Tour members studied Spanish ahead of time so they would be able to help the people. Here a young lady uses her skills and Spanish material to offer a crusade invitation.
This lady can read about the crusade invitation and God’s miracles in this piece of literature that was specially translated into Spanish.
The harvest fields were ripe in the neighborhoods for tour members to help people find Jesus.
Boxes and boxes of literature containing the Gospel truth were distributed to the Dominican people.
This man quietly enjoys a Giant Little Book that was translated into his own Spanish language.
These young souls at an orphanage loved the Sunday School lesson.
Sharing the Gospel with people on the streets gave our workers the opportunity to help many souls find salvation.
A Ninety and Nine Club member from Puerto Rico was a great blessing. He traveled to the Dominican Republic and helped our people every day.
Rev. Angley teaches the Word of God to those assembled at the Ministers’ Meeting.
Attentive listeners honor God at the Minister’s Meeting.
This person was taking notes and studying to show himself approved unto God during the Ministers’ Meeting.
Members of Angel’s Grace Cathedral Choir and the Jubilee Youth Choir help bring the anointing in at the Ministers’ Meeting.
Our crusade banner was the backdrop during the mighty crusade services.
Rev. Angley and his interpreter share happiness over God’s Word.
Rev. Angley happily stands before the Dominican people with his Associate Pastor Rev. Steve Millar and interpreter Victor.
This young man is so happy when the Lord gives him the gift of hearing!
This little girl received a hug of joy and gratitude when God gave her a miracle for hearing.
This man’s life is forever changed when the Lord gives him the sense of smell.
Tour members shared the Gospel with Santiago churches through preaching, testimonies and gifts of literature.
It brings great joy to share a Bible donated by one of our ministry partners.
These tour members gladly sacrifice for souls, descending over 100 steps to visit a day care center.
Tour members prepare to share spiritual and physical gifts at a hospital.
More good Gospel seed is sown as this hospital staff receives a literature library sponsored by a loving heart.
Tour members used the anointed blest cloths as a point of contact to pray for those in the hospitals.
A soul receives a Spanish Bible—his road map to Heaven.
Tour members share the love of Jesus with children at a day care school.
Tour members shared the love of Jesus with folks in a senior citizen’s home.
These officials and their staff will be blessed for a long time with these literature libraries sponsored by our partners.
Children receive special gifts donated by those with a vision for souls.
These school children won’t be able to forget the Lord as they wear these bracelets that were imprinted with the name “Jesus.”
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