God Took Us into the Miracle Power in Ghana
by Ernest Angley
August 1998
The sunrise of God’s power dawned in Ghana, West Africa. God moved there in an unbelievable way, and His revival fires are blazing. And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh (Acts 2:17). God is pouring out His Holy Spirit on all flesh, pouring out the reality of His love upon people through the power of the Holy Ghost. We were in the very presence of the Lord as He worked with us in this time of refreshing. In moments the Gospel was sown and souls were reaped.
Ministers’ Meeting, Tuesday, January 20
In the ministers’ meeting, I talked about the cost of untying God’s hands, the price of love and compassion that makes a person willing to give his life for Jesus. God’s greatest work today is soul winning. Souls are our business.
I have never seen God move more for ministers, bringing them into the pathway of His greatness the way He did in Kumasi. We were in Kumasi last year, but the ministers’ meeting this time was so much greater. Just about every minister was changed, the Pentecostals and the non–Pentecostals. When God got through, you couldn’t tell the difference.
At the end of the sermon as I was preparing to leave, there was an outpouring of the Holy Ghost, and this message was given:
I am the Lord thy God. I have sent my servant to you because there are many souls on the verge of eternity without me. I could not wait to send him later. It was necessary that he come now. By me bringing him to you now, there will be many in Heaven that would not have gone. I am your Lord, and I love you and I love your lost. And I have sent my servant with my gifts, with my love, with my power to set the captives free. I will deliver your devil possessed. I will heal your sick and afflicted. I will give freedom and liberty in my Spirit. I will turn many to righteousness through the greatness of my mighty hand, and you will behold my glory. And you will know that I the Lord thy God sent my servant unto you. I will send multitudes of angels. I will give signs and wonders. I will open up the heavens, and I will rain down my love power that those who are in darkness will see my mighty love light. And those who want my light will come to me, and those that reject my light—many of them—I will never strive with them again. I am giving them one more chance. They’re walking in darkness and worshiping the devil. No more. They will leave the power of the devil; they will leave all witchcraft behind or they will blaspheme against my Spirit and be doomed for time and eternity. They have grieved and grieved my Spirit. They have trampled the love of their Maker underfoot. They have counted the blood of my Son unholy. But I in my mercy offer many of them one last chance, and then I will remember them no more. I will give them no more love. I will offer them no more help. I will turn them completely over to the devil. I will never remember them throughout eternity. And I call to this people for divine blood separation. Separate into my blood and remain there. My blood is life. My blood is all the power you need. My blood will defeat the devil and all the powers of darkness. Let not your heart be troubled. If you put your trust in the God that made you, I will give you power to defeat all demonic spirits that seek to defeat you. I am the Lord God of all power, and I the Lord thy God hath spoken, and I will do it, saith the Lord.
The Lord promised to give power to defeat all demonic spirits that seek to defeat those who put their trust in the God who made them. What a promise the Lord gave those ministers! That’s why so many of them changed, yielded. It was a yielding time.
God in the Kumasi crusade did just what He promised in the Holy Ghost message. Ahead of time, the Lord told the ministers He would give signs and wonders. God said it; God did it.
Wednesday, January 21
Greeting the crowd in the first service, I said: “God bless you! God bless you! Get ready for the power of God with His signs, wonders, miracles and healings. This is holy ground now, multitudes of angels will join us. We sanctify it in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost for the Lord to take over completely, a takeover by the Holy Spirit.”
As the trio sang “There’s Still Time For A Miracle,” the Lord let me know that 199 people were cured of AIDS. Some were not in attendance; they were the loved ones of the people there who had been pulling for and praying for them. One hundred ninety–nine miracles came already in the first service for AIDS—cured, healed.
People in Witchcraft Given One Last Chance
God moved against witchcraft in an unbelievable way that night. I told the people, “I’m here because I was sent of God. God wanted me to come back. I’m on a mission for special souls. There are souls here who will never accept the Lord if they don’t accept Him in these two services. They will blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, and God will never strive with them again. This is the hour of great reckoning. This is an hour of godly fear. God will deliver you if you yield to Him, but you can turn away from Him tonight, and when you do you are saying, God I don’t want the blood of your Son Jesus. I want witchcraft, the power of the devil for me and mine. Separate from witchcraft or else God will write you off. You will be eternally in a burning lake of fire, a living death of torment. Eternity is forever. Decide to renounce everything unlike God, and that includes witchcraft. The Lord knows if you are taking part in it or are influenced by it in any way.”
The gift of knowledge uncovered witchcraft in different people, giving them a chance to turn their backs on sin and the powers of the devil or be lost forever.
“A person in this section keeps leaning to witchcraft. You have come to the Lord, but you still have that feeling for witchcraft. Unless you get rid of it, you are going to die, and you are going to die without God. You will die within three months time, saith the Lord.
“There is another person over here: You’re involved in witchcraft. You go to church each Sunday, and people think you are living for God. But you’re not. The Lord is going to turn His back on you. Unless you yield to God in this service tonight, you will seal your doom, saith the Lord. He will never strive with you again. Hell will be your destiny for all eternity.
“Another person in witchcraft: You are very religious on the outside, but the demons of witchcraft have you. You are on the verge of committing blasphemy. God sent me to rescue you. This is your last chance. Unless you surrender tonight and get rid of witchcraft, you will die without hope, without God because God will turn His back on you to never hear your voice again.
“To my left is a whole family in witchcraft. You try to make people think you love God, but you love the devil’s power more. Behind the scenes your hearts are given over to the demons of witchcraft. God is giving this family a chance tonight to surrender to God. I saw this witchcraft in the vision awhile ago. I was looking at witchcraft part of the time while the trio was singing. God shows it to me, and God will turn His back on your family if you don’t surrender to God. God sent me to rescue you. He loves you, but He doesn’t love what you’re doing. This is your hour of visitation.
“There is a person close to a certain ministry, and you’re in witchcraft. You go to church and shout as much as anyone else, but you’re bound with demonic powers, and God’s going to cut you off. God sent me to rescue you. If you don’t surrender in these two services, God will never send me or anyone else your way again because He will write you off. You will be doomed. His Spirit will never deal with you. You’re not going to be able to work in witchcraft or give over to witchcraft in any way and walk with the Lord. God showed me in the vision He wants all witchcraft cleared out. He showed me in the vision awhile ago what He did last year in the crusade. He cleared out much witchcraft when I was here before. There were many, many people—numbers and numbers here tonight—who were delivered last year from that spirit of witchcraft.
“There is a person afflicted in your body; there’s witchcraft in your family. You’re not in witchcraft yourself, but you are around them much, and God can’t do with you what He wants to do. You will have to separate from them. You cannot fellowship with those in witchcraft. You must love God that much, and God will heal you. You have a severe illness, and the doctors are not able to cure you. It would be awful for you to let those related to you in witchcraft draw you into the power of eternal darkness. My God!
“The person over there: You’re in witchcraft: Your mother and grandmother are in witchcraft. God brought you here tonight; He sent me to rescue you, but if you don’t give your heart to God, you will be doomed after this night. This will be the last time God will ever draw you. You may go to church and you may go to crusades, but there won’t be any God drawing you, and you can’t come to the Lord unless you are drawn by His Holy Spirit.
“Another person: You have crippling arthritis working in your system. You in your spirit are leaning to witchcraft; you have never gotten completely away from it. Some of your closest friends think you are away from it, but you are not, saith the Lord. If you give your heart to God, the Lord will heal you, but if not you will get in an awful, awful crippled condition, and witchcraft won’t be able to deliver you.
“The person over here, you’ve had a narrow escape from death three different times, and you are in witchcraft. God sent me to rescue you. The next time He isn’t going to look out for you unless you surrender to Him. He has spared your life; He’s giving you this chance.”
I knew that there were people who would turn their backs on God forever in the services. The very next night a number of people blasphemed against the Holy Ghost and the Lord will never strive with them again. Some became as dead men, others fled from the presence of God. Perhaps one hundred or more fled on that second night and doomed their souls. They loved the power of the devil and didn’t want to be free. I knew ahead of time they were going to be doomed. I knew in this first service that they would have only one more opportunity. But the multitudes who would stay, yielded to God. I have never been in services quite like these in Ghana.
Angels surrounded the place, holding back the powers of hell. Angels were there to drive back the powers of witchcraft so that all who wanted could breathe in the Holy Spirit and accept what God had for them.
In a vision I saw the powers of witchcraft defeated. I told the people that no power is like the power of God; His power is supreme. No power can defeat it. “Don’t fear witchcraft. No one can put a spell on a soul covered with the blood; no power can take over one born of the blood of Jesus. If another one tries, claim the power in the blood, and that one will leave.”
Total Obedience
The sermon that night was on total obedience.
When Jesus made the first miracle, He turned water into wine. Mary said to the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it (John 2:5). Jesus told them to fill pots with water. All the Lord needs is total obedience to bring miracles. The servants had to have great faith to fill pots to the brim and expect the water to become wine. In faith we must be obedient to the Lord no matter what He tells us to do; and if we are, He will do all He promised. Take God’s promises from the Word and trust them. The Holy Spirit will help you use God’s promises; they will work. The formula for all time: Whatsoever He tells you, do it.
It’s simple to get a miracle. Believers lay hands on the sick and they get well. They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover (Mark 16:18). That’s a promise.
Anointed prayer cloths are sent to people as a point of contact to release their faith, and people are healed. And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them (Acts 19:11,12). God is great. He speaks and what He says comes to pass because He is the Lord. Trust Him in total obedience.
Many Hundreds Pointed Out for Miracles
The healing line came. People with no sense of smell, people who were deaf in one or both ears and people who were deaf and dumb received miracles. After that, God began pointing out people by the hundreds for miracles: 475 with a blood condition; 971 with a back condition; 809 people with foot problems.
The gift of knowledge again penetrated deeply into lives: “A person over here has had a nervous breakdown and is on the verge of another: You must serve God. You have been in witchcraft, and you are not rid of all its influence. That’s the reason your walk with God hasn’t been a real walk. But the Lord in His great compassion offered you deliverance in this service tonight through the precious blood of Jesus. If you’ll separate completely from all the spirits of witchcraft, stop associating with those in it, the Lord will give you good health, saith the Lord.
“A person: You have been much trouble, you have robbed and committed another awful crime. If you will give your heart to God, He will deliver you. You have AIDS. Death is working in your body. The thing for you to do is yield your life to God—you didn’t do it awhile ago. But you’re going to die if you don’t give your heart to God. God is your only hope.”
There were many more people pointed out. In detail, the Lord went into the lives of people, telling them things they knew I could not possibly know. They understood that the information had to come from the Lord, He was that mindful of them, and His revelations made His love real, made it easy for them to release their faith to accept the miracle.
“A lady is here whose child was born deformed. The child will never come out unless you separate completely from witchcraft. You have taken your child to more than one witch doctor to be delivered. It won’t work, saith the Lord. But if you will give your heart to God, really serve God and promise God you will never have anything to do with the devil’s works again, the Lord will heal your child. But your child will never be healed unless you turn your back on witchcraft completely and serve the Lord.
“The person over there in the vision: You have a very troubled, troubled mind. You have been planning suicide, haven’t you? You almost took your life last week, but the Lord spared you. You heard a special noise; the Spirit of the Lord made that noise that got your attention and it kept you from suicide. The Lord sent me to rescue you. You can be free from those mental devils. In the name of Jesus I command it done! I command you to never, never listen to that spirit that tried to get you to take your very life. You’ve got to give your heart to God and serve God or you will commit suicide. The Lord loves you, and He really rescued you through His Holy Spirit. The God of miracles lives.
“The daddy back there: You have a number of children. But you have been a cruel, cruel father. You have caused your children to hate to be around you. They are growing up despising you. You will be the cause of more than one going to hell if you don’t change. Instead of serving them love, you have served them hate, saith the Lord. The Lord loves your children, and you have grieved the heart of God. Daddy, give your heart to God tonight in this service, and take this great love of God to your children. Serve it to them daily, and it will change their outlook on life.
“A person is here who is very needy. Again and again you have eaten garbage. You brought it on yourself by your degraded life you have lived. You have given yourself so completely to the devil, and there’s been no room in your life for God. You don’t think God cares or even notices you. You have resentment in your heart that has turned into hatred toward God, but it wasn’t God’s fault. Yield your spirit to God in this service tonight. Serve the Lord and the Lord will make the way for you.”
Great Stillness Settled over the Crowd
The gifts of God in operation captivated the people. God was moving mightily. The angels were there. The fire of the Holy Ghost covered the sky. God had been able to do mighty wonders, clean out much that had hindered this people from receiving. “Stand still for a moment,” I said. “The Spirit is flowing; let it flow through you. The glory of the Lord is on the ground. You are standing in the glory of the Lord. The Lord is covering you with His glory; it’s coming down through the power of the Cross. I saw it in the vision. It’s yours, freedom, deliverance, if you believe.”
When Jesus walked the earth He would ask, “Wilt thou be made whole?” He gave us His gift of faith and waits for us to use it. To everyone who will look to the Lord, He has given a measure of faith. You cannot find Calvary without faith. The Lord wants you to use that faith. In the Word of God He gave wonderful promises, but every promise is conditional. Jesus said if you repent He would forgive; if you ask, you would receive. If you knock He would open the door for you. When the Lord gives instructions, be careful to follow through on them.
Thursday, January 22
The subject for the last crusade sermon: “Jesus is Lost.”
Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the passover. And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast. And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it. But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day’s journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance. And when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him. And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers. And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business (Luke 2:41–49)? The parents of Jesus supposed He was with them in the company. Many today suppose Jesus is with them when in reality they do not have Him in their souls. One day they wake up to discover that Jesus is lost to them. Searching among relatives and friends, they don’t find Him.
If you don’t have Jesus, He is lost to you. Shut down everything until you find Him.
Jesus’ parents went a day’s journey before they missed Him, and it took three days to find Him. When you lose the Lord you may have trouble finding Him again even though you seek Him sorrowing. Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death (II Corinthians 7:10). You must be just as sorry you committed sins as God is that you committed them.
Jesus is lost to many. Some are searching: I hear the feet of many people searching for Jesus in many churches. Where are His miracles? They have been told He works with miracle hands. They want more than words, they want Him. They have read about Him, that He was born of a virgin, He was the Son of God who cleansed lepers, raised the dead, forgave sins—but they can’t find Him. They are told miracles were in the past and do not happen today. They must see His works. He promised His followers would do greater works. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father (John 14:12).
The greater works, the miracles and healings, the mighty works of God are still going on today. We have found Him. He is not lost anymore. Jesus is alive. He still heals like He did when He walked among men. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
If He is lost to you, surrender to the Lord today while you have the chance. Don’t stop, Backslider, until you find Him. If Jesus is lost to you, ask Him to come into your heart: Oh, God, I want to find the lost Jesus. He’s been lost to me such a long time. I am miserable without Him. I want to find Jesus, the living Christ. I confess all my sins. I confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He died so I could find Him. He gave His blood for me. I believe the blood of Jesus washes away all my sins. Come into my heart, Jesus! I’m going to serve you the rest of my life.
If you believed that prayer, He has come. You have found the missing Jesus, the Christ of God. He really does live.
The Lord is here.
God Moved for Families
In that last service, God moved in a great way for families. Together the crowd prayed: God, I present my family before the throne of grace. I bring the afflicted, the sick, the unsaved. I bring them to your loving hands. I ask you to really deal like never before. Put your miracle hand on my sick and afflicted. I put them completely into your hands. I know you love them more than I could. I give them to you. Lord, I call your miracle power of deliverance down in the holy name of Jesus on those who are devil possessed. I come to break bondages of family members: Lord, bring them in. Those living in the same house: Deal with them night and day until they surrender to you, Lord.
The Lord was there in an amazing way. I had never seen more manifestations over a crowd than I saw that night. The heavens were lit with the glory of the Lord and angel power. The star of Jesus passed over in wonderful glory and greatness. This was their hour, and it’s our hour.
In the vision I saw a worn human hand of much sorrow; the ends of the fingers looked terrible, but how wonderful to see Jesus accept that hand so lovingly!
“Whatever condition your hand is in,” I told the crowd, “place it in the hands of Jesus.”
When they did, it made the difference. Weary human hands were going into that miraculous hand in living reality.
Thousands of miracles and healings were taking place. It was a takeover by the Holy Spirit. “Give your mind over to the Lord,” I said. “You are in the hands of the Lord. Put your faith, trust and hope in Him; He is your full assurance that everything will work out. Tell the Lord how much you love Him, and thank Him for what He is doing for you.”
The Power of the Cross Brought Oneness
That last night in Kumasi, people deaf and dumb were healed as they stood in the audience. There were so many, I didn’t have time to bring them all to the platform to tell about their miracles.
The Lord was moving, moving; and you who support this ministry were a part of all that. You were there with your love, with the grace of God, pulling on the horns of the altar. Two different times the Cross appeared over the people, the Cross like the huge one overhead in the Grace Cathedral auditorium. The Lord was letting me see that we were together, the people in Ghana and the people back home. The power of the Cross had brought us together. Wherever the crusades go in this world, we will be in one mind and one accord with Grace Cathedral and all you who support and pray for us. We will not be defeated. There is no defeat in Jesus Christ.
A Ministry of Man and Angels
Years ago the Lord told me this ministry would be a ministry of man and angels. At that time I wondered how in the world I would work with many angels. He didn’t explain, and I didn’t ask Him. When the Lord visits with me, I don’t question Him. I wait. If God wants me to know something, He will tell me. How could this thing be? I pondered it in my heart…a ministry of man and angels. Then one day when I was in a crusade standing before a crowd of people, the angel of the Lord who directs me in the miracle services, spoke to me: Tell the people, those who have deafness in their right ear, to put up one finger. Those who have deafness in the left ear, put up one finger, and an angel will put on it the same power that has been on your fingers in this service, the same power that brought the deaf spirits out. When the fingers are pulled out, the deaf spirits will come out, too. As they moved in through the congregation, angels would touch people. They move as people. They were in the aisles, between the pews. One person who belonged to a church that didn’t believe in speaking in tongues was touched by an angel of the Lord and received the Holy Ghost right there and then and began to speak in other tongues. The Lord will use angels to help many, many go through to the baptism of the Holy Spirit, as well as help them receive physical miracles.
Angels had been in all the services in Ghana from the very first. God had said it and God did it. In every service we had multitudes of angelic beings. They walked; they marched. I had never seen them walk just like that. They were in step, standing as tall as people. Imagine looking out over a crowd of people and seeing such a wonderful sight! Their beautiful snowy white garments, their dark brown hair—everything about them was breathtaking indeed.
We will see many amazing sights in this final hour. One of the most startling things I have ever witnessed occured in that last service in Kumasi. I believe with all my heart that I saw for the first time the archangel Michael, the great captain of the host of God’s armies.
For many years I have seen angels, but never one like this one. There he was…so big. He looked young, probably the age of the first Adam when he was created. The most handsome man I had ever seen in my whole life, he had a commanding presence. He was in perfection. His shoulder–length hair was combed back over the ears and turned up at the ends. He looked like a warrior. I studied his face—he was that close to me—the expression; the overwhelming presence of him was awesome. He had that wonderful look of Jesus Christ. I couldn’t get enough of looking at him. I have lived and relived it. The Lord didn’t identify him as Michael: He only said He would send multitudes of angels. Michael has led the host of the Lord in battle down through the ages, and he will wage war against the devil in the Tribulation Period.
Several times the Bible mentions him by name:
Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee (Jude 1:9).
But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia (Daniel 10:13).
And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book (Daniel 12:1).
But I will show thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince (Daniel 10:21).
And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven (Revelation 12:7,8).
I believe Michael was the leader of that great host of angels there in those services. We count the generals in Earth’s armies to be special men, but to be a general of God’s hosts is truly awesome. Michael is one God depends upon, one who takes orders from God and never fails to follow them exactly the way God wants.
An Hour of Visitation and Revelation
This is an hour of signs, wonders, miracles and healings, an hour the blood of Jesus must be paramount. This is an hour to treasure every anointing, all the ultimate anointings that the Lord is giving.
I have never seen a night where so many re–creations have taken place as in that last service. It was the largest number that has ever been in all my crusading—just thousands of miracles of re–creation and creation. Skin was re–created. Muscles, nerves and all kinds of parts of bodies were re–created by the power of the great I–Am, the Maker, the Creator. God is proving Himself in this final hour. It’s time, oh Bride of Christ, to turn yourself over completely to the Lord.
I am here, saith the Lord. I am here to give you greater reality. I am here to give you greater reality and knowledge of my Word. I am here to make my ways known unto you in this your final hour. I am here to give you another ultimate anointing. This anointing you will need on tomorrow to do the work that I have called you to do.
This is your hour of visitation, revelation and consecration. God is revealing Himself, giving ultimate anointings to prepare people for what He has ordained to be done. He hath need of you to help bring in His harvest in this last and final hour. The Lord has laid a hand on you, calling you to receive His mighty power—you will need it on tomorrow. Dedication must be greater, for what God is doing is beyond what has ever been done. The hour is very late. Had you not helped me to go, souls would be lost today. We reached thousands in the two nights we were there, some of them receiving their final warning, their last call from God.
God called to the people for divine blood separation. Do you understand the power of that? It’s awesome! It’s total separation to be separated through the blood of Jesus, completely separated from all sin.
We are endtime people, the Rapture generation. The endtime signs are all around us. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come (Matthew 24:14). Jesus is soon coming and we must hurry to bring in the harvest before it goes to waste in this miraculous last and final hour.
AUGUST, 1998, ERNEST ANGLEY, founder & editor in chief, Vol. 43, No. 4, The Power of the Holy Ghost USPS 516-050) is published bimonthly by Grace Cathedral, 1055 Canton Road, Akron, Ohio, 44312. Periodicals postage paid at Akron, Ohio, and additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Power of the Holy Ghost, P.O. Box 1790, Akron, Ohio, 44309.
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