The Lord didn’t say our walk would be easy. In this hour, we must live by promise, not by imagination or feelings; we are children of promise. In fact, outside Eden, everyone must live by promise if he or she is to serve God. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17). Using faith, the just shall live by God’s promises.

To promise means to give a foundation for expectations. The promises of God certainly give that foundation; you can expect God’s promises to be fulfilled. If you don’t have this expectation, then you are not living by promise.

We trust God to move, to answer prayer. However, I know when He doesn’t answer, He has a reason; and I’ve learned to wait upon the Lord, to leave the answer in His hands. But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint (Isaiah 40:31). I take my problems and the problems of others to the Lord and put them into His hands, expecting Him to work them out in His way. Never do I contend with the Almighty to have things done my way. I ask only for His divine will, and I pray for His divine will for others.

Not One Promise Failed

In the book of Joshua we find valuable scripture that applies to us today as well as to the people in Joshua’s day. And, behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth: and ye know in all your hearts and in all your souls, that not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the LORD your God spake concerning you; all are come to pass unto you, and not one thing hath failed thereof (Joshua 23:14).

Joshua was making a great tribute to God. Notice the words: Not one thing hath failed of all the good things which God spoke to you. God is like that; He keeps His Word. If you tell the truth, at the end of your journey, you, too, will be able to say that not one promise of God has failed.

Every promise stands with all the strength of Heaven; God backs up His promises with all His power, love, and greatness. Every promise He makes is as strong as He is. The promise of salvation, the promise of the baptism of the Holy Ghost for each born-again person are as strong as God Himself.

God Gave Noah a Promise of Safety

The promise God made to Noah to preserve his family of eight in an ark must have amazed them. I’m sure He didn’t tell Noah it would take him over one hundred years to build that ark. God is not likely to measure out years, months, or even hours the way we measure them. I have learned to work with God, learned that He just doesn’t work like man.

Although God didn’t tell Noah how long it would take to build the ark, God let him know he had the promise of protection, the promise that would preserve all his family. The keeping power of God was in the promise that there would be no flood until he finished the ark, and Noah lived according to that promise. His wife and children joined in, and they, too, lived according to the promise.

Wrapped in the powers of the devil, people in Noah’s day were absorbed in the lust of the flesh, in doing what they wanted, loving self and not God. They didn’t care about God’s promises, so there was no one left on Earth who cared about His promises except eight souls.

God had to move with short steps to work with those eight minds, to give them this awesome plan. Everyone else was going to die. It was an ordeal for the Noah family. Grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors, friends were all going to be lost. Day after day the Noah family knew the penalty was death for those people; they had to face it. But they knew the ark was their safety, the fulfillment of their promise from God, and they kept working with the promise.

Life Is in God’s Promises

In this final hour, saith the Lord, we must accept each promise that God has made to us in His Holy Word, each promise He will make to us as individuals. We must know that His good promises have the life and strength, faith and greatness of God. His promises will deliver, keep and preserve us. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). Great and mighty indeed are the promises of God, more valuable than life because without them there is no life. Only through these magnificent promises of God do we have life eternal, a heaven waiting for us and not a hell.

Think how you have suffered in the past by not holding on to the promises of God, the promises in this Bible that are yours. Consider how the Israelites have suffered down through the years because they neglected God’s promises. In His promises, God revealed Himself through great wonders; He gave them mighty promises, and they threw them away.

Today God is still revealing Himself to people through great wonders; yet many doubt God and count His promises as nothing, casting them aside. People are ready to reach out for anything made by man’s weak hands, anything the devil brings to mind instead of using the promises of God.

God Revealed Himself to Moses

After the Israelites saw the miraculous way God moved in Egypt, Moses still had problems getting people to accept God’s promise of deliverance. And they said unto Moses, Because there were no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to die in the wilderness? wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us, to carry us forth out of Egypt? Is not this the word that we did tell thee in Egypt, saying, Let us alone, that we may serve the Egyptians? For it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians, than that we should die in the wilderness (Exodus 14:11,12).

At first, even Moses himself had a struggle to believe that he was the one called of God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. He didn’t feel he could deliver them; he had been reared in Pharaoh’s house and he knew the demonic powers that were there, what he would be up against. But he didn’t yet know all about the promises of God or the great might of God in His every promise. God was generous with Moses; He revealed Himself at the burning bush and gave Moses other signs and wonders until it was settled in his mind that he would never let go of the promises of God. Had Moses not been convinced of the promises of God, he never would have been able to lead the Israelites out of slavery. It would have been an impossibility to deliver them had doubt been in him, but Moses yielded to the promises of God, yielded to the fact that he had been chosen and would lead the Children of Israel out of bondage.

I Lost Sight of God’s Promise

Never neglect any promise God gives you. If you are sick, afflicted, the Lord has promised healing in His Word. With his stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). Never let go of that promise. That promise means life to you. However, in your sufferings it’s easy to doubt. After you have suffered such a long time, you can lose sight of the promise, let the light go out of the promise. When that happens, the life of God in that promise goes out as well, and you have to suffer. I experienced that very thing.

At twenty-three, I watched my body go down to almost a skeleton. I didn’t remember the promise God had made months and months earlier in a revival when I was in agony, clinging to the Bible stand. I not only knew the healing promises in the Word of God, the Lord also gave a direct message that night, telling me He would heal me. The pain left and I was able to stand up straight and finish the sermon. But I was not healed the next day, or the next week, or the next month. As the months passed and my condition grew worse instead of better, I lost sight of the promise. Looking back on it, I wonder how I could have done such a thing! How could I have ever neglected the promise of God! Why didn’t I hold to it? It was my life. I should have known I wasn’t going to die, that the Lord would bring me out of the valley at His appointed time and nothing could keep me there. But the light of the promise went out and I was like one in a dark room with no doors. Going around in circles I was trying to find a way out but there wasn’t a way I could find. It was a terrible feeling!

Fear Took Me Over

Fear took me over—not for my soul, I knew it was ready to meet God—but I wanted to live, to preach the Gospel. I had started preaching at eighteen; now I was twenty-three and hadn’t been married very long. The thought of leaving Angel, my wife, behind was devastating.

Even before I was saved, God had given me great faith in His healing. I was reared in a home of faith where the Word and the promises of God were in action. I was taught that when God spoke, what He said would happen. If God said it, you could stake your life on it. My mother adorned herself with the promises of God as though they were wonderful, rare jewels. She served her family God’s promises. If sickness started in our home, Mom served God’s promises. She believed that the greatness of what we needed we would find in the promises of God. If one of the children was sick, she would put the Bible on that one. “Honey,” she would say, “God is going to heal you. God’s going to take away that fever.”

To be reared in such an atmosphere of great faith and then to let the enemy rob me of the promise that meant life to me was almost a tragedy. I was thoroughly convinced I was going to die.

I Thought My Faith Was Gone

I had made up my mind that if I died I would die in the pulpit as long as I could get there. Angel would help dress me in those crucial times, help get me ready for the service. I would wait till the last minute and then go trusting in God, not knowing whether or not I would live or die that night.

Had I only kept the light of God on the promise, had I worked with the promise, I would have known God would heal me. Had I been looking into the promises of God I would have told myself I was coming out of all the disease, that I was coming to health.

Yet, I was amazed that I didn’t get well. I knew I was God’s, and I knew He had called me to preach; but I didn’t understand why I was caught up in such great suffering.

At times it felt as though a hot iron were stuck to my body. What horrible pain it was! I didn’t know how I could bear one more moment of it. I thought my faith was all gone. It was as though I were in quicksand and all I had was a tiny ray of hope, but I didn’t dare open my mouth to one human being to tell my feelings. I couldn’t tell Angel how I felt; it would have killed her. I knew I could never tell Mama, the one who had taught me great faith. What would she think? To hear me say I didn’t have any faith left and my hope was about gone would have been too much for her. Death hovered over me like a mighty monster. I had settled it in my mind that this was it; I was going to die. Not believing I would live more than a few days, I was trying to hide that thought within. A ferocious storm raged in me as I got ready for what I imagined were my last few moments of life.

Then Jesus Came

Suddenly, Jesus was there. He had all power and He backed death away from me as though it were nothing and lingered to talk to me. He had come, the greatest gift God had ever given to man. Never has there been a promise of deliverance as great as Jesus. God so loved the world that He gave Jesus, not only as Savior but also as healer. Jesus said, I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John 10:10).

The Lord was merciful to me; He left me with that promise of healing shining so brightly that the devil was never able to dim it again. Jesus talked to me, telling me things to come. He said that later I would go on a long fast and when the fast was over I would have His power for the healing of the people and I would take that healing power to the world.

I knew I would live; I wanted to shout it everywhere. I had been struggling in that dark room one moment and the next moment a great wall came tumbling down and I could see all the way to Heaven. Only a few minutes earlier my sight had been limited; now the promise of God was in action; now I saw through the promise of God. I was on the battlefield for my Lord, and my work of evangelism would continue.

Had my faith kept the life of that promise, I would have bravely faced my ordeal. The darkness, the valley wouldn’t have mattered. I would have told everyone that I wasn’t going to die; I was going to live. Don’t look at my pathetic body; it doesn’t make any difference that my eyes are sunken way back in my head. I wasn’t a pretty sight at all, but I should have been telling everyone that the Lord would heal me.

We Suffer When We Don’t Hold to God’s Promise

When you have the promise of God, you don’t need to worry about how much pain is in your body; it all will go. All the diseases and afflictions will be cleansed from your body if you hold to the promise.

We suffer much when we don’t hold to the promises of God. Going through darkness in depression and fear because we don’t hold to the promises of God, we make matters worse. You’ll never know what I battled in my mind when I turned out the light of God’s promise—and I was never one to have fear and mind battles.

However, after the Lord came and healed me, I determined to never forget another promise of God. God had mercy on me because He knew that I didn’t intend to do it, that no guile was involved. I wasn’t against the Lord; I just had suffered, going through all kinds of physical agony until I lost sight of God’s promise.

I Launched Out into the Deep

Masterful surgery took place the night that Jesus healed me. My promise would never grow dim again. After the Lord left that night I launched way out into the deep knowing I would drown if I let go of the promise. I said, God, I’m going to tell everyone I’m healed; and if I die, you’re going to be embarrassed. I took the promises of God and if I went down, I would sink with every one of them—and that’s what God wanted. For the Lord GOD will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed (Isaiah 50:7).

The devil said, You’re not healed. You know you can’t hide one of those attacks. If you’re in a crowd and have one, they will say you’re the biggest liar that ever lived. If I were you, I would wait. He would have waited, but not me. My promise had come to life, that promise the Lord had made to me. Lit up like Heaven itself, it was shining brighter than it did the night He gave it to me. Nothing now could convince me I was going to die. All hell could have gathered around me, every demon could have come my way at one time with the devil himself declaring, Death! Death! and I would have shouted, Life! Life! I’m going to live! Nothing can kill me! The Lord said I’m going to live; I will have His power for the healing of the people, and I’m going to take His Gospel to the world. Glory to God, that’s the way you have to do it, Children! Claim your promise of healing with no doubt; reach out for the promises of God, take hold of the promise.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (II Timothy 1:7).

Cling to Every Promise of God

I warn you: When God gives you a promise, hold on to it no matter how dark it looks. Many promises are in the Bible for us; cling to every promise of salvation, regeneration, sanctification, healing, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the promises of the wisdom and knowledge of God, the joy of the Lord, the power of God: All are promised to us.

If you do not claim the promise, then you will be oppressed, depressed. You who are sick and afflicted: The Lord has promised to heal you; if you’ve let the light of that promise go out, now is the time to let the light come back in.

In this last hour, be determined to not forget one of God’s promises. Like coals of fire, let those promises burn on the altar of your soul night and day, giving you strength. All the promises in the Word of God belong to you. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (II Peter 3:9).

God Works in Many Ways

God, remember, does not work like a man; He is not a man. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). He works in many different ways because we so many times tie His hands and He can’t work in the way He most desires. We slow Him down. He has to travel according to the pace of man.

God had to slow down for man and woman in Eden. In the cool of the day He would come down to visit with them, and to do so, He made the steps they made—the great God Almighty had to make those little steps. When God killed the animal in the Garden to cover Adam and Eve, shed blood to clothe man, didn’t man know that God’s Son was going to shed His blood to clothe people in deliverance? Didn’t they know that Jesus, the Lamb of God, would have to become a sacrifice for them?

Outside Eden in a sin-cursed world, God had to come down trying to change minds and hearts, trying to get people to realize that He had made a promise of a Savior; a better day would be coming.

Work with God’s Promises

You have to work with God’s promises. If you think they are fulfilled automatically, you’re wrong. Many people fail to work with God’s promises, fail to see the fulfillment. For over one hundred years, remember, the Noah family worked with that one promise of deliverance from total destruction. The Bible tells us to not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not (Galatians 6:9). If you work with the promise then you will reap. If you faint, no. The Noah family couldn’t afford to faint, to let the light of the promise go out. Had the light gone out of that promise, they all would have perished. They kept the light by working with it. You must know the promise before you can work with it.

In this last hour you can’t let go of any of the promises of God; they are your life. You will not be victorious unless you work with God’s promises. It’s a must. God’s promises are the only way you will have wisdom, joy, peace and strength from on High. Without using His promises you will not have the miracles of God.

Many Christians are tormented in their minds because they do not embrace the promises of God night and day. They let the light go out. Oh, it may flicker once-in-a-while, and they know God promised; but they are not established in the faith enough to work with the promise. If you don’t work with the good promises, the bad promises will become yours, saith the Lord. If you expect to stand against the powers of the devil and not be swept away by him, you will have to work with the promises of God.

Think God’s Way

The Lord promised you peace in this sin-cursed world: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27). Although Jesus promised peace, I see many of God’s people frustrated, their minds so leeched that they can’t think straight. You have to be able to think God’s way if you work with His promises, for His promises are divine promises, not human promises.

Meditate on God’s promises, the strength of them, the power of them, and the greatness of them for this hour. God wants you to become promise-conscious, to trust all the good and great promises. But He also wants you to become conscious of the bad promises of destruction and the wrath of God. It’s all in the Bible, the good and the bad promises of God. Not going by your feelings, seek to live by faith each day. Now the just shall live by faith (Hebrews 10:38).

You must be justified in the eyes of God. What does God think about you? What kind of heart do you have? Do you have spots and wrinkles? Are you completely His or do you own the greater part of you? Does the enemy claim part of you—and rightly so?

Reason with God

Through Isaiah the prophet, the Lord said, Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool (Isaiah 1:18). It’s time to reason together; to see where you stand. Look in the Bible with the eyes of God. To reason with God is not to question the Bible in doubt. If you question it when you want to know, want to understand what it means, that is not the same as questioning it in doubt.

You can choose to have your mind scrambled, leeched, a mind neither God nor His people can reason with. You can shut yourself away, turning out the light of God’s promises to you, walking a road God doesn’t approve of, or you can decide to have a clear mind like the mind of Christ, a mind re-created just like your soul was re-created. Many Christians need the mind re-created because they have let the enemy take over so many cells of their brain that God can’t reason with them, can’t get His thoughts through. The enemy is feeding that mind, and eventually his thoughts will drop into the soul. When they do, those people are on the pathway of the all-out wrath of God, saith the Lord.

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service (Romans 12:1). The only way you can work with God’s promises is to be holy and acceptable to Him.

The promises of God are all true. People may say that God made a promise, but they never see the fulfillment of it. What did they do with that promise? Did they throw it aside? God is not to blame when people misuse or neglect His promises.

Jesus Never Fails

I hate the devil, don’t you? But I love Jesus; I love His touch; I love His power, His greatness. I love everything about Him and His promises. God never fails His promises. Heaven and Earth will pass away, but Jesus never fails. That means His promises will never fail you; they are stronger than life, stronger than death. Take an armful of promises and keep holding on to them.

The devil hates the promises of God; he works on you every chance he gets to make you doubt God’s promises. He tells you that God’s promises are no good. If that’s so, why is he, who works night and day to destroy you, so set on having you drop that promise that would make you well? Why does he try so hard to talk you out of it? Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7). How do you resist the devil? With the blood-Word of the Living God.

Reason with God and you’ll uncover the deceit of the devil. The devil knows the promises of God are stronger than the H-bomb, stronger than all the powers of darkness. Through the promises of God you can trample devils underfoot. As long as you hold on to the promises, the devil doesn’t have a chance of defeating you. Claim the promises for whatever you need.

Use God’s Promises

People claim things other than God’s promises. Some claim a house, but not the promise. I claimed the promise and the Lord gave me a house. I don’t claim a car; I claim the promise and the Lord will see that I get a car when I need it. I live by promise. My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).

If you live by promise, you should be living quite well with joy, peace, serenity. However, if your mind is confused, scattered, frustrated, you are not living entirely by promise. The promise in your soul must work through your mind. The Lord gave you that peace, joy, salvation, the good Holy Ghost; they’re in your soul. Why have those things in your soul and let a storm rage in your mind? It’s because you won’t use the promises in your mind, only in your soul.

Of course you’ll be happy in Heaven, but if you don’t use the promises in your mind, you will be miserable going there. The devil can make a yoyo out of people who don’t use the promises of God. All the devil’s recipes include people. If he can’t add your soul to that recipe, he’ll strive to add your mind. The Lord sent me to warn you about the devil. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil (I John 3:8).

Do You Believe God?

Had you been Noah, would you have accepted the promises of God? After you and your family had been on the ark over a whole year and then come out of the ark to see your rainbow of promise, would you have accepted it? The Lord promised to never bring another flood to cover the whole earth again and destroy all the inhabitants. Would you have accepted that rainbow? Yes, yes! you cry. But some of you would hide under a rock every time a cloud appeared, crying, Oh, God, please don’t destroy us! Please don’t let the rain come pouring down again! Some would stay up all night with the rain, praying for deliverance. Yet they would say they believe the Lord.

What do you believe? Do you believe all God has said concerning you? Do you believe all the promises of God? If so, why be a worrywart?

Some worry all the time; if they don’t have anything to worry about, they worry about not worrying. Simply because they suddenly have peace, they think something terrible is going to happen, that they’re in the calm before a great storm, that someone is going to die or some terrible tragedy is about to happen. Do they stop to think that peace is a miracle and they had better use it? Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee (Isaiah 26:3).

Where Are the Promises?

Some people come to church, feel wonderful, talk to people about Jesus, but when the door closes behind them, they don’t feel like reading the Bible, praying or doing anything for God. Where are the promises? Why are they so needy? As long as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper (II Chronicles 26:5).

God’s promises are more valuable than priceless jewels. People don’t neglect their jewels, but they may neglect God’s promises. If they have expensive diamonds, they guard them carefully. But do they know where the promises of God are? Do they know whether those promises are working for them?

Every promise in the Book is for the children of God, every good promise. Isn’t it time to stand up and claim the things the Lord said are ours? Isn’t it time we started acting, believing and talking like Jesus? Isn’t it time we started receiving the way the Lord wants us to receive, taking the whole plan of God? Isn’t it time we carried the promises of God with us night and day like the Noah family did?

Jesus said, But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be (Matthew 24:37). We live in the days of the coming of Jesus; our days are like the days of Noah. Why pine about the evil all around? Believe the promises of God; look at His promises, look at the greatness of God for you.

If your family won’t live for God, don’t look to them. If you get them saved it will be through the promises, not through your worry, your depression or despair. That hard wall they have built around them will be torn down only through the promises of God. Look to the promises. And they overcame him [the devil] by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony (Revelation 12:11).

Since the promises of God mean everything, since they are greater than life itself, you had better hold to the promises. The devil can’t sink the promises; you don’t have to worry about going down or not making it to Heaven when you hold to the promises. Your future is just as bright as those promises, eternal life is just as sure as the promises of God.

Every time you let the light go out of one of the promises of God it brings weakness to you. You need all His promises; they make up life for you, godly life.

A Still, Small Voice

Do you believe all the promises of God; do you treasure them as you treasure God Himself? Do you treasure them as though the Lord were speaking them directly to you right now? He is, you know, just as though His voice were thundering out.

The man of God, Elijah, believed when it was only a still, small voice he heard. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah (I Kings 19:11-13)? When Elijah heard that still, small voice, he knew it was God. Do you heed that still, small voice of the Lord and His promises to you?

Salvation and Healing Are Promised

If you are unsaved, I bring you a promise of salvation and redemption. God’s promises are true. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8). Pray this prayer of salvation: Oh, God, I have sinned. I am so sorry that I sinned against you, but I have come home. I’m going to serve you, Lord, the rest of my life. I believe in the blood of Jesus. I believe that Jesus died for me, and I will live for Him. I believe the blood of Jesus washes away all my sins. Come on in, Jesus! Come into my heart!

If you believed that prayer, He has come.

You who are crippled, blind, you who need a miracle: Let the promise of God light up for you today. Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth (Mark 9:23). With God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). Take that promise; it will light up your way, bring you out of that wheelchair, out of that sickness, out of the arms of death into the arms of life. These are God’s promises, what God has to say about your disease or affliction.

I left man out of my miracle that night the Lord healed me. Although I thank God for every doctor, every nurse who had helped me, they couldn’t bring the miracle. It was just Jesus and Ernest Angley that night. He was all I needed, just Jesus.

Oh, sick and afflicted one: He’s all you need. Maybe the death angel has been working around you for weeks; perhaps the doctors have said you are limited on time. Did the Lord say that? No. Until He says it, don’t accept death.

Let the Lord know you want to live and help me take Jesus to the whole world in this last hour. Let Him know you want to work for Him, to do the will of God. He will be pleased with you the way He was pleased with the first man and woman before the fall as you walk in the steps of Jesus, wear His shoes and His spiritual garments. You can be just like Jesus; you can be a witness for the Lord, a witness to His mighty power of all His good promises. You will cry out: The Lord promised and the Lord cannot lie. The Lord is my strength, my high tower, my buckler, my all in all! My trust is in the Lord!

If you are unhealed I bring you a promise of healing power. He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions (Psalm 107:20). God’s healing is as strong as His promise of salvation. Just as much strength, just as much love, just as much God are in the promise of healing for the body as there are for the soul. God put Himself completely into every promise. You find the whole Godhead in every promise. Now get ready to be healed—it’s so wonderful to have a healthy body! You don’t have to suffer any longer; you can be healed. Jesus Christ is the same healer as He was when He walked the shores of Galilee. For I am the Lord that healeth thee (Exodus 15:26).

Don’t you feel the strength of the Lord and the healing power flowing into you right now through the promises of God? Don’t you feel the miracle power flowing into you? Healing is the promise of God: I am the Lord that healeth thee!

Lord, I bring the sick and afflicted to you. Lay a healing hand on them. From your supernatural gift of miracles and from your supernatural gifts of healing it comes. In the name of your Son, Jesus: Heal! In the holy name of the Lord: Heal! In the all-powerful name of Jesus: Heal!

The healing power is flowing—it’s the promise of God, and God keeps His promises. Be thou made well! That power is going into your body; treasure it, keep the promise well lit in the Spirit of the Living God, and watch yourself get well. Never forget: God promised!

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