How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations (Isaiah 14:12). In the mysteries of God, many questions flood the mind about sin and Lucifer. What was the beginning of sin? How did sin enter Heaven? Throughout the years, people have been puzzled over the source of sin, how it came into existence, the cause and roots of it.

When Lucifer fell, why didn’t God destroy him at that time instead of letting him torture the people on the earth?

Adam and Eve were perfect in the Garden, but the devil came to Eve as a snake. Why?

When Lucifer as an angel in Heaven sinned, why didn’t God put him in hell at that time?

Where did evil come from, and why does it exist? Where did the evil come from that got into Lucifer in Heaven?

Why does God allow Satan to work among men on Earth? Why does self naturally go against God after God provided a soul, a part of God Himself, to each person?

What evil force made Lucifer so full of self that he would actually think he could be as great as God?

Since Lucifer was an angel, and God made angels, who or what made Lucifer want to rise up against his Maker?

These are just some of the questions people have asked about Lucifer and sin. The Word of God has the answer for these questions.

God Is Not to Blame

To have the knowledge of where sin began, we must realize that God had nothing to do with sin. He never has and never will. Believe the Bible that says every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father (James 1:17). All good and perfect gifts come from the Lord, so you know sin could not have come from Him. Lucifer chose sin over God’s good and perfect gifts. Only if you have the devil in you do you think sin is good. When Jesus comes into your heart, all sin is shown in its true light; it’s all bad. God had nothing to do with Lucifer’s rebellion except to punish it.

You cannot blame God for sin in Heaven or sin on Earth. God has never touched sin, and He doesn’t intend to. God is love. No malice or sin is found in Him. He is love not just for people on Earth; God is love for the angels, as well. God has always been love.

Don’t blame God for any sin, any wrong, any sickness or disease. How could you expect to be healed if you thought your sickness came from God? Why would you blame God for such an ugly thing? Why would God make you and then try to destroy your body with sickness and disease? Do you think God in all His wisdom would plan to get glory out of your life with cancer eating it away? Even human love wouldn’t do that. No caring mother or father would do that to a child.

In the Beginning Lucifer Was Perfect

The Bible tells us that Lucifer once was in Heaven. God was first in Lucifer’s life at one time, and God gave him much. How the Lord dressed him! Jewels and precious adornments, probably worth billions in today’s money, were his.

We read God’s words in Ezekiel 28:13: Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Tabrets and pipes are musical instruments. Lucifer, no doubt, had great musical ability. He loves sinful music today, but at one time he glorified God with his music. He was probably the greatest musician in Heaven, and the most beautiful.

Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee (Ezekiel 28:14,15). No sin darkened Heaven when Lucifer was created, and no sin entered for a long time afterward. Lucifer was perfect in love, in obedience, in all his ways—in the beginning—perfect as God Himself.

Beauty Was Lucifer’s Downfall

By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire (Ezekiel 28:16). The Bible is full of knowledge; it has all the answers we need concerning God, sin and the devil. Angels have souls. Made a little higher than man, they were created in the image of God the same as we were. God merely used another substance for their bodies, an eternal substance rather than the dust of the earth. Lucifer was a created being, one of the angels created by God like He created Adam and Eve but with a different substance.

Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty (Ezekiel 28:17). Lucifer was, no doubt, the most beautiful creature in Heaven. He became puffed up over his own beauty, and this is where sin came into existence, saith the Lord. The Word of God proves this—Lucifer’s heart was lifted up. It was his own spirit that caused it. Using his free choice in the wrong way, he gave his spirit over to self-gratification.

Under Lucifer’s influence, some people today become puffed up in self until they think they are bigger than God Himself and everyone else. I’ve seen people so fascinated by themselves, so deceived, that they considered themselves to be a major force to be reckoned with. God looked upon them as stupid and foolish.

False pride in one’s beauty—look how beautiful I am—can lodge in the spirit. God reached the point He didn’t want to see Lucifer, but at one time the Lord had adored and loved him. God lets you know He has nothing to do with sin. Those who feel their good looks make them above others become ugly before God.

Did Lucifer become so beautiful and full of knowledge that he was able to originate a thought of defiance? That’s exactly what he did. Does defiance drive his ego? Yes, among other things. He has plenty of defiance, a monstrously inflated ego. Those with inflated egos received them from the devil. God never had a thought of defiance; that was Lucifer’s thought.

Thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee. Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee. All they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more (Ezekiel 28:17-19). Lucifer has been a terror—and still is—but his reign of terror will come to an end. The Lord said he would never be again. Eternal destruction awaits Lucifer.

I’ve seen Lucifer, looked at him as one looks at another person. He is the ugliest being I have ever seen. One of God’s judgments on him was to take away his beauty, replacing it with incredible ugliness. He doesn’t like God’s people to see him, for God to look at him. He is so monstrous he doesn’t even want to look at himself. Spending time trying to make everyone else ugly, Lucifer trains the angels that followed him to be as vicious as he is. The Arch Deceiver still has control over the fallen angels, punishing the ones who fail to carry out his evil works. They have to obey him. They are under subjection to him.

When Lucifer, prince of the air, was cast down for rebelling against God, along with the angels who followed him, the Lord took away all the beauty of the earth, leaving it void and without form, covered with water. God took away all His light that once had illuminated the earth, and the earth was covered with darkness. Lucifer had thought he would have a wonderful world; he imagined he was about to be cast down to a beautiful planet filled with all kinds of fabulous creatures we have never seen—dinosaurs, birds, fishes. It was paradise everywhere—until Lucifer landed on it. God destroyed the earth’s beauty when He cast out Lucifer.

Keep in mind that no scripture is of any private interpretation (II Peter 1:20). You cannot make a doctrine out of one statement alone in the Bible; you must take the scriptures together. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (II Timothy 2:15). All the scriptures on any subject must be brought together so that you will have a clear picture of what God is telling you through His Word.

The Devil Is the Source of All Sin

Nothing was wrong with Lucifer until he became the source, the origin of all sin. He didn’t stay in the truth; now there is no truth in him. The angels that didn’t fail, still live in the truth. Lucifer, deceiving the other angels, led them out of the truth, for he had come out of the truth himself; willingly he came out, deceiving his own heart. The Bible says we can deceive our own hearts. We can be deceived about self if the love of truth is lacking. They received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned (II Thessalonians 2:10-12).

Self is very deceiving, and the way to conquer self is to live in the truth. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32). Know the truth, love it and be free. Jesus said, If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you (John 15:7). You must live in the truth. Lucifer, a liar and the father of all lies, represents his own when he lies.

Again Jesus exposes Lucifer to be the beginning of sin: Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do (John 8:44). Who is the father of righteousness? The Lord God Almighty. Who is the father of unrighteousness? Jesus said it was the devil. Sin had not existed, it had no source until Lucifer became lifted up in his own eyes.

All deceit belongs to Lucifer. The Lord makes no claim on it. Jesus came down from Heaven and revealed the source of sin: Lucifer. He set forth this knowledge, and the devil has caused many to stumble over it. For thousands of years the devil has been sinning and causing others to sin—and blaming God for it all.

He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning—not from the beginning of time when he was created, but from the time sin was generated in his heart. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil (I John 3:8). Jesus came to destroy all sin, all the works of the devil. When the devil is destroyed, the source of sin will be gone.

He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it (John 8:44). When Lucifer became the source of sin, he became a murderer ready to kill, to destroy. Since Lucifer was created perfect in all his ways, he couldn’t have been a murderer from the beginning of his creation. He was a murderer from the beginning of the entrance of sin.

Many blame God for sin, for the fall of man, for sicknesses and diseases. It’s a lie of the devil. All sickness, sin and death come from the devil. I repeat, he is the source of all evil, all destruction, all lies, all sin.

For ages the host of Heaven had worshiped God in the purity of righteousness and holiness, and God delighted in it. But then that spirit of dissatisfaction crept in and began to take Lucifer over bit by bit. Had Lucifer not started disobeying God in little things, sin would not have come into existence. Many today do the same. They get by with little things, thinking they can still keep their salvation. But after continuing to indulge in little disobediences, they backslide. The Bible speaks of the little foxes, that spoil the vines (Song of Solomon 2:15).

Lucifer, deceiving his own heart with little things, eventually became deceived about who and what he was. Forgetting that God had made him and that God had all power, a deceived Lucifer didn’t realize God would destroy him, throw him out of Heaven. Deceit was generated and sustained in his disobedience. He became heady, conceited, high-minded, puffed up. Look who I am! was his attitude. Lust took hold of him.

In James 1:13,14 we read that God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Lucifer by his wrong-doing through his own spirit, allowed sin to be created within him. With dissatisfaction comes disobedience. Disobedience generates sin. Lucifer began to disobey God in little things. It didn’t rob him of his place with God at first, but gradually he grew more and more disobedient. Every man is tempted when he is drawn away with his own lust and enticed. Lucifer had desires that went into lust. He lusted for power, wanting to be like God Himself. This is how sin was created in the heart of Lucifer and nourished in his spirit. It came through failing God.

The Lord put the facts in the Bible so you would know. When lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death (James 1:15). Lucifer took all the steps of lust leading to sin; people today take the same steps, aided by a force to push them downward, the source of all evil, Lucifer.

Lust: pleasure, delight, appetite, a desire to gratify the senses. A flash of desire is not lust, but if you keep your mind on that desire, it will turn into lust.

To lust is to seek unrestrained gratification, and that’s what Lucifer wanted. By misusing his own God-given free choice, he developed the will to lust. The Lord rebuked Lucifer in the beginning, I’m sure, again and again; but Lucifer took no heed. By continuing in disobedience, Lucifer generated sin and became the source of sin in Heaven. Lucifer had an appetite for sin.

Angels as Well as Lucifer Had Free Choice

The angels, at one time, could obey God in everything, or they could disobey God, which, up to a certain point, wouldn’t have been sin. Why would God allow angels in Heaven to fail Him? When God gave them free choice, the decision was in their hands, not His. The angels would not have been able to have disobeyed God in any way had God not given them free choice. God created all angels for His own glory; He later created man and woman in the beginning to glorify Him, to honor Him and walk with Him. No longer, however, do the angels have that free choice, for they made their final choice when a third were deceived and went willingly with Lucifer while the rest chose to stay with God.

Why does God allow Satan to operate on Earth? So you can have a choice between him and God just as the angels once had a choice. Satan and the angels who chose him are already doomed; God is letting Satan run his course which will take him into the lake of fire forever.

The first commandment: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment (Matthew 22:37,38). Lucifer and the fallen angels failed the test of loving God.

God didn’t want the angels to be mechanical beings. The Lord wants to be worshiped and loved by those who desire Him for Himself, those who want to be with Him, who love Him, soul, mind and body, and who put Him first, who will adore, worship, praise Him as the endless ages roll. God loves to be loved, and He created angels to serve Him in love, to worship and adore Him.

Lucifer had great intelligence, answers. He could tell the other angels much about God, and he built an audience. All the angels at one time admired Lucifer; he had so much influence that he was able to lead one third of them to rebel. They were impressed with his beauty, the way the Lord dressed him.

False pride has destroyed many. The angels who followed Lucifer became selfish, got their minds off God, failed Him in little things. Their hearts were not involved in worshiping God the way they once were. The Lord tried to draw them back to Him, but they exercised their free choice; and when they made the final decision to not stay with God, they were cast out of Heaven.

People today, I say again, are also making their final decision to stay with God or not. We have that free choice, but at the end of our journey on Earth, free choice will be cut off. Those in Heaven who have chosen God for all eternity will never come in contact with evil again. When you come to Calvary, desiring the Lord with all your heart, you have the opportunity to choose Heaven for eternity. If you continue to walk in the righteousness of God, you will find yourself in Heaven one day. Man has a great choice just like the angels once had—the privilege of obeying God in everything or disobeying Him.

Discontent Can Be Contagious

I see dissatisfaction at work in some of God’s people at times, a spirit that can take them over, cause them to go back into the world. Discouraged, they see wrong in many things. Looking at other people instead of looking to Jesus hurts their faith.

When Lucifer got his eyes off God, self took over and fed a stubborn spirit. He wanted his own way, desired it. Disobedience breeds many problems—arrogance, rebellion, to name just two.

Lucifer, remember, began to feed other angels his discontent. He convinced one third of the angels, millions of them, to look to him instead of God. What a following Lucifer had because of deceit! Lucifer brought about deceit through his own spirit; there was no other source for it. The Bible gives no other source but plainly indicates, I say again, that sin began in Lucifer. People have stumbled over this fact, not realizing what the Bible is talking about.

Men without Souls

Remains of incredible creatures have been found that lived before destruction fell. The people who lived then, however, were without souls. God did not make a man with a soul until He made Adam.

Jesus didn’t come to Earth thousands of years ago to die for the cave men and then return to die again for us. God’s ultimate plan of redemption, giving His Only Begotten Son, is a plan that went into action only once. God gave all Heaven for man to be redeemed; He made no provision for the redemption of cave men. Probably millions of years elapsed with the earth void and without form until God brought it to life again in the six days recorded in Genesis.

God Gave Man Power over Lucifer

Did God know Lucifer would tempt Eve? Couldn’t Adam and Eve love God with a love that didn’t need to be tested by Lucifer to find if it were true? Had not Lucifer been in Eden, Adam and Eve would have had no choice. God allowed Lucifer in Eden because He trusted Adam and Eve to be true to Him. God had given them power and knowledge to overcome all temptation. Never has there been a man, other than Jesus Christ, so knowledgeable as Adam. Even the devil did not have that kind of knowledge. Adam had a brilliant mind filled with the knowledge of God. He didn’t need to consult dictionaries and reference books; all of God’s knowledge flowed through Adam. There was no separation between Adam and God. God brought the animals before Adam, and Adam named them all. God was excited to see Adam use his mind.

Take time to reason with the Lord. Man is a free moral agent, created in the image of God, with God-given power over the devil. One of Lucifer’s punishments is the inability to defeat people totally yielded to God. God gave man everything needed to defeat the devil. God delighted in the beginning when Adam had nothing to do with the devil. Had Adam and Eve had no choice, they would have been like robots. Man just looked forward to being with God. He didn’t want to see the devil, talk to him or be around the forbidden tree. When God came down in the cool of the day to walk and talk with Adam and Eve, they forgot everything but God. Seeing God was the greatest part of their day. How often they must have asked Him to just stay with them all the time! They had only to ask God any question, and He would answer. It was a wonderful connection.

But they lost that marvelous connection when they yielded to the deceit of Lucifer. To restore that connection, Jesus came and gave His life so we could have His grace to trample devils underfoot. Covered with the blood of Jesus when we become born again, we can and must live free from all sin. God wants man to have power over the devil.

False doctrine claims that man must sin a little, but it’s a lie of the devil. Those who believe they can’t live free from sin do not have the knowledge of God. They have mixed the knowledge of Lucifer in with the truth, rendering the truth helpless as far as holy living is concerned.

The true children of God have the knowledge of God, knowing they walk in His steps, wear His shoes, His spiritual garment and through Him can trample devils underfoot. Jesus said, In my name shall they cast out devils (Mark 16:17).

Accept All God’s Word

It’s wonderful to let the Holy Spirit open up the Word of God to our understanding. He is our teacher, our guide. We have the Godhead dwelling in our hearts when we are born again. The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, is to be our teacher. He, the Spirit of Truth, has all the answers just as God had all the answers for Adam. But if you don’t accept all the Word of God, He won’t give you answers.

Most children of God haven’t been in the condition to accept all God’s Word, but the Bride has come into that special place where she will live and accept all the truth in the Word. Every opinion will be taken to the Word of God. Opinions not in harmony with the Word will be cast aside for the truth. Living and dwelling in the truth, the Bride will use the truth. That way she will stay free.

Adam and Eve were created in the truth. As long as Lucifer had been in the truth, no sin, no guile, no disobedience was found in him. He knew the steps that led to his fall, and so he knew the steps that would draw Adam and Eve out of the truth, letting him work his lies, savoring his chance to “get back at” God.

Did God Know Man Would Sin?

Did God know man was going to sin? He did not. If He had, He would have to take the blame, I say again, for all the sins, all evil, all the tragedies of the world; and He takes no responsibility for any of it. God is a just God, a God of love; and He takes no responsibility for sin.

Sin is to blame for all the wrecked lives, all the warped minds, the mentally deranged. It’s what the devil has done to the human race, and what the human race has allowed the devil to do to them. Man’s mind would have been strong and pure, fed by truth all these thousands of years; but man yielded to wrong just like the angels yielded to Lucifer, like Lucifer yielded to the spirit of self, to pride, taking his eyes off God. He stepped out of truth into the false. He thought he was something he wasn’t. He considered himself to be more beautiful than God, more important than anyone else in Heaven.

Where did evil come from before Lucifer was infected with pride in Heaven? Evil didn’t exist before that time. Lucifer, I say again, is the source. God did not create evil. What reason would He have had to create evil? None, whatsoever. Only a monster would deliberately create evil, and God is all love. No real love exists in sin. The roots of sin yield hate and destruction, arrogance, rebellion.

Did God deliberately put Satan in the Garden of Eden when He cast him out of Heaven? God did not put Satan in the Garden of Eden. When Satan sinned, the Garden of Eden did no exist. The Garden of Eden was the home of Adam and Eve, created long after Satan was cast out of Heaven. The Lord cast Satan out to a desolate place of darkness. Satan carries a light, but it’s a false light; no life, no truth, no warmth, no love, no hope, no peace, no joy are connected to his light.

The Unforgivable Sin

Why did God show mercy to man by giving him a second chance but not to Lucifer and his fallen angels? Lucifer had been with God for millions of years, no doubt. He knew the right way. God was there continuously in all living reality for Lucifer and for the angels, too. There was no darkness until Lucifer turned out the light. He grieved, then blasphemed the Spirit of God. When a human on Earth blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, the Lord never deals with that one again. Lucifer and the angels blasphemed against the Spirit of God. In that blaspheming there was no hope. Jesus said, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come (Matthew 12:31,32).

There is no remedy for Lucifer and his angels, no Holy Spirit to draw them. When you know better and still cross the line to blaspheme the Holy Ghost, you become like a walking dead man to God. There are people on the earth today with whom the Spirit of God will never deal again. They, like Lucifer, think they are all right, but they are deceived.

Hell Was Prepared for the Devil and His Angels

When God cast Lucifer and a third of the angels out of Heaven, why didn’t He cast them directly into the lake of fire? There wasn’t a lake of fire at that time; it did not exist. There had been no need of it. The Bible tells us that hell was prepared for the devil and his angels—everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41).

Why didn’t God instantly kill Satan when he sinned? God was not the author of death; Satan was. Death, not life, was his lot, for Lucifer is full of death. He is death; he has the power of death. Jesus came to bring life to all who would follow Him, robbing the devil of the power of death. The sentence of death was upon us all until Jesus came and conquered death for us. Those with Jesus in their hearts will live with Him forever. On the other hand, all who follow Lucifer will spend eternity in a living death of torture and torment. Lucifer serves eternal death.

God hadn’t planned judgment for Lucifer and the angels who followed him because He hadn’t looked into their future to see whether or not they would fail. Looking into their future would not have been trusting them. If God had to look into your future for tomorrow before He would give you anything today, before He would save your soul, God would not be just. God puts trust in everyone who calls on His name with a sincere heart. He will give you salvation, not looking into your future to see if you will treat it right. That isn’t God’s way of doing things. God is a God of love and trust.

The Devil Bids for Your Soul Every Day

Why didn’t God destroy Lucifer when he fell so we wouldn’t have to be tortured and battled in mind and body? Battles of mind and body would never have existed had not Adam and Eve let sin enter the bloodline of mankind ages after Lucifer was cast out of Heaven. Adam and Eve were perfect in the Garden, but the devil came up to Eve as a snake. The devil chose to take that form because the snake was the most beautiful creature in the whole Garden. Eve loved beauty, and she was fascinated. She should have stayed away from the snake, just like we should stay away from the devil today. He tries to buy out God’s people. You once belonged to the devil, then Jesus came and bought you back.

Adam, the head of the human race, sold all to the devil. The devil bids for your soul every day. He bids satisfaction of every fleshly appetite you have. Jesus steps forth and says you have to deny those ungodly appetites; deny self. You can’t gratify the desires of the flesh, of self and still follow Jesus. But if you follow Him, Heaven will be yours. Without God man is carnal, man yields to the flesh. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be (Romans 8:7). Even though Jesus died to give man salvation, many use free choice to refuse to separate from self.

The devil steps forward, claiming you can say anything you want, lie, rob, cheat, steal and he will be right there to help, to show you how to do it. The Lord said, Thou shalt not steal; thou shalt not lie. The devil says you can commit adultery, fornication every day if you want, and be in his kingdom. Look at all the rules in the Kingdom of Jesus, the devil whispers; they’re full of thou shalt nots. I had all of that at one time in Heaven, and I decided it wasn’t for me. God won’t let you have any fun. See how depressed you are? Aren’t you depressed a little bit? The Lord said He would make you happy, but I don’t think you are really happy.

The devil talked to Jesus, taking Him up on a mountain and offering Him everything if He would worship him. Jesus could have failed. He came under subjection to the temptation of the devil, and the devil made the most of it but to no avail.

The Lord tells you in His Word all about the devil, what he will do, the things he will say to you. Lucifer is the arch deceiver. The Bible tells you to not listen to him. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7). The Lord, remember, is giving you all power; you don’t have to bow down to the devil.

Why draw up in fear because of the devil? God’s power to overcome him should make God look greater than any other power. Realize you don’t have to be afraid of the devil. As long as you live holy and stay in the truth, you can trample devils underfoot.

It’s wonderful to have Jesus victory! Some of God’s children don’t know they have that victory, don’t use it; and the devil rubs their noses in the dirt many times. He can’t get them to backslide, but he can bring worry and depression. God does not ordain bowing down to the devil. The Lord gives you the means through His Son Jesus and the power of the Holy Ghost to stand straight, to trample the devil underfoot; but some people let the devil trample them.

A woman once told me that since God was good and wouldn’t harm her, she directed her efforts to staying in the devil’s good graces so he wouldn’t bother her. I had never heard of such a thing before. I tried to get her away from the devil, letting her know she couldn’t please him and still go to God’s Heaven. The deceit of the devil made her think she should try to stay on his good side. He doesn’t have a good side. He wants people to believe they will be all right if they just take his hand. Not wanting people to consider what God has said in His Word, the devil encourages them to do whatever they want. He promises freedom, but delivers bondage. Come over to death; exist in a living death for all eternity, is what his promises really mean.

War in Heaven

Paul in Ephesians 2:2 refers to Lucifer, the devil, as the prince of the power of the air. But Lucifer’s reign as prince of the air will come to an end, we read in Revelation. He will no longer be able to elevate himself to a place of honor, no longer be able to accuse the brethren before God. In Revelation 12:7-9 we read that there will be war in the heavens. Michael and the angels of God will war against the devil, and he will be cast down upon the earth. You need to know your enemy. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him (Revelation 12:9).

The Perfect Age Will Not Be Perfect for the Devil

When the Lord puts the devil into the bottomless pit, the Perfect Age will begin. What is the Perfect Age? The thousand years reign of Christ on Earth beginning at the close of the Tribulation Period, the time the devil is trapped in the bottomless pit and sin is arrested for the duration. The unsaved who will be here on Earth during the Perfect Age have the choice to disobey, but they won’t manifest themselves with a lot of violence.

Zechariah writes of the Perfect Age: And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles (Zechariah 14:16-18).

Judgment will be given to some in the Perfect Age. Although the dissenters will not be able to organize, to cause a lot of violence, they can disobey just like Lucifer in Heaven could disobey. From year to year the nations are to go to Jerusalem to worship Jesus. Those who refuse—and some will refuse—will receive God’s judgment. As long as the devil is in the pit, no force of evil will gather for violence, war. God’s people will have peace, peace, peace; but the heathen, the disobedient will have no peace. It won’t be a perfect age for the devil in the bottomless pit. Whatever the Bible says, I believe. I live in the truth of the Word of God.

God is not a man, and He does not work like man. He is patient, longsuffering. God passed righteous judgment on Lucifer when He cast him out of Heaven.

Satan and the Bottomless Pit

Proving again that sin is generated by Lucifer, Revelation tells us that when he is helpless in the bottomless pit for a thousand years, the nations will no longer be deceived. Although from his confines in the pit, Satan will not be able to afflict the earth with his evil; not all people will follow the Lord during this time. The sheep nations—the nations that were good to the Jews—who make it through the Tribulation Period will go into the Perfect Age, but it doesn’t mean salvation for each individual. Salvation comes only when people take Jesus into their hearts as Lord and Master, believing in the power in His blood to wash away all sin, serving Him in total obedience to the Word of God.

But to destroy sin and the source of all sin once and for all time, Satan must be destroyed. At the end of his stay in the bottomless pit after the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle (Revelation 20:7,8). Some people will be easily fooled—even after all they have been through. They will have looked at Jesus here on Earth, seen the Son of God; but they will be ready to go with the devil. The devil says, Come on! We have our chance! Right here He is! I’ve got the power, the know-how to defeat Jesus at last!

After Satan, along with those who followed him, are destroyed, there will be no more sin. If sin came from another source, it would remain after the destruction of Satan and his kingdom; but the Lord lets us know that sin will not be manifested in any great way for a thousand years with Satan’s confinement in the bottomless pit, and then it will end forever when he is thrown into the lake of fire. God does not go back beyond Satan to identify the beginning of sin.

Satan’s Final Judgment

The nations, deceived, gather to make war. What will happen to them? And fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever (Revelation 20:9,10). The Lord sends fire down from Heaven to destroy the army coming against the host of the Lord, and then He casts Satan into the lake of fire, a place he will never leave. There is no escape for him.

Satan, already in the lake of fire, won’t be at the White Throne Judgment. After the wicked dead are judged at the White throne Judgment, they, too, will be cast into the lake of fire. Satan, the one who caused all the trouble, all the despair of the world, is glad he has doomed so many.

When Jesus was here He told how the King would say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41). When everyone deserving is cast into the lake of fire, the Lord will seal it off forever and blot it out of His mind. God has the power to remember and the power to not remember. God will blot out all evil; He will never again have a thought of Lucifer, the once beautiful angel. Think how grieved God has been about the rebellion that took place in Heaven.

The devil has many names; Jesus calls him Satan, the father of lies. He is called Lucifer in Heaven and on Earth, too. Beelzebub, Old Serpent, the Deceiver identify him further. Isaiah calls him Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12. The Lord used every means He could to help us know how ugly, how mean, how deceitful and cruel Lucifer is.

Life and Healing Come from the Lord

Sickness comes from the devil. I’ve seen many people who would have been healed had they only believed their disease was inflicted on them by the devil and not God.

Jesus, remember, came to destroy the works of the devil; and in His ministry on Earth we see Him destroying sickness, diseases and afflictions everywhere He went. Divine healing for the body is mentioned more that salvation in the four Gospels.

God hates what the devil has done to mankind. If sickness came from Heaven, you might as well prepare to be sick when you go there; but in Heaven is no sickness, no dying. The Lord, I say again, is not the author of death; Satan is. Jesus is life. Sickness and death come from Lucifer. Healing and life come from the Lord.

Satan had the power over death in a great way until Jesus came and robbed him of death for the children of God. If you walk with Jesus in His divine will, the Lord has power to take you home the exact time He wants you to die. Satan can’t snuff out before God’s time the life of the totally obedient who are walking in God’s divine will. Jesus conquered death. You don’t have to be afraid of the devil taking your life. If you are walking in the divine will of God, Satan doesn’t have the power to do it. Your life will not end on planet Earth until the Lord wills it to end. Jesus is life. The body will die, not your soul. Jesus paid the price so that the body could be new in Heaven where the bodies will be, I would think, made out of the same thing as the angel’s.

Angels are eternal; they can move at will, and in Heaven we, too, will be able to move at will. Could you ever believe an angel would be in the hospital with a doctor working over him? Of course not. Like the angels we won’t be subject to death or sickness and disease in Heaven.

If the Lord were the author of sicknesses and diseases, He would have hospitals in Heaven run by the best technicians. The angels would be sick every so often. Do you believe each morning in Heaven the Lord looks in on a lineup of sick angels to see how many are down with the flu, how many may have heart trouble or cancer? Absurd. If an angel hobbling on crutches would visit you saying the Lord sent him from Heaven, would you be blessed? Every time an angel comes to me, he is full of life, his eyes lit with the light of Heaven. He is strong and speaks emphatically. Never does he speak with doubt. Usually he speaks in the first person; he speaks as God Himself.

No Temptation in Heaven

The obedience of the angels is total. You will not find a speck of disobedience in any of the angels that stayed with God. They have made their choice to remain with Him. They can never be tempted with evil. They come as warriors against Lucifer; he has nothing to tempt them with. They have sold out to the Lord.

Neither will we be tempted by the devil when we reach Heaven. We’ll be rid of Lucifer for all eternity. All the ungodly souls that went with Lucifer, all the fallen angels, all sin, all sickness will be sealed away as the eternal ages roll; and God will never remember any of it again.

No need to think you will discuss your past sins with God when you get to Heaven; the Lord would ask what sins you were talking about. No sin exists in Heaven. Jesus paid the price for sin, and God will never want to hear about sin again. Sins forgiven will be cast into the sea of forgetfulness to no more be remembered against the person.

Many can’t keep the victory over the devil because they don’t understand him through the knowledge of God. God has given you all the knowledge you need concerning Lucifer—how he appears, how he comes, how he deceives—so you can defeat him in every way. It’s all in the Bible. Weigh it carefully through the Spirit of Truth. Take everything to the Word of God. I have given you Bible for what I have taught you. The beginning of sin started with Lucifer. He is the father of lies, the beginning of all deceit.

Where did God come from? He has no end, no beginning, but to us He is the beginning of all life. We can go back to where God began with us: Calvary, the start of eternal life with God. He made us whole, new, fit subjects for His Heaven.

A Message from the Holy Spirit

Thus saith the Lord: I am warning you. I warned Lucifer. I warned him when I found evil in him, when I found the first deceit in him. He knew, but he rebelled. He trampled my truth underfoot. He wanted no part of me. He wanted to take no orders from me. He had all knowledge of my love and my help. He knew who I was. I offered him mercy before he destroyed himself, but he would have no part.

I offer you mercy tonight, and if you don’t accept my mercy in this endtime hour, you will be destroyed. I will cast you into the lake of fire just as I will cast Lucifer into the lake. I will destroy you. And I can destroy you with death anytime that I decide to do it. I can stop your breathing anytime.

I am looking at the arrogance in people’s hearts, the resentment, the disobedience; and yet I offer mercy—but for how long? For some I won’t offer it much longer who are under the sound of my message tonight, saith the Lord. I am spending time with my servant and telling him what to tell you. I gave the scriptures to him to help you to understand about sin, and I let him know that I was giving him the answer of the source of sin, that I’m not to blame for any sin and any damnation that has been brought through sin. And I am not responsible for the destruction and the judgment that I will bring upon those that continue to sin.

Who are you to defy my Spirit and my love? Who are you to say that I won’t do it? Who are you to say that I won’t destroy you? Who are you to say that I’m not just if I would destroy you? I will destroy you because I am just. You’re a hurt to my Kingdom. You’re hindering my people and hindering souls from coming to me. And I warn you because I am just. I warn you of what is going to happen, and I will destroy because I’m just. I will destroy because I am love, all love; and my love will destroy evil, evil, evil. With evil abounding in you in this final hour, you continue to trample my truth underfoot. I will destroy you. And the angels of Heaven will declare that I’m just in my judgments that I give.

I’m sending judgments upon the earth. I’m doing everything I can through my love before it’s eternal judgment, eternal destruction. I am dealing with you. Heed my call and yield to my Spirit of truth, saith the Lord.

God Is Your Savior and Healer

You who don’t have Him, pray this prayer with me now: Oh, God, I have sinned against you. I am so sorry! I confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He died for me and I will live for Him. I believe that the blood of Jesus washes away all of my sins, all of my sins! Come in Jesus! Come into my heart.

If you meant that prayer you can now say, Hallelujah, He has come! Hallelujah, He is mine!

You who are sick or afflicted, the Lord is your healer. The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up (James 5:15). Many cripples have been made whole while I prayed for them. The testimonials that have come in are marvelous. One man told how he crawled to the television set while I prayed for the healing of the viewers. He was lost and undone without God. No one was there but him; his wife had gone to church, leaving him, a hopeless cripple in bed. During that prayer he was made whole. When his wife returned home, he was well. Imagine how she felt! The man later came walking into my service and told the story.

The Lord is no respecter of persons. The healing He has given one, He wants for all in need. Look to God. Think what the devil has done to you, how he has afflicted you. You can be delivered, healed of any sickness. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, and oh, how He healed the people when He walked the earth! The Bible declares in Isaiah 53:5, With his stripes we are healed. Complete victory over the devil is what Jesus gave us.

Lord, here they are. I bring the sick and afflicted, the cancer patients, the heart patients, those with diabetes and other deadly diseases. In the name of Jesus I come. From your supernatural gifts of healing, from your supernatural gift of miracles it comes in the name of your Son Jesus through the power of the Holy Ghost: Heal! in the name of the Lord! Heal! in the holy name of Jesus!

The healing power is flowing. Don’t you feel it? It’s in my body, and how it surged as I prayed that prayer! That power, if you accepted it, is going into your body. Wear it well; don’t doubt. Decide that the Lord promised to get you well, and you will get well. God will heal you if you only believe. The way you can believe Him is by obeying Him. His obedience is the only way you can use His faith: obey Him. Use His faith, not yours. He offers it to you to use. His divine faith is what Jesus used when He was here on Earth. Faith is a gift from God.

Thus saith the Lord: You have helped the devil rob you, and I’ve looked on with great sorrow. You have helped him to build walls of disobedience around you so that I could not bless you like I wanted to bless you. You have not accepted all of my Word, and I move on my servant again and again to speak for me and to tell you thus saith the Lord; and yet some will not obey me. In this last hour it will be the very obedient that receive my best. It will be the very obedient that I will open up the heavens and pour my greatness upon. I’m giving great knowledge in this last hour because I’m going to give great, great victories. I’m going to be pouring out my Spirit night and day, and the Bride’s going to walk in my holiness and love of obedience. She will bow to everything and do everything that I have asked her to do. She will walk hand in hand with her Lord, and she will not withhold anything from Him that He desires of her, to give or to do. She will walk with her head in the glory of the Lord, and her eyes will be bright with His love, with His wisdom, with His understanding. She will trample devils underfoot, and she will help tear down the powers of my enemy and hers in this her last walk, saith the Lord.

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