A beam of light appears in assorted forms; it creates various effects under different circumstances. A beam, for instance, can be a radiant smile. The Bride of Christ will have that radiant look in this her final walk; she will shine brightly, smile warmly, glow with His happiness, generosity and favor.

Who is the Bride of Christ?—those consecrated, dedicated Christians who have been born new, baptized in the Holy Spirit, who love the Lord their God with all their hearts, minds and souls. Expecting the second coming of her Groom Jesus, the Bride is afire with the urgency of winning the lost throughout the world in this last and final hour.

A beam: something to guide or communicate with; an aircraft is guided by a beam. Think how much more God’s beam of light can communicate with and guide the Bride in this her final walk, her final working hour. She will not be alone at any time, never out of His presence. The Bride is busy doing all the Lord’s will. She will follow the wonderful beam of God’s guiding light all the way.

A Beam That Directs Multitudes

It has taken years for the Lord to bring His people to the place they will not be “off beam” for this final hour. Faithfully and patiently God has worked with His people, preparing the Bride to evangelize the whole world. He has trained her to stay on beam, to not follow wrong directions. The mighty beam of God’s holy light will radiate through her; it will direct the multitudes, saith the Lord, to Calvary in this her final walk.

This hour of the Bride’s work is crucial because it is the last one, because so much depends on her. If the Bride should fail, multitudes would die and go to hell—but she will not fail. The Bride will not fail. She is going to walk in all the holiness, righteousness, purity of God: that’s the reason for the pouring out of God’s Holy Spirit now.

God has a people living pure lives, free from all sin. The Bride is a separated people who have come out from a separated people. Going beyond the average Christian in the deepness of God’s love and the might of His faith, the Bride carries the tears of Calvary—His tears—for a lost and dying world. She is like Him, and Heaven is shouting the news!

What impact the Bride is making on planet Earth right now; what intense light radiates through her, penetrating into the darkest of places! Calvary is held up for all to see one last time. The revelation of Jesus’ Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension back to Heaven brings home His thrilling promise: I will come again. The Bride proclaims the living reality of the baptism in the Holy Ghost for everyone who will dare yield to Calvary, who will dare walk in the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, climbing those steps to the Upper Room.

A Beam That Revealed Calvary

Jesus cried: Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven (Matthew 5:14-16). Thousands embraced the Kingdom as Jesus blazed His light through the disciples and apostles. They became His mighty beam of heavenly light here on Earth—men, women, boys and girls, human beings just like yourself. That mighty beam revealed Calvary, the nail-riven hands, the price that He paid on the Cross. It disclosed to human minds that people could be set free, made new creatures in Christ Jesus. What a beam of light was seen—and rejected—by so many!

There was a man named Saul, full of the devil. By his orders, Christians were put to death. Then powerful conviction fell on him. And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven: And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me (Acts 9:3,4)?

Saul was reached because the Church had become God’s mighty beam of light, and God could pour out His Spirit of greatness. His glorious light shining all the way from Heaven was brought down by the true children of God.

In this final hour, many that would not have been rescued from sin will be. Hardened hearts will be softened, saith the Lord, because of the light of God that will go forth from the children of God. God’s light will be seen; it will be witnessed through human beings today the way it was through the Early Church, only on a more grand scale. There will be many, many more multitudes won in this hour than were won in the very beginning because more vessels will be beaming His light to reveal Calvary.

The Almighty God of the Universe is ready to finish His plan of restoring all that was lost in the fall of man. He has waited thousands of years for this hour that has now come. In a wonderful way He is walking the earth with His people. He has clothed Himself in His greatness, reaching out through His Son’s nail-riven hands to take hold of human hands once more in miraculous ways. No longer does God walk with man in the Garden of Eden; now He walks with man outside on an earth that is cursed, a world of darkness.

People in Darkness Saw Great Light

God sent Jesus to be a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel (Luke 2:32). The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up (Matthew 4:16). Just as the people sat in darkness until Jesus brought them light, the world once again is sitting in darkness. God will use the Bride to show great light just before Rapture time. Circling the globe, His beam of light will shoot forth through the prayers, fastings and holy living of the Bride of Christ. Heaven will operate in perfection through vessels on Earth as it did when the very Son of God was here in a bodily form.

No power will be able to stand against the Bride. She will trample devils underfoot through the light of God. Having that light means having God’s knowledge, His wisdom for the people. As she carries His deliverance for them, multitudes will be brought into the Kingdom.

A Battle of Supernatural Forces

What a life-giving light is beaming forth today through the darkness of a lost and dying world! Those in devil worship, those following Lucifer will have an opportunity to see this light. For the moment their eyes will open and they will behold the powerful light of Heaven containing Calvary, the Resurrection, all the power of Heaven’s deliverance for all mankind. Revealing the incredible love of Almighty God for a disobedient race of people, the Lord will give them a chance to choose.

Going either to the left or to the right, people will step into the light of all God’s promises or else they will go into darkness for eternity. Two massive opposing supernatural forces are battling like never before. The devil knows he is close to the bottomless pit, to the lake of fire; and he will fight the plan of God ferociously. Every demon he has will be thrown into the battle. Each doubt he can plant in the minds of people about their God, he will. He wants to weaken God’s people. But the Bride is prepared for battle because she’s clothed in all the armor of God.

The miraculous hand of God is the Bride’s way-maker in her final steps. The world will be amazed, dumbfounded. But for those who desire the devil’s power, those who want Lucifer and his ways: nothing that God will do, saith the Lord, will take them away from Satan. They crave his spirit, his power.

Loving the Stench of Sin

Even after Christ has reigned on Earth one thousand years in the Perfect Age, people will follow the devil when he is loosed from the bottomless pit. Many, many people will he gather to himself. And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them (Revelation 20:7-9).

Why will multitudes yield to Satan’s call after being away from him for one thousand years? Because they do not want to bow to righteousness, holiness. They reject pure, clean living in favor of degrading themselves with all kinds of sins, satisfying every lust of the flesh. They love the life lived in darkness, the stench of sin. Having no desire for the Holy One who died for them, they are drawn to the contamination of Lucifer through the wickedness of their hearts. Soon Jesus will have no desire for them. They will be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 8:12). Never will they see the beam of God’s light again.

The beam of God’s light has searched for people down through the years, that poweful beam of God’s overwhelming love, mercy and yearning. Again and again it has come upon them, only to be rejected. But still that light beamed with the yearning of God as He whispered: Child, I love you! Come to me; I will give you rest. Come to me, and I will wash away all your sins. Come to Calvary, and be made new. I will make you a new creature. Come to me!

The Great White Throne Judgment

That searching light, that light with the tears of Calvary some day will be extinguished. Think of the multitudes who will cry for that light to shine one more time. But when that light goes out for them, it will never, never appear again. That light showing the way to Calvary will be absent from the White Throne Judgment; there it will be a light of judgment with no love, peace, deliverance or mercy in it. A light of total destruction, God’s judgment at the White Throne will be worse than all the earthquakes, all the destruction in which God has taken part in the past years.

What is the Great White Throne Judgment? John the Revelator speaks of it in Revelation 20: And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God…and they were judged every man according to their works. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:11-13,15). God means business.

The Last Invitation to Safety

We, the Bride, rejoice at His wondrous light; we’re thrilled over it. We’re keeping our lives spotless so the Lord can beam His light into us and then through us to a lost and dying world. Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). In obedience to the Lord’s command, we’re going everywhere in this final hour with His sacred beam of light. We go to light up the greatness of God, to give people God’s last invitation of love. The Bride is carrying the last invitation for mankind to get ready to meet the Lord in the air, to escape the Tribulation Period. It’s the last invitation to safety before total destruction. Behold, I come quickly (Revelation 3:11). Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come (Matthew 24:42).

All the greatness that makes up the tears of Calvary is in the Bride’s voice, in her life, in her spirit as she cries: Come to Jesus! Come to Jesus! She cannot be separated from His greatness; it’s a part of her. The Bride has given herself completely to Him; she has purchased the Pearl of Great Price. By choice she has taken Jesus.

God’s beam of truth will separate people from all that is false, all false doctrine—if they accept it. If they don’t, they will remain in the false, in deceit, and never be brought out. They received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness (II Thessalonians 2:10-12).

All God’s greatness goes into this beam of light. Its final penetration into the darkness will pass none by, shining at one time or another on every path to point the way to Calvary for all. The choice then is each individual’s: redemption or eternal damnation.

But God’s light showing the way to eternal life won’t shine very long. It’s countdown time now. The hands on the clock seem to be moving faster than they have in the past. Soon it will be night for those who refuse the light, total darkness.

The Bride, like Elijah of old, will be conscious down to the last moment of the hour. She will shine God’s light forth—not hers, but His. She will pay any price to send forth that light, making sure it’s the pure light of God, that it contains none of self. The divine light of the Almighty, the divine love, hope, delivering and saving power is what the Bride will shine forth. So alert, the Bride will discard anything that would dim that light.

All God’s Light Belongs to the Bride

As you travel carefully through the Old Testament and see God’s light shining there, realize that all God’s light belongs to the Bride. All His light is hers to shine forth in this final hour, this last hour, saith the Lord. All the light of all the prophets major and minor, all the light that brought the Israelites out of Egypt, all the light that led Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Daniel and many others who trusted in God is shining through the Bride—the light of the Isaiah’s, the Jeremiah’s. All the light of God’s mighty greatness in Old Testament days—the brilliant light at Sinai—belongs to the Bride in her final walk.

Not only the light of the Old Testament, but of the New is for the Bride. The light that Jesus projected, that He used to penetrate the darkness for mankind when He was here in a wrapper of clay, all the light that radiated through John the Baptist in a mighty way is for the Bride today.

What a beam of God’s eternal truth went forth from the wilderness of John as his voice was lifted up: Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight (Mark 1:3). God has had to work with His people—many of us for years—to bring us to this hour.

Think of the Almighty God of Heaven trusting people with His miraculous light—power sent forth, projected in this one final hour of greatness. What a mighty, mighty hour it is! No wonder the Bride will spend her time in fastings, prayers and the Holy Word! No wonder she will cling to the Old Rugged Cross, adorning herself in God’s promises, counting them more precious than all the money and gems on planet Earth! No wonder she will desire His riches instead of Earth’s wealth! She treasures each time He breathes upon her; she responds to His caresses of love and tender care. The trust that God places in her is profound.

The Lord considers nothing too difficult to serve His Bride. He will hear her voice at all times; no static interferes to jam the airways between her and Heaven. Heaven listens as the Bride speaks, backing up her commands in the name of Jesus. Devils have to obey because as she speaks the light of God goes forth from her, the same light that went forth from her Master, her Groom, her Lord and Savior Jesus. What a glorious hour she has come to!

An Increasing Reality of Jesus

The Bride has endured many battles, but none as severe as these last conflicts. She has traveled many valleys, but none as deep as the ones she is going through now. Many mountains she has climbed, but none so steep as those of this hour. In this dangerous hour, the Bride overcomes by drawing ever closer to Jesus.

The splendid reality the Bride has of Jesus will be much increased in her final hour. Heaven will be in her thoughts day and night, a part of her. A longing to be done with this vile, unclean world of sin and contamination urges her on to finish the Master’s work. Only the tears of Calvary for the lost hold her here. Laboring night and day, working all hours, the Bride will forget how weary she is as souls come into the Kingdom, as the Lord breathes upon her, strengthens her with the might of His greatness.

The Bride’s veil of consecration astounds even the angels. Never have they seen so many on Earth with the veil of Heaven’s dedication, consecration and separation. Spotless, clean as the angels—and as obedient—the Bride on planet Earth today is in her last hour.

Signs, Wonders, Miracles and Healings

How great is this light? As great as God. This light will penetrate every place of darkness. None will be able to say that they did not have a chance, that they didn’t have the light. God will see to it; Jesus said it would happen: And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come (Matthew 24:14).

The Gospel must be preached to all nations through the light of Heaven, the light of God with His signs, wonders, miracles and healings and nothing less. People today need to see wonders like those of the Early Church when fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles (Acts 2:43). The Early Church prayed: Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word, By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus (Acts 4:29,30). And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people (Acts 5:12). Those of that day who saw this great light of God wondered, beholding the miracles and signs which were done (Acts 8:13).

We, like the Early Church, are marching onward every day to see God’s greatness in action. We know God will do what He promised. We are His believers! Using His truth to cast down all darkness, we never will doubt Him.

The Bride Will See with His Vision

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life (John 8:12). We will see not only a rainbow of God’s promises; we will see the light of God illuminating our way. The Bride will know her way; for she will walk in His wisdom and knowledge. Not stumbling as one in the night, the Bride will see with His vision. She will use His love to conquer all fear. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear (I John 4:18). Although deep night covers planet Earth, the Bride will know her brightest day as she does battle. God will move for her the way He moved for Joshua, defeating the enemy. God will fight for her.

We read in Daniel 12:3 that they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. How brilliant is the light of God that will shine forever! It’s brighter than all the stars, the moon and sun. All the lights this side of Heaven are darkness compared to the light of God. It took a Calvary to give us this light.

Man made the light in the temple before Jesus came; it was to burn at all times, representing the eternal light. But no longer do we need man’s light burning in the temple; all we need is the light of God in our temples of clay. The Holy Ghost has come with the light of Heaven to burn brightly within us day and night. This light will never die. We don’t have to rise at midnight to see if the light is still burning in the temple; we know it is.

No stars will shine in Heaven, no sun. The beam from God’s people will help light the place—His light shining through them. How beautiful it will be!

God has given me a study of angels, let me see them as one would see another person. No matter how thick the darkness, they shine, illuminate. The light just one angel carries is amazing. But oh, Child of God, we will carry that divine light, too. The Bride of Christ—each member of the bridal company—will carry His light, light as radiant as any angelic being carries, light to brighten the sinner’s path to Calvary.

Treasure in Earthen Vessels

This is your hour, your special hour; and you must be aware of it. Never think defeat, but remember that you have become the light of God. The Bride is receiving the pouring out of the Holy Spirit in this hour. This pouring out will become greater and greater. The Bride is the reason that at last God has vessels of clay without spot, wrinkle. Without any contamination, the Bride is yielded completely to the Lord so He can pour all of Himself into those vessels of clay, all of His light.

The power, the greatness of the light of God goes into the vessels of the Bride. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us (II Corinthians 4:6,7). The light in these vessels shining out of the darkness to a lost and dying world draws many souls to the Lord. Come to the light! Come to the light!

The Light Used through the Supernatural Power of God

The Bride is so excited over the light that she pays no attention to scoffers other than recognizing how pitiful they really are. The Bride is searching the dark for those crying for the light. There are souls, saith the Lord, throughout the earth that are crying for the beam of God’s light right now. God has put this desire into their hearts. They don’t know yet what they’re crying for, but they want to know the way of life; they want life. We will arrive with the message of God, His wisdom in this light we carry; and those lost souls crying for the light will receive knowledge of what they desire. Hearing the message, the Gospel that is to be preached, all honest-hearted will drink it in. And then the end will come.

Until that time of the end, the Lord will hold back His all-out judgment, delay turning off His light for the earth. Thank God that we have this glorious light! Thank God we can carry it! Jesus is our faith-light, our love-light, our Word-light, our light of hope, patience, endurance, mercy, goodness, peace and righteousness. He is our light of fellowship, of companionship, security. The Bride will not fear, for the light of Jesus is everything to her. Jesus is her light in suffering, her example-light, her light of everything grand, wonderful and beautiful. All that the heart could desire is in the light of Jesus for the Bride. She accepts this light, carries it; and she has power to use it, God-given power. This light is used through the supernatural power of God because it’s a supernatural light.

Every Fetter Must Be Broken

All of Jesus, everything He brought and taught, is found in this light. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path (Psalm 119:105). This light will penetrate the despair, the discouragements of life. It will take away that which has hindered God’s people in the past. The Bride cannot be in bondage. Every fetter must be broken, pits of despair, oppression and depression a thing of the past. Jesus came to set the captives free. He said, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised (Luke 4:18). The Bride walks in the freedom and power of the Holy Spirit.

Remember, oh Child of God: you are the light of the world. God has given His obedient children the power to carry the light of Heaven, the light of the truth, the light of the Gospel message of salvation: the baptism in the Holy Ghost and the soon return of the King. In this light is no darkness, no ignorance, no despair, no discontentment. Nothing bad but everything good is in this light. It’s the never-dimming light of God that will beam forth from God’s holy celestial city as the eternal ages roll.

Bask in the Light of Heaven

We who make up the bridal company will bask in the light of Heaven, this light we are able to accept and let shine through us. This light changed our lives and gave us life. This light took our feet from the paths of destruction and established our goings on the highway of God’s holiness, in the purity and holiness of God. This beam of light the totally obedient will use day and night. It will be the power of the Most High. It will be the light of mighty deliverance, saith the Lord. Bringing many, many multitudes into the Kingdom, the light will open eyes of the very, very blind who have never been able to see Jesus as the Son of God, the Crucified One.

This light will shine for the Jews in the Tribulation Period, penetrate into their nation. A nation will be born in a day all because of this incredible light of God. The Bride must realize the unsurpassed power of the light she carries. We know the power of a flashlight, of house lights, of many different lights. Now we’re learning of the magnificent light of God and the power of it, what it will do and how to handle it. It will give light throughout the whole earth, saith the Lord, in this final hour for all to behold, for all to see. It will flash, shine brightly as God performs miracles, opens the eyes of the blind, heals the crippled, as He takes the hopelessly ill and makes them whole all over.

The Bride’s Hour of Victory

This is the Bride’s hour of victory. Walking in full assurance as Jesus walked, she will talk with His faith. The Bride will believe all the Father has promised just as Jesus believed it. She will talk to Heaven with the same complete assurance of its reality that Jesus had as He talked to the Father. Every command of His, the Bride will carry out. At last she is like Him. The light will shine through the Bride the way it was able to shine through Him, the divine One who came down from Heaven.

Your shouts of praise in your victorious hour will be heard by Heaven. Glorify God as never before. His light will strengthen your life, your heart. Sending forth this beam of light through the anointing of the Holy Ghost, you will witness the mighty results of complete victory. In this marvelous light the Bride will lift up her head, seeing only Jesus in all His love, attention, yearning for her.

Changed in a Moment, in the Twinkling of an Eye

Like Elijah of old, the Bride knows going-home time is just ahead. Every step takes her closer to Rapture ground, and she is very much aware that only the miraculous power of God will get her there. The Lord revealed this in Elijah; it took that last amazing miracle to put him on Rapture ground. He had the mantle of God, and Elijah took his mantle, and wrapped it together, and smote the waters, and they were divided hither and thither, so that they two [Elijah and Elisha] went over on dry ground. And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven (II Kings 2:8,11).

This mighty, eternal light that dwells within the Bride will draw her to Him ever closer and closer until it takes her to Rapture ground. In those final few moments, the Bride, beaming that incredible light of God, will proclaim: The King is coming! The King is coming! The King is coming! After that last mighty miracle has been performed through the power of this incomparable light, the Bride will step onto Rapture ground. Her eagerly listening ears will hear the cry, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him (Matthew 25:6). Then she’ll give a mighty shout: The King is here! Oh, hallelujah, the King is here! No more waiting for the Bride as she meets the One she loves in midair.

This light of God, the greatness of the power of Heaven, of the Holy Ghost will change the Bride in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed (I Corinthians 15:51,52).

Thank God for His light! This is not only our great hour; this is Heaven’s great hour, God the Father’s great hour. It’s the hour of His miraculous might and power.

Yea, saith the Lord: I will beam my gracious light of Calvary through you, Child of mine. I will show the brightness of my salvation through my light that I will shine through you. I will use you. My plan is to use each child of mine in a very special way in this final hour. I will be with you, and I will make your paths plain. You will depend on my knowledge and my wisdom. You will speak my heart, and it will be with love that will amaze you, with kindness and tenderness that will dumbfound you. It will bring the multitudes into my Kingdom, saith the Lord. I will show my light like the earth has never beheld it. It will be on display in this your final hour. You will know that your Lord cometh, and you will cry aloud: Redemption draweth nigh! Redemption draweth nigh!

My Gospel of light will penetrate into the darkness because of the yielded vessel you will be in my hands. My light will be used in perfection through each dedicated, yielded child of God.

Hear the cry of the lost, the lost out in darkness of the night; and it will help you to yield completely to my light, to my life. You will be what I desire you to be. You will be a vessel of honor, and I will use you like I use my own hands. You will be my instruments of righteousness, and multitudes will be brought into the Kingdom. If you fail, multitudes will die and go to hell, saith the Lord.

Be not afraid. Walk in the light of the life of your Lord, and deliverance will be yours and will be for your loved ones. The Bride, God’s beam of light, will be used to light up the paths for those who sit in darkness. Multitudes will find their way to Calvary and the Upper Room, made ready to meet their Lord in the air. Oh, hallelujah, our Lord cometh!

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