, thinking upon the Lord. How does one meditate? Thinking on the Word and the greatness of God, the blessings of God. Instead of thoughts that pull you down, think on the things of the Lord, weeding out the bad from the good. The good overcomes the bad; it will defeat all eventually. It may not look like the good is winning, but it is. The goodness of God takes those who are deep in sin and lifts them out—not to leave them helpless but to give great strength, great power, mighty weapons. The Final Touch is a weapon so strong that you can resist the devil; he will flee—not walk away but flee, actually run from you trying to get away.

Take on the miracle of God’s Final Touch anointing, the greatness of God’s power, and reach out for His goodness, His joy. Stop trying to find it in people; people will disappoint you—they have disappointed God. Instead of allowing the words and acts of others to hurt you, study the Person of the Holy Spirit; let those hurtful words bounce off as they drive you closer and closer to God, deeper and deeper. You may feel you are not growing in the Lord—and then suddenly find you are ready to do all the Lord wants done.

I have found it to be a fantastic life with the joy of the Lord flowing out like mighty rivers, unbelievable joy that comes with the Final Touch. Trouble all around me and I am wading through it night and day. What does it matter? I don’t care. I have something greater in me than in my surroundings. I am elevated above the troubles. You must enter that channel, for you have many battles to fight. Sometimes you allow just a trifling incident to rob you of a whole day’s blessing. You go into a stupor, not thinking straight or acting rationally. The Holy Spirit cannot break through to you. People are tortured day and night by mental spirits, but God offers His delivering power to all who will call on the name of Jesus in faith believing.

What great power is available to you in this final hour! Reach out and take what you need; take your Final Touch anointing for your mind. The Lord has been conditioning you, getting you ready; and now the hour is here for you to yield your mind completely to His will, to be in perfect harmony with the Lord like the mind of Christ worked with the Father while the Son was here on Earth. Through the Holy Spirit take on the mind of Christ, that Final Touch. Let the Word of God become as real to you as your very life, as fresh in your mind as if God is speaking it directly to you this very moment. He is, you know. Trust in Him completely; tell yourself, “My God loves me, He cares for me, He will supply all my needs.” As you turn completely to Him, He will breathe upon you, hold you close and give you strength. Trust, I say again, in Him completely. Be obedient to Him in all ways. Pray, fast, live in the Word of God and receive His Final Touch for this final hour of the Gentiles.

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