Check Your Foundation: The Storm Is Coming
by Ernest Angley
February 2001
You belong to one of two classifications: Those who build on the solid rock, or those who build on the sand. Jesus said, Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock (Matthew 7:24,25). The wise man hears the Gospel and obeys it.
Now is the time to check your foundation; the storm is coming. Make sure you have the right foundation, for only the right foundation will stand the storms. Is any sand in the foundation? Dig down and get every grain of it out of the way.
Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it (Psalm 127:1). The Lord will never build a house on sand. A house built on sand has sin at the door. It’s a house with no Jesus blood-light; all is darkness, darkness, darkness.
Why should you ever be afraid when you’ve built on the solid rock, Christ Jesus? Why have misgivings about your house? In Christ the foundation is sure. But foolish builders have cause to fear.
And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it (Matthew 7:26,27). The foolish man, not the wise man was completely destroyed.
The Christ Foundation
For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 3:11). The foundation is already laid: Christ Jesus. No building is stronger than its foundation. If the foundation does not include Christ, it is weak; no matter the other materials in the building, the building itself is in jeopardy. Make sure you have the right foundation, a blood foundation, the divine blood of Jesus. Without divine blood you have no solid rock, no Savior, no passport to Heaven, no deliverance, and no forgiveness of sins. Without divine blood in your soul, you have nothing; you’re a pauper building castles on the sand. The storms will come and down you’ll go.
Some people appear to take great interest in the work of God, but suddenly a storm blows in, and their house collapses. They can’t withstand the storms of life; they can’t take the winds—the tribulations—that come.
Make sure of your foundation. Make sure you know Jesus Christ as Lord, Master and Savior. Make sure you know Him as the very Son of God, as your Redeemer Kinsman, the light of the world. Make sure you know Him and all that He taught.
Jesus, the foundation, spoke out boldly when He told Nicodemus he must be born again. Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God (John 3:3). Nicodemus: Dig down to the foundation; dig down to pure truth, Heaven’s truth. Jesus said, I am…truth (John 14:6). Know the truth, Nicodemus, and you will be free; but first you must be rid of all strife, all envy, and all sin.
In complete surrender, let the Holy Spirit help you know what to get out of the way, what to give up and what to take on: His blood love, knowledge, and wisdom. Then start building in the faith of God that can never be defeated, not like the foolish man who built upon the sand. He thought his house was greater than anyone else’s, stronger, too. Although he looked on himself as wise, he was most foolish. He had no regard for people who seemed insignificant to him, poor people.
Riches Won’t Save You
A rich man had seen to it that the finest and most expensive materials went into his house; he did what he wanted. But his wealth was stored in a house that had no foundation, a house that was built upon the sand. And Jesus spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided (Luke 12:16-20)?
Yes, the storm came and his house, that house of great wealth, was unprotected. It had been a house of disobedience, sin, cheating, lying and selfishness. That house had failed the most important thing; its builder hadn’t recognized God.
Jesus told of another man who had neglected the true foundation: There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame (Luke 16:19-24). The rich man sank into the pits of hell and cried for Father Abraham to send Lazarus, the beggar who had been at his gate looking for the crumbs that fell from the table. But now the rich man wants Lazarus to come and dip his finger in water to cool his tongue.
Some people think there’s no flame in hell, but Jesus said there was. If hell were just a state of mind, of being away from God, why would the rich man be begging for water to cool his tongue? Hell is as real as the country you live in.
The world calls rich and powerful men great, but the Lord says they’re fools if they’re building on the sand; their houses will fall. Week after week the storms hit and down they go. The foolish think they have security in much money—some have billions—and yet they’re building on the sand. They have no idea of the kind of foundation they need to get them to Heaven. Thinking they are wise, they’re not wise at all in the eyes of God. They’re foolish builders.
Sands of Destruction
Many people think they are building a Christian life, when all the time they are building on the sand. Giving no thought to the foundation, they do not repent of their sins. Sand grates between them and the foundation.
Dig down to the foundation and clear out the sins of this life, that sand of worldliness. Conquer your bad temper. Cultivate the fruits of the Spirit so you can build right. Dig down to the things of God, and build with security. Then you aren’t afraid of the storms of life; you don’t fear the days ahead or any darkness that’s coming.
Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty. Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man’s heart shall melt: And they shall be afraid (Isaiah 13:6-8). Men’s hearts will fail looking at the disasters coming upon the earth. Considering the kind of foundation they’ve built upon, no wonder their hearts are failing them. The storms are rolling in, growing more and more severe until that one big storm comes called the storm of Tribulation. Vividly the Tribulation Period is described in the book of Revelation. John saw it through the power of the Holy Spirit. Don’t deceive yourself; don’t wait until the storm of Tribulation comes. Build that sure foundation from the pure Word of God—salvation, the baptism of the Holy Ghost—and be ready to be taken out of here when Jesus comes again.
Where Is Your Treasure?
What kind of foundation do you have today? Do you have a foundation that has surrendered all to Jesus, a foundation where self has no part? Does a selfish spirit weaken your foundation, a spirit of deceit? An empty-talking religion is not the real salvation that will withstand the storms of life.
You who are born again received salvation by digging down and letting the blood cleanse you of all sin. All sin had to go before you could start building on a sure foundation. In Jesus you have nothing to fear and nothing to worry about. But how sad when unrighteousness, ungodliness, and sin are mixed into the foundation! The builder has gathered the wrong materials for the house, and it won’t stand.
The devil tries in every way he can to get you to fail God, to fail lost souls. Nothing matters but souls. Money isn’t what counts; Earth’s possessions aren’t important. Only in the world is your degree of success measured by possessions. The Lord said that a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth (Luke 12:15).
Life is in Jesus Christ. If the devil can get you to look away from Him, you open yourself to the ill winds that blow in the sand. Anything that comes between you and Jesus Christ no matter how innocent-seeming is a tool the devil can use.
Some people don’t mind the sand. They look at what the flesh enjoys and give themselves entirely over to it without a thought about their foundation. They feel they’re getting along fine, but they’re deceived by the devil.
Building on the foundation of unrepentance, utterly lacking in godly sorrow, you find your house crumbling when the storm hits. You bring disgrace upon the cause of Christ, upon the crucified Lord; you trample the blood of Jesus underfoot. When you miss Heaven, you’ve missed everything of value.
Christ brought abundant life to all who will accept it. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John 10:10), He said. He didn’t approve of placing your security in wealth here on Earth. He said, Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also (Matthew 6:19-21). Your heart is with your treasures whether they be of the world or of the things of God.
Choose the Right Stones
With self out of the way, you’re not building with the stones of pride, selfishness or with hardness of heart toward God. Unfortunately, many people who claim to be Christian still have the stones of false pride; and their hearts and their heads are turned away from God. Dull of hearing, they fail to listen to the voice of God, what the Spirit is saying to them.
Perhaps once they could see, but their spiritual eyes have become dim; now they decide to do whatever they want. I heard a preacher say one time, “I’m going to get what’s coming to me.” This preacher was referring to gaining wealth. I noticed that preacher down through the years; that one got what was coming, all right, got it in a bad way again and again.
I have never worked for Jesus because of money; I worked for Jesus because I love Him, because He died for me, and because He called me to His Calvary, to His redemption. He called me to His Heaven, and He called me to live with Him for all eternity. What a marvelous calling! You have that calling, too, but you must answer it.
Jesus is not only the foundation of the true Christian life, He’s also the chief cornerstone. Thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste (Isaiah 28:16). The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner (Matthew 21:42). Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone (Ephesians 2:20).
The Jews rejected their chief cornerstone, crucified Him, and haven’t been able since to build a house that will stand. They have used the wrong kinds of stones.
The stone of love keeps you from being afraid; it gives you a peace that only Heaven provides. Use the kinds of stones that Jesus described, those stones of blood-peace, blood-joy, blood-contentment, blood-forgiveness, and blood-compassion. All these good stones go into building on this sure foundation. Then you are secure in your building, for you not only have the right foundation, you have used the right materials daily to build your house. No selfishness, no unforgiveness, no envy, no strife, no grudges; you have none of that. You are building a house following the directions Jesus gave us; He left building plans for everyone, and that’s the reason there is no excuse for building on a wrong foundation.
If you build on the sand, trouble is your own making. If you build on the sand, you have no real life. You exist a short while, and then you’ll be swept away. When the clouds of adversity come rolling in like a tornado, you won’t have a chance, won’t have security.
Your only lasting security is in this solid rock, Christ Jesus. Your house will stand anything if you have the proper foundation, the Chief Cornerstone, and if you build accordingly.
Holiness or Hell
It’s holiness or hell; anything unholy in your building will bring about a collapse. Without the stones of holiness you’ll never see the face of God. But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear (Isaiah 59:2).
It’s pure disaster when the storm hits a foundation of sand. The pit of hell opens, and the house falls into eternal damnation and eternal judgment.
Build on your foundation, Christ Jesus, with the stones of humility, the stones of determination. Build with the stones of saving grace and sanctifying power, stones of truth—God’s truth. Build with stones of the divine will of God—that which He has willed—and put your will aside. Use the stones that He wills to build your house with, stones that make it a heavenly home for all eternity.
All hell can’t destroy a house built on the right foundation. Separated from the powers of darkness, that house has no part of hell. It’s a house of light, a house of love, contentment, and willingness to work for the Lord. Doing the will of God, paying the price for the lost is built into that house. No one is forced to build with the stones God has provided; it’s whosoever will. But when a person steps into hell, it’s because he has built with the wrong kind of stones.
Some people start to build for a while, but then they grow tired, or they get their feelings hurt; adversity comes against them, and discouragement creeps in. They reach over, and instead of taking a stone of encouragement to put into their house, they take a stone of discouragement. Now the sand begins to blow in.
The Devil Provides His Stones
The devil can furnish you an endless variety of his material. He stands by whispering, Don’t use that, don’t use this. I wouldn’t go through all you’re going through. I know an easier way that lets you build right on the sand—and look how beautiful it is. The devil makes his way look so easy—think of it—building right on the sand! Go ahead, put up your house fast, and put it up the way you want. You don’t have to take orders from anyone; look who you are! Be independent of God and man, and do just as you please.
The devil has an unlimited pile of the stones to delight the flesh. He serves any eye-catching shape he thinks will work. But the Holy Spirit takes you to the Word of God and lets you know which stones are good, and which are bad. Every stone you use is inspected by the Holy Spirit.
Many stones you recognize at once; you know if they’re destructive, if they’re weak. You identify the stones of sin, stones of the devil knowing you dare not partake of unrighteous stones. If you don’t want to weaken your foundation, you build according to the Holy Spirit. Build through the divine blood that Jesus brought, through His knowledge and wisdom.
Be a Skilled Builder
To be Heaven’s skilled builder, you must use the divine blood of Jesus. In the beginning of the Church, the members became skilled builders through the blood, rejecting all other stones, all other foundations. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 3:11).
We hear Peter preaching, Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36).
Those who have rejected the Chief Cornerstone are in big trouble. Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded. Unto you therefore which believe, he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed (I Peter 2:6-8).
Remember, there are only two foundations: sand or rock, wickedness or strength, unrighteousness or righteousness. There is no in-between. You’re either holy or unholy, kind or unkind, gentle or not. You are either rooted and grounded in love, or you are carrying hatred and grudges.
Blast Out the Wrong Stones
Whatever stone you carry is the stone you will use. If you carry the wrong kind of stone—a grudge, an unforgiving spirit, strife, envy or any of the works of the flesh—you will put those stones into your building. You can’t mix the bad with the good, sin with righteousness and expect your building to stand.
It’s easy, when you’re working in the night, to reach over and get the wrong kind of stone. The devil makes it shine in the dark with false light. That old spirit of deceit, those seducing devils, are eager to supply you with their stones; billions of those devils have been turned loose on planet Earth in this last hour.
The spirit of Antichrist is manifesting itself everywhere. Our world is in an uproar that will grow worse and more violent as the spirit of Antichrist continues to take over, deceiving and damning souls to hell.
Those great boulders of hindrances: Get them out of the way; you have the blood of Jesus to do it. All the power in the blood of Jesus is there for each child of God to use to get rid of all hindrances. When you run across the wrong stones, blast them out of the way. Don’t let them mix in with your other materials; get rid of them. All the works of the flesh have to go if you’re going to be in Christ. Blast out the boulders of rebellion with the love, faith and blood of Jesus Christ, and start your house in the strength of the Lord.
The wrong companions will weaken you. Can two walk together, except they be agreed (Amos 3:3)? Many churches don’t walk much with the Lord because of the disagreement, the discords; they haven’t built right.
When you don’t build right, it means you’re not living right. You don’t have the discernment, the skills to build the house that you should build.
You must know what you’re doing before you build a house, and when it comes to the Christian life it’s even more important to know what you’re doing. Jesus came so we would know without a doubt how to build, where to build, and the kind of stones we must use to build this spiritual house.
A Living Sacrifice
Look first of all at the foundation. Have you dug down? Do you have self out of the way? Can you really present your body as a living sacrifice? I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service (Romans 12:1).
You can’t present your body as a living sacrifice if you don’t have a sacrificial spirit. I’ve seen many people deceived. I could die for the sake of Christ! they claim. But they can’t even live for the Lord. You first have to be able to live for the Lord before you can die for Him.
God didn’t create man to give him a home on the sand; it was to be a home with a sure foundation, indestructible; Eden was to have never been destroyed. Unfortunately, man used the wrong kind of stones, forbidden stones. Sin entered paradise, and the grim warning went forth: The soul that sinneth, it shall die (Ezekiel 18:4).
A person who is dead in the trespasses of sins is building a structure—death, a corpse building a house. Hell will open its mouth and swallow it all up one day.
We have the right building material; the Bible describes it all. The Bible is our workbook, letting us know the kind of stones to use. Every stone must fit with the Chief Cornerstone to make the building right. Every stone has to complement the foundation, and if it doesn’t it’s wrong, all wrong.
Are You Deceived?
What kind of house are you building today? Are you deceived about your house? Many people aren’t using the stones of humility, of self-sacrifice. If you offer them one of those stones, they turn away quickly. They can’t imagine that a little sand will harm their foundation; but one grain is enough to destroy the house, one sin. God can’t look upon sin. Your house must be righteous—a holy life. Leave all sin buried under the blood of Jesus.
Build your house with the blood-knowledge, blood-wisdom, blood-love, blood-faith, blood-humility of Jesus, with the blood-will of the Lord.
What is blood yielding? The attitude I have come to do thy will, oh God. If self is not completely out of the way, don’t try to build a house, for you’re on sinking sand. How long before that sand sinks, house and all, into the eternal pit called hell? How long until that pit of damnation and the judgment of God opens to swallow you up with all your sins? You may think you’re getting by, but you’re not. All the cheating, the lying, the false must go.
This house that Jesus said you must build can’t be built with one false stone. Not everything that glitters is beneficial. The devil is a counterfeiter; he has nothing real, not one stone that you should use. However, he constantly is bringing someone to offer one of his stones. It may be a loved one, a relative, or a person you thought was your dearest friend. That one tries to persuade you to use only one stone that would weaken the whole structure, the whole building. You can’t do it. Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone, and every stone must match, fit with Him.
Follow thou me (John 21:22), Jesus said; follow in my steps. If the Bible teaches anything, it teaches that we are to be like Jesus.
What Do You See in Gethsemane?
Have you ever really been to the Garden of Gethsemane? Have you pictured it in your mind? Did you see beautiful trees, shrubbery, green grass and a great rock where you believe Christ must have prayed, or did you see suffering and untold agony? Did you see blood upon the ground—His? His sweat became as blood; did you see that? What did you see in the Garden of Gethsemane?
Have you ever really followed Jesus to Calvary? Have you ever really been there? When you look at Calvary do you become willing to suffer? Are you willing to wear that crown of thorns, or do you want a life of ease? If you suffer with Jesus you’ll reign with Him, that’s the promise. If we suffer, we shall also reign with him (II Timothy 2:12). Paul suffered, but he also said, I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content (Philippians 4:11).
Do you try to avoid those stones of suffering to win the lost, those stones of paying the price the way Jesus paid? He used those stones to show you how to build your house so it would stand. He didn’t stop when wicked men beat His face to a pulp, plucked out His beard, crowned Him with thorns that dug into His flesh until the blood ran down and He could no longer see clearly. What a terrible sight He must have been on that Cross, but He endured it to save lost souls. Jesus had walked among people, met multitudes who were building on the sand, and He knew they were going to be destroyed if they didn’t change. He possessed true knowledge of the disasters in store for all who are not on the solid foundation of the Gospel.
Many Mansions
Jesus spoke of beautiful mansions that would all have the right kind of foundation. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you (John 14:2). Jesus will be your foundation if you are to receive a mansion in Heaven; but for people who build upon the sand, there is no mansion.
The world has beautiful mansions, great structures; and if you’re not careful you’ll become envious. What the world calls mansions are no buildings at all for God. The world is not building for eternity, not thinking about dying. But the Bible says, It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment (Hebrews 9:27).
If you seek to find your life, you will lose it. If you seek to lose your life, you will find it. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it (Matthew 16:25). When you lose your worldly life in the blood, you find eternal life in Heaven.
Decorate the Walls with God’s Promises
As you build, put in the stones of miracles, healings, and promises of God. The promises of God make your building complete. Every promise is important to you. Decorate your walls with those promises; decorate every room of your spiritual house with the promises in the Word of God. The Psalmist wrote, Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee (Psalm 119:11).
What kind of building are you constructing? What’s there? Do you have one stone of unkindness? Do you have any stones not of love? If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain (James 1:26). If you used one stone in that building lacking the love bridle, you’re in trouble; you’ve opened yourself up to the coming storm, and your house will go down.
Build a Memorial to the Blood of Jesus
What kind of tongue do you have? Is it a tongue of love? Jesus spoke only with the tongue of love as He built this great Gospel. Always remember that He’s the foundation; He’s the chief cornerstone of this building, and we can all flee to the refuge of Him; we can run to the truth and find help. In the truth is God’s comfort, strength, help, healing, and miracles. You find Jesus in the truth; you find God the Father and the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you in all truth.
Jesus has built a house of great security in the Gospel for you, and yet you’re to build a house also. It’s a house of righteousness and holiness that you are to build, a memorial to the blood of Jesus Christ, a sinless house.
The wrong kinds of stones in your house make the windows dark. You see no danger because your vision is blocked. But the house of the righteous built on the solid rock—what clear vision it presents! The righteous see the lost; they know the storms are coming, and they rush forth to warn all who will listen. Through the eyes of God they see clearly; the windows of their house are spotless, allowing all the light of the Gospel to flood in. They’re clean with the righteousness of the blood of Jesus Christ.
Days Like the Days of Noah
The Noah family was mocked, scorned because they were building an ark, claiming it would float even though there was no water. But did it float when the water came? Yes it did.
The Noah family told the story over and over again: A flood is coming! A storm worse than anyone has ever seen! You need an ark of safety! The people jeered at Noah and his family, mocked them and thought they were crazy. Later when the storm hit they changed their minds, but it was too late then.
Jesus compared the days of Noah to our day. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be (Matthew 24:37). We live in that endtime hour.
Paul described that hour: For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God (II Timothy 3:2-4). Doing whatever they please, people ignore God and reach for the wrong stones to put in their house. They build on foundations of sand, the sands of life.
The sands of life lead to disaster. How sad not to take advantage of the true foundation of Jesus Christ! How precious that foundation is! Sacrificing Himself completely, Jesus gave His life; He suffered everything to be your foundation. Jesus the very Son of God left His home in Glory to come to Earth to be your chief cornerstone, your example in time of trouble, persecutions, trials, heartaches, and despair.
Today, house after house is being destroyed, life after life going down. People are dying without hope and without God. People on their deathbeds don’t even want to pray.
Dying, But Not Ready to Pray
Over the phone, a young man, dying, told me that he was not ready for prayer.
“The doctors say you’re going to die,” I said.
“I’m not going to die,” he insisted.
“Yes you are.” He was stubborn, hateful and mean. He had a hard spirit, and was so arrogant toward God that a person would feel unclean talking to him, feel the puke of the devil.
“You’re just about to drop into hell,” I continued. “In a matter of a few weeks you’ll be in hell. This will probably be the last chance I’ll ever have to talk to you. The doctor said that the cancer is going to kill you; you’re going to die. You can be haughty, highminded, and say you’re not ready for prayer. Well, I’ll tell you what you do; you just go on to hell.”
A businessman was listening to me. He’d never heard me talk like that before, and he was shocked.
I kept pounding away: “You’re just about to drop into hell and don’t have sense enough to know it. You think you’re so much; you’re nothing. One moment in hell, and you’ll change, but it will be too late!”
The young man would have liked to have gotten me off the line but I wouldn’t get off, and God didn’t let him hang up. Finally, the big sledgehammer of the Gospel burst open that old hard rock, and I got into him. He broke down, started crying and gave his heart to God. A few weeks after he had received salvation, he went to Heaven. Thank God he’s in Heaven today; thank God he made it!
That young man had built on the sand, so full of himself that he wouldn’t believe his doctors when they told him he would soon be dead, but he soon was dead. I didn’t ask God to heal him; I didn’t ask God to spare his life. I wanted God to get him ready for eternity, to save him. I had no notion of asking God to heal him; I left that up to God. I don’t tell God what to do.
Many people have the doors locked to God, locked to a loving Jesus who stands knocking at the door. Will they open that door and heed the storm warnings? No. They’re about to be destroyed; the storm is coming in. They built with the wrong kind of stones. The devil saw to it that those stones soundproofed their house to the voice of Heaven. Hearing nothing from Heaven, they feel good about their life, satisfied that they have left God out. They think they’re on the inside where the storm won’t touch them. The inside of what? They’re on the inside of weakness, of sin, of ungodliness, on the inside of the disfavor of God. They’re shut away from God, shut away from the mercy of God—and the storm is coming.
Those people building on the wrong foundation don’t want light. They love the night; they love to live in the darkness of sin and ungodliness; they think they’re all right because they’re hidden. In their false confidence, they have nothing real to trust in; they only think they do. They’ve built with the stones of ungodliness, of the world. They’re away from God, and the great stormy night is closing in. If only they would open that door….
Let Jesus In
If you will open your door today, Sinner, the Lord will step inside. He’s come to let you know you’re on sinking sand, to let you know that you have the wrong kind of house; but there’s yet time to change if you want to. The blood will move in quickly to help you get all the sand out of the way. Then you can be building your house on the solid rock with the right kind of stones that will protect you in the coming storm, and you will be safe, not only for time but for all eternity.
Jesus is at the door. He’s not a mile away; He’s right at your door, knocking with all the love, all the pleading, all the compassion of Heaven. Will you open the door? That knocking hand has a nail-print in it; Jesus was nailed to the Cross for you. How tragic that people won’t hear His cry, that people won’t open to the cry that would lead them to salvation. One day that last knock will come…and then the storm.
The last knock has come for many people. Some were saved, some not. The unsaved are all in eternity without God. They wouldn’t believe when they were told the storm was coming. They could have been in Heaven today, but instead they’re in hell.
God Can Hate As Much As He Can Love
With all the hate that He has, the Lord prepared a hell. He told me one day, “I can hate as much as I can love.” All who go the way of the devil will be cast into that pit, that lake of fire. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:15).
There’s just one lake of fire made originally for the devil and his angels, not for human beings. But the Bible tells us that hell has been enlarged, and it will accommodate everyone who doesn’t care to go to Heaven. Hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure (Isaiah 5:14).
If you don’t build on the solid rock, if you don’t get the sand of sin, ungodliness, disobedience and unrighteousness out of your life, you are not going to have a foundation that will stand. You’re on sinking sand, and don’t even realize it. The devil has deceived you, numbed your brain. He’s taken over your mind so that you can’t think clearly. You imagine you’re going to get by, going to be all right. You’ve gotten by so far. Yes, but that storm of judgment hasn’t hit yet, for the Lord has been merciful.
Sinner, the Lord is showing mercy today, but on tomorrow when the storm of judgment strikes, great will be the fall of your house. Oh, what price was paid that you could build on the foundation Christ Jesus! What price was paid that you could have the Chief Cornerstone to guide and direct you so you would build the right kind of house!
Come to Jesus
I plead with you today, Sinner. I’m pounding on your door, pounding with the Gospel. The storm is coming, and it’s going to strike your house if you’re not built on the only true foundation, Christ Jesus. No other foundation will do; all other foundations are sinking sand that will drag you right into the pits of hell. You don’t want to hear about hell? You don’t believe in hell? You’ll be a believer when you and your house sink into that pit. There are no unbelievers in hell.
Come to Jesus; open the door. He’s at your door. The raging storm is moving closer and closer to you; soon it will arrive, but today you still have time. The Lord sent me as His messenger to warn you that the storm is coming.
Check your foundation. You don’t have much time left. Now is the time for you to heed the cry of the Spirit. The nail-riven hands are reaching out; Jesus is calling you, calling you. Listen to what the Spirit is saying; give the Lord a chance. Don’t die and go to hell; don’t lose your soul. If you lose your soul, you’ve lost everything. I cry with the compassion of Calvary: Come to Jesus! Come to Jesus! He cares! He’s calling you out of the night; He’s calling ahead of the storm so you won’t be eternally destroyed.
If you need Jesus, pray this prayer with me: Oh, God, save my soul. I don’t want to sink into hell. I have the wrong foundation. I have the foundation of sand, and I know I would drop into the bottomless pits of hell today if the storm struck now. Forgive me Lord! You went to Calvary for me. I know you love me. I believe in the blood of Jesus; I believe the blood of Jesus washes away all of my sins. Come into my heart, Jesus! Come on in, Jesus!
If you believed that prayer, now you can say, Hallelujah, Jesus has come! Jesus is mine! I’m going to Heaven, I’m going to build on the solid rock, Christ Jesus. I’m going to use the Chief Cornerstone and I’m going to put the right stones in this building so it will stand for time and eternity. I’m all yours Lord; I’m all yours!
And now I pray for the sick and afflicted: I am the Lord’s believer and you can be delivered. In the name of Jesus I come, Lord, with your supernatural gifts; I come with your holy blood, for with your blood stripes we are healed. With your blood, people are healed today of AIDS, leprosy and all kinds of death diseases—cancer, diabetes, heart trouble. Heal, in the blood name of Jesus! Heal, in the all-powerful name! Be thou made whole; be thou made well now.
When the power of God goes into your body, the blood of Jesus flows, and that’s all you need for soul or body. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, and what did He bring to do it with? Divine blood. That’s what I use, the divine blood of Jesus according to the Word of God. I call people to the blood to be saved, to the blood to be healed; it’s Bible. Be thou made well; be thou made whole. Get well from this very hour and then write and tell me about it. The Lord is here! Make sure of your foundation, soul, mind and body, and find that refuge in Jesus from the coming storm.
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