God told me He wanted you to take another look at Him. This will help your faith. Taking another look at God again and again has given me great faith. Always excited about Him, I’m forever taking another look at God. I rejoice in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Through the Holy Spirit I get every revelation I can from the Word of God, every explanation of every Scripture that I want to know more of. God gives me much from His Word. Feasting and feeding off the Word of the Living God, I seek to go ever deeper in Him.

Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me (Jeremiah 32:27)? How many times do you think that nothing is too hard for God? Say it to yourself countless times, dwell on it and have faith in it. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God (Luke 4:4).

In Genesis we read, In the beginning God (Genesis 1:1). If you want to learn more about God, Genesis is a book filled with the reality of His works. In the beginning, God created the heaven and earth; He created it all. God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Darkness covered the earth, and God separated it with the light. His light separates. He separated the water and land, and quite a big separation it was, too. God did it. God created everything; He commanded it into existence. He commanded there to be a sun; He spoke it into existence, and He did the same with the moon and stars. My God spoke it all into being.

Will you lay claim to God’s creative power? What He says comes to pass because He is the Lord. For I am the LORD: I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass (Ezekiel 12:25) I the LORD have spoken it: it shall come to pass, and I will do it; I will not go back, neither will I spare, neither will I repent (Ezekiel 24:14). That’s God. You can trust His Word completely. Why should you ever doubt Him?

My Family Served Me God

I don’t doubt God; even when I was a sinner I didn’t doubt Him. I had been given so much faith and seen so much of God in our home, so many miracles, that it didn’t occur to me to doubt Him. God prepared me, schooled me for the work He had for me to do. Faith was served me by a loving mother and father and two loving sisters along with the good preachers and Sunday School teachers who I had. I never remember not being interested in the Lord. He told me that the angel of the Lord was in the room when I was born, that He marked me in my mother’s womb for this hour.

A Voice Warned Me

I didn’t understand my life until the Lord explained it to me. If I started to do things wrong, a voice would warn me against it again and again. I remember in the days of the Great Depression when as a boy I would be tempted at times to take something that didn’t belong to me, and a voice would say: You’ll have to take it back when you get saved. I thought, Well, I’m not going to take it if I have to take it back—how embarrassing! I really wasn’t a thief at heart; I had been taught better. I just needed different things that I didn’t have any money to buy.

Later I was glad for the warning—not necessarily at the time, however. I didn’t know it then, but surely the warning was from the angel of the Lord, for that’s the way he talks to me now and tells me things about people, about the miracles before they take place. He tells where the miracle is taking place and how many are being healed of various ailments. I’m in two worlds in the miracle services; in one I’m dealing with people, listening to them, talking to them; in the other, I’m listening to the angel of the Lord telling me about the people; I’m going into visions and revelations of their conditions, seeing devils that bind the souls of sinners and seeing the Cross lit up with the glory of God for the saved. Day and night I’m subject to have many revelations and visions from the Lord. I had never thought such a thing could be possible.

Prayer and Fasting

It’s taken a lot of years and much fasting to reach this point in the Lord. Jesus said, Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21). I’m not about to go hungry for forty days and not get a prayer through. When I fast forty days, I close my case; it’s in the hands of God. I don’t go back to take it out of His hands.

I’ve always been able to reach God with forty days of fasting. I’ve reached Him for great things in the work. Sometimes the workload is very heavy. For example, when we were building the Cathedral the Lord said, I want you to fast forty days. It was the only time I ever talked to God about a fast. God, it seems I’m physically doing all I can do in this building program, but if you want me to fast forty days, you’ll have to give me strength. And He gave me miraculous strength. It was as though I weren’t on a fast. He fed me spiritually. I received that strength and went into the miracle services hardly aware that I had not eaten in weeks.

When God calls for a fast, remember that Jesus said we would not live by bread alone, but by God’s Word. When you fast, it’s time to eat the Word, to dine on it. When you’re not in your prayer closet, quote the Word to yourself, review it in your mind. Always learn scriptures so you can quote them. Like a hungry person carrying a basket of food so he or she can reach down and get a big sandwich any time the need is felt, reach for the Word. When the going gets hard on a fast, think about souls, souls, souls!

God Gives Visions

I think often of the vision I had of multitudes, multitudes in all directions, souls to win. Although I didn’t know at the time that we would be on television, the Lord said, Tell my people that if they fail, these will die and go to hell. There I was in the vision reaching to people throughout the whole world; it felt as though my voice were being magnified; I could hear it going in every direction on the earth. The Lord was showing me the world-wide outreach that would be on television and radio, and I didn’t know it until later. I have since learned that my voice will be lifted in this final hour to the ends of the earth, to every nation under the sun; in fact the fulfillment of this vision is underway.

When God shows you something in a vision, you later walk back into it in all reality; He is showing you what will take place in the future. With diligence I watch every detail the Lord shows me in a vision. If it’s in a room, I want to know where the furniture is placed. Are there draperies? How many chairs or sofas? Is the floor bare or carpeted? And so on. Why? Because I know I will walk back into that vision in reality whether or not it will be soon or years later.

The Word of God Is Your Safety

God will never let the devil completely counterfeit any vision He gives. However, the devil can fool some because they haven’t looked at the vision closely enough and don’t pick up on the changes the devil has made in trying to copy the vision. Study the vision. Take everything to the Word of God and make sure there is no disagreement with the Word. In the divine visitation in 1954 the Lord told me the Word would be my safety. Every vision, every miracle, every manifestation had to go to the Word of God. If it fit the Word, then it was real.

I take everything to the Word. If I’m dealing with you, I take you to the Word, your spirit, your life. In fact, I take myself to the Word. Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves (II Corinthians 13:5).

Seek to Please the Lord

I never seek to make myself a perfect day; I seek to make the Lord a perfect day. I leave my day in His hands. At the close of the day, I ask, Lord, have I made you a perfect day? If the Holy Spirit bears witness that I have, it’s fine with me. I have completed that day and the Lord’s grace has been upon it. I want to please God.

When He was here on Earth, Jesus pleased the Father. He said just what the Father gave Him to say. I give what comes from Heaven; I depend on Heaven.

Be Prayed Up

In the prayer line I do very little praying. Why? I have prayed beforehand, and I am ready to touch the people with God’s miraculous healing and delivering power.

Take another look at God. He wants you to take another look in the light of what He is telling you in this sermon. Jesus didn’t spend a lot of time praying for the sick; He commanded the miracle to be done, and it happened.

After the disciples went to the Upper Room and received power from on High, the gifts of the Holy Spirit began to work in their lives; they commanded the miracle or healing or deliverance to be done and it happened.

At the Gate Beautiful Peter and John met a certain man lame from his mother’s womb…whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple; Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms. And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us. And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them. Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God (Acts 3:2-8). Peter in the name of Jesus simply commanded the man to rise up and walk, and the amazing miracle took place!

Some people who come to me for prayer try to tell me their life’s story. But as they’re talking, the power of God is already flowing, and their talking is holding back the power of God. It’s already gone into my arm, down into my hand and I can scarcely wait for the person to stop talking and be healed. They don’t have to tell me all about it; I’m not the healer; God is. When the power of God comes on me, it’s time to stop talking; the Lord knows your history better than you.

Take another look at God. He spoke everything into existence, but when He was ready to make man, He got down into the dirt and made him out of dirt, out of the dust of the earth.

We must be thankful that it was God who created us, and not people who could never create a soul that comes from the breath of God. God made a perfect man and gave him a perfect soul that could never die. The body made of the dust of the earth was never intended to experience sickness or death. The greatness of God created man that way. Sin brought the change.

The Curse Will Be Lifted One Day

Since sin entered, our bodies last only a few years. Adam and Eve brought the curse on the earth and on the body of the human race. But on the next body, the glorified body we will receive in Heaven, no man, woman or devil will be able to bring a curse. We will have glorified bodies just like God the Father, God the Son. Jesus came to Earth, took on a body, a house of clay and lived in it for over thirty years. That body was killed, exchanged for a new body that could walk right through unopened doors. When Jesus was ready to go to Heaven, He simply ascended up.

Do You Doubt That God Exists?

Man is working hard to get to different planets. Why care if any water is up there? We’re going beyond those planets to where a river of life is flowing. The Bible says so, but many who don’t believe the Word keep trying to discover things. Ego has a lot to do with it. If they would think about Heaven, it would be different, but many will never see it, for they don’t really trust in God or believe in Him—the God who created the universe.

In the movies many writers and directors include indecent scenes, degraded words because they don’t believe in God. I heard a famous actress who died not long ago say that she wasn’t sure a higher power existed. She knows it now, but she can’t get to that holy place. Starring in many pictures, she had lived in sin with a married man. She didn’t believe in God.

The Missing Rib

The Lord made a man out of dirt, but woman He created out of a little piece of bone. Out of one little rib, God made a beautiful woman. Men, find your missing rib. I found my rib, called Angel. I wasn’t going to let my rib get away; I was too glad to find her. If you didn’t find the right rib, you should have waited. I want my rib for all eternity.

Do you believe God made a woman out of one little bone from a man made of dust? If so, you should know God can heal you, that He can re-create any part of you. We will have much re-creative power working throughout the world in this final hour. I have seen it; the Lord is already using much of that power. In my services He is performing re-creative miracles even on the heathen. I can get them to believe God’s miracle-working power much faster than I can convince the people in America to believe it.

Thousands Are Delivered

When the heathen are told that witchcraft, voodooism are of the devil, thousands let go of it at one time, and the Lord saves, delivers and heals them. I’ve seen God baptize over sixty thousand in the Holy Ghost in a few minutes. God is re-creating hearts, lungs, delivering and setting the captives free, and it’s wonderful!

Healing people of deafness takes miracles of re-creation. Nerve deafness has no cure in man’s medical knowledge, but it’s easy for the Lord to cure it. He has done it countless times. He re-creates the nerves in the ears, in the face or in any part of the body that needs it.

Many cripples will be healed in this final hour. In the divine visitation in 1954 I had seen twisted legs become like melted wax, return to normal, and the person stood up and walked. The Lord showed me empty eye sockets and then through His miracle power put eyes into them. The devil will continue to reveal himself, but God will reveal Himself in a greater way. Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound (Romans 5:20). The grace of God will abound through His mighty works, saith the Lord, through His mighty hand. This is the hour for it.

Hearts Are Evil Continually

The Lord looked upon the earth and saw that every thought of men’s heart was evil continually. Only one man, Noah, found grace in the eyes of God. The Lord God Almighty waited one hundred twenty years for the Noah family to build an ark. Not another soul during that time was saved or made fit to go into the ark; they all remained wicked. People on the earth are in the same condition today. Television is filled with dirty, unclean works, thoughts and actions. Much of what comes through the set is evil, damnable. Many churches in these latter days overlook all kinds of sins, all kinds of evil. Jesus said the latter days would be like the days of Noah, the days of Lot. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed (Luke 17:27-30). When will the Son be revealed? When He comes the second time at the Rapture. You see how the world is going the way of the devil: same sex marriage, couples living together without marriage, crime, hatred, violence, deceit, lies and blasphemy. The Lord said it would come. Jesus prophesied that conditions in the latter days would be just like they were in the days of Noah and in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Indeed it is the same.

Two angels came into Sodom. The homosexuals there, thinking the angels were men, went after them at Lot’s house. Lot offered his daughters to save the visitors; he didn’t know then that the visitors were angels. The angels reached out, pulled Lot into the house and struck the men outside with blindness.

We’re in a crucial hour, and all these damnable things we read about that caused the Lord to send judgment are soon to come. It’s a takeover by the devil; you had better be getting ready to leave when Jesus comes again. We don’t have much longer. Don’t you feel the strength of the Rapture power? Don’t you feel the greatness of the drawing of the Spirit of the Lord upon you?

Run After Jesus

In the Song of Solomon the Bride is saying, Draw me, we will run after thee (Song of Solomon 1:4). We won’t walk after Jesus; we will run! The Groom is leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills (Song of Solomon 2:8). Jesus is now leaping from mountain to mountain with the Bride, skipping over the hills in gladness and joy. This is the hour prophesied about so many years ago. Jesus said that when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors (Matthew 24:33). He went on to say, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled (Matthew 24:34). We are the Rapture generation.

Gentiles and Jews Alike Are Rejecting Jesus

In 1948 the Jewish state was set up, marking the gathering back of the Jews to the Promised Land that had been prophesied thousands of years ago. Had they obeyed God, they today wouldn’t be in the trouble they are in, but they keep rejecting Jesus Christ. A few years ago certain Israelis tried to get a law passed stating in effect that anyone who believed in Jesus could not be a citizen of Israel. But still Israel takes billions of dollars from us, a Christian nation. Face it, they are walking far off from God.

Some preachers urge people to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, but we don’t find that instruction in the New Testament. If the inhabitants of Jerusalem will accept Jesus Christ, they will find peace. But as long as they reject the Prince of Peace they will have no peace. I’m going to pray for the lost, for people who will surrender to God. It doesn’t mean we hate people, certainly not the Jewish people; but by not obeying God, they are just as disobedient as they ever were in the Old Testament.

Pilate asked the Jews, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified. Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children (Matthew 27:22,25). Until the Jews accept that blood and repent of their sins, they are guilty just as though they had driven the spikes into His hands and feet. Gentile sinners today as well are as guilty as the ones who crucified Jesus because they are trampling His precious blood underfoot. If you are not serving God, you are guilty.

The Fire of the Holy Ghost

The great God of the universe sent Moses on his mission with the fire of the Holy Ghost. Not until Moses was at the burning bush, a type of the Holy Spirit, did God tell him to free His people.

The Lord did not send us to the world until we went to the Upper Room. We had to have this fire. People who don’t have the Holy Ghost fire are not ordained by God to reach the world in this final hour. You must have the fire. I wouldn’t take up God’s time going to the nations if I didn’t have the fire, but the fire of the Holy Ghost is burning and His gifts in my life, operating by the Holy Ghost, work through that fire. Thank God for the fire of the Holy Ghost!

We’ve taken a front seat on the firing line and the devil is shooting at us. Now is the time to realize what a great God we have who makes us bulletproof! The Bible tells us to use the shield of faith. When you do that, the enemy’s darts will fall harmlessly at your feet.

Where is your faith? Do you sing a lullaby to it to put it to sleep? Do you sing to your faith or do you use it against the devil? Do you use it to get the work done? Do you use it against the powers of hell? Do you use it against the Antichrist and what he is doing today?

Your Thoughts Can Defeat You

Check your thoughts. If you’re not careful, they can defeat you, destroy you, make you weak at best. Your thoughts can hinder your miracle. On the other hand, if you think the way God thinks you will be victorious. He gave us things to think about through the blood. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:8). Think like Jesus, walk, talk and be just like Jesus. Be able to say and mean it: Father, you always hear me! I’m glad I can cry those words to the Lord! I know the Lord always hears me. He knows I leave everything in His hands.

Thy Will Be Done

Not my will, but thine be done, Lord, is my standard. If you struggle constantly with the Word, you have a will of your own, not God’s will. Some stubbornness is in it; you have not submitted to the will of God. Know the will of God, know what it is for you. One day I found what the will of God was for me, and I took it, wanting nothing less.

For years, Moses didn’t know what God expected of him; but he was to learn it. When Moses saw what the fire of the Holy Spirit, what the pillar of fire would do, how the enemies of God could not cross the bloodline of Holy Ghost fire, he bowed to that overcoming power.

Many Pentecostal people today throughout the world have lost the old-time fire. Their churches do not have a big Sunday night service for the sinners. If they have a service, it’s a short one. When I was a boy, the Sunday night service was open to the sinners and revival fires were falling. People were saved, healed and delivered.

It’s time to yield to the Lord. You can’t get the Lord’s work done through your own will; it has to be through His. Jesus proved that when He said, Nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done (Luke 22:42). Doing God’s will was foremost on Jesus’ mind: Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God (Hebrews 10:7). Every morning I start the day with: I have come to do thy will, oh, God. I have come to do the best that you want. My life is on the line; I put it there years ago when I was being so persecuted that I could have walked out and willingly died for the sake of Christ. I still have that spirit: I can live or die for the sake of Christ. Everything of self is under the blood.

When you give over to the power of the Lord, not ashamed of Him and He is not ashamed of you, you will draw people to you with your Jesus personality.

Imprisoned in Germany

In Germany I went to prison for His sake, for preaching Christ and praying for the sick. God sent judgment, a terrible hailstorm, but first He waited for us to leave the country. A reporter told me I had been framed. Thirty policemen, two prosecuting attorneys, and twenty-five reporters were in my service that night to arrest one preacher. It had already been given to the wire service in America that my service had been stopped an hour-and-a-half after it began and all the money I collected had been confiscated. However, I took no collection that night, not a penny. The authorities were disappointed as well as embarrassed. They couldn’t stop the service early; the Lord held them back and the service lasted until about 12:30 the next morning. People were being delivered, God was slaying people in the Spirit. A few police were put into the healing line, but God didn’t move on me to take any time with them; I just touched them and let them pass on. Had I told them they weren’t sick, they would have called me a fake and said they really were sick. The Lord didn’t want anything to do with them. He was angry, and soon judgment was poured out.

God’s Promises Are Conditional

Don’t consider yourself; consider God. Stop looking at what people in your family have died of; you don’t have to die with it. Jesus became a curse so He could lift the curse of sin and disease. Even in the Old Testament the Lord said, And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee (Exodus 23:25). If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee (Exodus 15:26).

But note: All God’s promises of healing carry the conditions of obedience and holy living. And the LORD will take away from thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee; but will lay them upon all them that hate thee (Deuteronomy 7:15).

Decide that you are going to keep well. Don’t expect to be afflicted with any kind of disease that has been in your family. It’s true that diseases are handed down in families from generation to generation, but you can cut them off through the blood. I’m not afraid of having any disease that has been in my generations; they all have been cut off through the blood. It’s the same as if they never had been in the family.

No Devil Can Stand Before the Blood

I teach people on foreign soil to not be afraid of witchcraft. Come out of it; get salvation so the witchdoctors won’t be able to put any spell on you. If you have Jesus in your heart, you have the divine blood, and they can’t touch the blood; you are God’s property. The devil has no say over you except what you accept from him—and you don’t have to accept anything at all. He has no right to talk to you; don’t listen to him.

You have no room in your life to contain one bit of doubt toward God. Stop doubting Him. Open the Bible and ask yourself if you can doubt this kind of God, the God of Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Elijah, Elisha, and others. Can you doubt the God they served, the God who answered by fire?

God has answered by fire today. If you don’t have that fire: Get it! Are you afraid to praise the Lord? If so, come out of it! Praise God; glorify His name. Don’t call praising God fanaticism; clap your hands as you shout His praises. Make a joyful noise to the Lord, the Bible tells us.

Do You Really Have Jesus?

If you are unsure of your salvation, why not pray the sinners’ prayer with me now? Give your heart totally to Him and live for Him in all His glorious love and faith.

Oh, God, I am lost! I’m so sorry that I sinned against you, but I’ve come home. I’m going to serve you, Lord, the rest of my life. I believe that Jesus died for me. I will live for Him. I believe the blood of Jesus washes away all my sins, all of them! Come into my heart, Jesus! Come on in!

If you meant that prayer, He has come.

This Is Your Hour

As many as touched Jesus were healed. The people besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment: and as many as touched were made perfectly whole (Matthew 14:36). Now that you’ve been born again, you can be healed wherever you are. Take another look at the Lord. Take another look at your God, at His greatness and power. Take another look. Get interested in the Lord’s miracles; never turn your back on the Lord when He is performing miracles. I sanctify the Lord God; I declare the miracles and healings are His.

I am the Lord that healeth thee. I am the Lord that delivereth thee. This is your hour, saith the Lord. You can be made well. It’s my will to make you whole. It’s my will; don’t hinder me.

The Lord wants to make you whole. In the name of Jesus I call the blood power and the fire of the Holy Ghost upon you. Be thou made whole! The blood and the fire made me well all over when I had been so close to death, and it can do the same for you. I had thought for sure I was about to die, and then the miracle took place. Jesus had come, just like He has come for you. He is here and the power of God is falling.

You who need healing: Get ready for the Lord to move for you now. Lord, I bring the sick and afflicted, the cancer victims, the diabetics, the heart patients, those afflicted with HIV/AIDS and other diseases. In the name of Jesus, Heal! Heal!

The healing power is flowing, flowing. Get well and take God’s blessings into your life each day. It’s not night; it’s daytime in Heaven right now. It’s Heaven’s daytime and the angels are rejoicing. Let the Lord have His way. Keep your mind on the Lord. I’m here, saith the Lord, to give you this mighty anointing. If you use it, it will make you whole. But you have to use it daily without doubting, saith the Lord. Open your heart’s door and let the Holy Ghost take over and pour this anointing right into your soul, your innermost being. God is in this place. Take another look at the God of all flesh; nothing is too hard for Him. Give over to the Holy Spirit and be made well.

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